Now that the dust has settled what is the Yea Forums consensus on Age of Empires II?

Now that the dust has settled what is the Yea Forums consensus on Age of Empires II?

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So perfect it killed its own genre.



>killed rts
???? If anything AoE 2 and WarCraft sparked a renaissance for the RTS genre, there were a TON of really good early 3D RTS games.



It defined my childhood

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better not see any cock sucking byzantines in this fucking thread

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According to Slavs, this is a top 10 game.

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For me it's the huns and britons

>AoE: Egyptians
>AoE2: Britons and Aztecs
>AoM: Egyptians

>deus ex HR
>over literally any of that

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>AI in the campaigns just keep pumping out endless units even without any villagers

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Yea Forums doesnt not exacly have the right to critcize aoe2 since almost all of them are scrubs
And in almost all old school RTS

>vice city so high on the list

surprised russians like a game about 80s americana so much

>First is STALKER
Not surprised

Mediocre game. Will be good when that enhanced version with good graphics comes out.

Best game to host a Lan party with my homies from high school.

I think this is the first "best" list that I would consider good enough

My nigga. I have fond memories of dunking my friends with mangudais because they were too retarded to counter with skirms. Much butthurt was had.

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msn gaming zone my guy
one of the best videogames ever made. i think i could get like a 10min castle with the celts or the chinese
it was the first game where i tried extremely hard and it did pay off

I always found it too slow...but it's a good example that competitive multiplayer is a meme and most people liked rts for the campaigns and multiplayer with wacky rules and unbalanced options

great, but the self insert empires they added on later for asia and africa are gay as fuck

As someone who only played religously AoM and Ao3 what am I in for when definitive edition's gonna come out?

>self insert empires
What the fuck are you talking about?

Cringe. On the bright side, you're in for an infinitely better game.

>18: morrowind
>21: Skyrim
>57: Oblivion
Based slavs, Obliviots on suicide watch.

fantastic game, play it alot still. mostly 1v1s. chinese, aztecs and magyar are my favourite civs.

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It's not really balanced but there are a lot of aspects I like of it
Like taking the indians and naming the town "Poo in the Loo city' and the explorers "professional shitter", looking forward to what my friend named his town and hero too.
I don't know it feels very satisfying to play



>dunking my friends with mangudais
Mongols are OP. Rightfully so.