What do you think of anime games?

What do you think of anime games?

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I think that retard weebs will buy anything as long as it has anime shit in it. Just look at the morons who shill the garbage nep shit

>tfw think anime grils are really cute and get off to hentai for years without actually watching anime or playing the games
>try watching anime and playing anime games and they're all fucking garbage
Are there any REALLY good ones, not just h games, bait games, and gacha trash? Shit just seems fucking bad.

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I really liked YMK.

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Why is Japan the only country capable of making attractive female characters?

Shallow garbage for cumbranes

Ho boy, you are one triggered redditor.

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What characters use that costume?
I got feeling my first wank was to something similar.

Best girl

the left cant meme

>no sister route

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>jizzminds will lap up all the gacha shit as long as it has their waifus

I will buy any game as long as it has cute girls in it and is not absolute garbage

Weebs are a bogeyman, they have basically gone extinct. Neptunia is a meme that people complain about without even knowing what it is.

Yes I hope one day they can reach Western levels of deep writing like making cyborgs into a BLM metaphor.

yume miru kusuri was pretty good i did her route and aeka i ddint finish the purple hair one it wasnt as good as the other ones

>the left cant meme

Is Date a Live Rio Reincarnation worth playing?

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I like anime you retard. Doesnt mean i play garbage shit just bc it has anime paint on it

Mostly bait for cumbrians

this that part were she though the mc was gonna rape her was pretty hot

Are there any good anime games besides Persona?

>Weebs are a bogeyman
>Yes I hope one day they can reach Western levels of deep writing
lmao semen thinking weeb

Something isn't bait just because you don't like it.

I never said or implied anything to suggest that I'm a weeb, and I have no idea what "semen thinking" is supposed to mean.

I agree. I don’t know how OP’s pic even looks fun or interesting.

What do you mean by anime games? Like half VN half gameplay?

Play Ys, Oath in Felghana, and stop playing games that exclusively rely on sex appeal.

i think that antoinette is best

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OP's pic is a VN and likely just a porn one. It's not meant to be Persona.

Games with anime art and attractive girls.


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Rabi Ribi if you're into simple metroidvanias with 2hu-like boss fights.

>this will never get finished
at least i'll always have this edit job i did

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I wouldn't call Rabi-Ribi simple.

>thousands of anime made since the 1960s are all garbage because I tried a few and didn't like them
>anything I don't like is bait

Basic recommendations are:
Sengoku Rance (porn game, widely recognized by anos for its great and fun gameplay)
Rune factory and harvest moon series (though I would recommend rune factory more because it has monsters and fighting, harvest moon is more of a farm life. For rune factory is common knowledge to play the older games first if you want to get into the series, as playing the later games 3 and 4 first makes it difficult to get through the clunky mechanics of the other ones. A good order would be RF1, RF2, RF oceans, RF frontier, RF 3 and 4, but if you just want the best experience then RFF, 3 and 4)
Stella glow
Devil survivor (no romance and the art might put you off)
Kamidori (really good porn game)

There's some good ones, a lot of bad ones. But they tend to be more unique and fun than western games.

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What's he doing to her?

>Used goods

proposing to her


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t. aeka who actually has a sex scene unlike antoinette

where can i download this game?

Use google mate yume miru kusuri

Is this bait or just nu-Yea Forums?

Where exactly was the bait in that post?

Found a site called myabandonware that has stuff from 1978 - 2018, including this.

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most people here know about yume miru kusuri is like baby first VN

Oh okay. So it's just nu-Yea Forums

>retards actually (((((play)))) visual novels

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I've never heard of it. Baby's first VN is something like S;G, Fate, Katawa Shoujo or DDLC.

Based on what? I've been here longer than you.

Why shouldn't people play them and what do they have to do with the American gender dysphoria epidemic?

Mispelled Ganguro Girl

vns have been posted on Yea Forums longer than you've been here newfag. lol

That doesnt make them good you drone

You can stop. You don't have to tell lies like that.

makes them better than some buzzword sprouting faggot like you, and you still post here anyway. so fuck what you want nigger

I didn't lie anywhere. What are you talking about?

so are still not yet at the level of "if you don't like it don't buy it?" I fail to see why you people hate something so much you won't even try or buy
then again that won't stop you from shitposting

as far as I know most people read visual novels rather than play. also fuck phoneposters

>get footjob
>murder your wife and child

There are a lot for DS, but I cannot remember them right now.
Love plus
Trillion god of destruction
Pandora tower (a bit of a gray area but the whole game is basically about the MC waifu so it counts)
Little king story (wii version)
Muramasa the demon blade (kind of, there some cute gals and is really fun so I included it)
The sonico game
Little witch romanesque (vainilla porn)
Daibanchou big bang age (porn)
Hack G.U last recode (shitty repetitive gampleay, but the story is interesting and at the end there are wedding events that are short but somewhat fun with the girl of your fancy)
There are a lot of trashy, unpolished, or really simple games that really on girls to carry the game
Agarest of war series
Conception II
Tokyo twillight (kind of boring but an interesting gameplay)
Akiba's trip undead and undressed same as above
Fairy fencer
These are the ones I can remember if you want a recommendation more to your tastes you could specify what yoy are looking for

favorite route?

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2º best girl while also being best girl

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Deku Midoriya, is that you?

why would i put my semen into something that has smaller tits than me

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I don't know who that is. What are you getting at?

They're all great, best enjoyed in the right order of
>Choking Bullies
>Cocaine Skydiving Footjobs
>Druggy Neko
with Nekoko's ending being the perfect capstone to the game until someone gets a time machine and forces them to put in a GayBro/Little Sister route

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>the company is dead so we will never get aya route

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why did the company neck itself and why didn't they just sell the rights fellow Cirno poster?

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Good stuff.

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they where assimilated by WillPlus

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woof woof

Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to Hiiragi-cho station tomorrow.

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Women are absolutely repulsive fucking whores and they all deserve the most brutal rape.

These femoids are fucking inferior scum filth trash that deserve everything terrible that happens to them.

Women are fucking insects. They're scum. They're filth. Every year they get older they get more disgusting. Whenever I'm out in public I just push women aside and treat them as terribly as possible and they're so fucking inferior they can't even do anything to respond. These cellulite-ridden fucking hags don't deserve respect. Raping them is actually good for them because it shows them their place in the world. Women aren't even human, they're objects to be used and abused. Every woman is a whore cumdumpster. These fucking things, these objects actually love to be raped, especially if they have a hideous roast beef vagina.

Serial Experiments Lain

cum cum cumbrians

Is it still good if i don't seem to understand?

now I don't say this often but damn that's based

please please please stop posting nsfw anime pictures

i'm starting to get tired of this sub already

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That's hardly a game.

If you go in Yea Forums in public, there's something wrong with you.

this is the real reason spunkskull caught on, it wasnt a raid, just an apt insult for the phenomenon

Playing through the sister ecchi scenes and stopping there

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It's both. A steam/discord group started it and then some retards from other discords and reddit latched on it for the lulz.

Think again if you want to defend those retards.

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Raids are cringy.

Why the fuck do these people act like they're being cool and hip?

i heard they had a liltle sister route plan but they scrapped at last second thats why there so many ecchi scenes with her

based coomers dumpstering disgusting phonecucks

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Holy shit you fucking POSER.

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You keep lying and I know why.

This is your method of coping with ceiticism because you're so weak and pathetic you can't handle the most mundane of insults that target your interests personally.

You can post something else user we get it, you like dicks.

holy shit not him but your sperg out was fucking embarrassing. kill yourself you sad cunt.

If your criticism was a little longer than some retarded buzzword put together by literal clowns maybe I'd take it more seriously.

No, all anime sucks. Don't watch any of it.

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>it's a conspiracy
Whatever helps you buddy.

I'm going to go and collate posts from the hundreds of literal cucks who got outraged that people were bullying them for watching women licking negro assholes and cried about how they had to post porn to cope with the bullying. I'll post it in every thread just for you

Had these since I played the VN over 10 years ago.

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oh god please deliver
i'm looking forward to it

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>Something isn't bait just because you don't like it.
No, you misunderstand. It’s bait because YOU like it.

The real crime was no sister route.

Is it bait to like women now?

Here's my favourite
>the way to not let it upset you is to post ecchi, but if you post ecchi, it'll get report-brigaded. they're using an asymmetry to fuck us.
Nigger LITERALLY had to post porn to cope with the cyberbullying.

There are so many posts making fun of interracial cucks that have replies getting mad and claiming it's a "/Pol raid". Like,
>who could make fun of me for being a literal cuckold who watches girls lick the shit out of negro asshole! It must be the nazis who started this cûmbrain discord raid!

Boku no Pico is pretty great

>being cis gender in 2k19
get a load of this fool lol

How is porn posting a coping method? People post porn wether you bully them or not. People have been porn posting since this site was created.

That's why you started the retarded meme anyway.

>cúmbrain tries critical thinking

It's on literally every single list of recommended Visual Novels. Usually listed under the Beginner segment.

Its just a new way for redditors to act triggered by anime. Slightly more obnoxious than previous things, I'll give them that. I'd say to ignore them but I know you autistics are incapable of that.

Have a cute (not) lizard girl but I will spoiler it so hopefully none of our newfriends get triggered.

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while yes, there are those who post porn, 9/10 those pics will get removed. there is a reason for that user, this ain't the place to post those pics. there are plenty of other boards made specifically for just that. and saying "well it's been posted before" isn't really a valid argument as to why it's "ok"

You understand you're trying to reason with someone who's grey matter is actually white splatter?

>this ain't the place to post those pics
Rules were made a long time ago and there's no reason to change them, specially not when the people trying to change them is a group of autistic kids having a shitfit.

It's part of the culture of this whole site and if you don't like it you can just ignore it. Or try a different site with different rules.

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well, rather than call someone names, i'd rather try to reason with them. hopefully they will listen to reason

Good lad

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but is steins gate any good?

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I get the urge to play nukige with someone else sometimes.

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its awesome, but VNs are more similar to books than video games.

Wait. You mean "anime" games or anime "games"?

Stella Glow is just a mediocre knockoff of Ar tonelico, everything by Compile Heart is garbage.

>Kiminozo is as old as the average Yea Forums poster now
Time sure flies

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