Honestly, is there any point in anticipating this game anymore...

Honestly, is there any point in anticipating this game anymore? why the fuck would anyone still be hopeful after this AND artfiact?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>posting or even following someone that is actually a worse yong
>someone that just reads others articles and drags it out for a minimum of 10 mind so ads can kick in
Fucking end yourself.

That guy in the OP emanates soi, I can feel it through the damn screen

Attached: SundownerI1_1.png (972x788, 644K)

It will probably be kinda disappointing but since I'm not an unironic "gamer" who watches fat youtubes tell me what /pol/ wants me to think, not for the reasons that you are going to say.

Who is this? I tought youtube banned him for being racist

It's just all that the unkempt facial hair. If he bothered to shape it up a bit, you'd probably wouldn't feel it as much

>Onions beard
>JUST hair
>uses /pol/ memes unironically
>got beat up by a homosexual person faced up in a confrontation he started then filed an assault charge claiming he was "sucker punched"
>unironically went to a cosplay contest and acted like a literal incel.

Attached: 1509744653696.jpg (470x362, 20K)

You mean Anthem?

Btw, the guy in your pic is the right wing version of the stereotypical "woke feminist ally"

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The left always projects.

why is the alt-right so damn cringy?

he's actually super based and redpilled

So that guy looks alright to you?

yes just play Japanese games

>used to hate all the vilains of mgsr
>have stopped blaming myself for past relationship failures, and found myself a nice friendly sluty girl to fuck
>I now find sundowner, and all of the other vilains of this game, weirdly sympathetic lately
Is this what it means to feel the onions leaving your veins?

Future walmart shooter

He's a retarded clickbait faggot.

So a moron, got it.

Some leftists realized how cringy their side really was and switched at some point

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Sounds like a based boi. In the worst sense, that is

Why is his face so punchable?

>for a minimum of 10 mind so ads can kick in
Is that why videos are generally that much bloated? Shit

I'm tired of this fat fuck popping up on fucking Yea Forums when I'm looking for a fucking vidya thread. I don't give a fuck about the aftermath from any of you quartering fans that feel sorry for this greasy fuck. You FAT FUCKING DISGUSTING ASS SMELLING

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don't you ever get tired of seeing this shit and letting it jerk your emotions and behavior around all the time
can you just let go for once and be your own person

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Dragon Age has been woke before the term was even a thing

>any of you quartering fans
No such thing don't worry
This is just a circlejerk of people laughing at him

So the cringe simply went from one cancerous side to another, got it

why does this guy keep popping up in my recommended vids. Seems like a typical /pol/cel

ContraPoints is unironically BASED

>ignore the propaganda, just be yourself

>anticipating bioware games after dragon age 2, mass effect 3, tortanic, dragon age inquisition, mass effect andromeda, anthem

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Why are you posting a cute woman (man)

I remember when destiny destroyed this fat piece of shit and he backpedaled super hard to save face.

better question is why do you apes need that anticipation?
we have, what? 10k amazing games spanning less than 30 years, why not go enjoy those you missed out on? Why do you need a new shiny when you have decades of stuff you never tried?

Attached: cyrax-mortal-kombat.gif (500x300, 468K)

Quartering is a total faggot but that doesn't excuse SJW bullshit.

Quartering is just the anti-SJW equivalent of Yong Yea except somehow less charismatic.

Dude just be blissfully ignorant LMAO

Pretty much. When a specific "side" starts looking more appealing in any shape or form, many low-tier people will join (trying to get associated with its success)

>ignore this propaganda, listen to that propaganda instead

He is but retarded week latch onto and defend him

What a fucking faggot.

The eyes of a man that hates what hes doing but wants the money.

No, he sued some antifa fuccboi who punched him in the head, and he won. The antifa fuccboi had to make an apology video as part of the settlement.

Dont forget he got drunk in a German festival and while streaming said that he's not happy with his wife

What propaganda?

>fat bald incel whines about women
you people are so sad!


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there has been no reason to anticipate any bioware game since dragon age 2

Didn't he get beaten by some tranny at a cards game or some shit?

Whats his channels name? I tried to look it up by the title and a lot of basedboys made the same video and i didnt see it

You didn't know? Some videos are exactly 10 minutes long just because of it

You tell me ;^)

>fat youtubes tell me what /pol/ wants me to think
/pol/ wants you to think about semites and their bloody rituals, pretty sure close to nobody cares about dragon age wokeness


pick up a fine past title and let the shiny garbage rot

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>Videogame consumer bugman
>"anti-sjw" who looks like sjw
>dumb faggot

Coward must have deleted it. Thats how antifa operate.

If you eat up the drivel this dicklet secretes you're already far more ignorant than someone who actually exerts any energy producing thoughts of their own

I think the Quartering made a video called "we won" or something where he played a copy of the video. Sorry I don't have a link.

You're a fucking faggot, jeremy

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AAAAND dropped like a hot potato

Shit, that's why all articles and recipes are bloated online. Takes 4 paragraphs of pussyfooting to get to the point.

Sounds almost as pathetic as your average tripfag

>muh left vs right politics shit

We still doing this? Most normal people moved on with their own shit.

To be on topic, yeah there are plenty of good games still being made. The big three of Activision, Ubisoft, and EA are creatively bankrupt, but there are still good AAA games from other developers. Of course the indie market has something for everyone if you are open to giving chances.

He can walk though.

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You were actually considering buying a modern bioware game?

This guy is like every negative gamer/nerd stereotype in one person.

what you faggots going to do about it
you're not going to change anything, you're not solving problems
you're addicted to this bullshit and the reactions and using that as an excuse to keep yourselves connected
this is not bettering the world nor you as people, and if anything, is more likely helping perpetuate all of it

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He's the opposite of both

>We still doing this? Most normal people moved on with their own shit.

Attached: 55901859-A955-4314-8F8B-BF436DC79320.jpg (736x1444, 148K)

>Dragon Age.
>No dragons of age to fuck.

So much for """diversity"""
Shit game.

Too pathetic even for that

Sometimes, I get blissfully optimistic. Silly me

The iron buffalo is a trophy obtained from donga's corpse.

>Hurrr let's talk about TheBasedening instead of how awful DA4 will be!

Bioware shills are lurking.

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I didnt know how pozzed bioware is until I saw TheQuatering and OneAngryGamer showing me the truth

Dunno, ask the tranny that punched it

She deradicalised me by watching her videos

Nope, news sites and Twitter keep it very alive.

I always go indie now. AAA shit disappointed me for far too long with their corporate pc bullshit while shitting up crappy games

Never saw it on my home/related videos. Google is somehow considering you as part of the /pol/cel target, otherwise you wouldn't get it in your recommendations.
Ask yourself why

>women bad
>politics bad
>transexuals bad
get new material, jeremy

Have sex.

people who care this much about identity politics should honestly be taken outback and old yeller'd
i mean look at this obese neckbeard söyboy in the op, this is the face of your demographic? he even has nintendo shit in the background, literal söy meme lmao I'm not surprised any of you identify with whoever this is

Someone post the vids he made right after he got punched....hes on verge of tears its great.

He also got buttannihilated by jim
It's amazing how he keeps antagonizing both sides

>criticizing bioware=watching those two
Huge leap

>The birthday stream where Jim completely destroys him
Ouch. It was hard to listen

Oh man, I need to see this.

>shillary frog meme
>thinking in binary political terms
You do realize that you are part of the problem, right?

Politics and trannies are indeed bad

I'm Sure they're going to butcher Solas. Cant have a race supremacist in their game or else it might offend people.

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I don't see how Yong Yea can be considered SJW, he always sounded alright.
He's just teaching the vidya normiecore audience that hating publishers and scummy developers is good, that alone makes him more based than half the ecelebs you faggots keep reposting

When's the last time -anyone- was excited for a Dragon Age game? I mean, shit, DA2 was the beginning of the end for Bioware (as an aside, it's amusing how much of a shitstorm that game caused for being so terrible, and now we see garbage like it shat out en masse every year).

I played Dragon Age 2 and decided I was done with Bioware and the series. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with their sheer clumsiness and incompetence with everything - the dialogue, the combat, the character progression and they can't even make a decent fucking level.

How they're still alive is beyond me. How people enjoyed anything dragon age after the first, when even the first was "sometimes might possibly remind you of Baldur's Gate" is baffling to me.

Unironically woke

Even the gnome ripped him a new one

No idea. Care to elaborate?

I thought basedboys were on the left
Look at this doofus lmao

This guy gives us gamers a bad rep.

>laughing girls (boys).jpg

Not going to lie but I still want to play Inquisition if only because the way the Elf interacts with the setting is reminiscent of the Dalish Origin

Does anyone believe quartering has a wife? I feel like he's said he does but it just doesn't add up

Yeah, I don't see it either, Yong is more like the Tim Pool of game youtubers.

Litteraly how

Why did you post a mentally ill person?

>We still doing this? Most normal people moved on with their own shit.

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>but inquisition was good!!

not really

>s-stop hating bioware!
Fuck it's really easy to spot neo-Yea Forums these days

people having wives is likelier than you might think user, we're at the age where you should have them

If you actually watch his videos, he's actually pretty fucking redpilled and non-soi in his opinions.

jim as in metokur?

>western devs
THERE'S your problem, everyone else doesn't give a fuck whats in their game

you are 10x more onions than him. He has seen onions-beams off the shoulder of Orion and returned to tell us the tale

Let us make Outworld great again!

Odds of hambeast?


I actually, genuinely believed the wheelchair meme until he got doxxed

onions is on the inside not the outside

Polititards are inherently cringe no matter the leaning

Because socially unacceptable views have a tendency to attract the dredges of society, and they end up becoming the most prominent faces of a movement, even if said movement otherwise has good people within it, since only people with nothing to lose would publicly associate with socially unacceptable views.

You seem unhealthily obsessed with this guy.

Yeah, him and keemstar went to his stream and humiliated him to the point they found it pathetic to even bother arguing with him

>dragon age
spoiler test

Vidya journalist here, it's not about the amount of clicks on ads, it's all about the time you spend on a page, and the percentage of the ad you can see while reading the piece

So yeah, we're incentivized to fill articles with bullshit to get more $$$

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>if i add another layer of irony ill never have to actually believe in things

Look, it's quite simple. You have to choose between a pair of glasses tinted as "everyone I don't like is a jewish degenerate", or one that is "everyone I don't like is a raping faschist". Watch the world through your favorite lenses, vidia included, and stop thinking or asking any questions. There's no middle ground to be had, here.

He gets triggered by politics when there is nothing wrong with politics.

Propaganda is bad, but his clickbait is perfect for dumb idiots looking to get triggered over nothing.

People complain about Jim Stercuck not being a journalist, but this fuck just opens up news sites and reads them in front of you.

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he's a leftist

What problem?

You probably have word or page minimum lengths too.

I give it another few years before it's six feet under

Fuck off quarter pounder

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I’m too lazy to link all the posts, but the issue with “politics” is that is often means “politics I dislike” and little else.

>Most normal people moved on with their own shit.
Why yes, normies have abysmal levels of attention
That's why next elections they'll be flooded by new propaganda, while professional autists will join the propagandists to push the other side

What was the argument about

It's bullshit but I believe it

Well I'm
and I'm doing my part, how are YOU going to contribute?

fucking christ spoiler that shit

>trying to hijack LTG's greatest moment to push tranny shit

the guy does raise good points, but spends too much time complaining about shit no one is going to care about like some gay comic no one reads


I'm well aware. Hence the paragraph, ad, paragraph format. The fact websites do this for fucking cooking recipes is complete bullshit.

Are you people actually stupid? Like sub-highschool levels of reading comprehension?

Yong Yea reads IGN like a faggot, Quartering does the same thing but does so as an anti-SJW. It's not a bifurcated thing where you're either pro or anti SJW shit.

Jim might be a champagne socialist, but he at least gets triggered by legit vidia related stuff, like workers of the industry being treated like shit or consumers being conditioned to consume like rats.

I can already tell with OP's pic that he's smart enough to market to gullible retards.

Sorry dude, the system is time based nowadays. Nobody counts clicks anymore, that's just an extra step that grants you bonuses.
Mostly because close to nobody clicks on ads these days, and big sites couldn't possibly survive on that alone

That's why this whole internet ads market is just a big bubble, sooner or later they'll realize big corporations are burning more than they can possibly make with online ads, and they'll pull out entirely
It's dot-com bubble 2.0 in the making

>It's not a bifurcated thing where you're either pro or anti SJW shit.

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Damn. I'd fuck them all, and then some

What can I say, they need to eat too

>posting soi from his iphone
el oh el

Attached: 1541105639296.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Lucid constatation

>soi image

Jim gets triggered by his bull not giving him a lick after he fucks his wife.

>Can't we all just agree to keep politics out of games? Although left-leaning ideas are a lot more tolerable then right-leaning ones lol

Attached: FOUR MORE YEARS.png (640x480, 14K)

HEY! These stalker types give us all the juicy info!

They are the cornerstone of vidya autism

>pick random post
>quote it with the 2016 version of trollface
>farm (you)s

Attached: 1548896620806[1].jpg (700x751, 25K)

The amount of insecurity in this post is amazing.

pretty epic how the quarter pounder fanboys are getting at you

>this is the face of your demographic?
Awkward 30-something bearded fat fuck with glasses?
When I was young, that was literally the entire demographics of nerds/geeks.

Are you expecting such a loser hobby to be mainly populated by rich and attractive pewdiepie-tier aryan alpha males?

soi from this post, wew

Unironically neck. Reminder that you are the vocal minority.

beware this man. eyes of a serial killer.

everyone needs to eat but no one excuses scammers and crooks
not every action to acquire money is justifiable because of basic needs

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Keemstar claimed the fat fuck was a huge faggot, Metokur supported the claim.

This is the short version, you need context for it to actually make sense

>radical centrist
You faggots are the biggest hacks and one of the first to give in.

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>KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MY GAMES! >U-unless they align with my agenda!

Four more years, tranny.