>S T I L L no new game with Chaos.

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>S T I L L not using the proper plural word for Chao.

A shame

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Chaos was in Forces though

Literally the only good thing to ever come out of the embarrassing shitfest that is Sonic.

The plural for Chao is Chao, non fan.

>SEGA is shit
we know

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>no standalone Chao Garden game
Literally why?

Play an old one

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It blows my fucking mind that they didn't even release a mobile game yet.

Most Chaofags don't know this but they did make another Chao game after SA2 for the Wii.

It was likely shit since no one seems to talk about it, but it existed.


Are you talking about that nights game? Because yes it was shit.

No, REALLY, why the fuck didn't they? It's literally free money.

Epic comment friend. Upvote.

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What if a chao game that is actually a RPG?
>Sonic chao as the main one
>Another dimmension shit like mania
How about it?

And why was it shit? Oh right because the creator who later made Sonic Unleashed quit after everyone trashed the Werehog, which was his idea.

It's because most 2000s Sonic fans aren't well deep into the series as the 90s era Sonicfags are, they don't do their homework to find out why they won't do x anymore, they lost their talent years ago to ever hope to do it right. You'd think it would have clicked for people when it took fans to make proper classic Sonic gameplay work after Sonic Team's failed attempts, but it hasn't. Maybe that Chao minigame in that 2D Sonic fan game being worked on will actually do what it takes for people to move on any just stick to that.

Because SEGA isn't the place to be a old time Sonic fan anymore. It's for whatever dumb kid of today finds some enjoyment out of this slop of a franchise.

you're a retard.
chao world wii is a fanon wiki thing you dumb fag.

Literally just make a game but add all the shit you wanted as a kid.
>Chaos gardens for making Chaos Chao
>shop and leveling don't need to be exploited to be reasonable
>maybe add some more stats, evolutions, interactivity, and competitions to keep it fresh
Free fucking money.

That's not what I'm taking about idiot.
But, as I search for the source, I realized I was mistaken and thought this was on the Wii, but it was on the PS2 instead.
So I guess that's the last time they made a "Chao Garden" since SA2 3 years prior.

Wisps are the new Chaos. Accept it.

Wow, I'm a pretty hardcore chaofag and I had no idea this existed.

>tfw you took the chao vmu game to school
>tfw everybody thought it was the dopest shit ever when you explained to them what it was
>tfw you could even hook up the dreamcast to the fucking INTERNET
>tfw the dreamcast died shorty after

imagine trying to feel superior when discussing sonic toddler daycare

>imagine trying to feel superior
Imagine being insecure of yourself from others posts.

He doesn't have to imagine, hombre. He's better than you.

They can coexist. TSR is an example


The aliens from Sonic Colors

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They could've easily had a huge media franchise with these guys. Blows my mind how retarded Sega is sometimes, but then again, no it doesn't.

You don't really need more than this.

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>S T I L L no new game with Shoah


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I want a 3D Sonic game that's just about Chao.
Chao Garden
Chao collecting and breeding
Chao petting
Chao mini RPG adventure
Chao mini fighting tournament
Chao mini racing
Chao other mini games


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the more you learn about chao garden, you eventually find out its an idle game. You give give em stuff, then you feed em, and unless they do something cute, you walk away and do something else.
The worst part is that for an idle game, you have to sit there in the garden and can't just complete levels and have them grow at the same time. Once they are adults, you just watch them for 14 hours, or do something else for 14 hours until they reincarnate. time doesn't even pass for them while doing karate or races.
I wanna actively do things with my chao.

I’ve been wondering this for years. It would be their biggest hit of all time

>S T I L L no new posts with Borb and Wiener

I really wish sa2 wasn't such a pain to make mods for. the modding community still can't make custom levels or custom chao gardens. Only glorified texture packs.
Imagine a huge chao garden where there were alot of places to carry your chao around and test their skills. what if there were secrets to find in the gardens?

>gets annihilated

Just play Digimon lol

Meant for

Because Sega is fucking stupid and hates money. Pretty sure a Chao Garden game for android would be super hype, maybe even more than pic related

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