Do you like Humongous games?

Do you like Humongous games?

Attached: brutalmoose.png (900x900, 697K)

Other urls found in this thread:"boyfriend"

Humongous what?

fuck off brutal faggot


Yes, Ian, I like the qbert like pogostick game with put put's dog the most.

>he just casually says "my boyfriend" in a video

what the fuck

he's gay user.
It's pretty obvious once you realize the writing was on the wall.

no, but i like ian

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Gay old furfaggot


post proofs or u r the gay

Attached: Brutal Boyfriend.png (2120x902, 206K)

Brutalmoose makes some great videos. Especially the food ones.

shit, for real?
wish there were more homo tubers that weren't obnoxious about it

I actually really do

>Inspect element
Post link to source
faggot in denial"boyfriend"
try harder

i like humongous women

Attached: gigantic woman.jpg (1023x563, 155K)



hes obviously gay


He never really stuck me as gay. Seems pretty straight. I'm not homophobic and I know this sounds kinda bad but you can often tell, gay people often act a certain way.

haha yeah, it's almost like most gays are just perfectly ordinary people and you only know that some are so because they pander to the stereotypes

>Are you gay?

You guys still watch his videos? I unsubbed when he stopped making vidya related content.

First of all, He was Open about his homosexuality on his Tumblr. As in, it was in his bio. He isn't vocal about it. He is Ian first, and his homosexuality only applies to his preferences. It's not his identity.
Second, I watched all his videos, can't remember where he said that so please provide proof

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Yes, they do end up in partnerships with people of the same way, kiss, and have sex with them.
Thats a pretty common denominator when it comes to identifying homosexual people

>unsubbed when he started making interesting content


I like his cooking videos. The fast food tasting is kind of eh and fuck his TV show shit

Jesus Christ this post

>Literal jewish faggot furry

>casually says "my boyfriend"

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Actually off yourself. Brutalmoose is based.

>missed his best vidya related video

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You didn’t know he was gay?

>faggot jew
No way, fag.


unironically walk to the ocean and never turn back

didn't even know
wonder if he's a top or a bottom

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Shit me either

That could mean many things though.

brutalmoose cant be gay bros : (

I wonder if the person who's with him during his game hall videos is his bf.
If that person is, then he's the top.

>have to dig to find information
>get upset when you find it

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speaking of brutalmoose are there anymore GOOD gay youtubers who arent obnoxious faggots about liking fat cocks?

He as in brutal.

>he doesn't hate gays unconditionally?! THE NERVE!!
If they don't be like "I'm gay. [...] btw, I'm gay. [...] ,Because I'm gay, [...]" , they are fine in my book
Did a faggot shat into your mouth or what happened

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Homosexuality is an abomination, user.

he gay and a furry but you would never know because he doesn't bring it up why can't more you-tubers be like this

average gay people are pretty normal, outwardly at least. It's a minority of freaks that are the ones you see in those parades and shit

>not liking dick in 2019
>probably still a virgin

god doesn't real

What are some other good gay youtubers?

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in that drawing live stream he said his boy friend like his drawing

not new.
now back the fuck off, what?

Holy shit that jewfro

>Moose is gay
>Kazztawdal is dead
>iNcontroL is dead
>Chris-chan is trans
>ProJared fucked underage kids
what the fuck is this timeline

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I don't watch twitch shit due to it being awful background noise. Guess that explains it

to be fair, having an animal in your username is kind of a red flag

I feel that he brought that up some were might be wrong I his avatar is a moose he called brutal moose i bet money he is

Jon is gay too.

no he's not?

It's not as bad as when I found out my favorite yaoi artist was gay.

JonTron? Dude literally has a girlfriend.

>yaoi artist

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>having/using an animal mascot means your a furry
so literally everyone on the planet was apparently a furry because they like mickey mouse

this guy makes good videos about countries and history and stuff. He said he's politically conservative as well

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I'm happy that Jon gets to do what he wants now but what he wants to do is garbage.

having a girlfriend(male) doesnt make you straight, no matter how much you want it to be true

She's just for show.

Well that's disappointing. Gonna have to go back to watching Scott the Woz or Chadtronic. Why does every "Normal Boots/Hidden Block" guy have to have some degenerate sexuality? At least Projared liked girls, just younger ones.

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I'm so tired of everyone being obsessed with sexuality

At least it has SOUL

>He said he's politically conservative as well
Glad i don't follow or know who this literal who is

It literally doesn't. He lets is budget write his jokes instead of actually trying to be funny.

I just found it odd that a gay Canadian dude is conservative

>Scott the Woz
>"guess I'll go back to watching this helixstudios blake mitchell looking ass twink"

poor bait

>degenerate sexuality

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user, not all conservatives are like the american caricature of conservatism

How dare you, His stuff is ok.

What’s the best Brutalmoose video Yea Forums?

And why is it the HungryMan frozen meal reviews?

>degenerate sexuality
I guarantee that this user probably jerks off to shit like gigantic anime breasts

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Kid Cuisine
>I'm ready! I'm ready!
>... For a shitton of corn!

>it's almost like most gays are just perfectly ordinary people and you only know that some are so because they pander to the stereotypes

They're not normal. Every fucking pride parade is an example of what the LGBT considers ""normal"".

>He's trying to be LGR now

>Scott the Woz
Are you talking about the guy who managed to put something Nintendo related in the thumbnail of his video about subscription boxes?

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Who is that? looks like a pedophile

>Scott the Woz
literally the blandest motherfucker on earth

Why do people care about sexuality?

user that's 1. his brand as 'the Nintendo guy', 2. a box he had in the video. There's plenty of better things to criticize him about than him having an open Nintendo bias.

ah yes, because one day where a few people choose to be degenerate in public is entirely representative of a whole population's normal day-to-day existence

Please don't call me a faggot if you ever find my YouTube channel, Anons. I like women.

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Do you think he and Adam from YMS fuck in fur suites on the reg?

>"hey yall scott the twink here"
>shit "bootleg jontron" joke
>stares at camera
>5 second pause
>reads wikipedia article about (insert
console/game here)
>shit "bootleg jontron" joke
>stares at camera
>5 second pause
>gives incredibly basic trivia
>shit "bootleg jontron" joke
>stares at camera
>5 second pause
>cuts to his shitty outro music

yeah great content from generic whitevboy vidya youtuber #23451
So original nothing like PBG , Jontron etc

I didn't know gays only existed in jewmerica

>Always liked Brutalmoose because he sustains the ending syllables of a lot of his sentences.
>Didn't realize this entire time he was just doing a truncated faggot voice
Honestly disappointed, not because he's gay, but because it wasn't easier to pick up on. I thought I was good with the ol fag alarm

When I say ok, I mean mediocre. Which exactly what Scott is.

They're dumb

That is more redlettermedia. They do unlabeled vhs shit all the time.