What do you think?


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I think you shouldn't advertise your channel on Yea Forums.

What a fucking faggot.

why are there two raichu?

Fuck you I'm not clicking on that faggot nintentoid puppet so my recommendations turn into complete garbage.

Probably an attempt at going "haha look at how bad 3DS graphix are" even though that's a badly cut-out gif and not actual 3DS graphics

>a muppet
Is this video for children or something?

I think Arlo is a fucking faggot who has the most shitty, banal opinions on anything and his gimmick is fucking stupid and probably just a kid magnet to further his pedophile schemes.
Yeah, Pokemon is shit, BIG surprise there, Arlo.

>channel dedicated to regurgitating the opinions of the disgruntled manchild diehard nintendo fanbase for brownie points shits out a video regurgitating the opinions of the disgruntled manchild diehard nintendo fanbase

Attached: 1564677135297.gif (184x141, 1024K)

That's probably it. I should've thought a little further.

I have a theory that Arlo is a kiddy diddler
Screencap this post for when it comes to be true

Arlo videos are always so refreshing to watch.

>probably just a kid magnet to further his pedophile schemes
Child entertainers attract them, only just a few weeks back we find out Projarad whos audience was mostly around 14 and below has been grooming them. Unironically one of the biggest dangers to children today in the first world are pedo channels, you don't need any qualifcation or be vetted in the slightest to be broadcasting to millions of kids.

Are you underage or just severely autistic?

I wonder how many youtubers are pedophiles. I'm guessing over 60%


I'd be shocked if there wasn't a secret youtube child diddling scheme going on at their cons, the kids are all over this people, zero parents around, no safeguards.

I am 23. His opinions are reasonable and presents them fairly well. Only thing I don’t like about his channel is he complains about being a YouTuber a little too much. I get it’s suppose to be a joke but after a while it just starts to become bitching.

He makes solid content though

He’s okay compared to other gaming channels.

I can’t stand GameXplain. What with the faggots with speech impediments, and how fans lick there butt-hole with “lol where Captain Falcoln!”

>Jerking off Nintendo with no worthwhile insight, just clapping to nintendo so the audience claps for him
>"Solid content"
You've got incredibly low standards.

Why is lower quality raichu smug

>His opinions are reasonable and he presents them fairly well
His opinions are so predictable, trite, and say so little about what he values in vidya. Did you watch his fucking video about Link's Awakening artsyle? How did you not feel like a fucking child being chided after that shit? That video proves his channel is for children, because I just can't wrap my head around how anyone that isn't autistic or underage would give a muppet that spews out the most basic, Nintendo boot-licker shit a chance.
>oh but he hates nu-Paper Mario
>oh but he wants Pikmin 4
Who the fuck cares?

YOu just hate him because you hat nintendo


>His opinions are reasonable
probably because he curates them especially for the average nintendo fanboy and hits all the most popular talking points as often as possible
>paper mario is shit now!!
>where's pikmin and f-zero!?
>i want waluigi WAAAAAAH
>miyamoto is an senile old hack that needs to retire!

Kill yourself you smooth-brained bastard.

>smooth-brained bastard
beteter a smooth brain and a square head like minecraft steve who has a square head. and all he can do is dig and mine because of his sqare head and you are like that ...

>thread gets deleted on /vp/
>repost it but on Yea Forums

Moron. Hope strike two is a three day vacation from Yea Forums.

Jesus christ.

>30 fucking minutes