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Straight to page 10 you go.
Well I don't see an anime girl so you can fuck right off
Now make him say the n word
I just downloaded MMBN 3 Blue but spent the day playing MM Zero and reading MM lore. Anyone else think the fusion of human and machine to be bizarre. Why would humans so willingly give up their humanity to appease silicon?
This is beautiful what font does MMBN use
Okay, I'll replay MMBN2 since you said to
Not sure myself but here you go deathgenerator.com
Lan and Megaman.EXE are cute shotas.
That is all.
real picture of gbpocket lcd
Is this what Mega Man threads have become?
The wait for that BN mobage and the 4.5 english patch is hard indeed
>BN Mobage
please tell me you are fucking joking
BN/SF threads has always been bad. Threads for the platformers are still decent.
>ProtoDude teased both X and BN phone games
>the X one was confirmed a week ago
>Threads for the platformers are still decent.
Sure, if you're a cunnyfag gamer.
Oh wow, they actually filtered it. Color me surprised.
But my point still stands.
I love shota very much, I'd like to hug and kiss Lan. What do you think about this, Lan?
But there's cunnyposting on BN/SF threads too. X is the only sub series that doesn't have little girls
If so reminder that they didn't filter incel
Oh wow, they actually did
It amazes me sometimes, how selective the mods are in doing their jobs.
That header looks different
>, huh!
That's making me imagine a cyber Auschwitz with deletion showers.
Why brain, why?
This is way too fun
It's fine, normal navis aren't really people anyways.
Favourite Rockman opening?
>no huh
Bait! I made that post to lure you out!
Mods filter semen-cerebrum after one day, incel forever remains.
Based thread
>t. dickhead
Good thing we got that problem nipped in the bud. I don't want fags to ruin my vidya girl threads.
Why did MMBN3 Blue have a white UI and White have a blue UI?
This is so fucking dumb.
Where is he?
Only BN1 portraits sadly
baste sarahposter