Do people ever enjoy the puzzle segments in action games?

Do people ever enjoy the puzzle segments in action games?

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Never give up

Does glitching the puzzle to win really count?

Haha dumb tigor

God I wish that were me.

ikr cats are so stupid
dogs on the other hand are super smart, thats why we are man's best friend

Yes zoomers actually believe these puzzles are challenging and feel accomplished when they "solve" them.

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that was fucking infuriating to watch

Are dogs smarter than cats?

I'm fond of the beat-em-up mini games, myself.

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Is he okay?

I would say cats are just more stubborn and unwilling to reassess their surroundings.

As long as I can fall back on just punching the puzzle to dust then it's A-OK

From what I've seen browsing DMC threads, yes.
Lot of people saying they miss DMC1/DMC3 style puzzles and want more like them in 5.

Why? It's just a tiger being a tiger.

Thread theme

>The stick literally clips through the wood

you are not a dog you faggot

Get out of my computer, Max. Not until I get home, boy.

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Cats are typically too smart to care about sticks and geometry and shit.

Dogs are willing to learn for little to no physical reward and sometimes even just to please the one teaching them.

Studies have shown cats can be taught many things, but the cat must perceive the reward more than justifies the effort needed.

I played all the Persona games in 4 months (had other shit to play too)
Who the fuck thought that putting puzzles in this kind of jrpg was a fucking good idea? This is more boring than P1 and i mean it.

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White tigers are going extinct. The ones they force breed in captivity, in a vain attempt to keep them alive, are mostly retarded. Many have downs syndrome.
A sad end for any species.

Dogs have social brains while cats don't, so it's easy to train them with purely social rewards. The reason it's so easy to domestic herd animals is because all you're really doing to them is replacing pack leader with hairless monkey while breeding out the aggression. Even though small cats have evolved with humans they're much less domesticated than people realize and have only been kept in homes since the 1950s.

>The ones they force breed in captivity, in a vain attempt to keep them alive, are mostly retarded. Many have downs syndrome.
Sound similar to what would happen if you tried to breed the average Yea Forumsirgin.

white tigers are literally just inbred descendants of one mutant regular tiger
they happen in the wild sometimes as a pigmentation variant of the bengal tiger but they aren't a separate species or anything

So in fewer words, dumb. Right so we agree.

wtf dude, not cool

I, on the other hand prefer turn base combat

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I'm sure the two of us would make a super retarded ass baby. Like Superman only of autism.

White tigers are inbred as FUCK. Dude's platinum rarted.

wtf? cats have been domesticated for thousands of years and there primary purpose was pest control

roos are fucking niggers

t. retard

cows are cute

>What is Prince of Persia

It's more of a symbiotic relationship than one of pure domestication. Most domesticated animals can't survive on their own anymore, but house cats still can.


Did we ever figure out the clipping?

differents kinds of "smart".
Predatorial instinct sometimes overides other capabilities, kind like tunnel vision. So it depends more on the immediate enviroment of the animal to really say, for exemple in great cats have a tendency to increase agression if the prey (or toy) resist, so instead of trying to analise the situation (like crows do, for exemple),the the tiger just pulls harder.

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Just fucking post more /an/ shit. Holy fuck.

Dude the mods are watching

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just like white "people"

>hur dur its not working so ill try harder
keep changing the goal posts and you'd be a regular genius. if it looks like a retard, talks like a retard, its a fucking retard.

people that like cats have dog mentality and people that like dogs have a cat mentality
being that cats are doms and dogs are subs, you all are beta servents to your beloved cats while dog owners are alpha leaders

I genuinely liked pipe dream in Bioshock.

based and Yakub pilled

Yes but I only like them when they actually require me to think about them, and not just brute force an answer.

>checks on the other one

thats cute

>forced stealth level

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why do people bitch about playing a video game in a video game. it was also just tense enough to be kind of stressful when you're hacking something important.

you not fooling anyone, Rex.

This is even funnier when you know lions, unlike tigers and jaguars, hate water.

it slid on it

>t.Vodoo shop keeper

only on the first playthrough

did he dieded?

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>american tigers


>when the game has actually good skyboxes

But why are niggers retarded?

>the weak should fear the strong

Poor tiger is just trying to build its nest.

based and lionpilled

It's like gorosaurus

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how fucking little you attention span is? before I played P5 I saw how everyone bitched at this puzzle as it it were super annoying and difficult, IT ITS LITERALLY A FETCH QUEST, if you can't make basic additions then you have deeper issues.

Also, puzzles on JRPG is a fucking tradition, just because the last decade was dituted into braindead "puzzles" doesn't mean they are a foreigner concept.

Depends on how they're done. They're pretty much always done well in Resident Evil for example.

what was his end goal?

He wanted a taste of that ass

Is like when you do something that you know it will upset you Friend/girlfriend, you just wanna see their expressions.

Eat dat pussy.

what breed of dog is this that fights like that?

>why do people bitch about playing a video game in a video game.
Generally if you were in the mood to play a puzzle game, you would load up a puzzle game. Most people aren't up for interrupting their shooter rpg session with a completely different genre, even if they happen to like that genre.


Sounds like a person doing a cat impression.

I always forget how shit Yea Forums is at video games until I see posts like this. But I'll give you credit, if you really played all Personas in 4 months, you have a much higher tolerance of shitty writing and annoying filler than I do.

dingos arent dogs dumass

wtf i want a redpilled hedgehog now


Stray cats make the best pets

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I wish more game had puzzles in them. I miss when games like Resident Evil were more about resource management and puzzle solving over shooty shooty bang bang. I liked having a game challenge me.

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"IS kills 31 in tikrit"

He got angered by the news

>game lets you pretend to be an animal

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I've had a neighbourhood cat visit (have a flap) and she just ended up chilling. Located the owner and the dude was fine with it; he had tons of cats and this one was the odd one out so got 'bullied'. He also had about three teeth, still a nice guy though.
She's been here for just under a year now and is probably the sweetest cat I've ever had; she returns a lot of love. She was probably starving for attention and care. I have one senior cat who doesn't really like her, but she never instigates. I go on walks with her around the neighbourhood at night and she runs up to every cat to make friends, but no one likes her :( I wanted to share because I love this cat

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I gave up a long time ago, user.

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Sauce ?

fat ass though

I swear, whenever we humans kill ourselves off, the roos will inherit the earth.

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how will they leave 'straya?

Thank you for the story user. Very wholesome

How many generations of this do you think we'll have to breed in order to create a new race that feels more comfortable running on all fours?

concentrated and selective breeding?
i'll give it half a millennia

why does it want to get the tube in its house so badly?

what are some puzzles that you had to brute-force your way through?

>she runs up to every cat to make friends
sounds like she forgot want animal she is, cats dont "make friends"

some do, but the vast majority seem to be huge assholes afraid of people. i dont know what causes the difference between the two groups, it seems way too pronounced to be up to individual disposition

my mom always cares for strays when she can capture them as kittens, but even after just a few weeks wild(the ones she cant capture early on), they never seem to adjust

I'm happy he got it in in the end :3

Haha, silly tiger, you can't just brute force your way throu-oh shit

Some do, my old cat used to hang around with another family's cat. They could have been mates though, who knows. She was spayed though.

VERY cute kot

Sure 'make friends' is antropomorphising it a bit, but she sniffles the face, tries to headbutt and presents her asshole. this is the most sociable cat ive ever seen and she has a very distinct personality

I'll be her friend

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leapin' from turtle to turtle

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>no one posted the dog webm/gif yet