How do you like EVO so far Yea Forums?

How do you like EVO so far Yea Forums?

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Fuck off discord tranny

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Sorry I'm too busy not gaming and having a life. You loser incel nerds should try it sometime.

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If I'm at EVO do I get a free Suzy fuck in the bathroom stalls?

Why are you posting here then you fucking faggot

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la criatura...

What an incel thing to say

Yeah this thing looks gross without flattering angles and photoshop. A woman would still look like a woman without makeup, this lanky butterface already looks like shit.


If your bald, yes

What does LI Joe even play now? SFV? I've lost track of who's still playing that shit, I assumed it was only top players like Infiltration chasing money.

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"she" got doxxed by the way, the ESA E3 thing has her listed on there too.

Sue would be cute if her videos weren't so mediocre

Who is that tasty boypussy?

his career ended when he became an MVCI shill, same with fchimp and kbrad


Search up SphereHunter, or if you want to uncover her true past search Sue lightning

just go on Kiwifarms, they've been talking about it for a while

Notice how he wears bagging clothes. You can't change your male skeleton.

Where the fuck did kiwifarms come from? Before the New Zealand memer I'd never heard of it.

Ugly tranny aside, how do you actually fix posture/forward neck? I assume it's from weak back muscles or something.

I don't care what anyone says, as far as trannies and traps go she's decently attractive and fashionable.

confirmed incel, nice one

just got off work. hit me up with that evo schedule senpai.
Also what is your evo gamer fuel? Pic related is the most god tier snack ive ever had

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It's been a thing for a while, I used kiwifarms for chris-chan and DSP like 3 or 4 years back

Eat proper meals and you wouldn't have to eat in between.

he cute

it's actually better to have a bunch of small meals a day rather than a few big ones, albeit ideally not with ice cream

Whether it's 2-3 or 4-5 "meals" it's still no snacking. There is never a reason to eat chips or other trash food while playing games, watching tv, etc.