Which House and Why (No Spoilers)

Defend/Persuade those of us stuck between golden bros and waifu house.

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Also this fanart. It speaks volumes on behalf of TBE

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Black Eagles because birds are better than every other type of animal

Neither of those are the blue chads

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Based and Holy Kingdom pilled.

There's a reveal done midgame (to those who have played, you know what I'm talking about) that's only done justice on the Blue Lions route. Go with that.

Game's only been out for a week. I doubt many (any?) people are in a position to make informed comparisons yet.

Black Eagles is the canon route if that's what you prefer.

Claude Squad is best house.

Edelgard and Demitri have sticks up their asses. Claude's house is down to PARTY

Golden Deer have the superior waifus:
Lysithea > Edelgard
Marianne > Bernadette
Hilda > Dorothea
Leonie < Petra
Therefore you should pick Golden Deer and recruit Petra when you can, that way you get the best of both worlds.

OR you could play as Black Eagles and get them all. Even Hilda.

I know you can recruit her in February, but does she still stay on your side if you side with Edelgard over the church?

I don't know, I'm replaying it to find out.

Lysithea > Bernadetta > Edelgard > the rest

Black Eagles.
First Fire Emblem game, I figured the first option to pop up would essentially be the easy mode to learn the game with.

>blacks is the waifu choice
>blues is the default choice
>yellows is the intelligent choice
That being said, you're a jizzbrain

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Pick Blue Lions for the best story.
No point picking a house based on characters as you can recruit almost everyone anyway.

The first half to two-thirds of the game stays the same no matter which house you pick, so I'd be surprised if there was a big jump in difficulty between the branched paths. Would be nice if that turned out to be true though. Game's been pretty easy so far, even on hard.

BE well, technically church is literally the default choice.

First half of the game heavily revolves around the Blue Lion characters, just letting you know.

Do you get a lot of extra scenes for picking Blue Lions? I recruited the characters in question to the Black Eagles, and really just got a few lines of extra dialogue for the trouble.

If you have Ashe for the Lonato chapter, does he get any dialogue with Edelgard or Claude?

Blue Lions. I like the cast of that House more. I love the Blue Lions' intro trailer. Dimitri sounds so passionate and personable.


I only had Ashe help out, as opposed to recruiting him properly, so maybe that made the difference, but all I got was an extra line of dialogue at the start of the map. It was a similar deal with Sylvain later on, and I did recruit him for real.

not a bad looking one in the group

dialogue box on the map itself or in-cutscene?

Wait, so you can somehow recruit everyone in the other houses?

On the map itself.

Nearly everyone.

Yes, if you grind enough.

Black Eagles
Hubert is a shitty Oberstein clone but that still makes him based
Ferdinand and Caspar are cool
Bernadetta is a great archer and is cute
Dorothea has the best personal ability
Petra is built for bleaching
Use your recruit to take Marianne and make cute autistic babies (or Lysithea/Leonie if you prefer)

two are unrecruitable (Hubert and Dedue) and one is very hard to (Hilda)

Everyone except Lords and retainers, so Dedue and Hubert. Hilda's a slut that'll join on BL and Church route. No luck if following Edelgard's mad ramblings.

No one sane would ever follow her unless sensei says so.
It's funny everyone fucking defected in church just to follow you.

Interesting that they lock you out from Hilda on Edelgard's path. Does she become important to the plot or something?

Not sure where to ask, anywhere I can see Byleth's spell list? Apparently nobody in BL goes above A rank magic and I was curious if Byleth can use dark magic past miasma as well.

It's mostly cause she's only available on the third month.
And seeing how you abandoned the monastery if you follow Edelgard, the 3rd month is spent on a fort. Thus, she ain't available.

Sylvain and Lysithea make sense with Edelgard though. They would be incredibly sympathetic given their background.
That's probably why you can auto recruit Lysithea when you defeat her post time skip, and why Sylvain will join Black Eagles without any building up of support level or skills.

I thought whether or not Sylvain joins "for free" was based on your choice of gender, not house?

Idk, I just figured it was because of how much he hates crests

Lysithea makes sense with Eagles, she's the only unit outside of Beagles and the Professors that has a support with Edelgard

What's the best way to spend my action points? It seems like there's always to much to do, and not enough time.
Also is there stuff that I can do that doesn't end the day or use up action points?
Or special events i should watch out for?

I personally max everyone's motivation with meals and use whatever points left over for training or maybe the tournament if it has a good reward that month. Fishing and gardening can be done with no time loss so they're free as long as you have the materials. Resting seems useless unless you like using relics and choir practice doesn't seem worth it either as faith is easier to level elsewhere.

Feed the units you want to train. As you get more activity points it will be more efficient to feed your entire class to max motivation for lessons instead of seminars
Fishing, planting, and advice box don’t require points
Fish events are a great way to farm professor points

Early on, 70% eat with students 30% faculty training. I personally did a lot of choir but it was only because I had two students and byleth that could all benefit from bonus xp in authority and faith. Only do tournaments once a month, and only if you either really need the money (do paralogues or quest battles for money) or you really need the item from the tourney.

Fishing, gardening, and the confession minigame are all free, so abuse them as much as you can.

Drink Jägermeister and quit the faggotry

Oh, also, lost items and gifts the unit loves both provide +50 motivation, so only give these items if you arent capped motivation and arent going to eat with the student, and later on when you can buy gifts and have a huge stockpile of them you can stop eating, give gifts instead, and get all of your faculty training done. Dont feel bad if you fall behind on weapon XP at first compared to the students you are training, you will catch up super quick if you spend a few explores dedicated to just faculty training for hundreds and hundreds of xp.

For people who’ve played the game through at least one route, is it actually a solid game? How’s the gameplay, story, music, and playtime, they’re the most important things for me. I want to buy it but it’s hard to tell if it’s just some FEfags hyping the game up to be more than it is or if it’s actually great.

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Prioritize raising your professor level at least until you reach B+. That's when you get your second battle point. I managed to rush A+ before the time skip, but in retrospect I should probably have spent some of that time doing faculty training instead.

Ah, still more than I was expecting

Playtime is pretty long, 10 chapters before the split (i think only edelgard route has a different holy tomb, and the rest are the same?) And routes clock at ~20 total chapters, but there are a ton of optional battles from generic free battles, a small handful of quests that are generic battles but with unique rewards, and dozens of paralogues and rare monster hunts that are actually unique chapters. Most of the main chapters are super easy on current difficulty but the later part 2 chapters are a kick in the pants and the paralogues tend to be challenging tactical chapters with unique objectives that will punish you hard for messing up.

Yeah, It’s pretty good. Story is nice music is phenomenal and personally, it took around 60 hours to complete one route. Only problem I have is that the gameplay is very easy (and I’m on hard/classic mode).

I'd say the map design is actually good and the new mechanic additions like large beasts and battalions are welcome but it is pretty easy. It's clearly balanced around only doing story missions
Generally straightforward and has some sloppy writing like teleporting villains but actually fleshed out. The lore and worldbuilding is better than most jrpg and characters are actually more than a walking singular trait this time
not as amazing as previous games and overuses the main leitmotif a lot
doing the side activities mean you can range from 40-80 hours for one route, and there are 3.5 routes in this game with different second halves

>not as amazing as previous games and overuses the main leitmotif a lot

How can you say that when Fates had YOUUU ARE THE OCEANS GRAY WAVES in 80% of the tracks.

Guess I’ll give it a go then, I could use another game to sink some time into. Thanks for all the info.

For your first play through, start with the Black Eagles.

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So do I need to check with every god damn student and ask if they want to join and then turn the game off and back on to try someone else if they say no?

No? Just try again later. You can recruit multiple people each week

Just get their support to B rank and wait a little. They'll come to you.

Anything I should target in terms of who to train what in?

Finished blue route on hard/classic.
Pretty standard nuFE with some experimental systems in place. Definitely on the easy side for anyone with the slightest bit of experience in the series.
Great by FE's admittedly low standards, some decent twists and drama, a couple of characters acting completely retarded to force some it.
Varies, but I think it's a pretty solid OST overall. It's definitely pretty out there, one particular track feels like it's ready to go full wubwub dubstep on you but never quite does, that's probably the strangest one in the game. I like a lot of the map themes. Most of it's pretty forgettable.


That's my personal favorite track.
71 hours on file, maybe 5-10 of that was idle. A lot of it is padding via optional dialogue back at your home base though.

This isn't character specific, but I'd generally recommend against training only one skill at a time. That one skill gets a 50% boost, sure, but that still means you're down 25% in terms of pure skill points. For archers and mages who you for some reason don't want to do both faith and reason, I'd suggest putting riding as their second trained skill. They'll need an A rank for their master classes.

I hate how weapon durability is back. Fate spoiled me.

You'd be used to it again if you had played Echoes.


>Black Eagles
If anything were to be canon, it would be Blue Lions.

I'll take weapon durability over Fates "everything higher than iron has a crippling disadvantage"

That was only sliver or anything that debuffs you.

What's the point of classes having multiple weapon types? Unless it's like bow/sword you're pretty much never going to have any reason to use more than one weapon type. The second one is always going to be weaker too. Like you have War Master that needs both brawling and axes at A but you're only going to ever level up as either an axe class or a fist class so you won't have the abilities for the other weapon type.

Golden Deer has better girls and much better units

War Master is a direct upgrade from grappler I think since it's just that + axes. It's the horse and magic hybrid master classes that are sidegrades

Black because Tara Platt

Calling them sidegrades just because they ask for unrelated skills is a bit much. I don't see why you'd ever want a sniper over a bow knight, for instance.

bow knight has worse growths

Play around the disadvantages then. Every disadvantage had a work around. But sure, glad we have durability back. It’s cool using only training.

I always pick the most popular House and characters, in this case BE


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Oh no sisters....

Why does everyone want to fuck Claude?

His dick game can't be THAT good, r-right?

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>the main lord is also the most popular
No shit. They pushed her hard in promotional materials.

The winking and teasing
His beard is high key trash tho.
I prefer the blue lions purely becaude of felix and mercedes

Petra is amazing

Dont see any good people in gf

You finish the game around lvl40-45. 10 levels of bad growths is worth +1 range, +2 move, and canto.

base bad
growth good

Waifus always win baby

if new eagles cause easier
if not go ham Eagle and Lion more story significant

Beagles have the cutest girls

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I'm playing chapter 17 on Hard/classic and how do I stop Claud from flying over on his goddamn wyvern and fucking me with crit arrows? Guy dodges everything and crits every damn time. Even Dedue cant survive the dreaded double crit

I'll agree on Petra, but Dorothea is a used up slut, Bernadetta is a smelly shut-in, and Edelgard is a brain-damaged psychopath.

>no long black haired girl in any of them
Not even blue haired, Black Eagles is the closest. It's like they don't want me to buy the game.