ITT: God tier FPS.
ITT: God tier FPS
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pic not related
POS hitscanners in that game
Fuck off zoomer.
You right now:
Hey, pick me up! Don't you want 1 (One) health point?
Pic related are the only hitscan enemies in the game. Every other enemy has clear telegraphs and dodgeable projectiles.
you right now
I wish I was a zoomer, would be more comfy than being a millennial
Serious Sam level design is fucking god awful. I loved it when I was younger but going back and playing it recently, it really does not hold up.
Imagine thinking CoD2 and everything after it was anything but utter dogshit.
playing 8 player Serious same coop with Yea Forums was one of my highlights back in the day
fatty detected.
Millennials were lucky to have extreme culture and peak videogaming. There was also decent anime if you was into that.
sorry, I was thinking about BFE
second encounter is the best serious sam, but 2 was good too
too few enemies in 2 though, good game otherwise
The levels are perfect for what the games are trying to be and Second Encounter added a lot more gameplay variety to the levels in between all the shooting.
I was surprised that there are people who don't like these games but then I realized these are probably the people who don't pick the hardest difficulties in games and so they didn't pick Serious difficulty and didn't really get the full experience. Hence why they call it mindless and repetitive
Croteam's biggest mistake is not making Serious difficulty the Normal mode. If you are not forced to switch weapons and conserve ammo while evading every projectile you possibly can then you haven't really had a Serious Sam experience
If you have beat it on Serious difficulty then you can talk shit about it
The games are already too hard even on Normal, though.
>hits you for like 3-5 points of damage even on serious difficulty
>dies to 3 pistol shots
>has a loud and clear audio cue when they spot you, will take a full second or longer before they fire at you
what a terrifying hitscanner!
yeah because it give me more fun
The devs flat out keep listing Smash TV as one of their main inspirations.
Piss off Civvie
What are the odds that this destroys nu-DOOM and nu-Wolfenstien?
Very high, but mainstream press and epic gaymurrs will shit on it regardless
SS4 seems more like a tech demo than an actual game
It still amazes how a small Croatian studio are responsible for some of the most technically impressive shooters.
People would probably say the same thing about Dark Souls if they were given the option to lower the difficulty. And no doubt, the review scores would be much lower if the default mode was easier
Sometimes you need to force a challenge on people for their own good. They might hate it for a bit but when they get used to it they'll end up loving the experience
Zero since by the time it comes out it has to compete with their sequel's standalone DLCs.
just like every other serious sam
>skateboarding and dirt riding BMX with your bros
>ebaumsworld, YTMND, Newgrounds, Stick Death etc.
Fucking excellence. I truly pity the fats.
how nostalgic...
What's the consensus on the original Serious Sam games vs the HD versions? I've only played HD.
The OG versions have some brief segments where they fuck with gravity i.e. you can walk on walls and shit, which for whatever reason didn't work on the newer engine so they got turned into more standard encounters. Outside of that the differences are minute.
>proves him right
Zoom along zoomie
Muh dick
nu-Wolfenstien is destroying itself.
Serious Sam is great, but by no means is it god tier.
Reminder that Slavs have this as a top 10 FPS.
It fills it's niche
I have no idea why people try to paint it as something it isn't and then shit on it based on that
бeйcд cлaвc
Are there any 'horde shooters' out there?
I wouldn't call Serious Sam the GOAT, but First and Second Encounter are both fantastic shooters.
they have good taste