Post your WoW toons, incels

Post your WoW toons, incels.

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Fuck off.

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I would if I played it right now, but I don't sorry.

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Nothing special

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>those action bars

what race/class is this?

Kul Tiran Fury Warrior

Based and lock pilled.

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What's wrong with my bars?

>would btfo everyone ITT in 1v1
Feels good man.

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>still playing wow after closing pvp servers
yall completely cucked.

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Just turn war mode on incel

Get back to me when Classic launches, I haven't played retail since the end of Legion.

>still playing wow after cross server sharding

>omg servers are shared, reeeee

>He's not at least 440 yet

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Imagine being over 30 and still playing WoW

each day you absolute braindead fuckers make my life look amazing

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What an ugly set

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>fist of the deity
You're alright.

Didn't even know this thread was still up. Wish I could really get into WoW, I personally hate leveling up. I'd rather start at the end and just build gear then have to spend so damn long just playing a tutorial.

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best glaive in the game and its a fist weapon

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Classic is dogshit, why the fuck would you replay the same old content that you've done 1000 times.

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>why the fuck would you replay the same old content that you've done 1000 times.
you mean retail?

I'm only 415 on my highest char (from the last patch) as I can't decide which char to play. Have 6 120 chars in the 370 - 415 range depending on when I played them. Levelling a DK atm.

post armory faggot

How can I post my WoW toon if classic isn't out yet?

>much newer engine
>much newer base game
>still looks like dogshit compared to WoW

I wouldve if Elysium didnt fuck me over to the point of me deleting my account just to end it all

what is the least gamer character i can pick? dwarf male?

I'm the exact opposite. I love leveling and questing but the endgame bores the fuck out of me. Dungeons and raids are only fun for the stories (and their mechanics are fun to play too)

>what is the least gamer character i can pick?
what the fuck does this even mean?

People like you are the reason wow is shit anyway. It's better that you don't get into it

>dwarf male

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tfw no sockets.

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>doesn't even have socketed benthic gear when multiple pieces are better than 445 socketed mythic pieces

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>Thinks I haven't spent 500+ pearls gambling in this retarded lottery and still haven't gotten any of the good pieces with sockets

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wow your gear is actually shit nevermind

Here's me with a cute goat

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>enjoying 100+ hour tutorials
No, what is fun is hunting for gear and progressing through dungeons and events. Not spending hours mopping up mobs so you can level up and doing a fetch quest for the 1200 time and completely ignoring the story outside of wiki pages. Seriously, you are the reason mmos are dead. Shit isn't about leveling, it's about adventure through dungeons, Not fucking delivering milk for an old lady for 400xp + rested bonus.

Sorry to hear it my dude.

>playing a manlet

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of what? lol

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Shit is fucking retarded. There's some BR from Ragnaros who's simming 50k in EP at 430 ilvl because he has every benthic piece with a socket, I'm 10 ilvl higher and sim 5k less purely because of this RNG garbage.

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brick men shouldn't throw glass

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>35% mastery and 17% haste

It's actually both, and retards like you diminish half of the potential experience for the people that are actually there for what the game already is. The world doesn't need to bend to fit your will, no one forced you to play a game that doesn't fit your interests.

That's how you're meant to do it buddy. The Haste Breakpoint is around 22%, which means with Quick Navigation and CDL I am bang on. If anything I'm short on vers for that extra Geti damage.

the new xmog rules are great for transmog autists like me

rate my hunter

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This is the most chad set Dark Irons could possibly use

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ya ur jelly lol

I'd suck dick for the dreadnaught set


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Don't like the boots, get 's boots instead.

>fit my interests
The only point of an mmo is to build gear and explore dungeons. Not fetch quests like you millennials think it's for. Go play a phone game ya shit.

There was an attempt

thats leather, i cant xmog that to mail

My shoulders cost more than your entire account silly!

>using Quick Navigation
>doesn't have 3x CSHB (BiS after UF)
>doesn't know that deadly navigation is best once you have them

I am having a giggle

yeah but whos the weirdo still playing retail lmao

>Even worth using outside of patchwerk
I haven't got CSHB on my head, but that's purely because I need to gamble for it with my next Residuum. Oh boy more gambling.

1x UF and 3x CSHB is BiS always for every fight

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I'm convinced the only """"""people"""""" who still play retail wow are women and trannies. They're the only vapid market that will stick around for shallow garbage like transmogs and pet battles.

Mythic raiders and Arena players stick around

>Mythic raids
Fucking gross. Zoomers ruined WoW

yeah i'd much rather play .... there are no mmos better than wow


It's literally all boomers who mythic raid and do arena


Classic wow is and will be better than current wow.

Even if theres no other competitors that doesn't mean retail wow isn't absolute dogshit that any sane individual should have quit ages ago.

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No wait, I was thinking of IF. I do have UF, why would I not have UF? Why would I not have when I have one of the only pieces in the game that has both UF and CSHB.

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>thats leather, i cant xmog that to mail
Damn dude that sucks.

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Ok good. Was about to question your entire existence

Humble beginnings. A primary point of the game is that you're a nobody making a name for yourself in what feels like an unimaginably vast world. You can't do that by just being handed welfare epics and max level. Work for something, achieve it, feel proud of yourself. Contextualization is a huge part of what gives completing any kind of content any meaning, and you're not contextualizing your growth as a player or player character when you just start at the top and roll through what you've only been told are the big bad guys (because it's not like you went through a leveling experience to showcase or demonstrate why they are bad guys, what their power is, how weak you are, and later on how strong you've become after investing into your character's development). You might as well just play a procedurally generated neverending instance of bosses and trash mobs with random names and random abilities, which actually would be pretty fun in itself, but the other little-league stuff is also fun to other people, and your desire for a game to cater to you to ensure your business is in spite of people who are already giving that game their business because they like what it is already, and that's just rude.

You're very weak from level to level 119, user.

>you're a nobody in a vast world
No mmo game does this, you are literally the hero who saves the day from the start and deal with famous generals at all times and stand out above the rest. This is why your view of mmos is so fucking garbage.

level 1 to 119*

>you trying to push your desires
No, it's what the original desire was and you faggots came and ruined it. Because there was a reason the game had so many subs and is now a being beaten out by ff14. And it's because it catered to your ilk instead of being purely gear driven like it used to be.

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It only feels that way because the trash mobs level up alongside you, naturally. They're not a good barometer because even a 2 level advantage demonstrates a measurable leap in power but you have to go somewhat out of your way to do lower level content to even observe that. Then again, that's also symptomatic of modern design that let's you bypass areas you have no specific business in. When you actually have to run back and forth across STV 10 times and keep running into level 34 Venture Co. and giant crocolisks, you'll be so much more at ease when you're also level 35 than when you first arrive at 32 and have to hoof it to Booty Bay for the first time. That growth might not be explicitly profound but it's still motivational and it feels like it was the result of meaningful, hard work.

>No mmo game does this
Only thanks to MMO players who echo your sentiments influencing the direction of MMO design of the last 15 years.

>only thanks
Fucking no, MMOs are not based around anything I have stated. They are purely built around retarded fucking fetch quests, Even end game content is a fetch quest gagglefuck with all of it's god damn token/coin/currency systems to even generate gear progression.

WoW stopped catering to "it's about the journey not the destination" in BC-Wrath. Your little sub-hemorrhage of WoD can be blamed on Blizzard being complacent, most likely. Content droughts and whatnot will not retain a generation of gamers who are intent on the +2 item level drip feed.

No you little shit, the earliest parts of WoW were superior because of the gear progression and focus on getting items that could be used for your entire time playing, even during lower levels you could pick up an item that you would end up with at max level. Unlike your fucking hand holding 100+ hour tutorial idiology of "muh atmosphere and story that I right click through without reading" has brought us.

The fact that you honestly play mmos for their "story" and "experience" is pathetic enough considering their bargain bin writing.

Male casters are based

It stopped in BC because you could hit 70 in like two weeks playing casually. You can't have the "journey" without the vanilla leveling experience.

Actually you're right I forgot about MoP. It was so easy it made me quit from lack of fulfillment. I tend to forget it ever existed seeing as the very vocal outrage towards nuBlizz really reached its apex during WoD.

>came into thread hoping for good transmogs
>bunch of full set retards or shit ass basic bitch xmogs

Jesus fuck /vg/ faggots really are bottom of the barrow faggots.

Here is a (you) and a 2/10 for looking like shit.

full sets just look better. wow has too many color variations in gears to make things match perfectly. they should really look into a way to incorporate color changing gear

That is the dumbest low IQ post I ever heard. If you really can't think of anything except full sets you have to be mentally handicapped.

Why would I make some off color shit mog when I have 2 t3 sets for every armor type? Cmon now.

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That's the challenge, making relatively matching (if not un-noticeable) sets out of non-sets.

I really like this one, only bracer and belt from the same set and the bracers are hidden in that set.

rate mine

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You put a pot on his head to hide his ugly face?
I like tieing the boots and chest bandages but it doesn't work with the armored lower part, especially not with the helmet.
Too open up top, becomes bottom heavy which you want to avoid for male characters.
Another matching chestpiece would probably make it better.

I was going for some sort of executioner thing kinda. Yea I'm a fan of the bandages but it's hard to find a matching head piece. I'll work on it some more thanks for the input

The point I became utterly disillusioned with the game was when I noticed PVEers had way better trannymogs than my RP server because they weren't tryharding with this shit or playing with ridiculously understated casual clothing gear. You pick the mog based on what fits the character and the situation, you mix and match if necessary, you wear full sets if necessary. Pick what fucking looks the best to you, nobody cares about your ability to "match" colors in fucking grey brown shit wrath pieces.

Don't listen to him, add big boy boots to emphasize the bottom heaviness.

Is it difficult to set up these body mods?

staff too big

I wish WoW was still good.

Who /discontinued items/ here. I have my level 60 onyxia helm on my pally.

>I noticed PVEers had way better trannymogs than my RP server
This is 360 of what I've seen on EU.

>/e rides on Zhevra up in Herod's shoulder, fire-hardened coif and competitor's tabard with baby blizzard bear pet.
>/e slaps your slutmogged Void Elf's ass

>tfw no junglewalker's sandals even though I had them at one point.. They really need to bring -everything- back. Fuck exclusivity.

Bring them back but with a slight change so autists won't get mad

God I just want to slutmog and get assraped so badly.
Too bad I'm just not into the game right now...

>They really need to bring -everything- back. Fuck exclusivity.
Agreed, theres a belt from darkshore I want and the flightmaster pants from stranglethorne.


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One day half a decade ago the org tabard vendor bugged out and sold me a bloodknight tabard as an orc warrior. They changed it so now it's a paladin only item but if you have it on it doesn't unequip. If I ever take it off I'll never be able to wear it again.

imagine if you accidentally took it off