Itt: We talk about 7th stand user, a Jojo fangame that is veryfun...

Itt: We talk about 7th stand user, a Jojo fangame that is veryfun, while we wait for anons to translate/mod/add to the game.
Other Jojo games welcome, of course.

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Other urls found in this thread:!ZbpHwABB!38dZF4DkS5fmBN_12UmOlg

Man, that color version is really hit and miss.

so it's faithful to the gameboy color

How absurdly strong do you need to be to beat DIO in the double betrayal ending?

Pretty fucking strong, but bring 30 UV lasers

Miss Zeppeli

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Thought you needed 30+ UV grenades not lasers.

Oh yeah, it's grenades. My bad.

Chaos user where are you?

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I wish this was canon

chaos mode

>yfw mad world ending

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Gyro mod here. any suggestions?

>despite the fact that i don't go on Yea Forums everyday, everytime i do there's a 7SU thread
it's like a blessing, because i feel like i only go on Yea Forums for these threads anyways

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Don't worry, I'm working at it, there's just been nothing interesting to report.

Same here, bro, only I've been ctrl+f'ing for these threads every day.

What does it do? Make you Gyro or add Gyro as a party member?

Same here, as well
it just adds gyro to the morgue as another "ripple" warrior. don't know how to make him a playable character

how much of the translation would you say that you're finished with?

Does DIO die if you kill The World?

All these mods basically contain all the game files. Doesn't this make it impossible to have more than one mod going at once?

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pretty much yeah, but considering that the gyro mod took barely any effort at all and that i could probably just copy it over to the only other mod that 7th stand user has i don't think it really matters

Nani? Aren't there a few floating around already? I think I've seen your Gyro one, two that added moves, a King Crimson one and there were people talking of making mods to add more Stands.

the only other one that's out that i know of is the move one

Is it just me or do these threads not bump?

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Nevermind, it did that time. Weird, I always see them at the bottom of the catalog.

Yea Forums is always pretty fast, especially now that evo is going on right now
also, these threads have also been getting less replies, the last one didn't even reach bump limit

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Here's an idea: instead of honestly answering the quiz, pick every answer that you'd not pick if you were answering truthfully and see which stand you get.

i did that once. honestly got howling wolf and anti-honestly got pharaoh sanders. idk what that means

That is how you should do your second run

Second run is for Josuke

>no NG+
Josuke is after NG+5

>honestly: wildhearts
>dishonestly: pixies
what does it mean?

You can just reload your save before the final boss after you finish Josuke and go into NG+, though.

Coolest 7SU stand power?

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All of them
except faggyflies

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I got Red Garland doing that.

Adam Ant is pretty lame as a Stand, it's just "control insects", if only it had a cool design then maybe it'd be cool.

It's a tough thing to quantify, because if I were to get a count of what's different, I'd have to comb through every event in every map. So I figure, why waste my time doing that when I can just translate it instead?
I was iffy about releasing partial updates, but I am seriously considering releasing what I've done when I finish Japan, since that had a huge chunk of text.

Is this a regular rpgm2k game? I'd like to try if it runs on Switch

JUST japan?!
damn, this update must be fucking huge
well, good luck dude

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It does, one user did it a few weeks ago.

nice, thanks

keep up your hard work user. you will be making a lot of people happy with your selfless efforts

The one working on king crimson gave up, he realized he basically had to redo a fuckton of events of top of new ones

>Polnareff and Wildhearts user encounter Diavolo in the colosseum
>right before Diavolo erases time, the arrow is drawn towards Wildhearts and pierces it
>burst of light catches Diavolo off guard
>when it goes away, Wildhearts stands up, looking more human like, making it more clear that it's a man in a wolf head hat
>it walks up to Diavolo
>puts it's lips right next his ear
> "degenerates like you belong in a cross"

got an actual fucking laugh out of me you son of a gun

Guys, couple questions:

Where do so get this Colored mod?

How Hard is Hard mode, is Normal still fun?

Do I need to autistically care about the questions to get the best stats on the stand?

That's disappointing.

tell me a cool time manipulating power so I can mod the stand in the game

i have been having fun on norma lthe most basic ones are spend sp to go first in turn order, spend sp to do two actions

Some guy will post it here eventually

Depends on what you call fun, this is a RPGmaker game, combat is as basic as it gets most of the time: spam your strongest move till boss is dead. Doesn't help that a lot of the later damaging moves also inflict good status effects that keep the stronger bosses from being able to react. If you grind a little, Normal mode becomes trivial, which to me was perfectly because I dreaded the combat and just wanted to get to the story changing parts.

Not in normal mode but it helps a ton if you just want to steamroll enemies.

I thought the combat was cool as in Pokemon kind of way? So normal is fine, I don't wanna grind like a retard.

The colors looks cool in OP at least, hope someone posts it.

I got Howling Moon, is there too much difference with stand abilities or all of them consist of spam as you said?

I thought with so much variations in the stands combat could be interesting, so it is more story based, quest-based, exploration or what?

story stuff. like in one town my deep purple was able to fix a drought for good karma and exp, but if miracles did it i believe you got 10k gold (normal drops were around 300gold per battle at the time )

There's difference, yes, but at the end of the day you'll be using whatever skills you last unlocked most of the time, one for AoE damage/status and one for individual damage/status. There are stands that focus more on status effects and others that focus more on damage, Howling Wolf is the latter.

I assume that Japan has the highest amount of stand specific dialogue (so that's basically each dialogue/event done 18 times over) and it also had a bunch of tedious copy/paste shit for each body type and stand as well (so 18*8 worth of shit)
So hopefully Japan turns out to be the biggest chunk. All I can say is thank god I'm running two processes at once because I couldn't imagine doing it with just one. I'm glad I thought of a way to do it.

This. Use skills to attack two or even three times, like Star Platinum The World. Or skills to attack all enemies at once, irrespective of range. Or even move so fast they can't see you, like what Miracles does. Perhaps give it a skill to speed up your allies, essentially giving your turn so they can move twice.

japan has always had the most events, since it's the first area where you have to get used to the abilities of your stand, either in battle or with events in the school
especially now since every stand has a chance to defy you

That would be too hard to implement bro

Well, Miracles does have it pretty rough, battle-wise.

Low power, average durability and speed. Can stop/freeze anything it punches in time for a few seconds, including itself. At first it can only affect small areas, like stopping someone's hand, rendering it unable to attack but also to take damage (think Magenta Magenta' stand in part 7). You could make this reduce the target's attack power and speed but slightly raise it's defense.
Late game skills could include almost fully freezing the stand and the user in time except for the arm, a counter move that inflicts damage and the partial time freeze debuff on anyone that attacks you, another skill that does the same to an ally, and a skill that does the same to the opponent (something like only leaving the head unaffected), rendering them unable to act for one turn while also taking double damage or something like that.
So basically a support stand focused on debuffs and survivability.

i wouldnt know. haven't used it yet. another difference is i believe everyone can learn the basic ripple breath heal, but only 3 can learn a full set of ripple attacks

Forgot to tag who I was responding to also to add, targeting different limbs could inflict different debuffs, for example: "Stop Feet" would drastically reduce speed, slightly reduce attack and slightly improve defense, while "Stop Arm" would drastically reduce attack, slightly reduce speed and slightly improve defense.
These effects should fade after a few turns to not make it too overpowered, and since it's only average speed, the full body freeze (which should require the stand to hit the whole body of the opponent) should have reduced accuracy like Red Garland.

i love how polnareff never gives a shit about you wearing the bunny suit, and just goes along with it

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So Polnareff does hit on you, huh?

How's good is VX Ace?

Literally Kraftwerk.

You have completed the maze haven't you?
Is there any way to get a badge of honor besides the one in the maze and the DIO fight? Because of RNG I only got 2 even though I completed every optional objective (凶)

such adorable evil

Kraftwerk can store energy on stuff it freezes, plus it has no duration, it can keep shit frozen indefinitely.

Out Dioing Dio was a fucking treat. Shame you don't get to go NG+

Now that I think about it, do stand users really attract other stand users?

Aww, shorty is pure....pure

You mean during the whole game? I finished my first playthrough with 10 badges. You can get one from Emilio/Chickensack on the Hong Kong harbor, for example, and from beating multiple main story bosses legit instead of using brainstorm/reaching the turn limit.

Do you believe in gravity?


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The only bosses I didn't kill were Enya because my Jotaro was super underleveled and the two middler fights because I couldn't do enough damage before time ran out, I am already at cairo

kakyoin really shouldnt have died : (

so what was the reasoning behind certain endings not leading to the dev room. i feel like that is dumb

Beating High Priestess' teeth before the 5th turn gives you a badge of honor. I believe beating Geb with Jotaro and Iggy also does, and beating Darby in poker.

How can anything other than PURE EVIL! Violate an innocent boy like Kakyoin here ?

>late game sonic youth
>orchestra twice
>requiem now deals lots of damage and huge debuffs to every opponent
>once you can't debuff anything anymore spam tornadoes while taking minimal damage from anything
How is this fair, besides against a handful of bosses who have OHKO moves?

How did joey get a nuclear warhead

Kakyoin started it by literally raping her first with the non consensual kiss on the cheek

You can actually do damage to Geb? How? None of my or Pols attack damaged him

he got it from the terrorist base you didn't go to

Lightning blast his ass. It's easy as Pharoah Sanders.

Somebody post the colored version pls

Ultraviolet shit, and some elemental damage works too. Shit's weird though, for example: Light element damage (like ripple attacks) only do damage on short range.

Only elemental strikes can harm Geb

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use fire
like a lighter if you have them

I was using Howlin', maybe if I do a Kangs run I will be able to do it
Shit I should have realized.png
I remember wind doing jack shit to him

Did he dead?

He only died the little death

I mean, he is in canon.

sopa de judeu uma delicia

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Fucking wildhearts, I can't believe it's a straight up furry

Nobody rapes Shorty, Shorty rapes everyone.

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Miracles and Joykiller should have their personalities swapped and you can't convince me otherwise.

miraCHADS be like

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I keep seeing threads about this game and I have no idea what it is, but, apparently, it's an RPG Maker game with an older engine? That sounds pretty based, and I'd like to try it.

What's it play like? Usual turn based RPG? That's cool with me, but where's the download for it?

Usual turn based RPG.

Still waiting for a link for the color version guys

dont bother, the color version is fucking ugly and glitchy

How glitchy? No link here?

I mean, game is pretty cool i guess i could get used to the oldschool manga feel

the graphics are supposed to be based on and directly reference final fantasy legend, so i feel its only right for it to be black and white

glitches include crashing at the senator wilson fight and combo attack

Untrue, latest version only gets like 2 crashes, both during the endgame, and you can just swap your save to the B&W version, play until you can save again, then go back to colored.
Latest version fixed combination attacks crashing the game.

I've completed 2 playthroughs in the colored version, one on the regular route and one with Josuke, only crashes I've gotten were during the boss rush and senator fight, everything else works fine, even combination attacks.

If the Muslim Pen has a Chew the Dirt equivalent what would be the Pure Cardiac Complications equivalent and how would it work?

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Where did you download it? Spoonfeed me pls

Word bomb that is implanted on your mind if you read it, everytime you think of the word, it triggers a microscopic explosion on a random spot of your body, if you think of it again, another explosion will trigger, twice as big.

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Another thing, while checking my download history to find the fixed colored version download link, I came across this file (Map0282.lmu), which I downloaded into the colored version folder. I don't exactly know what it's related to, but I'm guessing it's supposed to fix something as well.

sorry if this is a bit long

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All the references to Josuke in this game will never not be hilarious.

>Word bomb : Nani
You just created the strongest stand in the series

>you are already dead
>dude just blows up

cardigans should've been named dr. feelgood and should've looked like underworld with the ambulance motif, maybe with a cooler power like performing surgeries really fast like green day, prove me wrong

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In chaos mode, rubber soul can look like pipmi if he tries to impersonate shorty

Getting the "I see... a son!" prediction from the fortuneteller in the Fishing Village while playing as Josuke is the greatest shit.

1st one is just if you're a distinctive girl, the 2nd is if you have jotaro with you

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i fucking hate you dad

Is double betrayal DIO without UV grenades just straight up impossible?
I gave it a shot after grinding about 130 of each kind of stat booster, with maxed HP/SP and other stats in the 600s.
First turn he gets me down to literally 10 health after three turns of time stop, second he goes first and finishes me off.
I figured I'd demolish him.

just realized that this is faith

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dude has 9999hp, is by far the hardest story fight DIO, you better use some toxicant and buffs.

nice catch, what city is that? I remember Fireflies first appearing in Varanasi, so maybe he appears from there onward?

I think it's karachi

i just started and got pharoah sanders, how good is he?
will i have lots of special interactions or little?

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You will have the coolest one of all. Make sure you're level 40 before you leave the fishing village later on. You may have to grind but trust me

same dude same

littler interaction but pretty nice if you are level 40, don't go with polnareff if you want to see it. when you hit lvl 12 you are the strongest motherfucker, but by the end game if you don't grind you will be a bit better than iggy.

this one is REALLY big

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good to know

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I love that scene.

I just listened to all 12 minutes of the song Cavalry by Quicksilver Messenger Service should I roll for Quicksilver

Enter Chadkiller

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Is anyone else having that issue where some RPG Maker games won't work in fullscreen? Both this game and a different one will display in fullscreen and play for a very short duration, then the screen will go a dark gray until I make the game back to windowed mode in which it displays fine. I just want to be able to see the game better though.

more like cuckiller

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whoops haha

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That’s just a doll, Joey
You aren’t fooling me

>meanwhile, in Dio's MIRACLED mind.

>Virgin miracles shorty
>Not CHAD red Garland shorty

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Fir some reason, I really like the fat girl with red garland. That fanart really swayed me.

>everyone going shorty shorty shorty
>no one cares about shorty dude or the chubby chad
waifufags can't see who's the real king even if you hit them in the face.

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>being fatso
>not Distinctive

I like how in the new update, shorty male can walk around with an energy aura all the time

>star platinum rip-off wannabe shorty
>not based OC creative Shorty

I am surprised that I haven't had the need to use this one yet

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Looks fun. Is it enjoyable for someone who haven't watched/read Jojo's Bizarre Adventure ?

its also verycringe.
animefags ruined jjba

Imagine the shit you could get away with if you had Miracles in real life, the invisibility alone has so much potential

Probably not. It's really just a love letter to the series. On its own it's just a pretty good RPG Maker game.
Jojo's great though. If you're set on playing the game, at least read part 3 in its entirety first.

Forgot about posting the poll

It's pretty ugly desu

why are the graphix so ugly lol

Can i ask you folks a question?
im not really a jojo fan, but these threads got my attention and decided to give it a shot
we were somewhere like a desert, we found this guy that works with mirrors and what not
Polnareff, the swordsman, he said he needed to go find his sister murderer right?, so i decided to follow him and see if i could help him I would beat the crap out of anyone who touched my daugther, so i understood him
Then i got fucking shot and now im on some mountains with fucking tanks raining fire and one shoting me
Did i mess up?

For you first playthrough I wouldn't recommend you going into this route, specially if you didn't watch the anime or read the manga. There's nothing wrong with it, but you lose a bunch of interactions with the group.

going on the sub route is harder than going on the canon route but it is manageable if you have the right stand. what stand do you have?

How can I download this on my phone?

>install EasyRPG
>install the game
>put the files on the emulator

Tell me about Wildhearts why does he wear the mask

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Chaos user, is the bunny suit wearable as fatty if you use Cinderella to turn sexy?