Lost Technology

Do you know?

Attached: demo.png (340x407, 207K)

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The japanese doujin game is interesting.

He is a hentai boy.

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Beautiful arts

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Gamer incel

This is too hot.

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The female characters are all hot.

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If she loses,she will be turned into a sex slave by thugs.

Attached: スクリーンショット (149).png (170x352, 150K)

Nice legs.

Attached: demo2.png (735x557, 445K)

The devil girls must be interested by many perverted nobles.Because many perverted noble want to enslave beautiful devil girls.

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sell me on this game
Is it like fire emblem? I think I recognize this artist from fire emblem fanart

LostTechnology and FE are a little different.
You can buy this game in steam.

So have they translated all the factions yet or what

not yet.

Then I won't play it.

She is very beatiful.

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I want the author to complete early this game.

I want to rape her.

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So it's available for purchase but not fully translated? What?

I think most factions are translated, just not all of them.

Yeah, it's weird.

I think Crime's scenario should be translated.

They thought they could start translating it and people would buy it and further sales would justify them spending more time translating the rest, but obviously no one's going to pay for something incomplete so it's stuck on 6/12 factions translated.

Let's talk vahren series besides LostTechnology.


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Which of the translated scenarios is best, and which is best for a newcomer?

Lizards are easy mode
those poor waifus tho

I recommend the order,Castus.

I want to capture Averil.
This girl is pert so she should be trained.
If I can capture her,I will prevent her from moving by holding them down.
Then I will rape her and turn into a sex slave while she cries and begs.

Attached: ave3.png (755x616, 621K)


does this game allow for degeneracy

No.She is Demokrishia.

Out of the translated ones for newcomers
Makan is easy, braindead run over most enemies
Fevnir aren't in a good position, but have dragons, the AI can't compete
Reinald are rich with mostly good units and Diethart and a bad end
Gug's not very hard but are pretty different to other factions
Alfheim and Castus are a fair amount harder, Alfheim is weak vs. lizards (apart from based mushroom man) and has to fight them early but is otherwise strong, Castus is all desert cav, quite poor and surrounded

Sure.I'm a degenerate.
But the female characters are too attractive.I cannot stop having hentai delusions…

Attached: 無題.png (287x192, 140K)

In this game,the player can see some hentaitic scines.
The expression isn't over extreme.

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I want to flash my hung in front of her.

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My dick is getting bigger.
I want to compel Demokrishia to titty fuck.


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I have often jerked off to her since I saw her for the first time.

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Thanks for this thread, OP. I had never heard of this game before but now I just bought it. I'm about to play it, looks like it'll be great.

Oh,good timing.
If you have any questions or something you don't understand, just let me know anytime.

>10 posters
>39 replies
It doesn't help that all the posts are written the same way. Shill your shit game somewhere else.

She has white skin,big tities,beautidul legs,even features,slender waist…
Is it perfect?

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She was eaten by lizard man.

Attached: マルガレーテ.jpg (1092x1528, 219K)

Please doujin.

Let's rape them.


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I want to be kicked my balls by Averil.
Her legs is fucking beatiful.
I'm sure it feels good…

Attached: ave.png (890x597, 849K)

I want to suck milk.

Demokrishia vs Rex was a traumatic event.

Attached: demorec.png (883x2453, 3.43M)

About how many hours would a single campaign playthrough take?

I just started this campaign and got my ass kicked by the empire on like the first or second turn. Also, does this game lag for anyone else? The menus and pop ups are really slow for me.

Maybe this problem is due to PC.
I don't get laggy while I play this game.

I guess, but I run much more advanced games at max settings with no problems so I guess the game is just very poorly optimized.

Thanks for reminding me this existed. Wanted to get it since day one but wanted to wait for a sale. After several sales I have 2 dollars in store credit to help.

I give an advice.
Please give this a try."Avatars" become 0.

Attached: スクリーンショット (905).png (958x748, 1.22M)

Thanks, I'll try that out.

It lessened some of the lag, now it's no so difficult to navigate menus.

Glad to hear that.
Please enjoy that in the future too.

Guns > Bows

Yeah.It's natural by modern civilization.
By the way,when Lars met Demokrishia,he has made "his Crotch gun" gotten bigger.

Attached: lar14.png (897x668, 773K)

I wish his story was translated. Is there any word on when further translations will be released?

I think this game will never be translated all the factions…unfortunately…
If you know the story,I will tell you about it.

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Did they just redraw some SaGa thot with this one?

Sorry.I don't know SaGa.
Is that a game?

I'm in love with the artstyle, it's nice to see the 80s-90s anime artstyle being used again

>I think this game will never be translated all the factions
Why's that?
>Aug 9, 2017

Me too.
Good design…

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who is the artist? did he work on older anime or vidya before?

Weird shill thread but whatever

I bought this game. It's pretty fun. The old empire has the best storyline.

yea it's very 80s-90s

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You guys are retards. It's literally just the current style with watercolors.

The artist is "Agahari".
By the way,"Agahari" is woman.

she's good

When the FUCK are they gonna adapt the new LN?!

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Agahari アガハリ
doesn't seem like she worked on old stuff

That's not true. The eyes and noses are reminiscent of 20th century anime.

t. been watching anime since the 20th century

>71 replies
>19 ips
Take note, this is what an actual shill thread looks like

Attached: AT NIGHT2.jpg (474x341, 102K)

>76 replies
>21 IPs
Whoa 3 posts person what a shill thread
>28 images
Oh my god an image dump

Looking at her pixiv, her non-Lost Tech drawings look a lot more modern, specifically the way the noses and hairstyles are drawn. Seems like she specifically went for a more classic fantasy anime look for Lost Tech.

>No mention of pricing or where to buy it
>But it's a shill thread

>rest of the stories won't be translated
It's not fair bros

Not quite, I see a resemblance to 80s/90s Japanese cover art

Attached: 119637-gaiares-genesis-front-cover.jpg (800x1133, 294K)

Her lower half of body is fucking hot.
While I'm looking at it,I feel increased blood in my spongy tissue from all over the body…

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since only 6/12 factions are translated, they can just hire a fucking translator and translate the rest, and double the price on the store

I wish the elves in this game weren't so shit. Have to mod them to make them fun.

Why is this thread made? was there a recent update that translated more?

it's more like a one-man thread by some obsessed and probably autistic ESL

I'd gladly pay twice or three times more for the rest of the translation.

Actual vidya discussion must be so rare that it's considered shilling now eh?

3x is too much considering the original game is free

She would have been raped horrible…fap fap

Attached: スクリーンショット (907).png (1366x768, 1.79M)

10 bucks is nothing if I get my translation

I'd go to the ends of the earth to capture Lithua.
If I could capture Lithua,I would make her a sex slave.

Attached: スクリーンショット (916).png (1366x768, 1.94M)

Holy shit. Your post screams ESL. Are you the developer/publisher? Here to shill your game?
The girls are hot btw.

No way.

I think so too.The girls are fucking hot.

I'm feeling horny!

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well ok
it's your budget

Why do people like girls with big anime eyes, when narrow, sharp eyes are so much sexier?

What anime looks similar to this?

My dick is elect.I'm gonna rape Demokrishia!

>her faction will never be translated

It's sad.
But you may be right.

>got my ass kicked by the empire
That's a bad sign user, because you're really supposed to chew through Reinald asap to get some mages.
If the lizards start attacking you before you have any you're fucked.

>secret diethard vassal route is translated
>but not half the factions themselves

He actually has two, they even only bothered with one for some reason

Let's talk about the hot girls in LostTechnology!!

About how they're all used goods?

Not all characters are used goods.

Who is your favorite female character?

Crime's story should be translated.
Because it is absolutely interesting.

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cute girl

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This scine is that Lithua was lusted by town people.

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Attached: lithua15.png (899x541, 553K)

just go fuck yourself nigger

fucking cute

Name one that isn't.
Snakes don't count.

Diethard is pretty 'no way fag'

Please, she'll just tie him up while he's asleep at some point.

>implying ropes or even chains could possibly hold Diethard
I guess sleeping probably counts though
What about Chromium? Surely he's not interested in anyone who hasn't climbed muh mountain, and he seems too much of an asshat for anyone to want to tie him up