Why aren't you listening to women?
Why aren't you listening to women?
Other urls found in this thread:
>women (male)
can you speak up? i dont have fucking ears
Is anything stopping women from competing in fighting games?
The worst possible way to convey your argument/message is repetitious demands, such as "listen and believe". It demands you give respect and pay heed to a total stranger with unknown motives. You would think people who got degrees in social sciences would be aware of this.
e-sports is like the most even playing field women can compete in but they don't win any tournaments.
Just play the game you bitchnigger lmao.
>listen to us
Women in a nutshell
And the answer from any man with any amount of testosterone in their body is and should always be
Have you ever listened to them? Pretty sure they don't even listen to themselves.
their inferior genetics
I can't help but assume this is typical kotaku agenda pushing. Women in the FGC have mostly pretty cool in my experience, even the trans players are more tolerable than in other communities.
I can't be fucked to find the article so someone please explain what they want us to "listen" to.
ah yes
Actually thats not true at all
Gender differences are not only in body prowess they are big in mental capabilities/reaction time etc
Its not any easier for them, they are inferior in every way not just muscles
If they want to win at something they should come up with empathy contests/guess the emotion, thyed win at that tournament but nobody would watch it, not even other women
Just women being women. A gaming group called "Combo Queens" held a panel at Evo so they can bitch about being a minority.
Bantz. Trash talking is literally rape, sweetie~
Just got back to my hotel from EVO day #2 and I have not seen a higher concentration of trannies at any other event I've been to. I ran a set in tekken against this pudgy twink dressed as poison who moaned every time he took damage. Fuck the FGC, this might as well be GDQ at this point because it's disgusting.
>listen to us
if the next words out of their mouth aren't a new combo they found, or an exploit that can be taken advantage of to give me an advantage, why should anyone be talking.
I bet these arent actual women in the fgc, but a bunch that suddenly started coming for a few weeks, hit it up with one prolific fightan fag (but not big enough to make headlines), and then started to screech that they were always there.
>listen to an hour of us talking
Ok, are you going to play games or what?
Something something subconscious sexism, patriarchy, "harrassment" yadda yadda. Basically no
>no one comes
Just let them have their stupid panel and not go to it/ignore it. Easy.
Because I won't endanger my precious viriginity.
Women can't handle any kind of bantz and immediately make any environment that they invade less fun.
Literally this.
are these bitches even in the community ? I remember the champion of soul calibur was a woman for some time, she seemed like a chill gal
Also it's not even team game, so no need for all female teams bullshit, what are they even bitching about ?
They have nothing worth listening to.
Any man that's been around a lot of women will tell you that "Listen" is woman-speak for "Agree with me"
>"You're not listening!"
>"Listen to me!"
>"No, wait, just listen!"
In their heads, they seem to think that you not agreeing with them simply means you're not understanding what they're saying. Every fucking time. They're trying to drag out the discussion until you 'understand' them from 'listening' to the same thing they've been saying for the last hour reworded for the 40th time. They'll keep trying until one sticks, or you hit them. Whichever comes first.
The smell maybe
Have you ever known a nagging woman to say something worth listening to
You fucking dumb newfag, archive that shit or text dump.
fuck you
Why does that cat want that cabbage so badly?
>I want to play the game
>Okay, do it
>I ran a set in tekken against this pudgy twink dressed as poison who moaned every time he took damage.
That's funny as fuck
>pay attention to me
Great point
Women dont understand what using rational arguments is since they are just a hivemind themselves with barely any agency.
isn't poison a street fighter character ? why would you dress as her playing tekken ?
Don't question them. Just listen, and believe. #imwithher #metoo
angry white males
It's not just their inability to understand/handle banter, their presence adds a number of issues to a setting/hobby. Beta orbiters form, they cry and demand changes to make way for them, they start to whine about diversity and other non issues while failing to even participate in the hobby, etc.
I'd wager that men would win those competitions too because it's in a man's nature to try to win competitions; which compels him to practice more than a woman would and he would ultimately surpass what women believe they naturally excel at. If a woman with her natural talent practiced as much as a man does then she would win, but women simply don't do this.
Lack of skill and dedication
Why won't they just play fucking videogames instead of turning everything into a goddamn hollywood sobstory?
>outsiders telling a community to change for them
What kind of retarded logic is this? A community is something that forms naturally around something. If the FGC behaves a certain way, it's because the people that are part of this community tolerate it. Having outsiders tell your community how to behave is basically taking the power from the community away and handing it over to outsiders. You could call it fucking systematic oppression if you want.
Imagine if a white person would say the black community in some american suburbs is not welcoming enough and they should act more white. You'd get your ass shredded.
Ok so what are we listening to?
It gets tiresome when they don't stop.
Nope, but they'll find away to be oppressed somehow.
Beta orbiters are only an issue if there are a lot of white guys, which isn't the case with the FGC.
Black/Hispanic beta orbiters get shit on by the rest of the group, as they rightfully should.
Queefs and the sound of giving up.
>ian walker
They tried that but weren't getting enough attention
I unironically hate women who ''play'' video games so much.
*Six women and a man in drag
Because they never stop fucking talking. I zone out after a bit.
>their presence adds a number of issues to a setting/hobby.
Man, I am 41 years old. I can not count the amount of tight-knit groups I've seen crushed by a woman showing up. She doesn't even have to talk. She can simply sit there and look around. Give it a week, and lifelong friendships will be ended. And, you know, women are the same way. Introduce a single male into a group of women. Blindfold and gag him. And wait about 3 hours. There will be blood and corpses hanging from the street lights.
Men and women are at their best separated, and just visiting each other occasionally. Well, maybe not women because only a handful of them were raised to deal with issues that are 'man' territory like fixing electronics or keeping a budget.
More like combo drag queens
I hate women period
If that makes me an incel or whatever so be it
>Imagine if a white person would say the black community in some american suburbs is not welcoming enough and they should act more white. You'd get your ass shredded.
There is passive gentrification for these things. They don't actively say it, but they defiantly create a whiter environment in the ghettos.
Nothing. Women are more successful in the FGC than pretty much any other competitive scene.
I would have said Chess, since at highest levels of play there isn't really a time limit, its played without any physical skill minimums, and while filmed, rarely has any distractions present in the event.
Listen to what exactly?
Just show up and play video games
>implying whites dont look down on white orbiters
Theyre pathetic regardless of color. Regardless orbiting starts the second theres a vagina in the room, especially in a venue full of pathetic men such as a gaming tournament. Like I said that's only one of the many issues women bring with them.
Anyone that has to scream "listen to me" has nothing interesting to say.
coping mechanism to deal with the fact they arnt that good.
and before you accuse me of the soggy knees dudes use the same mentality all the times, its just not as obvious as "whelp im the only girl in the room that must be why"
Competitive poker. Women have strength in reading others and psychological warfare. They're born with it, and are naturally better than the average man. And poker doesn't require any physical or mental prowess. It's extremely formulaic once you're done reading the atmosphere around you.
They aren't saying anything.
I hooked up with one of these "girls" a few years back at EVO. She's one of the cuter ones at least. Not gonna lie, was still pretty shocked when I saw the benis
The fact that you believe the antithesis of ghetto is white speaks volumes. You also state this in a defiant sort of way like a ghetto is supposed to be permitted to exist. It's awful living conditions. The people that live there should be furious about these conditions and try to change them but they neglect it for so long that unaffected people feel compelled to improve it.
being distracted by all that BBC from all those black players
why put effort when life is on easy mode
The smell.
Oh goody, another thread for incels to circlejerk about how much they hate women. I hope you realize women aren't some monolithic entity that are all the same.
>>implying whites dont look down on white orbiters
Yea, but white won't outright kick them out of the group or even beat the shit out of them if they fuck up too often.
To rid the world of orbiters you need to make being an orbiter a painful experience, both emotionally and physically.
>at Evo
Just admit you're gay, user. It's ok.
Make them wear those horse eye covers.
>women want men to listen to their inane horseshit
wow really?
Start winning majors and maybe I will. Hell, even the guys who have won major events aren't worth listening to if they aren't entertaining.
Yet all blacks and other minorities want to be the only minority in an otherwise white only area. Wierd that.
>(((women))) of the fgc
>half of them are trannies
>the trannies dont even shave their chest
>one of the trannies is in a wheelchair
>one of them is just a troll who pretends to be gender fluid for laughs
>as soon as their stream started 1,000 people left the stream and only 100 viewers ramined
Why does Tekken have so many genuinely good female players?
actual skill
It is easy as fuck.
they aren't trying to convey anything, they are trying to muscle their way into a position of power by cowing any critics
Fair enough, though I imagine being an orbiter is already an emotionally painful experience on its own
Inferior skills. Same reason why chess tournaments are divided by gender.
Sure, there are good, self-aware women. But 90% of all women are entitled cunts with a simultaneous superiority + persecution complex like you see in the OP. They all want attention, they're attracted by the same shit, they have the same attitude, they make demands, etc. Even the good women display these tendencies sometimes and you have to bring their attention to it. If you've ever worked with women or been in a relationship before you know this.
t. green rank
There's only like one and she isn't that great despite using one of the most broken characters in the game.
t. stuck in blue ranks
Id listen to a faggot like ricki long before them
This is an edit, right?
In japan there are plenty of women who are really good, as well as very well attended women only tournaments, the problem is that western women DONT FUCKING PLAY
nothing at all, cuddle core is a fucking beast
does she get her fare share of sexism and expresses her resentment towards it? she sure does and that is a good thing
at the same time she is one of the top players in the world easy top32 evo material. She made it fourth place at the last chance qualifier, one huge tournament to get the instant qualification spot for the finals of the world tour, consisting out of 320 players.
NOTHING hinders women from competing. they just don#t want to
why are so many trannies terrible manipulative dishonest people?
It's funny how people who play shitty, casual games can only ever say shit like this.
reminded me of this
>This is america, gotta let him play
>slow ass shutter speed so almost nothing's in focus
>still watermark it
lol, standards are dog shit at these events
Trust me, in person the smell is so bad it's all you can focus on. I was a little less than a foot away from him and it was gag inducing. It's like trannies sweat in a way that's different than men or women.
I didn't even see the panel because I was watching Tekken all day. Listen to what exactly? Are they being harassed? Are they trying to commentate games?
>does she get her fare share of sexism and expresses her resentment towards it? she sure does and that is a good thing
this is what's hindering them from competing you fucking retard
A woman who only shows her tits has nothing of value to say.
the lack of skill might play a large part
Western women allowing failed men in dresses to push them out of their own spaces is incredibly pathetic, doubly so when they're trying to push this on the rest of the world
Was it at least feminine?
Women are not entitled to men's attention.
>Getting your own special panel to complain about being oppressed and ignored
sometimes you just have to explain to an orbiter what they're doing wrong and that they have a naive misguided view of women
I mean not having a dad or a present dad is the nr.1 cause of being an orbiter
want to play me in 3S then?
or are you more of a SFV guy
Gender dysphoria almost comes as a package deal
>Transgender and nonbinary people have an increased burden of psychiatric problems compared with the general population
>Conclusion: Psychiatric disorders were highly prevalent among transgender and nonbinary adult patients. Novel findings include associations of lack of psychiatrist integration into primary care with acuity and of case management utilization with outpatient behavioral health engagement.
almost always*
Just read every reply before this one. Toxic male gamers that inspire 0 confidence. "Haha no skill am I right my fellow cis white hetero male comrades?" Absolutely disgusting. You're all lack self-awareness and it shows.
They're also aware that gamers are all incels and they'll do anything they demand of them as long as they don't call them sexist at the end of it.
It's why "Have sex" has become the most popular phrase on Yea Forums. That sign should just say "Have sex" if they wanted the FGC nerds to listen to them.
nobody has said women are banned from tournaments.
if anything it was joey cuellar who set back women in competition by hosting and funding womens only tournaments in a desperate bid to get laid via virtue signaling, if you've seen a picture of the blob you can understand why none of the hookers in vegas will even touch him.
but that entire mess lead to multiple catfights between sluts that barely even play video games so the entire idea was scrapped and the community went back to the proper way of GIT GUD which is universally recognized.
tldr: fuck off and kill yourself
>guy asks a question
>instead of answering you go into namecalling
What. Is. Stopping. Women. From. Competing?
stop talking and listen to her
amen to that brother.
Given how mentally fucked they are, they probably have other personality disorders. Either that or it's that fact that they're men trying to act like women and they heard women are manipulative so they take their role seriously.
Same reason no woman can even come close to competing with Chess grandmasters.
I don't know what the fuck that reason is, but it's very likely the same one.
The miasma
Well "she" was flaccid the whole time, except at the end when she asked me to choke her a bit then she got pretty hard and came instantly.
It must to be horrible to live with a skin so thin.
What is that letter panel thing called and why do literally all girls have at least one?
Left please.
My answer was toxic male gamer attitude. That attitude is what repels women from competing. Can't you read?
sexism is just the easy route that piece of shit trolls take
they harass male gamers in other ways
its just that women cant handle getting trolled about their gender because they're literally bitches
I actually didn't know that was already tried, lol.
Listen to what?
>Beta orbiters are only an issue if there are a lot of white guys
i feel like this is only true for white americans
>Black/Hispanic beta orbiters get shit on by the rest of the group
true, here in my country we have a special word for them, it basically means "pussy slave".
2 >1 > 3
The last time women spoke up we got Team Siren and it put women in gaming back twenty years.
Maybe you do the 'be seen, not heard' thing for a while before you Hillary Clinton that hard again, yeah?
>Special panel opened to allow women's opinions to be heard
>Prevailing opinion is that they should be heard
Goddamn it Joe
So nothing, online communities in competitive games are toxic to everyone since winning is everything, you can't remove toxicity from competition.
*woman of
Hey, that's not fair
you forgot bullyhunters
sexism usually isn't active/intentional
it's the way everyone's passively sexist that's really annoying to them
that's something that men in the FGC 100% don't have to deal with
>steer the creation of every single civilization
>walk on the moon
>kill hitler
>build the sistine chapel
>run every major country in the world to this day
some woman:
>wins a soccer tournament
the women actually competing aren't bothering with this retarded political shit. the only ones who do are trying to guilt you because of their own incompetencies.
>steer the creation of every single civilization
>walk on the moon
>kill hitler
>build the sistine chapel
>run every major country in the world to this day
one of these things is not like the others
>listen to is
No. Win. Win your competitions. That speaks VOLUMES about you being in the FGC above EVERYTHING else. Play. Win.
like what
>kill hitler
That was your first mistake.
ok ok ok. but if you like hitler, than he was a man too. point still stands
That was stupid as shit to be honest with you. The guy drew on some guy with a gun pointed at him already. Easy way to end up fucking dead. He's lucky as fuck the other guy was surprised and incompetent.
Trans exclusionary groups are actually the most radical stance
This is true, and while I don't really feel like keeping up with my bait post, I will say that getting that treatment from opponents just because you're their adversary is different from getting that sort of treatment because you're a girl. Frankly, all competitive gaming is laughable.
>other guy slowly pulling out gun
>runs downstairs
Imagine being a normal fucking woman who just wants to watch/play vidya and then has to deal with screeching banshees everywhere claiming to speak out about perceived injustice/sexism/other literal headcanon on behalf of all women.
Why won't you stop posting clickbait articles in the hope of getting enraged replies?
>Run every major country
I didn't know Merkel was a man
I mean that one chick who's a teenager got shouted out by the Smash community because she beat that one guy lol.
If Hitler won, you eould be just another guy arguing about the same shit and complaining about how the evil americans should won the war.
>kill hitler
Which led to men having to take "some woman" seriously
i've given up desu, clowns will always ruin it for the rest of us
easier to just not say anything online and play with your friends
>i feel like this is only true for white americans
Only because a lot of Euro countries have legal prostitution, so betas can just go get some pussy and realize it's not all that special.
UK whites have the same issue as white Americans.
The only thing she's running is Germany into the ground.
post the pick of the panel.
it was almost empty
imagine being a normal human and just wanting to live your life without screeching monkeys everywhere
Even shorter lived
I like Team Siren because they came out hard with the "WE'RE GIRLS" and then they just proceeded to suck ass terminally
Biggest mistake man ever made was to give women an inch in anything but cock
their complete disinterest in competition against men in even virtual feats of martial prowess
now challenge women to scrabble and you'll get a lot of takers
>its funny how people expect me to hit if i can talk shit
>its funny how people whonactually play the game tell me who does not to fuck off
Well firstly the odds of any of us existing in that timeline drops immensely, secondly a lot of the issues we have now probably wouldnt exist in a nationalistic world
Bochi is literally a tranny
i hate vaginas so fucking much
Listen to them about what? what do they have to say?
>"oh, you're really good!"
>"huh, I thought you'd be a Ling player"
>hitting on them when they just want to play video games
shit like that
annoying comments/expectations that wouldn't be happening if they were dudes.
Also, imagine trying to go to someone's house or inviting someone to your house if you're a woman. You'd be afraid the dude thinks you're being flirty, or he's expecting sex/romance, so he might come on to you, and maybe attack you if you say no because you're in private
Dudes don't know how common this is because the shitty guys who do it are afraid to do it around other men
Yeah but for some reason the feminist/sjw women always claim to speak on behalf of all women which makes the normal ones seem like they're just as crazy.
>Toxic Male gamer attitude
This just in, that attitude is not in any way uniquely directed at women. Have you ever been to an fighting game event like evo? Its nothing but fucking fat nerds who got bullied in high school acting like they're tough because they can win at a video game. They constantly insult and taunt and brag and act like complete jackasses to anyone and everyone.
Why is it that the other men can apparently stand this environment but women can't? Is the idea that we have to sanitize and tone the culture down because women are fucking southren bells or victorian ladies who will faint if exposed to vulgarity?
this is so fucking pathetic it makes me actually be ashamed of being a grilll
>"oh, you're really good!"
are you literally a woman? ahahahahaha
yeah a few select patrician men have affected the world, so what have you done exactly?
Ricki is a handsome man, he could any girl easily. Yet he does... this...
Choose your character.
probably something like "we need a bigger voice in gaming"
the best girl in the fgc is a boy (ricki ortiz)
since she still is it's fucking not, it's their fucking bitch ass attitude hindering them
they want change but they never want to stand up for themselves, fucking sacks of wet potatoes i tell you
on top of that the majority of players would back them up I am sure of it
that smash girl that wanted to quit? yeah she got enough support to come back, only turns out she was a freaking racist and now she's done for
imagine actually knowingb the language faggots use to describe roasties that wont let mentally ill men into their spaces
>if only people would be more accommodating to women, they would be winning more tournaments!!!
do you think the FGC is somehow even more accommodating to fucking trannies? Yet Ricki Ortiz does perfectly fine
If you have to demand that people listen to you then you have nothing meaningful to say.
I'm just saying guys don't say that to each other nearly as often as guys will say it to an average girl. Yes, it's a "compliment," but its based on an annoying sexist expectation
And that's not a guess, I'm talking from my experience of going to locals and what women say when you ask them about their experience being in the FGC
>because the shitty guys who do it are afraid to do it around other men
Do white people unironically believe this?
No bitch, the reason we don't think it's common is because not everyone who says "oh, you're really good!" is trying to fuck you.
not to mention that there are way more female competitors in Asian countries and supposedly the "male gaze" is even stronger in those communities
Reminder women are children
>have tons of sex
>get pregnant
>told you cant kill your baby
>told you have to dress sexy for objectification
>told to cover up for decency
>treated differently than men for obvious reasons, in some ways treated better
>get treated the same as men, including negative aspects
>Men have something that doesnt involve women
>Men invade female hobby and ruin it