Do you think Hero should be banned in competitive play?

Do you think Hero should be banned in competitive play?

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Naw, but magic burst probably will be until it gets fixed.

Dodge, stupid

>competitive smash

He's not very fun to fight.

i think "competitive play" is autistic and should be ignored. smash is a party game, not a serious competitive game.

I wish Smash still had fun single player modes.

No. Just nerfed. Nobody else has a instant kill from 0% move. not even G&W's 9 card can do that from 0%.
Thwack's Chance to instant kill should increase with enemies %. Not just have a flat chance to happen.

I think they should focus more in banning Bowser and D.K from Mario Party instead, i don't know what Nintendo expects from that game but it won't reach EVO that way.


>good special moves you can use like, once per stock
>kamikaze kills you, it's a literal desperation move

Well, I'm not aware of any other literal death moves besides the axe shit that's so slow it may aswell be a falcon punch. Tell me, why IS he so broken? He's probably gonna be seen as Joker 2, remember when he was considered broken? Yeah, no, he sucks.

People are crying because if he uses the menu at the edge after somehow knocking you off without using any MP and gets magic burst it covers all get up options.



>wahhh smash is a party game wahhhh pay attention to me

He's annoying to fight and has cheesy kills but so do other characters. He won't make for exciting matches and will occasionally take matches through fuckery, but I can't see why he'd be banned.

Isn’t G&W dthrow>Side b a true combo that can kill at stupid low percents? And I know Peach can do float drop fuckery with Mr. Saturns, and Luigi has misfire. Why are people acting like this is a hero specific issue?

Because Hero is kind of like swordie K. Rool: Their kit is fantastic in theory, but really, really shitty in practice. And most of the shit in his meme menu can be countered by blocking or shooting a quick projectile. As for magic burst, you deserve it for letting him set it up in the first place.

>He thinks Smash is more competitive than Mario Party

Yeah that's how I feel about him too. He's almost like a super heavy that traded in all his weight for projectiles.

Yes if he doesn’t get nerfed

My point there is that people rather whine about potentially having a tough time than actually play the game, get good, and realize he’s shit.

>wahhh take my party game seriously wahhhh do you know how many hours i've spent "labbing" characters instead of taking a shower?

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The worst part about it is that he has absolutely ZERO shield pressure except for Hatchet Man, but good luck landing that piece of shit move. But I wouldn’t expect pros or shitters to do anything that isn’t unga bunga or nair spam.


Do you faggots realize how fucking retarded you sound?

Magic burst isn’t a spammable pressure tool. Hero doesn’t really have anything good to spam for pressure besides maybe his ftilt.

Can I just chime in...

What the fuck are you talking about?
Yea, target and platform were amazing in 64, but I was also like 9 years old and I assume most others were young too.
There is no such thing since then as a 'fun single player mode' other than fucking around for a few hours, which they still have in WoL. Otherwise it's a party game. Always has been, always will be

>Because Hero is kind of like swordie K. Rool: Their kit is fantastic in theory, but really, really shitty in practice
Except the hero is amazing in practice.
>And most of the shit in his meme menu can be countered by blocking or shooting a quick projectile
Well, which is it? Do I rush him down or play defensively?
>As for magic burst, you deserve it for letting him set it up in the first place.
Good luck stopping him when you are off stage. And not only is Magic Burst amazing while edge guarding, so is his other specials since they have amazing hitboxes and last forever.

And it isn’t just his down special either. His other Specials are amazing too. His side special just straight up a much bigger Falcon Punch and his Neutral Special outclasses all the other chargable projectiles.

I think apologists focus way to much on “What if he gets bad RNG on his down B” and points that are not even true.

Yeah, just shield. It’s not the characters’ faults you play way too aggressively.

No, the collateral to the community would be far too great, now adapt or die.

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>twitter meme
Asphyxiate yourself.

At the end of the day this character isnt even close to a brawl Meta-Knight or Smash 4 Bayo so calling for nerfs or banning already is just plain childish.


ssb and smash run

>Isn’t G&W dthrow>Side b a true combo that can kill at stupid low percents? And I know Peach can do float drop fuckery with Mr. Saturns, and Luigi has misfire. Why are people acting like this is a hero specific issue?
A. Hero has a Menu, so if he gets Grounded Kaklang or on stage Zoom, he can just choose a better spell for the situation, unlike both
B. His hitboxes put 64 Kirby/Pikachu to shame, even the OHKO moves and stuff like Kamikazee/Magic Burst, pretty much the exact opposite of Judge. And you can easily miss your bomb throw.
C. The chances of getting the best spells is still high, and getting a pool with any good spell is 99%, unlike Vegetables, which has an extremely low chance of getting a bomb
D. Peach and Mr. G&W still have to be skillful without their RNG moves, while the Hero gets a faster and bigger Falcon Punch, a larger and edgegarding poison cloud that lets him recover from the bottom of the stage, above average weight on a smaller than average hurtbox, and other attributes and moves that straight out outclass characters really good in those categories.

>Hero has a Menu, so if he gets Grounded Kaklang or on stage Zoom, he can just choose a better spell for the situation, unlike both

I don't see what that has to do with anything, G&W's and Peach's moves don't even have that function, down throw to side B on G&W for example is always a combo the questionable thing is just the result.

>complaining about Magic Burst

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The fact that this is even being considered a legitimate question is proof enough that Smash isn't a competitive fighting game.

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Yes of course. It doesn't matter how low tier he is, having a literal OHKO move just isn't healthy for the game.

That has got to be the worst t bag in the game. She doesn't even crouch.

I see what you did there.

>Thwack has a 0.01% of killing at 0%


>I don't see what that has to do with anything, G&W's and Peach's moves don't even have that function
It’s about commitment. And honestly, that is the most broken part about his down special.
Judge and Green Missile force you to accept bad options.

Imagine if you were playing Black Jack, but you can swap out multiple cards in your hand for a pool of card.

If you don’t get a 9 or missfire, you live with the consequences of your shitty attack.
If you do get a bad spell, you can just choose to use the best spell, and if you don’t get the specific spell you need (which is rare since they have huge hitboxes that cover nearly everything), you can simply just do a quick reroll or do what you need after canceling it.

The consequence is committing several seconds to scanning the spell list, deciding if one is worth using, and then committing to the actual animation/recovery frames. You really think you can't punish a Hero in the menu like you can a green missile?

>Surely this one scenery where a character with respawn invincibility is proof that this attack that kills early while also being the single largest hitbox of any special move in the game invalidates how broken it is
>Lmao just lose a stock and be invincible

Magic Burst has no iframes, the only time you should be getting hit by it is if you're recovering, otherwise you can trade with it close up or stop it with any projectile at a distance. Git gud.

>competitive smash ultimate

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>the only time you should be getting hit by it is if you're recovering
Hey Einstein, this is exactly the problem

This is why you faggots are unable to handle characters like hero, ganondorf, or ike without whining about how overpowered they are. They are not. You're just too fucking stupid to play defensively once in your lifetime and stop spamming random aerials.

>Magic Burst is OP
>Literally is more easier to interrupt than Glass Joe from Punch Out
>any jab, projectile or breathing in his general direction interrupts the startup and drops him to 1 HP

Competitive fags:
64 - Get gud
Melee - Get gud
Brawl - OMG fuck Meta Knight! ban him! What? You can't beat my Dedede now that we banned Meta Knight? Get gud scrub
Sm4sh - Get gud
Ultimate - OMG fuck Hero! Ban him! Now I can finally go back to beating people with Fox again.

Tourneyfags have always been a bias joke.

>The consequence is committing several seconds to scanning the spell list
Nigga, toddlers can read 4 words in a much faster time. What fucking grade level can you or your opponents read at? You don’t even need to read the words entirely too. Just seeing the first few letter or even the length of the word.
There are niggas who can change their loadouts and turn 720 degrees in Dark Souls within 2 seconds.
Do you really think Hero mains aren’t just going to select the move they want in a few frames after some memorization?
And even the slow kids on the bus can select/cancel the spells/menu in less time than a Green Missile will end.
Like I seriously hope you are trolling or under the age of 5.

>pretending tr4shfags didn't screech to high heavens about diddy and bayo

The Hero is a form of natural selection designed to weed out those who actually think and adapt while playing from those who can’t. Unfortunately, the Smash playerbase has an exceptionally high number of people who can’t.

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To be fair MK ban was mostly ignored, and the Hero cries will probably go as far as the cries to ban Jiggly in Melee did.

If you're complaining about a character having competent edgeguarding I'm not sure what to tell you since edgeguarding is key in this game, Hero simply has more than one way to do it.

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>tourneyfags ban him from competitive play
>Sakurai doesn't ban him from online
>99% of people play online or with friends and don't give a fuck about tier lists and tournaments
Competitive players have become obsolete.

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What's with Compfags and their inability to adapt? Will it seriously kill them to learn a new map that isn't Smashville or learn how to fight a new character?

Competitive Smash is a gigantic joke. Learn to adapt.

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>competitive play
>casual party game

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I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

This is just the whining of shitty baby casuals who can't get into Elite though.

Them getting finger banged at the same time by the cameraman was pretty hot desu

The irony is they spent twenty years telling everyone else to adapt to them. Then whenever something comes out that goes against their rigid playstyle, they scream bloody murder and try to ban it. Then if you question it, they claim you're the cry baby. It's projection to the highest degree in all of gaming.

Updated edition DQchad

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>a character having competent edgeguarding
>down B
>is Magic Burst there?
>If it is press B
>if not press R and try again
That's hardly "competent", that's just free. He gets to bypass one of the core fundamentals of the game, and arguably the most important one when it comes to actually winning games.

Too early to say but probably not, he gets bodied by rushdown and has some of the worst frame data on aerials. Honestly though, I would nerf max charge side b and neutral b before even touching down b. That shit is nuts

I found it on /gif/ forever ago but it's on some offline storage so I can't even get to it atm
Just go to /r/ that anons image

>>down B
>>is Magic Burst there?
>>If it is press B
>>if not press R and try again

More like
>Down B
>no magic burst
>press R
>opponent is jumping back to stage
>Down B
>no magic burst
>press R
>opponent is grabbing the ledge
>Down B
>Magic Burst!
>opponent ledge attacks you, interrupts the move and deletes all your MP
Magic Burst hs a 7% chance to spawn, stop pretending it's a consistent option and not 1/10. Retards who try to lean on it will just give up a perfectly good edgeguarding situation and just stand still rolling slots.

How do you counter shit like a one-hit kill and a huge explosion that covers all recoveries?

Why exactly does he have multiple RNG spells? Are the actual fucking games like that

How to beat Hero: don't be an overly aggressive retard, but also don't play too passive

I don't think I've seen one actually competent player call for this or any other character to be banned since most players who are actually good and not wifi-warriors want to see the meta grow and won't call for a fucking character to be banned less than a week after they've been released.

The list of spells can be as big as you please, no RNG aside from accuracy and crits; Sakurai is just a workaholic who's not at peace until he fills a quota for total work on a character and their stage.

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You have to be mentally challanged if you want him banned

I love smash, but who the fuck actually cares about competitive play? Couch multiplayer or bust.

Nah. Gotta let him rock for awhile before their should even be discussion of a possible ban. If he was released days before a major tournament i could understand a temp ban till just after but you really have to let the meta settle with this kind of thing.

>He gets to bypass one of the core fundamentals of the game
At the cost of RNG and more time to get the skill off.

>it's so easy!
Sure, if all the things align correctly. Which doesn't happen every time. Compare this to someone like Ganondorf who can do a Down A every time, without fail. And kill at 40%-60%. Or Inceneroar who can kill at 80% with half his moves, every time. And both those characters deadly moves are faster than opening a menu, even if the skill you want is the very first one on the list.

Plus, if you're any decent at the game, you should be ahead of Hero so that dying once to a lucky magic burst isn't game over for you. Which is very easy to do if you just rush him and don't give him time to open the menu. If you keep your distance or keep getting baited, it means you haven't learned how to deal with him yet. Hero is a bait character, not a rush character like people keep claiming he is. Good players wait and reacts to what the opponent does. Bad players just spam magic and rush in hoping for crits. And you should be able to beat the bad players easily.

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64 - Has no RNG character what so ever, still has items banned as well as all but 1 stage
Melee - Introduces 3 RNG moves, but balances out the RNG with a good perception of Expected Outcome math, and still has items banned
Brawl - Same story, but with tripping and 2 new RNG move that also followed the same format, which everyone hated so much that people stopped using the run option
Sm4sh - same story, but tripping is removed for Teching RNG that everyone hates, and some RNG moves are reworked to be RNGless
Ultimate - They make a character that completely ignore Expect Probability with Menus and have 20 different powerful spells related to RNG, with his other spells being also powerful. Every single top player agrees said character is by far the best in the game and want to ban him for his broken options. Only people defending said character likely would defend Nintendo assassinating political figures, and can’t come up with any actual counter argument.

>opponent is grabbing the ledge

>Get Oomph or Psych Up so you can pressure the shield
>Get Accelerate so you can pressure from all over the place
>Get Thwack which can hit characters on the ledge
>Get Flame Slash or Kacrackle for a Retardedly fast attack with a huge hitbox
>Get Kamikaze, which is invincible and can secure a +1 stock advantage
>Get Bang/Boom/Kaboom to pressure the ledge or force a roll or a jump
Even if you don't get Magic Burst in your 5 or so attempts out of his 21 options half of them give you an incredible advantage

Like, keep moving the goalpost all you want (recall your original argument was literally that in order to safely punish Magic Burst was to literally die and use the invincibility from respawn). Fact of the matter is that Hero's ledge game is absolutely busted.

So ignore it competitively and play it like a party game. Ive never understood this idea of “I prefer it casual so thats what the tournament ruleset needs to be.”

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you but you type like a faggot.

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No, in the actual games you have access to all skills and an infinite amount of time to select what you want. Sakurai added RNG to make things feel more tense. As well as give players more options than just four B specials.

I don't think any top player has said he is the best in the game or anything close outside of Zero's typical newly released character is OP videos which are just clickbait.

Why couldn't she have been an alt instead of the got damn recolor that we got.
DQ4 is sex (hair) incarnate.

Heroes consistent spells absolutely style on his options from the command menu, gitgud

What the fuck? You're the one moving the goalpost here, we're talking about Magic Burst at the ledge, any other spell is not nearly as free as MB.
If Hero gets Oomph/Phsych Up then it becomes a totally different situation where he still needs to read your get up option and hit you. If he read your ledge roll and fsmashed you at 90%,he'd still kill you with or without a self buff.
All of the other spells you listed have their own style of counterplay and you should use your fucking eyes to read his menu and determine which spell of his would fuck you up the most, you're already supposed to be looking at your opponent more than yourself anyways.

>top players agree
And 99.9% of players don't know who they are or give a fuck.

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If we ban Hero, the JP players will be upset at us.
Dying to Magic Burst shouldn't cloud your ability to recognize cause and effect.

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No but his numbers need to be tweaked. Kaboom does 35% and is a lightning fast projectile. It should do less damage but still retain its knockback and windbox.
His side b also gives super armor, ledgetraps, and kills at 20 which is stupid.
Other than that hes not that good of a character. His frame data is doo doo and his meme menu is punished easily by every fast character. He cant even pull up the menu against Sonic because spindash wins every trade except Burst

every video I've seen of someone complaining about Hero being OP is them LETTING Hero select his spell and then KOing the other faggot.

don't let him stall you retards

It's the random crits I hate the most, they're too frequent

Don’t forget, his non-RNG spells and his regular attacks are great edgeguarding tools too.
You can use a full charge Up B to make grabbing the ledge impossible.
You can use a fully charge Side B (which I may add, comes out faster than a Falcon Punch) and can 2frame the opponent with no trouble, and punishes all options.
You can d or f Smash, which can hit opponents on the ledge
You can fire off neutral specials to pressure the opponent

If hero uses magic burst and you shield it he loses the ability to recover and the end lag gives you a free dash grab

Imagine thinking this was an argument

You don't like RNG? How about his fireball which kills at 60/90% close to the ledge, comes out incredibly fast and the cost is as easily replenished as landing his jab about two or three times. Or how about Kaswoosh massive hitbox to punish people recovering as it lingers eternally and Hero grabs the ledge And let us not forget Zap, which might as well be his fastest tilt, Kasap which reaches almost halfway through the stage or Kazapple which is about as fast as his side smash, has invincibility, kills early on the ledge and covers:
>Roll and getup from both sides on the spin
>getup attack with the invincibility
>ledge jump with the vertical lightning

Am I really? The sole fact that you had to divert the argument aside by targeting at the random nature of magic burst coming up already reflects that you admit it's impossible to get by it, and you just have to pray he doesn't get it at all. That's not countering Magic Burst at all, and neither is fucking losing the stock and punishing afterwards.

>banning DK
MP5 fag detected

>No! Think about what the japs will think of us! We need to have our meta ruined to appeal to strangers!

Yes, but only for the sheer butthurt that the process of banning him will cause on both sides.

smash fun.

>Wanting more shiposting against Smash Ult players.

Hero only gets his shit out because smash ult players are smash 4 players which are brawl players. You all try to play lame and campy as fuck, Hero checks this and you faggots don't like it. Approach and be aggressive or get fucked.

tl;dr you have to actually approach hero, campy fags are mad.

How can you honestly fall for the max charge side b? You can knock him out of the early part of it and it's the most telegraphed move in the game.

It also costs just short of half his Mana. It's a terrible option all around unless your opponent is constantly falling for shit anyway and you feel like pushing the advantage

Remember when plant came out and everyone was complaining about how busted poison+jab lock was?
The dude is a solid F tier

Kazapple is literally only useful on retards

Do you complain about K. Rools suck too? Literally just wait on the edge for two second you impatient fuck, it's a hard counter to both suck and kazapple

No, I think he's balanced surprisingly well, and unlike most, I think Command Selection is completely inoffensive - if anything I'd even say it's very cleverly well balanced. I do however think some factors of his kit are a little too extreme namely the damage output and kill potential of his fully charged specials is genuinely insane, and critical hits are simply far too strong for something that doesn't actually have any real counterplay.

His fully charged neutral B does 37% and kills at something like 80% and his fully charged side B does 49% and kills at something like 60%. Shit is actually insane. These are absurd numbers and I get that he has to manage MP but even with that those numbers are fucking balls to the wall insane.

Critical Hits alternatively are just simply too devastating for what they are. I get what they were going for with them and I like the idea on paper but they are simply too devastating with effectively zero counterplay.

>match starts
>I get him to 75%
>he gets only 11% on me
>he lands a single critical hit
>we're now both at 75%
>the knockback also gives him more than enough time to fully charge neutral B
>he is now in advantage state because 75% is kill% for some of his moves, including the fully charged neutral B he now has in his pocket

I wouldn't call him OP, but as he is, as an online player, I find him frustrating to fight. Tone down the crits so they're not as absurd as they are at the very least.

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What do you do if he uses it while you are airborne?
And what do you do if he has Hatchet Man at the same time?
What do you do if her just stalls using it and you get most of your shield gone from waiting to long?

Sure as fuck don't seem like 0.01% to me.

If he uses magic burst he has no other spells he can use afterwards since it uses all of his Mana even if he doesn't connect ...

Imagine being a tourneyfag who whines any time someone doesn't play by his rules or cares about his playstyle.

>Make critical hits have equivalent knockback to non-criticals (damage can stay, the main problem for people is the crit being the reason they can die when a non-crit wouldn't have killed)
>Give Thwack/Whack a straight up 0% chance of working until a certain percentage (40-50%? It would still be an RNG move but highway robbery would be kept in check)
>Make MP recovery on hit slightly less (punish just wildly throwing out spells)
>Nerf neutral B damage (The damage is a bit overkill for something he can always charge up and store, the MP cost is usually not an issue)
These are the nerfs that I can see happening, if any. The people straight up saying "Remove X from Hero" are retarded since they would never just outright remove something. Personally I think the best thing they could do would be to nerf MP recovery, since it seems too easy to just gamble on insta-selecting down-b moves randomly since you get back MP so easily.

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Both magic burst and hatchet man are really easy to punish before they connect, if he uses magic burst in the air that's really where it shines because that's it's ideal use as a edge guard but even then it's still easy to interrupt depending on your character.


There are characters in the game that do everything you describe easier than Hero does. You're mad because you keep falling into it like an idiot, rather than learning how to avoid it.

>b-but my ledge!
You shouldn't be fucking on the ledge when playing against Hero. Stick close to him and he can't do much.

>He actually gets hit by Hatchet Man
Jesus how fucking bad are you?

>tourneyfags spend years beating people down with broken characters
>whenever someone complains their character is broken, they just say "get gud"

>Sakurai releases new mechanics and DLC characters that destroy their OP character and ruin all their strategies
>they whine and cry
Why don't you just get gud like you spent years telling everyone else to?

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They do everything that he described. But only one per character.
Hero has is all. He's a new character so he is bound to be busted. MP regen is high. Magic Burst is bullshit. Thwack having the ability to kill from 0%. All of his other spells being damn useful for edge guarding.
All he needs is a few short nerf's and a lot of people will be far less pissed off at him.
To me just Lower Regen of MP a bit and make Thwack have 0% chance to do shit until 70-100% damage. Maybe even give it increased chance the higher their damage is as a offset to removing instant kills at 0% as a whole.

But what does that have to do with the sceneries where you can’t shield or you get heavily punished by shielding?

Magic burst is really only strong offstage. On stage both that and hatchet man are very easily interruptable by a large portion of the cast.

Here's a better option. Just wait a couple months until people have actually learned all of Heroes skills and how to avoid them. I guarantee you that by that time, people are going to start saying Hero is mid tier at best, because they know how to predict all of his attacks. And far less people will be playing him online.

And Hero will never win a tournament. He might be able to do some damage and knock out a few good players, which will piss of the tournament players, but his RNG and slower A moves will keep him from winning against characters like Fox or WiiFit Trainer or even fucking Link.

Everyone is throwing a fit over him now because they haven't had enough time with him. I used to hate Simon/Richter with a passion, all that item spamming and a few quick whip attacks that could KO lower than I thought was acceptable. But I learned their patterns and after a couple weeks, I started to own those characters pretty easily. I'm already being able to stall Hero with most of the characters I play. Though I will admit, when I'm playing Hero, I have yet to lose. I've won 30 out of 30 matches. But then, I also spent a half hour in training mode learning how to play him, rather than just rushing online and spamming.

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>How about his fireball which kills at 60/90% close to the ledge, comes out incredibly fast and the cost is as easily replenished as landing his jab about two or three times
Literally everything you said is utter horseshit. It's slow as balls and easy to block, the only time you can get hit from it is by rolling or tanking it like a moron. And good luck actually trying to attack your opponent when you're almost out of mana and have no other options than to go physical.

Weird that you think toruneyfags are the ones whining and not the same shitters who were calling K. Rool broken week 1.

I don't think you're taking into account that Hero players can also spend months optimizing the character and learning to use the menu so fast that the opponent probably won't even get a chance to read it at all. You're not trying to tell me people have figured out how to completely counter Joker yet have you?
>inb4 only MKLeo is good with Joker

>Literally just wait on the edge for two second you impatient fuck
So just the fact that the Hero is standing near the ledge will cause people to paitently wait and let him keep stage control, or lose I frames and get d-tilted off the ledge (because down-tilt will always every single character on the ledge).
This "patience" will also give a Hero player the outright chance to react to whatever situation, all because the threat of Kazapple.

Hardly all of them can do it at the same time.

Have you actually played Hero? A fully charged Frizzle comes out way sooner than Samus's, in like 15 frames or so, and Kills extremely early. A fireball is little more than a long range poke and this one is Hero's most reliable kill move. You can set it up too

Here's the real option.
He's getting nerfed like every character before him. Besides Ridley. He get's buffs every update because they released him as a pile of unplayable shit.
Deal with it. The moment Banjo comes out Hero will not be remotely as busted as he is right now.

Just like it does with K. Rool, right retard?

Sounds like you're just a really bad player. Even if Hero is nerfed (he won't), you'll probably still bitch and cry about him like the cuck you are.

The only thing Hero might really need is crits not being as devastating as they could be and his fireball fully charged spend more MP, then again, you should beforehand not let him do shit since he can be really slow.

>he won't
He will. Every new character besides Ridley was nerfed after they were thrown out to the public. Hero is not going to be exempt from that.
Only reason ridley wasn't nerfed was because he was unplayable at launch.

>every new character besides Ridley was nerfed
And Joker. How the hell are you forgetting Joker? You know, one of the top 5 strongest characters in the game?
>inb4 nerf to his Arsene counter
If that's the case then Hero will only get a small nerf to his thwack and that's it. Cope with it, cuck.

>Weird that you think toruneyfags are the ones whining
>two major tourneyfags set up a petition to ban hero within an hour of him being released
The average "scrub" is just playing the game online and doesn't care.

The only tourneyfag I know of is Leffen, the same retard who
>has no results in Ultimate
>claimed Snake was shit tier
>tried getting Jigglypuff banned in Melee
Using him as the baseline for your average comp player makes you look like a fool.

>before reveal
>"fuck dragon quest! no one knows what it is in the west!"
>post reveal

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>It ain't a nerf unless I say it is.
Really nigga? You think not being able to counter every projectile anymore is a small nerf?
Hero's nerf will either be MP regen nerf or Magic Bursts' AOE.

take a shower, you reek.

A shame Banjo won’t bring a quiz show minigame to Smash so streamers can expose themselves for the fake fans they are, especially ZeRo, his cone for a mouth and over 200 pound weight are especially obnoxious.

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Magic burst is for shitters lmao

>fake fans

Get over yourself, you virgin manchild

There were a couple of DQ fags that saw it coming, then again it wasn't that hard to predict since Yea Forums is a predictable "YOU LIKE THING WELL I HATE IT OH YOU HATE THIS I LIKE IT YOU MAD YOU MAD" shithole nowadays.

>There are characters in the game that do everything you describe easier than Hero does.
Name one character that can leave hitboxes at the ledge and forces you to tech.
Now you are just lying on a bigger lie.

>Yea Forums is the same person

People would just google the answers

This exactly. Turn that percentage way down and I'm cool with whatever else.

>soccer mom language
What a faggot

I miss him too, user

Ness, and he doesn't need MP to do it

Can you really gatekeep Banjo though?


Why do you keep bringing up K. Roll? He doesn't even have a fraction of the options Hero has. That's only one, ONE of Hero's many ledge guard options.

Not Banjo in particular but if you're unable to recall FF7's party members yet main Advent Children Cloud then you deserved to be laughed at.

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What a way to out yourself as a complete scrub. At least say Snake, faggot.

>Leave hitboxes at the ledge
Which Ness does. Also don't laugh like that, it makes people think you have brain damage.

True. It’s the same for people who use boxers Shulk or most people who choose Richter over Simon.

The actual Dragon Quest fans aren't either of these. The people posting these kinds of stupid comments are the same attention whores who go into DQ threads and post "lol Toriyama" and "it's all the same shit" memes. Then get proven wrong by the fans.

DQ fans by and large are more happy to see Hero in Smash because it's marketing for the series. Something desperately needed outside Japan. Sure, we also are glad to play a DQ character in Smash. But we already had played the games. So it's more just a nostalgia thing for us. And most DQ fans I know would have rather had someone like Alena, Yangus, Martina or one of the monsters playable. What's really good about this is, millions of new people will play Hero and possibly get into Dragon Quest because of it.

The fact that Hero is so broken is just going to cause more anger and trolling. But that anger and trolling just bumps threads and makes more people aware of Dragon Quest. It's a win/win for the fanbase and the series.

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ZeRo already pulled the same shit with Persona

Honestly I feel kind of guilty playing Hero and having so much fun with him despite never having played a DQ game. Should I just buy/emulate every game or are there some I shouldn’t bother with?

That's one of the biggest weaknesses about hero. He can be knocked out of his spells right before casting. He still gets stuck with the cost.

The mp cost is deducted immediately but the start up animation occurs a dozen frames later.

Check the archives, there's a link to a DQ Collection in there if you search 'Play Dragon Quest'

Hero isn't broken that's why this shit is so fucking stupid. Go try him, the game almost never gives you magic burst, most spells are too slow to fiddle with, his normals are eh, and all his decent tools share the resource of MP.

They're JRPGs dude. It's going to take you thousands of hours to play through all the games.

This is honestly the best situation that anti-compfags could ever hope for

If Hero doesn't get banned, tourneyfags will be stuck seething constantly over the RNG and the fact that he and it are in the game forever, regardless of nerfs, and hopefully he steals a few matches in tournaments off the crybabies

If Hero does get banned, then it just proves yet again that Smash isn't meant to be a competitive fighting game and everyone has yet another thing to make fun of them and shitpost with

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There's a DQ11 demo coming out soon, just try that and see if it's your cup of tea since it's a great starting point.

I want to spam "hoes mad" everywhere when Hero gets nerfed (which they will) everytime a Hero main bitches about it.

>people are actually scared shitless of a slot machine with worse odds than GnW Judge, or even Peach's vegetables
Grow a fucking pair before coming to any tournaments I'm attending. I'd also prefer if you could get the stick out of your ass regarding stage legality, too. The only reason the first three games had relatively few legal ones was because the overall stage lists were smaller, there is no reason for Ultimate to be played only on like the seven most vanilla ones.

>The fact that Hero is so broken is just going to cause more anger and trolling. But that anger and trolling just bumps threads and makes more people aware of Dragon Quest. It's a win/win for the fanbase and the series.
Sakurai and Nintendo have always wanted to make Dragon Quest more popular. They're playing the long game.

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Who the fuck is seriously considering banning hero that's what I want to know. I see people claiming he's got some huge hate fandom that wants him banned in competitive but fuck me if anyone has directed me to where these people actually are organizing

Every DQ game is worth playing. The "worst" DQ game is still great. You can check out this chart for where to start. I'd suggest just getting Dragon Quest XI on Switch when it comes out next month.

You're not wrong. But I think tourneyfags proved they were a joke all the way back in the melee days.

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Maybe they just think the costume looks cool. Quit being a gatekeeping faggot.

Nah, AC Cloud reeks of secondary and you should subconsciously think that whenever you use the costume.


No one, Leffen made some retarded petition to ban hero that not even 2k people signed and now everyone is pretending there's some massive uprising to ban the character despite other pros having middling at best opinions of him.

>That massive Super Famicom-Nintendo DS time skip.

Legal issues?

When are they going to nerf Little Mac?

Only weak people can't adapt to random situations.


No, he gets shutdown by rushdown and crits are as trite as G&W 9's or Peach Bob-ombs.

If you're talking about that list, it's listing the remakes, not the original releases. Basically the best version of every game has been on a Nintendo platform now. But the original version of Dragon Quest VII and VIII were on Playstation. The reason is not because of any legal issues, but because Horii always puts his game on the most popular platform. And PS1/PS2 were the most popular in their gen.

But that's just original Japanese releases. When it comes to western releases, Squenix kept screwing us. Went a whole decade without releasing any games. And what few games they did release got little if any support. This finally changed in 2015. We've gotten every DQ game since the new management took over in SquareEnix. And Dragon Quest XI for Switch is getting heavy marketing. Hopefully its sales will reflect that.

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Just get rid of random crits and I'll be fine with him. It sucks on TF2, it sucks on this game, just stop. Mr. Game and Watch and luigi are the exception since they're only on side-b.

git gud

DQ7 can be from 60-100 hours long
the first hour of the game is also just walking around, no fights or anything

I still feel like they realize they fucked up there, because you get into a fight really fucking quickly in DQ8.

play 8 or 11

>inkling bair spaim

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Are those of you complaining about Hero good at the game? What kind of GSP do you usually stay around, and do you play tournies?

I'm asking because I don't have any special problems fighting him and I'm wondering if you guys are just bad.

I haven't lost a single game playing as Hero. But I've also beaten Hero 90% of the time when I'm playing against him. Either it's because I took the time to go into training and actually learn the character and others didn't, or I'm magically a savant at the game. I'll let you decide which is more likely.

ZeRo won his first tournament with Hero, so yes he should be banned.

How does one make that stupid face every time, everyday?


Armada and Leffen aren't even good Ultimate players. Let the adults do the talking.

>reddit spacing

>Well, which is it? Do I rush him down or play defensively?
You do with him exactly what you do with all the other characters.
>Good luck stopping him when you are off stage. And not only is Magic Burst amazing while edge guarding, so is his other specials since they have amazing hitboxes and last forever.
Try not to be sent off the stage in the first place, also he has to be lucky enough to pull it up by the time you get back and for everyone's gushing over it Magic Burst's knockback is garbage even when you're at high percents.
>And it isn’t just his down special either. His other Specials are amazing too. His side special just straight up a much bigger Falcon Punch and his Neutral Special outclasses all the other chargable projectiles.
And it can be reflected and absorbed and countered just like everyone else's projectiles. His Side B also has the same awful frame data as most of his other attacks and can't stop aerial attacks unless you let him charge it plus it can be countered.
>I think apologists focus way to much on “What if he gets bad RNG on his down B” and points that are not even true.
Crybabies like you don't bother trying to outplay or mindgame him and think he has no weaknesses.