If you picked edelgard than you're literally a psychopath. Religion is needed to guide the people to a better society

If you picked edelgard than you're literally a psychopath. Religion is needed to guide the people to a better society.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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As a Jew I agree

Humans are inherently religious beings but that doesn't mean that the church has to be a bunch of dragon cock sucking tyrants

Terrible bait for a terrible game.

She's hot

Edelgard did nothing wrong

I agree, user! Religion is necessary! Now obey the sweet and pure pope or else your heart will be ripped out and torn asunder between her lovely jaws!

Attached: SweetRhea!.jpg (1006x540, 363K)

>its a doodoo conversation

I picked Edelgard because I want her to bare my loins.

her legs look like red hotdogs

religion = mommy milkies
no religion = no mommy milkies

checkmate atheists

Looking at the current state of our own world, I must say that, yes, the destruction of the church does lead to a less than desirable outcome

This user has a good point. Rhea has hips to kill for.

>God doesn't exist
>oh shit she turned into an elder dragon lets get the fuck out of here
>5 years later...
>God doesn't exist!
This is why atheist shouldn't hold positions of power.

Isn't the atheist route the one route that takes away your loli dragon tulpa

W-was that breast feeding scene really necessary?

>character you assumed you would never give a fuck about but actually turned out to be pretty based

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its religion that led to this

>at the end of atheist route, the god of beginnings personally saves your life so that tou can start a new beginnung with the atheist bitch that killed her daughter

Honestly sothis deserves even more worship than she gets

so did none of your teammates or the hundreds of people around see the rhea turn into a giant dragon? even if they don't know it's her, there's no way they don't at least know a dragon suddenly showed up. weird they never talk about it

>teacher grooms children
makes sense

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>oh btw I made a pact with satan
>don't worry about it
>its for the greater good
>once we kill everyone who opposed us and institute the new religion the world will be at peace
I am beginning to have 2nd thoughts on Edechan... Especially everyone turning against you part. Like w-why would the world join forces against you if you're trying to save it.

religion is cancer and should be eliminated with everybody who actually believes in talking snakes and donkeys. You are literally retarded if you are religious. Neck yourself

The world actually doesn't join forces against her though. About half of the lords in the Leicester Alliance actually support her after her manifesto is released. The Kingdom has always been very closely tied to the church, though, so it's fairly natural that they oppose Edelgard.

yeah religion was great when the dark ages happened that literally halted technological advancement for 400 years

>If you picked edelgard than you're literally a psychopath

How was I supposed to know? There were literally NO SIGNS suggesting that things would turn out the way they did...no signs at all.

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Why would you fight against the church in 3 Houses when the goddess actually, 100%, objectively, exists?

what about conqueror milkies?

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yeah thats great Edelgard hope that makes you sleep well at night
its not like that war you started is causing death and suffering in the millions

It doesn't though. You only have to kill a single Commander (sometimes several) using warp cheese per map. Accounting for battalion casualties, that's still only around a thousand deaths at maximum.

strongest myrmidon in the franchise

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She bears my children

I made her into a falcon rider on my GD route and she dodge tanked and killed the final boss solo. She was better the Byleth.

ahahah no she doesn't ahah at least she doesn't bear any children ahaha

Religion is needed to give the weak, stupid, and complacent purpose. A society that relies on breeding these traits is not a better society. Remove religion and let the strongest, most intelligent, and driven come forth. A society in their hands is the best society.

>Dimitri murdered several Adrestian generals in bloody and gruesome methods
>Dimitri went and tortured all captured soldiers
>Dimitri enjoyed removing their eyeballs and their limbs if the soldiers didn't know anything
>Furthermore he killed Adrestian soldiers through crushing their skulls with his bare hands
>Agrees to send Crest suicide bombers down Edelgard's way
>Torches militia camps and destroys innocent cargo suppliers for the empire
>Literally kills hundreds upon thousands of Adrestians before he gets stopped by multiple lances impaling him and not before saying he'd lop off Edelgard's head and parade it in the gates of Enbarr (Empire's capital city)
Dimitri apologists go.

>Edelgard gets a critical hit or OHKs an enemy with a normal attack
>Become absolutely diamonds
I don't understand.

Attached: 1436128741982.jpg (2160x3840, 921K)

>talks about the multinational, borderless church
>talks about the (((crest elites)))
>talks about how she's gonna unify Fodlan and return it to its former unified glory
>blitzkriegs the monastery
>starts a war on two fronts


Atheist-leftist movement was started by religion?

I mean, when the goddess is a ghost that wanted nothing of this and just wants to pass on (but she waits for you if you romance her) and the leader of the church is an incestous madwoman who wants to revive her mother against her wishes, instituting an oppressive caste system for that purpose, yes, there is a bit of an incentive for opposing the church.

>literally halted technological advancement for 400 years
The lack of European great works until the 1000s is largely an issue of lack of wealth rather than lack of invention. As soon as they began making large projects they quickly eclipsed east rome in architectural merit. In fact, one could argue that it was the eastern empire that stagnated from the peak of Hagia Sophia, and had failed to build a comparable work in nearly a thousand years since.

>strongest, most intelligent, and driven
so not you, then

Wow. Venom Dimitri sounds fucking based. Holy shit.

>muh generals dindu nuffin
>muh soldiers dindu nuffin
>muh edelgard dindu nuffin
the only wrong thing here is he stopped

Not an argument. Clearly not you either.

I'm not sure I understand? Madwoman? Rhea is so nice and helps you when you need it most!

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Who the fuck cares what a Christkiller thinks?

Holy hell he sounds based.

You're a degenerate.

>Thinking about if I'm going to play other routes
>Realize I'm going to have to kill my friends
>Will have to watch their dying cries

Let me save them all in the DLC please

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D-do sisters give rings to their little sister and do a marriage ceremony with them? Is that normal sisterly things in this world?

I'm liking Punished!Dimitri more and more. In fact you just convinced me to play his route after finishing Edelgard

everything you just wrote occurred after his country was declared war on

>better society.
that is the opposite of the goal of religion.
At least the three major death cults.

I fucked his daughter

>instituting an oppressive caste system for that purpose
It is literally just edelgard fanfiction that the church made the nobles do bad things. In fact every noble you meet that does bad things is a slitherer who wants to destroy the church, and they are also the figures leading edelgard to her decisions. Hell, their leader, still in disguise, follows Edelgard through the gates for even the final mission to kill the dragon, and he's been whispering in her ear the whole way.

Where do I get umbral steel?

You post on Yea Forums. Clearly you aren't part of the world's ultimate elite.
Meritocracy has always been a bit of a crapshoot. Even if it wasn't laughably easy to game, do you really want to gice the reins of civilization to Chad?

if I really liked Conquest, didnt like Echos cause of the maps flatter than a loli, and hate child units, should I get Treehouse?

He's pretty based not gonna lie

Oh please. Those are fake.

That's my boy. Death to the empire!

Break armor on wolves and experimental crest dragons.

Where do I find more fucking birds in blue route? I just started past 2 and I have 30 umbral steel but only like 8 mythril. I also have literally 0 venom but I dont give a suit about venom weapons so who cares.


Big Boss is proud

Black Eagles or Black Eagles (church) for second playthrough? No Edelretard answers please. I'm just wondering if I'll be able to have any empathy for her if I play GD first.

I just think theocracy and religion breeds undesirable traits, harming society as a whole in the long term. It indulges a desire to feel safe and righteous at the cost of progress. Not everyone needs to be an elite, and I don't know how Chads factor into this at all.

It's okay she's cute

All on his own too.
Truly best boy.


Edelgards route.

UH why do girls go for JERKS and JOCKS they should go for NICE SMART guys like me!

You kept posting this in everyting 3h related, but it doesn't make Dimitri seem any less based.

Claude >= Dimitri >>>>>>> Edeltard

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The GD route and the church route are pretty similar in a way, so choose Edelgard if you want something different, yet slightly hypocritical.

The characters are a bit different when they get Byleth dick/milkies.
Dimitri needed to be put down like the mad dog that he is in the BE route, yet in his own one he's pretty cool.

>talking snake lmao
Literally the Cinema Sins of theology

Maybe you should ask them, I hear a lot of guys have that issue.

no, those are trying to fix the collapsing society that religion brought to us, just like it did for the greeks

Ever heard of evil routes/endings?

Does that still apply if YOU are the god?

Edelgard isn't evil on her route

The secularists at the end of Ancient Greece were very spiritual and were like proto-Christians

I'm convinced that most Dimitrifags are just girls/homos lusting after his prettyboy dick

>every scientist and mathematician that has significantly contributed has been religious in some form

>athiests are tv personalities, career pedophiles and epic gamers like you

For me, it's Sothis

As opposed to Edelgardfags being completely level headed people and totally not waifufags/yurifags?


>muh epilogue says she eventually plans to fight the actual bag guys

She says that she is going to wipe them out way earlier, uninformed shitposter.

No, the epilogue actually says that she does fight them and wins. Please learn how to read.

>He doesn't want to destroy the church and reunite humanity under a single empire

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>chapter fifteen
>dimitri already level 41

he can pretty much just solo these maps at this point

>wanting to hurt the absolute best girl that is catherine

nah senpai.

I like Catherine but war requires sacrifice. Of your enemies.

This, if the church puts so much emphesis on crests as Eldegard puts it, Dorothea, Leonie and others would not be able to attend the school year

Yeah, I just warp him into the centre of enemies and watch them suicide against him

I want to go back to killing bandits and bad guys. I don't want to keep killing my students anymore...

Byleth is the church. You’re pretty suicidal to go along with Edelgard.

imagine receiving a nursing handjob from Mercedes and her saying ara ara

Don't worry, siege niggers will be sure to correct that very soon.

Who should I pick to be my dancer in the blue lions, Yea Forumsros?

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Fuck Catherine

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>blue lions
oh nonono

Falyn is probably the best candidate in most routes, shes too squishy for anything other than dancing and white magic

are you alright?

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I mean he still has a coinflip chance to dodge most siege magic at around that point if he got average levels so even that's not always going to stop him.

Shit thats sad, another reason not to go that route

>religion is firmly established and a few special individuals leave a legacy despite falling for it
>atheism gains more popularity and as a result the dregs are more likely to be atheist
It's not complicated. You're busy cherry picking when this isn't a statement on the individual. There are too many factors that could determine what could lead one to pursue religion and what they take from it to say if it's a bad thing for an individual. But that's not what I was talking about.

Where this punished dimitri meme coming from?

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>no dragon cunny
What's the point of religion?

ESL out of my FE threads.

All I'm getting from this is that Dimitri isn't just some crazy deranged murderhobo, he's a hypercompent murderhobo wargod the likes in which Chinamen Wuxiafags would worship

I know Edelgard killed my hero and your dad. But we joined her so I think that the church is the real bad guy.

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But she soooooo pretty

it really doesn't make sense for her to be able to join BE.

I'm really glad that people raging about the EMPRAH are outing themselves as too dumb to understand the plot of a fucking Bing Bing Wahoo game.

>kill Leonie with Byleth
>"I... I'm sorry... Jeralt..."

>Edelgard killed Jeralt

when will this meme end, she literally didn't

It's funny, the second you choose Black Eagles you're locked into picking between the two objectively evil factions. The reveal of Edelgard being the Flame Emperor tried to push you onto Church route because she's obviously a crazy bitch, but Rhea and especially Seiros isn't any better. She invokes Sothis's name so much but Sothis would bitch slap her if she had a physical form.
The endings try to redeem them as characters but Seiros is the queen of genocide and Edelgard is a ruthless monster and racking up almost an equal body count in modern day.

Walhart probably had bigger.

>recruit the evil organization to do all your dirty work
>they do evil shit as expected


Is it me or did El become significantly cuter after the time skip in her route?

She's the fucking Flame Emperor, she's the cartoonishly evil baddie you fight for the first half of the game. Don't believe her bullshit about not wanting things to turn out how they did, she had a hand in Jeralt's death and Dimitri was perfectly justified in going apeshit on her.

>Eldegard escorted Monica around the school for 2 months
>Knew her identity

May as well

>obviously a crazy bitch
Nah she's the only rational person in the world.
No one could have foreseen that literal War Jesus appears and solves all problems with a good dicking.

She was butt buddies with the bitch who did it and knew it would happen.

>lol i didnt do anything it was my close associates and allies whom i allow to freely run their operation

Even if Byleth never existed she'd still be killing millions with her plan. The idea of conquering and genocide for peace is always bullshit.

It's because she looks like the scary intimidating emperor but is also still the womanlet that has a schoolgirl crush on her sensei

Attached: edelgard_change.jpg (1280x720, 211K)

The trailer where he had the eyepatch and said "kill every last one of them"

Because he went nuculear after finding out his first love caused everything bad in his life.

I think that's my favorite part about her.

Teaming up with Edelgard would make sense if you weren’t a living god.
It’s like Jesus teaming up with the romans to destroy his church.

That's actually why it's so based.

So Dimitri = Caim

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>He forgets the part in the NT where Christ goes into the church and beats up the merchants and tears apart their businesses.
Christ would destroy corrupt churches and the kikes that corrupt them.

Honestly, being able to recruit almost all students into any house was a mistake. Should've been more cases like with Flayn where they just leave your roster if they don't agree with your choice.

If we go by tits then it's better for someone else to represent her.

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The church is actually evil though, Sothis herself is good but Seiros is a genocidal bitch.

Wait, I haven't even buy the game yet, but are you telling me the Black Eagles are the anty religión faction?!

Did they even try with the other houses?! Edelgar house just keeps winning! What's the point of the other two?

Which Black Eagle arc works better as a happy/conclusive ending?

I want to go in an order of
BE 1 > BL > GD > BE 2, but don't know which one to pick first.

Neither, they're both evil routes, just different flavors. If you REALLY like Edelgard or Rhea and are willing to look past their many faults then pick that route.
The most traditional FE story is Blue Lions and the happiest route is Golden Deer.

Crazy shit you really wouldn't expect in a FE game happens on Church route.

Why does every manlet/womanlet turn out to be a genocider

Ok then, which route makes the most sense to waifu Sothis in? I don't mind spoilers.

Remember you aren't responsible for all the evil shit your henchman are doing as long as you say they're bad guys and you disagree with their actions. It doesn't matter what they do or how much you help and fund their operation just say the magic words and you are the good guy.

Hard to say, though she wouldn't approve of you teaming up with her genocidal daughter that caused her death so probably not Church.

Thanks. I think I'll do Church route first.

GD end is best end and you end up with best girl Hilda and are happy forever and so is everyone else so do that one first and also last.

>have heard spoilers on here
>meet rodrigue
>seems like a really nice guy
>"my son felix"

More examples? Preferably of the womanlet kind.

Felix only kills Rodrigue during the Black Eagles path.

Honestly the game spoils a lot of things through it's own mechanics, for example Jeralt, Tomas and Monica not having support levels. For different reasons obviously, but still.

You don't even interact with Monica outside of a single line in exploration mode in the other routes.

Yes, but it's still suspicious that she's a fully modeled NPC on the map as well as a student and is still a white dot.

Would it kill them if shit was just slightly less fucking RNG?
>Invite someone for tea.
>Chance to not accept forcing you to reload.
>Have to look at list on internet to figure out which random line goes with the 4th talk.
>Random chance of not getting the charm upgrade at the end.

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this was fucking kino

Stop trying to minmax every little thing, Lunatic isn't out yet so there's nothing in the game that requires extreme autism. Charisma barely matters as a stat and I honestly ignored Gambits outside of AoEing monsters or that +5 Movement one and only leveled Authority to equip batallions for their stats.

>figure that you won't play classic because you would reload anytime a character dies
>play casual
>still reload because it feels like cheating that they just stand up again after the fight

Dorothea or Manuela for dancer?
Both have good swords and magic, Dorothea being black magic and Manuela being white magic
I already have a very competent healer in Mercedes, but Dorothea while being pretty useful is outclassed as a mage by Annette (maybe that will change since I just gave her a Levin Sword)

a no reload no rewind mode would be kind of interesting

Conditioning is one hell of a drug.

Expecting to have a tea party when I select ask out for tea party is not fucking minmaxing.

Classic mode is effectively the same as casual, if you use rewinds
No competent player will ever go through all of their charges, and you can get more through the renown statues

I was mainly talking about the 4th question/Charm part. Also unless you're trying to last minute recruit people before the time skip you shouldn't be in a rush for tea parties.

Is there a Phoenix mode?

Manuela is a old hag with shitty growths
the slut dances


>Religion is needed to guide the people to a better society.
LMAO. All it does is enable shit people to hide behind a shit doctrine to justify their shit actions.

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And the black niggers path is what I'm currently on.

Manuela can't become a dancer, she can't enter the contest

Manuela can't be a dancer afaik, the competition is for students only
>tfw no Dancer Catherine

>Edelgard declares war and kills people
>She's a cunt!
>Dimitri needlessly slaughters and mercilessly murders people in cold blood
>BASED! Big boss is proud!
Loving the double standard

Reminder that the professors/characters that start at level 11 in an Advanced class are objectively broken and can carry you through the whole game by themselves. They straight up start with like 20 extra stats than they should and their growths aren't bad. On Golden Deer that's Shamir and Catherine.

>Edelgard declares war and kills people
>She's a cunt!
>Dimitri needlessly slaughters and mercilessly murders people in cold blood
>BASED! Big boss is proud!
Loving the double standards here

Are you trying to be the biggest retard ever or does it come naturally to you?

My Shamir fucking sucked on Deers route. Didn't pick up Catherine because I'm a dumbass that didn't expect the school to empty out after timeskip.

God actually exists in this universe so the church is justified. Edelgard was still right about them but was a complete fucking psycho. Dimitris ending is the best

>Dimitri fixes the state
>Byleth fixes the church
>Claude gets to chill and do whatever he wants

>Nerds decry Phoenix mode for being too casul
>Nerds also use time travel with no hesitation

Imagine being so deluded you post the same thing twice
>When the victim retaliates with equal brutality, it's just as bad as the aggressor who initiated the conflict

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>"You still don't get it, do you? I'm making the mother of all omelets here, Dimitri!"

How? She literally can't have lower stats than the base stats of the Sniper class when you recruit her at level 11. Unless you waited for a long time and she got bad growths before you recruited her, which tends to happen for some reason.

>sylvain and durdur supports
Almost made me cry bros

>Warcrimes are justified if the other side is doing it as well
It would make the Middle East a cake walk, but no. that's not how it works.

>duscur is gone, but I'm still here

>A small extremist country commits 1 act of terrorism
>The leader of the largest country in the world directly initiates a global war
Not the same thing senpai

GD and BL initiated the global war. BE only declared war on the church.

I picked her up when my good units were around 15-16. She started off pretty fine. Not quite as good as Hilda, Lysethia or Claude, but still pretty serviceable and a definite upgrade from Pignutz. Then she got nothing but abysmal growths and was absolute deadweight after timeskip Served no purpose besides chip damage on flying monster barriers and ballista duty. I still used her a lot as well, she was like 36ish and my elite deathsquad was around 41. She just didn't have the stats to do any real damage without inflating her numbers on birds.

Killing enemy combatants isn't a warcrime.

>global war
Continental. Not quite as bad as getting everyone involved.

Edelgard literally tried to assassinate Claude and Dimitri the moment you start the game.

When I recruited her at level 11 she had 20 fucking STR, the same as my fucking Raphiel who was 2 levels higher. She never stopped being objectively the best statted member of my team, she's only outshone by Claude after he gets all his exclusive shit.

>BE only declared war on the church.
She fucking invaded the Leicester Alliance AND the Kingdom of Faerghus. How the fuck can you say that she didn't initiate the war? In fact, the Kingdom got fucked over even moreso because her uncle planted a thot to overthrow the regent (Rufus who is Dimitri's uncle) AND imprisoned him before he broke out (at least in the Blue Lions and the Golden Deer routes)

That wouldn't have started a war. Also, it was Edelgarde who led them to the village to get saved by the mercenaries.

Doesnt casual give you free battles on weekends that dont take points, or is that easy mode?

She did not invade Leicester Alliance. She had political and military intrigue that put Count Glocester under her influence. He handed over the bridge of Myrddin.
She also did not invade the Kingdom, she just supported Cornelia's revolt.

Normal (easy) mode does that yes

it wouldnt start a war but it would eliminate the royal line which is what they did with the coup anyway
you cannot possibly be trying to rationalize this

Yeah I've no idea why anyone would want to remove an unstable psycho before he takes command of an entire kingdom.
That he can be healed with Byleth's milkies is something no one could have known.

Houses Gloucester invited her in to take over the alliance from an illegitimate Almyran traitor. Did you even play the game?

When do we get an FE that has a genuine villain route?

In the edelgard route hubert said that they hate twsitd but only worked with twsitd because they needed their manpower to take out their common enemy, the church. In the epilogue, they even destroyed twsitd after they served their purpose.

But yeah, it's still shitty that they gloss over edelgard trying to assassinate the other house leaders and the killing of MCs dad(by association).

Isn't that just Conquest? It wasn't very good.

>Almyran traitor
Rich coming from the Leicester alliance

Edelgard anagrams to Edgelard

People are blaming her for starting a Continental war.
She didn't start a continental war. She declared war on the church.
She also backed a coup in the Kingdom and essentially closed off the Leicester Alliance by pressuring the gatekeeper to their lands into handing over the keys.
Someone tried to say that she started a continental war by attempting to assassinate Claude and Dmitri with bandits, but not only would that not start a war, it failed when she saved them when she took them to the mercenary village.
She's an antagonist, sure, but let's keep things straight. She did not instigate the Fodlan war.

Reminder that the first step of this dumb cunt's plan was to assassinate Dimitri and Claude, and instead she nearly got her own ass got and only survived due to blind luck.

No because you ultimately take out the villains you side with in Conquest no? I mean genuinely be the villains, not some anti-hero shit. Like in 3 Houses case it'd be like siding with the Slithers and romances would be like Kronya or Cornelia. In Awakening it'd be like embracing Grima and going bananas as a dragon.

Alright I'm almost done BL. Should I do Claude then both BLACKED eagle routes or do one of them then claude then the other.

I haven't even played the game but everything i've read past 10 threads or something seem to confirm she's the best girl by far and basically has done nothing wrong.

Do people just forget that Dmitri was willing to make peace with her but she went to stab him anyway in BL?

My Empress.

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>Defending Dimitri killing Caspar's bro
>Defending Dimitri ordering everyone to kill every last every last one of them in Gronder Field
>Defending Dimitri's utter retarded stubbornness in not believing Edelgard wasn't involved
>Defending Dimitri enjoying killing everyone he comes across
>Defending the psychopath's tard rampage that would get everyone under his command killed in Gronder Field during the GD
>Defending him being manipulated by the church and giving a go ahead to crest suicide bombers
Hypocrisy is rich coming from Dimitrifags

She literally murdered dimitris entire bloodline

>Hey, I've torched your capital, killed your friends and subordinates, and dashed your dreams, peace?
What a dick.

>Why would you sacrifice all those lives just to give up in the end
She made it very clear that it's either her way or nothing and that's pretty based in my book.


She wasn't trying to assassinate the house leaders, she wanted to get the teacher fired for being a coward so Jeritza could take over as teacher and they have better mobility in the monastery. She wasn't expecting Byleth to get the teacher spot.

No, it was Edelgard's mom.

>there are ""people"" who think one run of a game that is specifically designed to have four routes with different stories is enough to be an expert on every character

It was probably just her way of committing suicide. Doubtful she actually thought she had a chance just daggering the dude there and then.

Stop making up nonsense, the Slitherers were behind the massacre, which also happened way before Edel made an alliance with them.

Wasn't Jeritza already a teacher before Byleth came ?

She literally says that Jeralt had his reasons for being suspicious of Rea by running away. She should be recruited in BE by default.

The teacher that ran away was Edelgard's teacher. He wanted that guy fired and Jeritza to be made her teacher.

Are we just straight up lying about Edelgard now

>people excuse/defend Edgelord just because she is a pair of tits with an ass
Fucking waifufags. If she was some doujin-tier fat old man no one would try to come to her aid.

If you actually paid to play this pile of shit you should kill yourself.

I've played 2 and a half routes so far(and spoiled myself on the rest) and honestly, I think the characters personalities just aren't consistent, they change depending on the route. Whoever byleth doesn't choose(except for claude) just loses their shit during the timeskip.

So most of these arguments can be summed up with "you're both right/wrong because you both played a different route with inconsistent character with no true canon"

The only thing that is consistent is pretimeskip. Which is Edelgard helping the villains and trying to assassinate her classmates.

>I think the characters personalities just aren't consistent, they change depending on the route.

That seems to be intentional since Edelgard straight up says that Byleth keeps her from being totally cold and heartless

I just want Dimitri and El to dance Then fuck like rabbits

How can someone seethe so much over Dimitri (A.K.A Three Houses' most based lord)

>He gets offed in all routes except his
>In Golden Deer and Church he's a rabid dog
Lmao, cope

>stating facts is seething
sasuga BLosers

Can I ship Edelgard and Dimitri?

So does Eldegard

He's a rapid dog in black eagle

You are the only one with control over your marriage.

sup Edelgard

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No, He gives her a chance and she throws a dagger into his shoulder, he plunges his spear into her heart

>shipping the 2 people that are constantly trying to kill each other

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>edelgards only comeback to a rabid dog begging for an end to her killing and conquest is "no u"

They canonically had a childhood crush on each other but they can never be together

Dimitri the retarded king

Pretty much. edel was screwed up before the story even started lol. it's not like byleth stopped her from going the dark path, she already started that long ago, only difference now after timeskip is her showing some remorse and being a slightly less extremist. The justification for working with twsitd was a pretty pathetic attempt at shifting the blame. It was just "theyre the enemy of my enemy but I still dont have any control of their actions so hey, I'm of the hook, right?"

Two reasons I picked her.
she's a lord with an axe, I'm sure there's going to be plenty of solid lance units but good axe units are always hard to come by

Imagine how hard they would fuck though.

Edelgard is still trying to cope over being in love with him

Honestly they just need two Byleths, one male and female

Is there anyone more BASED than dodo

Axe is strong in 3H. Especialy guys who can become war masters, the class has extra crit chance, and with the S rank crit ability

Of course.

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>Edelgard took Dmitri and Claude to the mercenary village.

She didn't fucking take them to the village though. They were training near the village when Edelgard's bandits attacked. Claude ran away and both Dmitri and Edelgard followed him. They just happened to come upon Jeralt and Bylteth.

Actually in my experience so far the axe users have all been hilariously powerful.

>The justification for working with twsitd was a pretty pathetic attempt at shifting the blame.
>To make this work we need all the power we can get.
>shifting the blame
you wot m8

Every fucking Wyvern lord i've made have been almost as good as the lords.
When they all can double with 40x2 on a fucking steel axe and then run away there's a problem

Women can't do morally questionable things, only men can act like literal retards enacting unneeded cruelty and be based.

Why care about the squabbles of these children when there's so much better?

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Yeah, they totally bust any battle that requires you to kill the commanders.

>I will kill you professor
>support level between you and hubert reached C!

>she throws a dagger into his shoulder
>a dagger

THE dagger, user

Edelgard first since she'll it will be a nice contrast between BL. Then GD since it will start touching on some of the lore of the world. Finally Church since it will clear up any remaining questions you'll have.

She was my first choice and I don't regret it.

>no gloves

no thanks

Attached: gloves.jpg (1280x720, 178K)

>I know these dudes killed your dad, village, students, and did a bunch of other cruel shit youre better off not knowing about BUT the church is our common enemy and we need their help

>but after we get rid of the church, it'll just be a new power struggle between us and twsitd and what if they stab us in the back before we can stab them in the back, there's so much margin for error.

>dont worry I know what I'm doing, just take my word for it...

Level C is basically "these two characters have a relationship", as opposed to them basically ignoring each other whenever possible. It almost always presents some sort of problem or dilemma that sets up how the two characters' relationship is going to unfold.

Speed and STR growths are super easy, and the STR->CON system means that weight is essentially meaningless after level 20 or so. The only issue is mounted units cant cast fist.

The Church of Seiros was corrupt and regressive. Stagnation is the greatest enemy of an Empire.

Edelgard did nothing wrong.

Your whore deserves a painful death. I hope I don't one hit her when I get to kill her just so I can make her suffer longer.

Sorry people capable of critical thinking have a connection to the divine and you are trapped in mudworld

Good news is youll almost certainly grow out of it

Not into the final route releases in 2020

Religion is useful in providing union and purpose for civilizations in an early stage of development.

After that, it becomes an obstacle for progress rather than a catalyst for it

The other routes having a happy ending without having to resort to her extreme methods feels like an unintentional spit in the face to her efforts because it's just "hey, your war and 4D chessmaster schemes were all useless, turns out civil democracy is the true answer lol".

But then again, without her as an antagonist, nothing wouldve changed for another era. And her ending is the only ending where byleth gets their humanity back and crest are completely removed


>Edelgard x Dimitri
Kek, it will be Edelgard and Sensei fucking hard while Dimitri watches and stabs himself with his shitty dagger.

>Ignoring based huberts secret police

The best tools for the strong to control the mass is the religion though.

>Church of Seiros was corrupt and regressive
hangman, who spent decades working fir the church, independantly develops a better version of magitech over the timeskip in every route. The ban on old version magitech is the rough equivalent of how plague engineering is universally banned by all nations in the modern world with consquences, depending on severity, up to executing the entire government.

What the fuck? Dimitri is such a based motherfucker. I like him now.

>the epilogue said they all lived happily ever after so clearly our dad was okay after all

List of characters whose mom didnt die in a fire:

-claude, probably


Replacing one mass murdering tyranny for another isn't a solution.

I mean, how aren't they right? We know that Hubert's secret police canonically got rid of them and actually managed to steal their tech instead of just blowing everything up.


Is there a more BASED retainer?

and... who does he side with again?


>mass murdering tyranny
Are you making up garbage again, Dimitrash?

Edelgard making Yea Forums seethe is why she's the best Lord

>Dabbed on by mages in Church route
heh, nothing personal my nigga

I wonder how jeralt would be taking all of this if he was watching all these events.

>wtf! He's teaming up with the church that I explicitly tokd him not to trust because if some milf titties?

>wtf! He's getting help from the group that killed me to take out the church? Well...two steps back, one step forward, right?

Why would this game make anyone seethe? You get to kill her if you don't like her.

>doing sothis paralogue
>leave ashe to get the chest and have everyone else fight the wolves
>birds start moving
>ashe manages to run away with like 5 health left

>After that, it becomes an obstacle for progress rather than a catalyst for it
>religion fails
>so does societal unity

>join group who killed your father
>join group who killed your mother, probably wanted to kill your father and take you from him in the name of the church
No matter what, you only join crazy people.

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Fucking Nigger

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Slays Rhea, regains humanity and gets the emperor puss. Dad would be happy.

Can i save and purification her if i choose another house?

Your feet madam

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>probably wanted to kill your father and take you from him in the name of the church
Are you the dumb? Jeralt is enough of a major church member to be an ageless immortal himself. Alois mentions on occasion that he looks the same as he did when he picked up young Alois as an apprentice.

He sides with you. I legitimately dont understand the point you're trying to make.

This can't be real. It's too good.

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Whoa! Rhea was crazy bitch. El doing good job to return world to the humanity.

I still don't understand why the specifically killed him off other than "muh dad is dead!" drama.
>High skilled knight who very clearly doesn't trust the church
>States he doesn't trust Rhea a bunch of times.
>Public knowledge he ran away from the church to protect you from it.

Why did they not just try convert him. He probably would have been cool joining his son in bitchslapping Rhea up

>Doubting the CHAD LORENZ

>return world to humanity
What retard actually believes this? Dragons controlled the planet from day 1 and things only became shit after slithers and nemesis had an idea and did a dumb thing

That isn't the point of Dimitri to be a perfect character, his end product and character development along with everyone in the Blue lions is the reason they're the best. The fact Dimitri was able to forgive and love after watching everyone he loved die in front of him was done well and he truly has the best perspective to be the best leader

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>crippling alcoholism
>can't remember enough to make all the story connections people do here
What do I do bros?

Our "story connections" are all desperate reaching and headcanon

Seiros genocided the slitherers for the lulz, they got angry because of that and manipulated Nemesis into killing Sothis.

This one

The dragons didn't create the planet
Dragons aren't even true gods

>30 by the time you actually fug her

Get out cake

By default he sides with Edelgard

There's no route where you are a genuine mustache twirler though. You can't even become a bandit king.

Just get the facts and make your own connections.
Many anons have already discussed all the routes multiple times and will continue to do so.
But really the only main points are ones that happen in all three routes, since shit goes down very differently and has done nothing but created arguments since retards think that one route is the entire game and the canon one.

Put a check mark of the appropriate color next to each character

Show everyone how good your taste is

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Anyone else who keep recruiting sensible?

It makes no sense to Poach Lorenz away, for example, because he's so 100% attached to the alliance,. Meanwhile Leonie is fair game because she got attachment to you personally.

Lorenz makes sense in blue lions, Ferdinand too

I recruit girls.

yeah, true enough, Lion and Deers are pretty friendly outside bullshit edelgArd chaotic battlefield magic shit. And there are a few BE that makes sense you poach away, like Bernadetta who is basically ignored by her house, or Dorothea who basically is just a cock hungry thot.

Pretty much. The dude has been hiding from rhea for over two decades and begrudgingly agreed to work for her. Given what we know about rhea, it wouldn't be a stretch that she woukd make him an enemy.

Jeralt in story had a huge reputation. As far as twsitd know, the dude was prob still loyal to the church and was a potential big threat in their plans.

Well played user

Is it possible to turn off combat music so it isn't constantly interrupting the map music

He basically was fine with the church but creeped out by Rhea bullshit so he wanted to stay away.

Reminder that Edelgard literally exterminates and seizes the lands of any Black Eagle unit you recruit outside of Black Eagles.

Reminder that Edelgard literally put Bernie on a pile of kindling as bait and likely planned to burn her to death if the situation called for it.

>Reminder that Edelgard literally put Bernie on a pile of kindling as bait and likely planned to burn her to death if the situation called for it.

This is when I knew dimitris nuclear autism was justified

If you recruit Bernie before the time skip, do you save her from bait fate?

Is it ever explained why bernie is still fighting for edelgard when shes used as bait in literally every 3 way fight?

Absolutely and most definitely yes.

Rhea doesn't give a fuck about humanity. All she wants is fuck her own mother.

Yes, Whoever you recruit is replaced by a generic on the map they are supposed to appear.

Basically the timeskip can,t show it well due to how varied the recuit can be, but you get back your core group on the bandit mission then everyone is back afterward.

Probably afraid to flee or go elsewhere alone

Thank god I saved her in my first playthrough

What should I spend my renown on now that I am in NG+, Professor level?

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Nothing? Guess i can only kill her huh? a shame

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>likely planned to burn her to death if the situation called for it.
No, she clearly feels bad about Bernie if you kill her.

Edelgard literally razes any noble house in the empire that doesn't fight with her.

Like, she will literally execute Ferdinand's dad and seize his lands if he leaves the Black eagles. She's a fucking tyrant

Why is there no ending where you can make both Edelgard and Rhea into sexslaves who repent letting their pettiness lead the land to ruin and realize they only need to live for your cock?

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Because if you don't fight for Edelgard your family dies. This is why Lorenz leaves your group to join her and you need to rescue him later. This is why Petra is a literal fucking hostage

hate is a little strong an emotion but caspar needs to shut the FUCK up and stop being an overaggressive manlet napoleon dipshit

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Cool, so Yea Forums what is better, 0 recruit pure run or recruit away?

user, you know that the nobles banded together and sent her to the rape dungeon as a little girl, right. Ferdinand's dad was literally the main culprit.

What are you guys plan for the game ? I just finished GD so i'm gonna do BE/Church/Kingdom in order

once Lunatic is out so i'll do a ''Golden''run where i recruit everyone, maximise everything, do all the paralogues, etc. of the route i prefered (my guess is either GD or Lion, i'll see)

What about you guys?

You must be really retarded and pissed.

How does it feel to have brain damage

I would recommend limiting yourself to 1 recruit per rival house, at least for your first run.

Personally i recruit 3-4 units from other house that got supports with my main team, and i almost exclusively use my main house units unless the missions allow for more than 10.

How strong is dimitri? It sounds like he could probably beat Byleth 1v1

he's got a coolass post timeskip design and this bird keeps itself in the air by sheer force of anger alone. he might be going on the biggest chimpout in fodlan's history but he does it in this spectacularly thorough fashion that I can't dislike at all.

He has the game highest Strenght with Catherine, i believe

He killed a man with one hand. Not one arm just the hand.

Anyone thinking Edelgard was in the wrong for what she did with the nobles is retarded. She should have been harsher with them.

>I dream of...my older brother, paralyzed, helpless...\nmy older sister crying for help that never came...\nthe youngest babbling words beyond meaning.
>I see my family dying slowly, waiting in the darkest\ndepths for a glimmer of light.
>I once had ten siblings, eight older and two younger.
>Such a large family, and yet I became the heir to\nthe throne. Do you know why?
>Every last one of them was crippled by disease or\nlost their mind or died.
>I was the only one left who could inherit the throne.
>My siblings and I were... We were imprisoned\nunderground, beneath the palace.
>The objective was to endow our bodies with the\npower of a Major Crest.
>In order to create a peerless emperor to rule Fódlan,\nthey violated our bodies by cutting open our\nvery flesh.
>Now here I stand, the fruit of that endeavor:\nEdelgard von Hresvelg!
>But that came at too high a price... The others\nwere sacrificed.
>Ours weren't the only lives devastated by that\nterrible process. Innocents died as well, without\neven knowing what they were dying for.
>Who is to blame?
>The prime minister and his gaggle of nobles.\nThey had the Empire under their thumbs. My father,\nthe emperor, tried to stop him, but...it was futile.
>My father was nothing but a puppet on a string\nby then. He was powerless to save us.

Shoulda aimed that spear better. Woulda saved a shitload of trouble.

>Edelgard starts a war good
>Dimitri getting war waged on his country bad
I love how Fearghus are the villains for literally existing, Edelfags really are Nohrfags.
>Hoshido didn't surrender so they are the villains

pure runs for story since they're all pretty interesting.
I want lunatic to be super hard since hard mode is a fucking push over if you've played any other fire emblem game.

3 Houses reminds me of New Vegas, were anons argue about routes and morality,

Feels good. Claude is good and so is Dimitri, Edelguardfags keep walkiing

He's a one man army through sheer determination and a single-minded focus on revenge. Pretty fucking strong

True, tho some missions might because really fucking annoying, like the wind caller

>the empire is full of evil nobles
>so i'm going to give the empire more power and kill anyone that resists the empire

10/10 plan

anyone else get a bad feeling that Wave 4 is gonna be a Revelation style "and they all lived happily ever after"

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Anyone burned out on this game that has done more than one route?

>Have to play deer now
Would it be fun to do a run where you only use classes that have the budding weapon skill for that unit?

I think you forgot about the secret police she has under her command

She deposed the corrupt nobles. That's what I'm talking about. People are complaining about how she jailed or executed the noble parents of certain characters, but that's the one thing she was fully justified to do. And she literally wants to abolish the concept of nobility as a whole.

What units you keep when you go Church? Edelgard and Hubert are out I assume, do you keep the rest of the BE and fuck everyone else?

I came for Ingrid
Had a crush on Catherine
And stayed for Annette

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In Heroes, Sothis alludes to having a true form she can't show yet and FByleth says she wishes she could guide "all 3 of them".

who are the best units overall besides the house leaders? I know lysithea is OP but who else?

I burned out by chapter 5 of my second route. There's only one character I really wanna get my dick into that I already got my first time around, and while pre-timeskip's pacing and writing quality are less retarded it's all the same shit. Needing to do explore chores all over again is awful too.

you keep everyone but hubert and edel.

in Edel you keep only shamir from the knights

Both Catherine and Shamir, regardless of personality, are fucking war crazed sociopaths. I don't see how anyone can find either of them respectable.

Just got to the critical part where she reveals herself to be the flame emperor and attacks you.

Gotta say, really not based.

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Do you go around killing GD and BL?

She went to Lorenz house which isn't even in the empire and said join me or i'm killing your family. She went to a different fucking country and took Petra because the country can't resist if she has their princess.

She literally recruited the people that were actually responsible for all the empires fucked up shit and let them do whatever the fuck they wanted because their leader was a noble that she needed help from.


I came for Hilda, had a crush on Petra, and stayed for Leonie.

There's no really BAD units, imo. Some get screwed like Ignatz if he can't gain strenght, but there,s no stinkers like older FE's. Do note that Cyril, despite being the Donnel has abysmal base growth so aptitude only make him decent instead of DONNIE level greath

I picked Blue Lions but everyone talking about how Edelgard goes fuck the church makes me mad i didn't pick her

All i want in the new route is to save Lonato.

Well F this game then.

So basically she didn't start them but was involved in helping people with treason

came for hilda
crushed on hilda
stayed for hilda

She doesn't do that in her route, so it's fine.

I mean dataminer's found supports for all the three lords in game, so it's gonna happen

She kidnaps Petra before the game even starts.

Dimitri manages to fix the church without actually giving half a shit about it

Came for Ingrid
Had a crush on Ingrid
Stayed for Ingrid

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I came on Ashe

shut up edel

What do you mean? They have supports with each other?

You are basically the pope by the end of the preskip.

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>A side story different from the main story featuring new locations, chapters and characters
It could be anything at this point. But my guess would be either about the prequel with the other crest bearers or slitherers since the title alludes to that or both.

That was the current emperor, who isn't Edelgard.

and it actually wasn't even him, because he is essentially just a figurehead and the council of nobles is ruling in his stead

Or a Golden Route involving time traveling.

Nemesis dd nothing wrong.

Attached: Edelgard.png (2044x2044, 2.77M)

>Black Eagle route
>Edelgard murders any black eagle that get in her way in the tomb

What a true hero

It's more like:
>A story different from the main story, structured in chapters, with new characters being added and some new locations and battles.

Could easily be a Golden Route.

She actually explicitly says "despite what I said, I don't want to kill you".

Yet she still kills you.

If any of your students "die" there, they don't actually die.

An ICBM shouldn't be allowed to be this cute!

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Oh fuck! Do I kill Edelgard?

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Can I be spoonfed?

>Religion is needed
>to guide the people to a better society

The supports aren't actually in the game. There is just placeholder for them.

Edelgard is completely justified in being an evil cunt because she was experimented on and has suffered in a way that no other human has suffered. Literally any human that has ever been experimented on and stuffed full of crests would react in exactly the same genocidal way.

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Which route?

>Have to recruit Lorenz as well for her to be ICBM and not just a local landmine

Black Eagles. Just finished the battle in the tomb.

>Finally zoom in all the way and see I can move independently
This is breddy cool.

Did you visit her coronation?

No? I don't think I had that option. I literally just finished the battle, and Rhea is telling me to kill Edelgard. My options are "I must kill Edelgard" and "..."

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>no need to ask, citizen, I will free you from Seiros' 1000 year tyranny even though you never complained
>all you need to do is turn your back on your own country and submit to my Empire's reign
>by the way, start learning how to use a sword, Almyra and Brigid need a war or two to learn that the Empire calls the shots here

Then you don't have a choice apparently.

youre fucked then unfortunately bro, during month 2 during explore you had the option to talk to edelgard and she asks you to go to the coronation. the route youre gonna go is a few chapters longer though so youll have some more game to enjoy

Do us all a favor and kill her.

Do it user, you get a kino scene of Byleth cutting down Edelgard while she tries confessing to you.

They're both siding with the church

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Fuck, bros...

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>crests are bad mmkay
>but only if you do this fucked up hemomancy to get more of them, or steal an absurdly powerful relic and it doesn't jam with your crest
>otherwise they just make you stronger

Welcome to church route.

Enjoy your Mother Daughter Aunt milkies bro

>cutting out that which is unacceptable, or accepting it
So far BL is much more kino than the others I've done.

I don't know why, but I read that in Lysithea's post even though she would never say that.

Is it worth getting the beginner class mastery skills or should I just rush to intermediate

Which class?

they're +2 to a stat
warrior and monk's (str/mag) are good early on but fall off
other two are for idiots

Post the best guy and girl of each house.

Crest actually cause a shitty class systems, eugenics, human experimentation, and there's crest aids.

>class systems, eugenics
Nothing wrong with those 2

>human experimentation, and there's crest aids.
Edelgard's country started that

>the meat tree/annette

Putting cum cum inside Annette's tum tum!

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she picks a really bad hairstyle

is the death knight rigged in any way to crit?
He keeps getting crits at 1% and I'm convinced that they set it to be like this.

What are you smoking, she's one of the most improved after the timeskip

Maybe, just crit him before he crits you.

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>there are people who think Edelgard is doing the right thing
>all while thinking Hitler is evil
The EU got created no matter what, just as Fodlan will unite regardless of Edelgard existing or not. What she's doing is a waste of time and is just making her look worse.

Well the final School chapter isn't allowing it when he outranging everything but my Dimitri and Hilda, but they can't outspeed him so they die.

i was totally on the shamir train until she started talking about her ex during her supports. that's a red flag, dropped that bitch like a bag of bricks

i could not disagree more, i had no problem with the cute loops, those fucked bangs she has now look like her mom cuts her hair. fucking ruined

W I D E face

First word problems.
Dumb bitch

Attached: EBZV.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

this was cute
she shoulda just let her hair down and kept the bangs

by that point my dimitri was so broken, death knight couldn't even retaliate. i don't know what i'd have done otherwise, that "counter attack from any distance" ability is fucking terrifying

>your country is currently getting assfucked but what makes you suicidal is your favorite tendies stand closed down

is she /our girl/?

Mine can for sure kill the death knight if he could tank a single hit, but he's only at 17 speed, while the death knight is way higher and just ends up critting anyways.
Doesn't matter now anyways, I got another unit to support with Byleth and he managed to bring down his crit to 0.

Dude food lmao

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My Gigachad Paladin Sylvain with the Lance of Ruin fucked that punk up hard. He needed a defense rally from Seteth and it left him at like 3 hp, but he took him down 1v1

Lysithea was 2, she has no memories of the horrible experiments. Edelgard was 9 and saw all of her siblings die.

>forty hours in
>on chapter 16

holy fuck, how many chapters are in the bl route? i don't think i have another twenty in me, bros

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I like her so far. I’m not that far in the game still.

22 in total. Counting the 12 before the timeskip.

>Dimitri and Edelgard fight over who gets to bang Byleth
>Male Byleth gets pissed about the fighting and just fucks them both silly
>FByleth gets pissed and just lets them both drink from her tits at the same time while stimulating their genitals until orgasm

BL is the longest and has 22

>not wanting to get wrecked by a 30 year old cake

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It has shorter chapters than the other routes, actually.

majority of my time is spent doing paralogues/min maxing shit in exploration mode anyway

As long as you're having Fun user

Ingird is pretty awkward and autistic when it comes to things not about muh Knighthood and I love her even more for it.

>Spends the ball night hiding away and eating food like an animal
Ingird is cute!

She needs to put on the pounds. Having kids requires a lot of energy ya know.

When you kill her the sword goes straight through the front. Man that's messy. I thought it was gonna go sideways execution style.

can i stick my dick in flayn yet, seteths not looking

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Is there anyone I should recruit due to their skills on my Blue Lions playthrough? I remember reading someone needed Marianne and Lystheia for a map that had the boss with ridiculous range attacking you, is that true?

please respond

No, he is always watching

Lysitheia is just great in general

Is this worth picking up? Or wait for the next one?

>Her actual legit dream is becoming a subservient loyal knight serving a master
>If you become archbishop/king and marry her, not only does she fulfill that dream but you also save her bloodline like what her dad wants
Kinda cute honestly. I bet she'd be down for some master/servant play.

"Hey Edel hows about we meet up in the Library later to... OH HI PROFESSOR HAHA IM NOT SKETCHY RED HAIRED GIRL THAT RANDOMLY SHOWED UP"

Am I gonna be really shooting myself in the foot if I only recruit Bernie though? I remember I didn't use Titiana in Echoes and not having Fortify really fucked me in last level.

And she hates niggers, there can't be a more based wife.

Lorenz's paralogue gives you the best relic in the game. Lysithea is the best mage in the game. Marianne gives you a good relic and she's designed to be a Holy Knight which is useful.

They shouldve at least made her playable, just having her do nothing but stick around edel was the giveaway

you should be fine with your main team, there are no straight up bad units in this game imo besides cyril

Please save me Professor!

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Do it every day until he likes it.

>go with black negrals on ng+
>cant recruit hilda



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Lysithea, but make sure you get Lorenz too so you can get a relic weapon that makes her even more of a walking ICBM.
Marianne for Dimitri if you're not gonna marry him yourself
Otherwise get whoever.

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I wanna S rank her so bad bros.

Now this is a murderer I can get behind

Oh wow.

you mixed some things up. Lorenz chapter give you a relic that he or Lysithea can use that grant +2 range for black magic and a random half damage on melee hit it makes either character REALLY good because you can nuke some1 from safety. Lisythea has higher damage than lorenz, but lorenz as a dark knight is much more mobile and can actually take a hit unlike lisithea.

Marianne paralogue give her a sword that is custom made for her, especially if you make her a holy knight (and you should)

Basically, every paralogue give a top tier item and battalion for a character, and there is no reason to pass on them.

You can only recruit Hilda in like the 2nd last or last month, and only on the DEUS VULT route.

It's literally okay when Dimitri does it.


Based VA.

If it's a JRPG religion it's either only useful for some minor healing magic / incompetently sealing away some ancient evil and completely forgetting about it until it fucks over future generations, or it's 100% evil and will end the world if left unpurged. There are no other options. If I lived in a JRPG I wouldn't tolerate either since those fuckers would end the world either way.

1000 Year Old Boomer Seteth is a fun meme.

I just wanna smack her tits and call her the dumbest cunt in the game in a game full of really dumb cunts
what the fuck was she thinking
if there'd been any time for byleth to bond with whatshername I could have understood her asking for his help but there's just nothing. you save this girl and she has like 3 lines of dialogue total before fragging your old man and they try to make her death (by a hand that isn't even yours) super dramatic or pitiable or something.
stupid fucking character and a waste of some nice boobs

But like 95% of the Church is good, 5% is evil. Edelgard decides to massacre the 95% to get at the 5%.

does no one fucking give advanced drills for authority besides seteth

>Just spent 40 fucking minutes on Edgegards extra mission with all those drakes
Goddamn, one just barely nipped my mage. I'll have to try again later.

JRPG church. They're benign until their god or pope goes insane and decides to purge humanity, and all the ones that seemed good will blindly follow that without question. It's safer to just genocide the whole thing.

Edgelard should use religion since its only real purpose is to control the masses and convince them to give up most of their money for an afterlife of wonder.

>Ch. 17 on BE
What the fuck is this shit? Why are there so many monsters? Why does Sylvain deal 76 points of damage with such a high hit-rate? How the fuck are you supposed to deal with all this shit?

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You killed my dad you retarded tentacle trollop

>marrianne's paralogue

holy fuck i was not prepared for that. took every character's i had's turn to kill the boss in one turn so he didn't one shot marianne. these paralogues have been way more interesting gameplay-wise than the main mission

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>the VA actually read the meme shit
Absolutely based.

I accidentally recruited him earlier so I never had to deal with this. Also use mages, mages are the key to everything.

You did do all the prologues for op items right?

They are much more difficult than main. Hard being basically normal difficulty means they need to have little timmy the 8 years old tard be able to eventually get through the main campaign. Meanwhile Paralogue can be harder because timmy can ignore them

>Edelgard was 9 and saw all of her siblings die.
Oh, so dimitri's only bad because he didnt try to kill everyone right away, then? Hes just a fool for waiting?