Games that were good as a child but now are shit

Games that were good as a child but now are shit

Attached: Buu's Fury.jpg (220x220, 14K)


>Games that were good as a child but now are shit

All of them.

>tfw I have no reaction folder

I didn't even know what an rpg was when I played this, I beat the whole thing without leveling.

Any game made by Nintendo

who am i kidding even as a child this wasn't a good game.

Attached: digimon world.jpg (600x600, 100K)

Buu's Fury is fine, but Legacy of Goku 2 is a masterpiece and IDGAF what you say.

Fuck you tasteless nigger

Try replaying it

I replay it every couple years. Still great. Better than any shitty Mana game, funnily enough.

You must still be a kid then

What is supposed to have changed? The only thing I can remember that might be more annoying than I remember is some of the knockback logic and one or two really obtuse puzzles.

Spiderman 2, Simpsons Hit & Run, and all LEGO games

The movement feels like shit

>recently played Spiderman 2
Why is it shit?

>pic unrelated

replay it

Already did and it was still fun.

>swinging is cool and fun
>Mysterio boss fight

>swinging and fighting is all there is to do
>fighting sucks ass since all you do is spam the same 3 or 4 combos over and over again until you win without the slightest hint of a challenge
>this means 50% of the game sucks ass
>main missions are all piss-easy except maybe the retarded robot fight outside the warehouse and the final boss
>side missions are just meaningless time trials from point A to point B

Shit side wins 5-2

yeah but the swinging

Shit is an exaggeration, but Golden Sun did not hold up. There's too much text/dialogue, the random encounter rate is too high, and the story and characters are pretty generic. I loved it as a kid tho since it was my first game and I had nothing to compare it to