Oh no no no nooooo fuck japs

Oh no no no nooooo fuck japs

Attached: Langrisser old vs new.jpg (1930x1402, 883K)

The original artist is dead. What you gonna do, summon his soul using Ouija board to work on the new game?

Why fuck japs? Didn't a Chinese studio pick the series up?

pubesman died?

Aren't cartoons/anime as simple as they are too make them easier for a whole team of artists to copy and animate? Probably not that hard a style for a decent artist to mimic

>poor mans Fire Emblem

You're aware that the original are is still there and is actually sold as DLC?

Attached: 1456053189509.jpg (408x408, 18K)

Obviously not, he even drew art for the new game since you can choose which art style to use.
Personally I think the new art is about as good and the chinese gacha mobage art is even better. I play langrisser for the gameplay though

Yeah Japanimation used to be cool now its just queer.

Attached: 434.jpg (800x1110, 286K)

>pandering to the modern otaku crowd
Worst timeline

What happened to contra anyway? I thought the wayforward one was good.

It looks like some SAO queer shit

Just another case of KONAMI taking a big shit on their IPs.

>The original artist is dead
Tell me it's not true.

Attached: feels like 1.jpg (255x424, 123K)

>Setting is some swords and sorcery fantasy world
>Expect some cool armors and stuff
>MC genuinely wears some trenchcoat covered in belts and zippers
Why do modern day japs do this?

>people think the 1975 EVERYONE IS AN OVERLY SHADED ELF PERSON art is good

Get out and get some sun bitch

Attached: 1527347042497.jpg (960x960, 143K)

Attached: merklich.jpg (422x800, 79K)

Yeah, that's what actual art looks like.

Welcome to the real world, you hack.

The fucking trenchcoat meme is easily the worst thing to have happened to fantasy manga

>and is actually sold as DLC?
Every fucking time.
Fucking jews.

oh no no nooo

Attached: CG_Leonhardt.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

It's not even sold as DLC, it's just an option in the menu.

Damn wtf happened?? Look at the style, detail, manliness, etc of the first one.

It's a first print bonus in Japan, if you didn't get the first print version of the game it's paid DLC. We don't know yet what they're doing with the western release.

Which Garo is this?

It's the desperate try to redraw the original artstyle in a modern way. Always looks like shit in comparison, just like all the PC-98 remakes and I have no clue why they are trying it every time.

Right is the original

Attached: LANGRISSER.jpg (665x671, 126K)

I still think 1 is the best in the series. If not for the tedious gameplay, I'd replay it and go for a different waifu set.

The best piece of shit in a pile of shit is still a piece of shit.

mfw I see the new artwork. I'm amazing how bland and just generally bad it is.

I mean FE: Shadows of Valentia managed to do a "modern anime" update but still make it look good, why can this be at least decent?

Attached: 1561849473931.jpg (544x572, 18K)

was a decent idea that went on way too long and the system was complete trash

He's not dead, he's just blind.

>Right is the original
Why do you keep saying this? Are you genuinely misinformed or just pretending to be stupid?

It's because this is a new character, and urushihara based the design on the right

>The Virgin Trenchcoat
>The Chad Duster

Attached: Veteran-Ranger-Fallout-Coat.jpg (570x708, 77K)

Because it's the truth, Ryou Nagi created the design and then they had Urushihara draw his own version of it, it has never been stated otherwise.

Because when FE did it in that instance, they were still trying to look like the old look to a degree. This game is going for something completely different.

>they're the same picture

weebs gettin rowdy

Because not everyone can afford Hidari

>they were still trying to look like the old look to a degree.
No they weren't, they completely redid all the designs, it's just that Hidari is a good artist so the new designs were decent.

Hello Yea Forums

So functionally dead??????
I'd rather be dead than blind.

alright my bad I'm dumb

You forgot music too

He's praying for 3d printed eyes