Nintendo never censors their ga-
Nintendo never censors their ga-
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cum mind
you read it wrong, retard. they said they weren't going to censor games others publish
they are going to censor their own games though if they want a lower age rtaing
This was back when they did censor games and Sony didn't.
They swapped.
They only censor their own games, not third party games.
>Way back
>#FE was 2016
>Way back
ok cum conscious
>you mean the world changes over 3 years?!?!
Remember when that sold like garbage? I do.
This looks like a white burka.
censorship is still censorship
you lose.
Sorry Snoyboy, the party of censorship is now Snoy.
That actually looks better
They don't try to when they can help it. This was fucking AVEX group complaining because the design was going to be on their Karaoke machines. The design was also changed internally at Atlus even before then because they thought Zipper panties was stupid and it slipped past and into the public sphere before they could take it back.
>US dialogue keeps the t&a comment, albeit subtly
>EUR/AUS sidestep it entirely
what did he mean by this?
Sure cuck
Wasn't that change solicited by AVEX?
The rest of the thread is just the west being retarded rather than Nintendo themselves, but everyone knows that already.
I wasn't under the impression Nintendo was never censoring games, just that they weren't censoring some games that Snoy was censoring.
>Nintendo never censors
Nobody has ever fucking believed this.
The censorship around that time was on Treehouse's request. After the Wii U failure they got the blame and NoJ took away their influence.
Censorship is censorship, nintensoy
Expect a director's cut on Switch.
Who are you quoting?
leftist trash
Post Sony censorship and discuss
Nobody tell OP about what Nintendo did in the 80s and 90s, I think it might flood his brain.
Not a censorship when they improve
Yeah it was horrible how they... removed some crosses and covered an FF sprite's tits?
Taking out MK's blood really established the Genesis as the MATURE KID's system
Are you just a beaner looking for (You)'s?
This was a fucking Wii U game. That's from before they reigned in Treehouse and swore not to intervene on 3rd parties.
Reminder that we're raided 24/7.
It's PedoEra trolls, it's always them. They support kusony because they support censorship, that's why you see the same trolls posting the same crap on every single nintendo or anti-censorship thread or a japanese oriented game (because goddamn those subhumans hate japs).
You can put the blood back in with a code on the Mega Drive
>anyone who doesn't like us is with them
take your pills
Nintendo used to be like snoy, now the roles have reversed and we get stuff like Omega Labyrinth Life on Switch while snoy panders to the sjw minority
its UK gotta make it muslim compatible
Spunk Thoughts
that explains quite a bit thanks user
i thought this board has been unusualy cancerus for the past months
Omega Labyrinth is uncensored on Switch
that tells you all you need to know about where they CURRENTLY stand on censorship
NoA used to be like that more specifically, in Japan they got lewd games and similar things every now and then but the main public for stuff like that was bigger on Playstation.
Now NoA is on a leash and Playstation HQ is on the west, so no wonder things turned around.
Nintenbros pretend the last gen didn't happen so naturally they'd forget.
Meanwhile, PC always wins!
>B-BUT #FE!!!!!!
anyone with a brain could remember the fact that the people responsible for censoring these games literally got fired and were outed as pedophiles and prostitutes(this isn't a joke by the way this actually happened). Now those people are gone and it's mommies making sure their developing children are comfortable with their sexuality running the localization department.
I remember the prostitute part, but who the fuck were the kiddie fiddlers who got shit canned
same person, alongside being a prostitute she was also a huge advocate for actual cp and stuff like that
Alison Rapp wasn't censoring games, retard. She was in charge of marketing Bayonetta 2 AND MADE A DEAL WITH PLAYBOY FOR IT.
She worked in *marketing*, not localization.
you realize the treehouse and marketing have a ton of overlap, she was involved with both. NOA is a marketing branch of Nintendo, that's why NOA presidents are marketing guys, not business and finance guys
Go a head and look in the credits for the games she "censored". I'll wait.
taken straight from the credits of #FE, eat your heart out user ;)
Covering up skin aside, what's with changing the proportions? Those are some dwarf legs.
That photo is spreading misinfo.
She wasn't made shorter and she isn't forced into shorts. Her undies just cover more.
Just a bad picture. Also, that photo is misleading because it's only showing the censored top. The bottom is an actual equipment (although her bottom was censored too, but the censorship is just skintight shorts under the bikini bottom, not that one).
>you read it wrong, retard
Reminder that one of the Treehouse guys bragged about censoring Fire Emblem. Be glad Nintendo sacked them.
Don't they still work on Fire Emblem Heroes?
If they do, Nintendo has a really tight leash on them.
>blaming the companies
>not blaming the tranny sjws
Don't let them divide us gamers, the true evil is SJWism, and the Jews that drive it.
Didn’t you know? It’s always okay when Nintendo messes up. Nintendo can do no wrong here in NintendoGAF
This is from a recent game defend this nintendron3s I’ll wait
>These people got the Catherine re-release gutted for no fucking reason other than to piss us off
I guess I admire their dedication but at the same time I have to wonder what the goddamn point is when it doesn't affect them in any way.
>Not combining the mist and titties.
Wasted opportunity.
The original art still exists in the original game, and she has even more lewd stuff in official games like heroes.
The right looks like she has an giant open scar on her cleavage.
maybe censorship is good for the west, think of all the sweaty hambeast cosplayers they are saving us from
Strange. I thought this would be to let the game keep the E for Everyone rating but the ESRB rating already has this: "During the course of the game, players can unlock 2D character art that depicts female characters in revealing outfits (e.g., short skirts, deep cleavage, low-cut tops)."
Man I thought you people were called roasties cause of your Arbies vaginas, not your eyes.
And they’re pedophile the real deal ones
Pray tell what that giant red mark on her chest then?
>I don't understand the argument so you lose.
Honestly an improvement.
Do you enjoy telling everybody on the internet you are color blind? Just shut up faggot everyone knows you're overreaching trying to be snarky about some 2D woman's cleavage and get some self awareness.
Good I fucking hate censorship
>definitely making a difference
Always cracks me up
Samurai already explained how Cero are faggots
IE Camilla and Myrtha had to get covered up but Pyra is completely untouched
I was about to call you retard but after looking closer It’s not a scar but it does look a bit fucked up.
>not modding your Wii U to patch the censorship out
That was their goal from the very beginning
Daily Reminder that we're also being raided by Kiwifarms faggots, they were the ones pushing the Wojak meme of late, trolling the KyoANI arson threads, and they were involved in the reports sent to kill Sad panda, all of 3 failed.
I think Godfrey here explains how I feel about the current state of the LGBT community perfectly.
Why are you posting games that came out years ago? Do I need to start posting XC2 or something?
CERO has bizarre rules as to what is and is not considered sexual.
seethe more snoycuck
We win again Pyrabros
Only a guess but Japanese likely don't understand the west's puritan and SJW morality on sex/nudity so they just choose to censor shit at random without really knowing what they're doing or why they're doing it. All of this is pushed by the government in an attempt to keep up with the rest of the world's ever increasing insanity.
Whatchu mean gutted?
They went fucking nuts when Erica shows up as a dude in some ending and it was the usual TRANSPHOBIA screaming with zero context.
No. CERO has always been against sexuality.
Nudity has always been banned in CERO. So you won't ever see tits in a Japanese released game.
I haven't seen anything confirmed about changes, just specualtion.
fucking cucks!
The lines referencing Erika's past as Eric are supposedly changed and they promised not to "Dead-name" them in the credits like in the original. There's also an ending where you literally cause a time paradox and Eric never transitions and just becomes a gay man....but nobody knows how that is going to be handled.
I fucking love this nigga.
Good to see that even famous people are getting fed up.
Also, pic related.
Fucking glad I haven't been playing console stuff for a while. What a cancerous load of shit.
who cares
Do people actually say that or is this just a shitposting thread?
Every time I see them use that term unironically I fucking lose it it’s like they’re talking about a Kojima villain
but Nintendo censorship ended with the recent Switch era you dumbass
I thought it just shows a time period before he became a she in that ending.
>or is this just a shitposting thread?
What do you fucking think?
I still don't understand why mods don't keep applying the "template thread" rule anymore around.
By the way, check
>gookspeak removed in the american version
whoa I guess?
And I haven't play any of their shit since the Wii U era, you cunt.
Oh yeah, I've been seeing that posted almost in every thread lately. I'm fine with that as long as it's acting as chemo, though.
No, that's retarded and fucking wrong. They're against outright porn and visible nudity(aka nipples on tits and the like). They're A-OK with sexual content as long as it's rated properly. CERO are only anal about sexual content with CERO A. From B onwards they get more lax until you hit D where it's basically just making sure there're no nipples being shown.
>they fixed the design
>this is a bad thing
>smash bros
based retard
time skip to 2019
tendo learnt from their mistakes
pony is copying old tendo
pony always win baby
It was because of CERO, Sakurai even did a magazine article about the changes he had to make to Palutena in Sm4sh because they kept bitching
Nintendo(then) censor to protect profits
Sony(now) did the censors for some reason, despite profits not being on the line.
Nintendo doesn't censor 3rd party last minute like sony.
Thats the main difference which makes Sony fucking shit. They will unironicaly tell a company 10 hours before release telling them to censor their game.
the top does but only in proxy, the vagina bones missing is a crime tho. Top looks retarded on the left tho.
That was 4 years ago. Move on with your life.
Sony literally censored the name of Omega Labyrinth because it looked too much like boobs.
How can anyone take this company seriously anymore?
I'm pretty sure the devs themselves did that as a jab at Sony's new censorship policies. Having like half of the name removed is pretty symbolic of what they had to do to the game to get it on there.
cool inspect element
This was the game that got Nintendo to put Treehouse on a leash
FE Fates and XCX also contributed, but yeah #FE was the final straw.
>censor game to give it a better age rating
>censor game because muh sexism or something
there's a difference
I keep hearing abut the Nintendo Treehouse leash thing and big boobs lady getting kicked out
I dont know the whole story or what happened
this V
I'm guessing on the EU side, it's an age thing. Tharja looks like an adult, and is therefore okay to sexualize. Nowi looks like a child, therefore she shouldn't be talking about anything remotely to do with sex.
Fuck! He called the bluff
All those interesting discussions were the ones that led to that one meltdown
>literally damage control
Oh boy.
It was a fun couple of weeks
This board gets raided by many more discords than that. You've got the Console War discord, the Trumpfag discord, general /pol/ discords, the Minecraft Steve discord...Kiwifarms surely has a discord. That's on top of the one or two SJW discords. This board is the chosen battleground for pretentious 21st century tribalists.
>implying that completely deleting fan games isn't even remotely censorship.
With the faggot edgelord Reggie gone NoA has stopped being full of pussies.
Uncensored, remastered Switch port when?
the game was garbage even without the censorship. it relied heavily on the gamepad too so its even less likely
There's not a single ds/3ds/wii u game that can't be made without the second screen.