Is Quake Champions dead?

Is Quake Champions dead?

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Deader than ur sex life.

Its development certainly is.

As it should be.


I played back to back games last night from 11pm to 1:30am when I went to bed.

it seems like it. zoomers can't into arena shooters

So dead Bethesda has to pay people to make threads about it on Yea Forums

But why?

I really wish Diabotical will take off, although deep down I know that it won't

boomers mad zoomers don’t care about their dated afps genre which can never be revived.

they never added hunter

it's on life support until pic related comes out later this year and kills it for good

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absolutely based

A game is really, actually dead when Yea Forums isn't interested in talking shit about it.

it's not going to get huge obviously but it could very easily be more popular than every afps combined for many years

Based on what?

>1 to 1 Quake 3 remake but with Overwatch aesthetics
Into the trash. Why even bother to make a game when you are so creatively bankrupt?

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how terrible QC is for one thing

What a detailed mouth, ha ha.

>new weapons, new maps, dash mechanic
>1:1 remake
based retard

Yeah, it released unfinished and the devs never cared about it. What was there was almost fun, but super long automatch queus and awful beth launcher killed it for me. Upwards of 30 minutes for a few rounds aint worth it, just play 3 or live.

too hard to get into
To get to a point where you arent shitstomped every match takes effort

hope so

>new weapons
>being this retarded
it looks like shit on top of that

>ITT LARPs, boomers, and nostalgia-fags, 90% of which don't play AFPS games post shitty forced Discord memes while calling anyone that disagrees with them a zoomer
>Won't bring up dogshit netcode
>Won't bring up terrible champ balance
>Won't bring up long search times for matches
>Diabotical gets posted
>Retarded boomers shit on it cuz of the style and have no other points
>Quake schizo posts his hate-boner for CS
>Reasonable anons call AFPS retards out on being LARPs or nostalgia-fags
>Said LARPs/nostalgia-fags REEE yet will inevitably circle back around to the reasonable anons' point and prove them right
>Thread will hit 300+ replies due to 1 pathetic autist that bumps the thread around page 7-8. Repeatedly. For upwards to 12 hours if he REALLY wants company
Now either change up the discussion or fuck off back to

>development ended before they added Sarge
piece of shit company

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>/thread'ing your own post
poor form, newfag

>>development ended

I got bored almost instantly.
>terrible aethetics
>boring as fuck weapons
>bland levels
>no interesting modes

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>development on life support with no sign of Sarge
piece of shit company

yes it has new weapons try watching a stream, it has twice as many weapons as Quake Live

It's dead Jim.

no you just went 0-30 and couldn't figure out how to strafe jump, many such cases

>it's on life support until pic related comes out later this year and kills it for good
Yes, a game that's dead on arrival and will have a lower playcount than QC.
A game absolutely no one even knows exists.

>>new weapons, new maps, dash mechanic
You mean worse weapons, worse maps and a slapped on dash mechanic.

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Ah yes, fanboys. Making stuff up to try and ridicule people because they have no good defence for their shit game.

>literally everyone I know from QL hates this game
>esreality makes fun of it constantly
>even the games own sub-reddit talks shit about it constantly (unusual for reddit)
>yet for some reason anonymous posters on Yea Forums are quick to defend it

Couldn't possibly be bethesda shills :)
Not like bethesda hasn't been exposed doing that with their other games on here :)

Anyway Quake Champions fucking sucks and all the true arena/quake fans are looking forward to Diabotical. If that turns out to be shit (unlikely) it's not a big deal since unlike what Yea Forums thinks us quakebros have no problem playing other more popular games.


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It's practically confirmed that it's over for Quake Champions. The last substantial patch was December of last year, and they announced literally nothing at QuakeCon.

the game hasn't even left early access, what a disgusting cash grab

they were charging $30 to play the game for a while right? while still saying it's f2p.

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Attempting to appeal to the quake demographic is a big mistake. Die hard quake players will just keep playing quake because they won't tolerate any changes to the formula, no matter how tiny. Only kidding, the overwhelming majority of them don't even actively play it in the first place, they just like to pretend they do.

>okay im gonna make another Q3

>but with Overwatch aesthetics
better than overwatch mechanics
keep slopping up tim's shit, drone

For better or worse is still the arena shooter with most active players by far. For the genre it belongs to I'd say it's fairly alive.

No one is asking for another half-assed Quake clone and even if they did only mentally handicapped devs take what fans say literally.

Did you not read the thread before you reee'd the thread? What a gamer

Diabotical waiting room

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wanna know how I know you're a retarded contrarian bethesdadrone?

Hmm Quake is too difficult. What if we...
>slow the game down
>nerf movement
>make the game team based
>make the game round based
>remove all the pickups
>allow players to buy the weapons
>remove projectile weapons
>make TTK so short that anyone can frag if given enough luck

And then the cycle always continued from card games to battle royales. In an attempt of trying to invent a product that as many people as possible can consume.

Twenty years of the series that turned skill based FPS games into crouch+shoot hitscan weapons with le epic headshots. The fortnite of its time.

CSbabies still can't refute this.
Your game was always hated.

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Diabotical is by far the least half-assed Quake clone ever made and it isn't even finished. It has pretty much everything you could ask for (most of which QC is still missing)

>autistic sperg accuses people of being fanboys of bethesda games because they shit on his shit game
Fuck off and kill yourself you stupid sack of cum. Your game is shit and DOA.

I like QC and I had a lot of fun with but it's mostly dead in my region so there's no a lot I can about that now. It's unfortunate though since it got very little love from bethesda and the dev team were pretty inexperienced so the game went through long periods of shittiness. Far from a perfect game but it was a good try to revitalize the genre. I don't really expect much from diabolical since it's falling into the same trap trying to appeal to purists again. You'd think people would learn by now that it doesn't work.

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>It has pretty much everything you could ask for
No it doesn't. You'd have to be a dev or a gigantic fanboy to even suggest this.

you're only insisting it's a shit game because you know nothing about it and just mindlessly booing it because "it's not quake therefore it's bad"
you realize it was in development BEFORE QC right? of course you don't
please stop posting, you're embarrassing yourself

>desperate devs start shilling their shit game because they start hearing the death knell and don't want to end up on the streets

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Rent free

>you're only insisting it's a shit game because you know nothing about it and just mindlessly booing it because "it's not quake therefore it's bad"
Please. project more. Show me more how utterly ignorant and retarded you are.
You're saying it's shit because it's not quake? Oh, and where did I even suggest that, you shit sniffing monkey? Huh? That's because you don't actually have any fucking defence so you have to consistenly make up shit about people while spewing out logical fallacies.

Fuck off, no one gives a single shit about your asset flip.

Your shitty reflex 2.0, Quake Live generic clone is never going to have a playerbase nearly as big as Quake Champions, a game that has players in the first place because most people just just got tired of generic Quake 3 clones long ago so the different champions and their customization was a welcome addition. Diabloatical is repeating the same mistake every clone did which is offer nothing different and try to be better than Quake 3 when that game pretty much already perfected the genre.

Just make a good arena shooter and then pay a streamer to play it.

Bam. It has to actually be a good game though, bait only gets them on the hook it doesn't reel them in.

>it's on life support

oh the irony

Based Sorlag poster, always the most intelligent people around.

You're mad because you know I'm right. I don't have to say anything more because you'll just deny it.
Hope those bethesda bucks are worth it, friend.

>quake clones keep faling
>idiot indie devs keeps making quake clones
>every one of them thinking that this time it'll be different

I want to fuck that lizard.

>You're mad because you know I'm right. I don't have to say anything more because you'll just deny it.
You're so fucking wrong iy's not even funny. I don't even like Quake as a series and I sure as fuck don't like QC. Meanig you're 100% fucking incorrect in your 100% baseless assumption, like the gignatic ignorant monkey you are.
Your shilled shit game is even fucking worse since it's a fucking clone of Quake. Completely fucking uninspired and delusional because you think this time your shit game will actually be successful for abso-fucking-no reason at all.

It's a game for no one that no one even knows exists.

It also needs to be aesthetically pleasing. Quake Champions looked too old fashioned for modern audience, too brown and grey and with "edgy" (ugly) character models.
If you made a colourful arena shooter with cute girl characters you'd instantly attract an audience.

>all that shit just to say you're not mad
yeah okay you fucking angry goober you're totally not mad and totally not getting paid to post this embarrassing garbage. I believe you.

what doesn't it have?

QC is colourful and has nice girls though.

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Not cute enough. Designs like that appeal to boomers only.

It's a Quake clone with more (poorly designed) weapons, poorly designed levels, poor visuals, poor character models. There is no way that game will be anything but a flop. If the core game is bad, slapping more dumb shit on top like every other clone did won't help one bit.
They should just cancel it or try and suck up toe the EpicStore so they will at least some money out of their failiure.

Looks too hard, Why don't they just made players 1x1 pixel since that is where they seem to be heading.

literal retard, don't reply to me ever again

Woah, this hero is cool! Did the devs say when it's releasing in overwatch?

I've picked it up recently. I'm enjoying myself atm, but then again I haven't played enough to into balance issues.

Also on the topic of net code, while I get good ping in populated servers, I can still vouch for a questionable net code. I don't know all of its shortcomings, however I've noticed some late hits coming in when I've felt I was clear.

So, what champions do you guys main? I'm currently playing Galena.

coming here for people to blow smoke up your ass, saying how awesome your game is actually retarded. especially when said game is so fucking shit no one cares about it.


>Loading time's longer than matches
>Shitty netcode
>Small map pool
>No mod tools
>Only 2 gamemodes
>2 year's for capture the flag
Jeez I wonder why AFPS fail?

So what do zoomers like nowadays?

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>Only 2 gamemodes
When was the last time you updated your copypasta?

I had a lot of fun when playing it and I think it's great. I actually enjoyed all the different characters to play, felt like a fighting game where each character played by the same rules but played a little differently. It's been a while since I've played though as I've been playing lots of other games.
I don't want to play as a ball, man. I can't get behind the visuals. Also isn't this an Epic exclusive? I don't think this is gonna work out so well.

Are there 3 gamemodes now?

I asked what the game doesn't have, you couldn't list a single thing. Poorly designed maps (not true by the way) is still maps.

Meanwhile QC has no server browser, no LAN support, no continuous lobbies (spend half game in menus), no demo recording/playback, no tutorials for movement, missing basic options like zoom toggle, missing basic features like raw mouse input (seriously), among countless other things. Also no updates since last year...

Diabotical already has a lot more maps than QC does, and they are better designed too (since the game is made by people who can actually play arena shooters).

Your game is fucking shit and will be completely dead soon. Cope.


Only Unreal Tournament had a chance of reviving Arena shooter's, if only Epic wasn't lazy fucks

>what do zoomers like nowadays
cute girls like umaru

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Umaru is trash and you should feel bad

Ignore my advice then and see your game fail.

What's wrong with not liking the ball characters? I can understand it for hitbox purposes I guess, but it doesn't look all that cool to play as or kill. I'd compare it to MvCI, where a lot of people agreed that the gameplay was great but the characters and visuals were lacking so it sold like dick. I'm not hoping the game to be dead on arrival or anything, but it looks like it's gonna have to try hard in order to be relevant given how popular arena shooters are right now.

I am not him, Quack failed because it deserved to fail

I just played my first few games today and had 2nd place in all 7 matches. There was one guy who got 50 kills when I'd have 25-35, but everyone else had 5-15.

Why can't zoomers understand movement? Has CS:GO really made people too retarded to move and position properly?

>try to appeal to boomers and zoomers at the same time by putting overwatch abilities in quake
>fail miserably with both because now it's less fun for either
>overhaul the cosmetic system 20 times over to try to get people to play your game and buy plat
>even resort to copycatting fortnite and making a battlepass
>all the while the game still runs like shit and is horribly imbalanced and will never not be because of the skeleton crew managing the spaghetti code
>then your only saving grace leaves the studio
>desperately sick shills on any platform they can get a foothold on
>anytime diabotical gets brought up they tear it down as hard as they can and blatantly samefag , despite the fact it's objectively a better game and has none of the problems QC has
>they even go so far as to claim QC is better if only because it has minimum required playerbase and because it's part of the quake brand name, inadvertently proving that arenafags deserve nothing and their genre is dead because of them being a bunch of manchildren

how utterly embarrassing. even meleefags managed to keep their game alive through community effort
explain why quake died so easily despite being "DUH BESD SHOODAH EVAH"

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based post

>fail miserably with both because now it's less fun for either
Then why it has more players than any other arena shooter out there? You're a total cringelord.

>>anytime diabotical gets brought up they tear it down as hard as they can and blatantly samefag , despite the fact it's objectively a better game and has none of the problems QC has
Poor fanboy can't handle criticism about a non existing game with a non existing playerbase. Truly pathetic. There is literally no reason to play Diabetical at all, just another generic Quake 3 arena clone which will fail like the others, would you preffer others to be as delusional as the 20 people hyped for it and claiming it will save arena shooters? I think places like reddit would be more of your liking.

>Then why it has more players than any other arena shooter out there?
Because it's the only thing you arenatards have left? what kind of stupid question is that.
you don't play anything unless it has "QUAKE" on the box regardless of how bad it is and debase anything else that dares try to offer another option. You faggots as a community have failed your genre and deserve only to fade into mediocrity.
case in point:

It's literally the only recent arena shooter by a known IP and they spent literally millions on marketing including paying streamers on twitch (yikes), it literally even had a 1 mil tournament at Quakecon and yet it still struggles to hold 1k players despite being f2p.

Even QL has almost as many players despite being a 20 year old games from the fucking ninties lmao and that's even after they put a pricetag on it and Tim Willits personally begged people to stop playing it.



>tfw the best arena shooter in production right now is a TF2 mod

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>Because it's the only thing you arenatards have left? what kind of stupid question is that.
Except we have Quake Live, Reflex, Toxikk and other games which already offer anything Diabetical claims to do, Quake Live having tons of maps, modes, community servers, Toxikk being more ambitious than your generic Q3 clone by having large arenas and vehicles like UT2004 and Reflex having perfect netcode and in-game map editor, all this means jack shit as people still preffers to play Champions. No one gives a shit about Quake 3 Arena clones and you need to do something different in order to stay relevant.

>you don't play anything unless it has "QUAKE" on the box regardless of how bad it is and debase anything else that dares try to offer another option.
Because playing a literal Quake 3 clone is so much different just because it doesn't have "Quake" on it, right, retard? The same argument could be used to talk trash on people who doesn't play Champions because they don't play anything that doesn't play identically to the fuckin 20 years old formula of Quake 3 Arena which was already showing signs of stagnation long ago.

Haha yes.

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>head dev of Diabotical
>long standing supporter of the arena community
>just wants to make quake 3+
>irregularly has progress streams
>built a map making tool from scratch

>head dev of Quake Champions
>responsible for every fuck up since quake live
>reviled by the entire community
>ignores any and all user input
>begs you to buy plat and battlepasses to help out his paycheck before the game collapses on itself

shills want you to believe one of these people is a fraud. can you guess which? the answer might surprise you

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>The same argument could be used to talk trash on people who doesn't play Champions
the reason people don't play Champions is because it's fucking dogshit, so yes you're right people would rather play something that's closer to the older games

>It's literally the only recent arena shooter by a known IP and they spent literally millions on marketing including paying streamers on twitch (yikes), it literally even had a 1 mil tournament at Quakecon and yet it still struggles to hold 1k players despite being f2p.
As if all this ever mattered when it comes to arena shooters, people play the game because they enjoy it, no matter how much you try to cope, it's a fact people got tired of uninspired, insipid quake 3 arena clones long ago and the only reason champions has any players is because the things it did differently from such games.

>the reason people don't play Champions is because it's fucking dogshit, so yes you're right people would rather play something that's closer to the older games and nothing will change that. Time to face facts.
More people play Champions than any of the older games.

>Reflex, Toxikk
Reflex is based off of CPMA, the meme mode that Yea Forums loves to pose about and Toxikk is a gutless UT clone
where are these Q3 clones you're talking about?

>try to appeal to boomers and zoomers at the same time by putting overwatch abilities in quake
>fail miserably with both because now it's less fun for either
Nigger, actual people who play video games aren't some Yea Forums shitposters who bitch about ABILITIES GOOD/ABILITIES BAD 24/7. QC flopped so hard because it was released barely functional and lost all momentum before anything could be done about it.

You're so fucking delusional holy shit, a decent Quake 3 remake would have far more players than QC does currently. QC is obviously your first Quake game. I thought only sib could be this retarded.

>More people play Champions than any of the older games.
because it wa marketed? wow who knew that actually works

>responsible for every fuck up since quake live
try quake 4

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>Not Quake
Ah, one of these in denial autists, but sure thing buddy, just like Quake 3 Arena clones communism will work once it's done well ;^)

Fuck arenacucks. I want a good Tribes game. Fuck you Midair devs for fucking up. My dreams were crushed.

What never lived cannot die,, but I guess the same can be said for Quake Champions.

Not really, no one gives a shit about pure arena shooters anymore. Unlike games like Counter Strike in which is easy to find a lot more players than any arena shooter even in the older entries. But ok, keep being delusional.

CPM is nothing like vanilla Q3/QL. You obviously haven't played these games.

>casual game is more popular
good argument bro

Quake Live is doing pretty well for a 1999 game to still have hundreds of people playing at any time, it would be even more popular if QC didn't exist.

Why does every Quake Champions thread becomes Diablotical shilling now? Your shit game so irrelevant you need to try to make to look champions worse so quake 3 arena but with balls as playermodels becomes appealing? Pretty sad if you ask me.

>noooo stop liking the promising new game keep liking the shit one everyone with a brain has given up on!!!!!

i remember during the beta i'd spam racist shit and people would tell me


it was ruined since its conception you niggers lmao

sorry Adam, it's a niche genre after all :)

based as fuck

*dabs on Quake's grave*

Quake was literally never good.

The biggest problem with Quake was the amount of work that went into it, the time that went into making it, the team's time making it, and the game's developers' time keeping the project running smoothly. This was most apparent when developers would be locked into a bug with a specific codebase after they'd worked so hard. This is one way to explain how much time was spent on fixing the bugs. Even with the game's codebase being a clean slate, developers at the higher end of the company had the time to test a lot of the features that they didn't expect to work.

It seemed as if a game's code base would be fixed after everyone had finished working on the rest of the game, and then everything would be ready to go even after everyone got back to work on the game. This meant all problems would be fixed for a long time after release rather than immediately when someone started working on another thing and then went back to work on that. It also meant all developer time spent on improving the feature set of the game would eventually pay off, instead of simply being wasted on things the developers didn't actually need to improve. The result was that every player who played Quake would spend the rest of their life playing the game and then it would probably turn out that their favorite feature wasn't very fun or cool.

I just wish Champs had a gamemode to turn off abilities and alternate stats

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>Quake Live is doing pretty well for a 1999 game to still have hundreds of people playing at any time, it would be even more popular if QC didn't exist.
Quake Live was already dying long before QC was made. For a game that offers anything arena shooter fans ever would ask for i'd say it's doing like shit, which just shows how little people care about the genre. There is absolutely no proof out there that shows devs people actually want another pure arena shooter. I myself find no reason to play another clone like Diabloatical since Live pretty much offers all i need in the genre and more.

>Why does every Quake Champions thread becomes Diablotical shilling now?
Because Diabotical was being developed before Quake Champions and it's clearly a better game that pays more faith to the genre?
maybe just maybe

I like how you wasted all that time typing up bait nobody would fall for. I give you a participation sticker user.

>tfw bought Midair in Early Access
>tfw pressing W while jetting
>[VGS] Grrrrrrr...
>retarded friendly fire because heavy on flag bad
>forest of dildos instead of hills
>looks like shit, some assets aren't even textured
>performance is absolute ass
>grindy progression and lootboxes with ugly as shit skins
>balding midgets

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>Nooo stop calling Quake 3 with a coat of paint on it a clone doomed to failure like the others!
Sorry, i don't join 4 chan for circlejerks. Arena shooters will never be relevant again if they don't innovate so i see no promise at all in shit like DBT.

CPMA plays entirely differently from regular quake, and you'd know that if you actually played it

Because it has name recognition and the marketing power of Bethesda behind it.

not an arena shooter

TF2 will always be baby quake

I actually had a neural network write it. It’s 2019 user. It’s time to outsource your shitposting.

okay just remember you were wrong and I was right when Diabotical beats QC in player count

I'll remember :)

It's not 1:1 there are differences, you wouldn't know though because you don't actually keep up with the arena scene or the general consensus which is in favour of DBT.


>it's clearly a better game that pays more faith to the genre?
Or maybe because the game has really nothing going for it that other games didn't try already and the only way to convince people to try it out is by pure contrarinism and claiming "at least is not quake champions"?

he's talking about an arena mod starring nameless mercs

>same maps
>same weapons
>same modes
>plays entirely differently from regular quake because they added muh air control!
What a fucking autist, holy shit.

>what eggfags are looking forward to

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nah I'm pretty sure quake champions is a total mess of a game in every aspect beyond the most bare core of the gameplay

movement isn't the only difference

wow.. how embarrassing... Diabotical can not come soon enough

>something that changes the gameplay fundamentally
>had an entirely separate playerbase
>i-it's not a big deal! y-y-you're just an autist!

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>female version of that Ninja guy

Cute. I'll buy Diabeticles if I can play as kot egg.

>Mod that changes how movement of Quake 3 arena works without adding weapons, modes, maps or really anything different from the base game
>It's not just modded Quake 3, i swear! CPMA is special!
Delusional fuck.

>wow.. how embarrassing... Diabotical can not come soon enough
Or later, makes no difference. Really, either way it's dead on release.

For me, Unreal Tournament had a better thing going than just arena shooter - its called Onslaught/Warfare.

Then how come any decent Quake 3/Live player will do fine at reflex without ever playing CPMA before?

you should honestly receive a ban


I was hyped af when it was first announced, then I read about heroes

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Sorlag character and model alone is more interesting than anything seen in generic Quake 3 clones. Who wants to play as stupid balls, lmao.

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That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die

same reason they will do well in any arena shooter you fucking mongoloid

It's a shame it flopped so bad cause the art style is really good. But the truth is, the age of the Tripple A arena shooter is gone. There's no market for it, go indie and go cheap, arena fans don't give a shit about graphical aesthetics, only framerate and gameplay.

This is actually pretty cool

Also, one of the main reasons arena fans stayed away from this game was Bethesda retarded idea to add abilities to the characters. In a pure Arena game, all characters fight and handle the same, the only difference between them are the hitboxes.

I want Sorlag to play with my balls.

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Literally all it needed was community servers.

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This too. Release an Arena shooter in the CURRENT_YEAR without allowing the player to host their own servers is a rare breed of stupid.

You should honesty slob on me knob like corn on the cob.

quake champions is frustrating. it's like they made all the components to make a great game then forgot to make a game with them.

it should've been a 4v4 arena hero shooter with one mode that the whole thing was built around. instead they just sorta released it with team deathmatch and a shite CTF rip off that they scrapped.

For a long time

they alll have the same hitbox in Q3.

i don't mind the different heroes because i don't mind it being not q3. i do mind them making different heroes then just making you play standard Q3 modes on them.

>In a pure Arena game, all characters fight and handle the same, the only difference between them are the hitboxes.
I've never heard a more retarded statement.

catering to overfags instead of giving what Quake Live players wanted.

plus adding microtransactions?

Yeah i deserved to die. fuck Bethesda, fuck id.

>not free to play
oh no no no
enjoy buying a dead game


the art looks like shit for 2 year old kids

Probably, they don't even do arena threads on /vg anymore

im surprised at how much better it is now after not playing it since launch

it's still far from perfect, that's mainly evidence of simply how bad it was, even now it's barely in a state worthy of being released

he's right you know

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Quake Live has more than 100 players so he is wrong and Diabotical will prove him wrong even harder.

>a game where you can play as a crustacean
its about time we got some recognition

it was early access but already had the weird lootbox shit and hiring/buying champions loose
paying 30 bucks bought all champions and every other one after and the final game on release
only much after that did they announce it was going to be f2p

i bought the championspack when it came out despite not doing early access, i just really like quake and would love it to have future games
sad to see qc lose support so early on

its absolutely playable now

i prefer her stock hair

It's nothing like Overwatch and buying for skins when the game is f2p is completely fine.

>Wasting time making this shit
do troll devs hate themselves?

>Diabotical will prove him wrong even harder.
oof this post is not going to age well

>It's nothing like Overwatch
do you even understand that it doesn't matter how many times you repeat this lie, and how many retorts you use, that it is still untrue? kill yourself and die with your hero shooter

I hope they actually pull the plug on that shitty game
I spent a little money on it once I broke like 50 hours then support banned me for being reported for an "offensive name" then they just changed it to some joke name then they told me if I didn't like it I should shell out another $20 to change it
meanwhile with other online clients I had all I did was contact support and they'd change my name one or 2 times for free because it's literally just letters and numbers and shouldn't cost fucking money

Guys, are the QC devs the ones Id outsourced to do Doom 2016 MP?

Feels good to be a CSchad.

Not him but it's nothing like Overwatch. You're a fucking mongol and you have almost definitely never played the game.

Attached: Quake champions.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

have you jerked off to her hairline?

>even with them playing at almost the lowest settings the game still locks up
saber interactive is a joke

You're a massive retard who's never played Overwatch or even Quake Champions for that matter.

Ah yes the famous team oriented game that is Quake Champions where dedicated healers, tanks, support and dps characters come together to push carts and use their ults simultaneously to win fights.

I always hated CS and loved Quake. Never really knew why before


because you are a quakenigger.

you're the mongol who never played any quake and is talking mad shit

quake has never been a lootcrate hero shooter, those aspects are 100% incompatible with an arena shooter, it changes the entire gameplay. thought the industry would have learned its lesson from the failures of quake 4 and wars, but apparently not, and yet again we have wastes of air, dumbasses, absolute braindead retards, g2a shills, doing the same exact shit again, and that is taking place after the game is already proven to have failed to even have attracted the original playerbase. imagine failing on that level several times in a row, it truly takes skill, ignorance, the most pure braindead retardation. you can't even call yourself human if you shill for shit in 2k19, i feel like i am talking to a fucking chimpanzee animal


>the autistic quake vs cs poster is at it again
Quake is completely irrelevant to CS. Players just wanted more realistic games so they made one themselves.

hahahaha you guys are the absolute best. If it's like Q3A, it's shit. If it's not like Q3A, it's shit. Just admit you don't like the gameplay and you're just trying to come off as an epic oldfag gamer. Also QC is absolutely nothing like Overwatch. You're a fucking mouth breathing retard if you believe it is.

Attached: Quake champions 2.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

marketer nonsense

you don't even know what any of that even means kill yourself

Attached: retard.png (1067x436, 25K)


unbelievably stupid and awful, no one wants to play as fucking balls

Attached: 1564424768070.jpg (300x300, 20K)

>excited to play the game
>coded like shit
>crashes to desktop 75% of the time either in gameplay or loading
>loading times long as fuck
>no mod support or dedicated servers
this but also dead genre that is too skill based for the average consumer, so much that even small indie studio won't touch the niche market with a 10 feet pole, resulting in dead community

Attached: tumblr_or5mby80Bk1ta5uuro1_250.png (225x280, 22K)


Attached: retard.png (1055x436, 41K)

>any game with lootcrates is Overwatch
LOL. Overwatch didn't even start that retard. That would be TF2. The "abilities" do almost nothing and just about nobody even uses them. I can respect them actually trying something different. Do you just want Q3A reskinned? Then why aren't you playing QL? It's dead as shit.

>evolve is like overwatch
lmao gotta love retards, literally negative IQ.

>have like ~100 hours total on quake so im not that good
>play a game of tdm
>carry my worthless team vs another team of noobs
>drop 45 frags and still lose
>everyone in the server sucks ass and doesnt know how to play
>play another game
>everyone on the enemy team is strafe jumping around perfectly controlling the map i cant even keep decent guns
>my team gets ass raped with 2 guys dropping 2 kills

its so sad the game is too dead to have properly working elo and all the noobs get scared off immediately

>wikipedia as source
oh no no no he's getting desperate now guys and I can at least now guarantee he has never played QC. Hell, he's probably never even played Overwatch and just believes whatever bullshit the Yea Forumsv hivemind feeds him.

Attached: 1563046443728.webm (960x540, 712K)

Yeah I guess Evolve is just like Quake Champions too then.

Attached: pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg (645x729, 57K)

>TF2 is a hero shooter
>Evolve is a her shooter
>this is his source that QC is a hero shooter
Fucking hell mate how embarrassing

Attached: 1445739212808.png (327x316, 187K)


Attached: cope.png (414x159, 77K)

Yeah, no shit it's dead. See You're proving it all as correct you stupid faggot.

Attached: 1564854140209.png (1222x147, 16K)

quake will be always a reddit fps.

QC isn't an arena shooter


Attached: cope.png (413x159, 87K)

>game is going to die before even getting a proper lobby system that doesn't make you spend 1-2 minutes to find a game, another minute to vote maps, then another 1 minute or so for people to load in and the game to start and then having to wait a minute after the game ends to get kicked out of the lobby and have to re-queue

>coded like shit

oh yeah that's totally me, i am a 15 year old who never played quaek, if that's your argument you're totally describing me right now user


Attached: cope.png (413x158, 87K)

K bud. keep telling yourself that while finding arbitrary reasons not to play it. We all definitely belive you like arena shooters and aren't just LARPing for internet gamer cred.

Attached: quake.png (344x298, 166K)

literally seething

game has memory leaks issues out the ass

I legit believe your IQ negative. It's a wonder you've made it past childhood.

Allowing community to host its own servers is stupid from business perspective on age they have managed to make match making standard form of joining games. They can just kill the servers to force community to move to the sequel and sell some copies of sequel to people that aren't necessarily that interested on that sequel.

you, i like you

>try to play ranked quake
>wait in queue for over ten minutes each time
>get matched with the same guy 3 times in a row
>guy is diamond rank and i cant even touch him

nice game

Quake champions looked actualy good, where champions looked like humans and not battleborn mutants.
Lmao, absolute state of RPers
Looking forward to it.

>all he can do now is spout buzzwords
Well it's all but confirmed. This guy is 16 years old. Go on and continue posting about how great Q3A and UT99 despite never having played them.

If you've been getting long queues your account level might be too low. You'll need to play some bot matches to at least level 10.


Nothing wrong with what they added. It plays fine and nothing like Overwatch. The abilities are nothing like the abilities in Overwatch. You would have to be a literal knuckle dragging idiot to believe they are. You guys are giving me conflicting answers too. Do you want a carbon copy Q3A clone or not? I mean, I know either way you'll find some reason not to play it anyways.

Attached: q3anon.png (891x89, 8K)

oh so your argument is that not only i am a 16 (i thought was 15) but also that i supposedly like UT99? so cool user


Attached: retard.png (1055x435, 41K)


Attached: damn.png (326x39, 12K)

Yeah bro Evolve is a great arena shooter too. Btw lol @ ur life for deleting your embarrassing as shit post.

Why do we have this thread every day?



Attached: sendhelp.png (1411x788, 1.68M)

>Do you want a carbon copy Q3A clone or not?
absolutely, updated, with mod support and everything that made quake great

COD barely change its MP for a reason, 1° to milk retards 2° the formula works

it literally has hero shooter elements

i am seeing it

no one plays it but bethesda are still paying for shills

Could I get some more jpeg in this webm please?

I refuse to believe anyone who claims to think QC looks better than Diabotical isn't a shill.

Here's a Yea Forums protip: if a game gets shilled every day then its probably not very good

Where are my halo chads at?

diabotical looks like it plays fine, but i find the art beyond repulsive, visually it is the opposite of quake
the gameplay seems alright though

kek didn't they also radically change gameplay after the dev was changed, and people started to riot ?