ITT we list all videogame franchises ruined by zoomers
I'll start, Fallout
ITT we list all videogame franchises ruined by zoomers
I'll start, Fallout
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what the hell is this board's obsession with "zoomers"?
Are you saying we are the ones that developed these games?
We arent,blame the shitty devs who don’t understand what anyone wants
Every one
Zoomers didn't ruin Fallout, Millennials did.
old bitter losers blaming the new generation. same story, different words
Want to cum all over Alt-Ellen's face.
what is the supreme logo
i keep seeing it in videos online but i've never seen it in real life
I feel like out of anything the female is the most fucked-up result of the new generation just look at their fucking piercings and having tattoos all over their body as if they are a man and are not supposed to preserve their body for when they do settle down and have a child
Zoomer Kramer looks like a boss.
being young and stupid has always been contemptible user, if you're not one of the retards you should have nothing to be offended about.
This doesn't make sense.
The Seinfeld cast didn't dress like dirty grunge faggots in the actual show, so I don't see why they'd look like this today.
it's faggots forcing a meme, ignore report and move on
Pretty much everything released after 2008.
God I wish that were me
That's millennials, not zoomers. 25-35 year old hipsters dress that way.
Fallout was a ded IP when Bethesda bought it.
The fault lies elsewhere.
Yea Forums thinks criticizing any classic game in any way whatsoever means you love Fortnite and the modern gaming. I swear this board is the biggest circlejerk on Yea Forums
zoomers are also millennials like you
Supreme is a clothing brand. But it's too expensive for the people it appeals to (penniless zoomers and millennials) so they just buy the stickers or cheapest t-shirts with the logo and pretend like they're big into fashion.
What games let me cope with my juvenoia?
>You should have nothing to be offended about
forced meme cock sucker
Anyone got that copy pasta of the idea for an episode of seinfeld made in in modern times where george and cramer invests in crypto, and jerry dates an tranny?
shut the fuck up retard
The older zoomer was probably in elementary school when 3 released, they didn't care about Fallout until was already ruined. Also, vidya publishers and devs haven't hired zoomers on mass yet. The ones ruining games are boomer suits and sjw millennials.
Not true. We just miss the time when gaming had soul and wasn't cucked to megacorporations milking people 24/7
oh okay, thanks
forced meme cock sucker
Sonic the Hedgehog
>Late teens-early 20s Zoomers who grew up on Bieber, iCrappy, Big Time Rush, Hannah Montana, Web 2.0, and 7th gen and were still in school in 2013 can now walk and talk and are the vast majority of Yea Forums
What do you think of this?
>time moves forward
Woooooooooooow wtf Yea Forums can you believe this?
I don't
fuck off and stop trying to force buzzwords.
If you knew old 4ch, or the old internet in general, you'd probably understand the dislike. Not even a nostalgia thing, just the internet used to be significantly better than what the shit is now. I feel a little bad that you kids have to settle for this, but it's also largely caused by your peers so lay in it.
i'm cringing at how i'm seething rn
Dumb post but all of the implants do kind of bum me out. We've seen how women with fake tits age, but imagining the fake tits + fake ass on an older almost makes me sad. Not even mentioning the facial work. Follower count isn't worth this shit.
Fallout was ruined by Todd and Beth, not zoomers
Things started getting more post-ironic and obsessed with politics
It was ruined by targeting zoomers
Graduated in 2013, was playing dnd on the weekends, Half Life mods or Quake/Unreal PC after school, and played through Mass Effect one game at a time for the 17th time.
>TFW we no longer can enjoy something unironically
They're just jealous Zoomers have social lives and they don't.
It's not really about the follower count. It is on some level, but Instagram basically makes women feel like anyone can be a model who shills things from the comfort of their own home with their smartphones while making thousands of dollars. That's why so many people who use Instagram cheat by editing their photos in hopes of getting sponsored so they don't have to spend their 20's and 30's wagecucking. We'll hit the bubble soon enough, though that might be wishful thinking on my part.
Millennial projection. They realized that they are becoming the next generation of boomers who think that because people hate them, they are always right. They cant accept responsibility for their actions and demonize things their generation started (outward consumerism and rise of corporate control come to mind)
Zoomers are merely a symptom of living in a world where criticism is hate speech and that every opinion is valid, aside from the ones we dont like.
JLD is the first girl I've ever seen that would look cute with that SJW haircut
Gonna have to dig out my copy of Troll 1 now thanks OP
>Gonna have to dig out my copy of Troll 1 now thanks OP
It happened to us
damn look at them sausage fingers.
As an older user who has been around the block and then some, I find myself continually attacked when I engage in topics with zoomers who have no respect for my position in a topic where my wisdom in the subject has come from my age and my personal experience. I know respect is not given, it is earned, but sometimes in this forum a chance is given for neither.
I remember when I was young and headstrong, I thought that older people were absolute idiots. I was fresh out of college and I had a head full of new knowledge and felt that the older people around me were outdated and part of a world that no longer had relevance. I was the cock of the walk. I was going to change things, and their steadfast view of a world that couldn't be changed was maddening. I attended protests, I was a social and political activist. I went to meetings, I met with politicians, I was involved with the local media - I was seizing my moment! But...nothing happened, nothing came from all of my knowledge, from all of my noise making and all of my efforts and everything I worked so hard for died. My posters from my protests gathered dust, my student loan bills came due, and I did what everyone else does: I went to work.
So it is equally as maddening to me, as an older user, when I speak from the heart about a subject I genuinely do know something about about to have some gum chewing punk come along and downvote me into oblivion while telling me I don't know what I'm talking about, and that I'm lazy for not being more active and not engaging in change. Recently this happened when discussing a subject involving RPGs.
Let me tell you what happens as you age... you have hopes and dreams and you truly believe in your heart of hearts that you are going to be something special. You are going to be a CEO, or a famous author, an actor, you truly believe that you are going to make waves and people are going to be proud of you. YOU are going to be SOMEBODY.
By your mid to late 20s, you're working in a cubicle - but that's OK, it's just a stepping stone, a way to pay your bills, your rent, you're getting by. You're on /pol/, leading the charge to change! Maybe you're writing politicians, you're keeping up with current affairs, you read the news, you subscribe to and read The Economist, you go to meetings involving your favorite political or social cause.
Then your early 30s arrive, you still have plans, sure, you're still in a cubicle, you've had a couple of raises and now you've got some nicer things, the balance on your student loans is slowly dwindling down and you've got the weekend to do the things you want - on the weeknights you typically go home, crack open a beer and sit on the couch with your laptop checking out Yea Forums and casually watching whatever is on TV, you may have a girlfriend or a boyfriend by now. Your friends are getting busier with wives, girlfriends and babies, so your social life is slowly grinding to a halt.
Literally everything.
Elaine is nude in Troll 1
By the time your mid 30s roll around, you've probably gotten married, and you're still in the cubicle. Your company isn't doing so well financially, and all of your office friends have been laid off and your pay has been frozen and your 401k dissolved. You're terrified that you're going to be laid-off, and there are no other jobs out there. You have no savings because you have a high deductible health insurance plan you've developed an auto-immune disease. Every now and then you get on Yea Forums and when you give your two cents about a subject you know something about, some 20 year old puke, fresh out of college, shitposts the fuck out of your thread, because they think you are a stupid old idiot who doesn't know what the fuck you are talking about. You slowly watch your thread die a slow, agonizing death.
By your late 30s, you realize that you are not going be anyone special, and that people like JK Rowling, are one in a billion, the only shot you have at ever getting rich are by winning the lottery, and notoriety will come either by some freak accident. Your parents are getting older, you start worrying about their health and about them dying and leaving you alone. You start to feel how alone you are in the world and how little you are and how little meaning your existence has among the throngs. You are unimportant, your life is unimportant, people just don't care about you. Your life, your story, everything that is important and special to you is only important and special to you and you only. You are no longer the cock of the walk. So you put your head down and head to your cubicle and hope like hell you can save enough money for retirement and to put your kid through college. You're now on two different kinds of anti-depressants, a sleep aid, meds for your auto-immune disease, and you only see your spouse when you crawl into bed, she's already sleeping and long gone before you wake up. This is your life.
>severely depressed, graduated five years ago, no motivation to go to college, can't find a job, living with parents who try to be supportive, but secretly resent me for being a burden
yeah, simpler times
Define "Zoomers"
>You start to feel how alone you are in the world and how little you are and how little meaning your existence has among the throngs. You are unimportant, your life is unimportant, people just don't care about you. Your life, your story, everything that is important and special to you is only important and special to you and you only.
people with an IQ higher than 100 realize this when they're 13 or 14
you're an actual idiot if you thought you mean anything and that you'd change the world
imagine typing all this shit out for nobody to read it.
Fuck back off to /r9k/
>Don't mind me, just re-framing my nonsensical revulsion to the unfamiliar as wisdom
Bad larp, zoom zoom.
You are disgusting as fuck for posting it as well.
Dead Rising
Boomers reeing about zoomers ruin much more of the things I care about to be frank.
fuck tattoos. The last time I dated a female (even casually) that didn't have a fuckin tattoo was 6 years ago.
The internet changes, you've changed too, time flies. Natural fucking thing, nostalgia got to you.
>that 20 year old boomer who makes zoomer threads on Yea Forums to to compensate for his age
>My posters from my protests gathered dust, my student loan bills came due, and I did what everyone else does: I went to work.
I never understood why so many people had the mindset growing up that they were going to be special and were never going to have to do actual work. I remember coming to terms that everyone needs to work when I was literally 10 years old but it seems that there's a huge number of millenials and zoomers that grew up thinking they were going to cure cancer and fight aliens
20 year olds are zoomers
I don't know man. Zoomers hate Ocarina of Time. I know some 20 years olds who love that game. I hung out with them and we played it together on an old N64.
20 year olds weren't even born when OOT came out
So? They still like the game.
Zoomers hate it.
I'm sure there's lots of 20 year old idiots, but all my 20 year old friends I'd classify as boomer judging by their tastes.
They love N64, SNES, Doom, Star Wars, Velvet Underground, and 90s Sonic.
Guess what I'm trying to say is if we're defining Zoomer as a mentality, not all 20 year olds are Zoomers.
It's literally the modern "newfag" you brain-dead fuck
I literally have the bottom left cut right now. Kek.
No argument?
Cool, glad we agree some 20 year olds are boomers.
Some 21 and 22 year olds are also boomers.
>people can't have opinions separated from the hivemind
I mean, at this point you have two options.
Since Zoomers hate OoT, but (some) 20 years olds love it, either Zoomers are younger than 20, or Zoomers don't exist.
I used to argue for the former, but now I'm leaning towards the latter. It's time to kill the boomer/zoomer meme.
>Fallout is a huge normie series
Imagine going back 15 years and telling yourself that
Game series ruined by millennials:
Red Dead Redemption
God of War
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Gears of War
Kramer looks lit af
>Internets gets big cause actual boomers/millenials make facebook accounts and follow all the social media craze
>this is somehow zoomers' fault
Yea Forums is running smoothly. All of a sudden, it's infested with rednecks, underage bans, and people that hate Japanese culture. Who is to blame? A certain age demographic seems to fit the description.
it's always been like this newfag
Words easily dismissed by fragile defensive zoomers too triggered to notice the truth in them.
>its ok for things to go to shit
You first, electionfag.
Call of Duty, Battlefield, GTA, Diablo, Saints Row, Halo, every Tom Clancy series
Forget tattoos and piercings, what I want to know is why they're so fat
They ruin everything, have no quality standards, worship corporations, use consumism as replacement for personality and hop easily in the woke political trends.
What is there not to hate?
>no u
zoomers banter everyone
They have everything they need within 400 square feet
mr giddyup is sex as fuck chad
wtf bros its not fair!
you just described millennials retard
You're the ones raising us faggot, it's all on you
How was Red Dead ruined?
>blame my parents
its not your parents fault you chose to become this, what a sad excuse, litteral zoomzoom
It's entirely zoomers and newfags calling each-other the same buzzwords over and over. The amount of people larping nowadays is amazing. Just look at the FF7 threads and see how many people actually played the original and how many are just shitposting about it.
>no undead nightmare 2
the jewish british catholic homosexual elite
>80% cinematic walk and talk simulator
>15% tedious tasks because realism takes priority over fun
>5% actual gameplay
I don't understand why millennials are so intent on turning videogames into movies.
I was just happy to be alive to witness the (slowly) growing era of games supporting multiplayer over the phone lines. It was a magical (laggy) time, and then UT came out and ruined my high school grades.
Yea Forums is still worse by far, if only because of Baneposting.
Peak zoomcore.
Holy shit what is that unholy abomination on the bottom left
Why were the playing a shit game
this, i'm a "zoomer" (1999) and i had the (dis)pleasure of catching the last glimpses of old internet because i grew up on it and wittness corporations taking over and the normalfagzation of the internet.
what basically happened is the "globalization" of the world wide web, that is the user traffic is now concentrated on a small handfull of sites, as opposed to the lawless anarchism of old internet not to mention sites cultures bleeding and melting into one another, some boards here are basically "reddit: edgy edition", you can find fags using Yea Forums memes on twitter and you find fags bringing in twitter memes here too, there is no clear difference anymore.
that bitch is fat
Someone made this and thought it was clever.
ok incel
Fire Emblem
99 isn't necessarily Zoomer. Depends on your mentality at that point.
If you were born in the 20th century, there's still hope for you to have good taste in stuff.
I still think we should just drop the boomer/zoomer labels and judge each other by our own merits.
No shit user, but you gotta tell that to the retards on this board and guess what the do not care.
You're still stupid and contemptible, though.
Ive lived long enough to see this cycle go around like 4 times. Kids are always "lazy" and have "weird hair and clothes". My parents said it about my generation in the 70s. Its bizzare. It like a big joke and im the only one thats in on it. I was out at a bar with an old college friend of mine and some 20 something woman walked bye and he said something to the effect of "if girls are going to dress like that these days why where clothes" or something equally stupid. This motherfucker is a guy i once saw snort coke off a chicks stomach at an orgy in the 80s. What makes people forget when they were young?
>ruined by zoomers
literally kys
My theory as to why there's so much generational fighting here is because in the 2000s, people born in the 90s were attacked and seen as complete garbage.
Now that a lot of people born in the 90s are in their mid-late 20s, they channel what they put up with against anyone younger than them. I think this might be where it all comes from.
My understanding was that Zoomerdom was limited to those born in the 21st century, but then I decided it was a mentality. Now I've decided not to use the label anymore.
You either have good taste or bad taste. That's it.
I like women tho
Manbun/hipster cunts and fat, open-mouthed beard nerds are as disgusting as eachother.
The literally made Doom 4 into Brutal Doom HD because all the zoom zooms think that's what Doom is, and Eternal looks like it'll be even worse.
>Hey, those old games had extra lives right? We should put that in.
>Did Doom even have a lives system?
>It must have! Its an old game, remember!
Are zoomers really this BASED?
Seconded. There was also a really well written 9/11 one
In all fairness, third wave feminism and the glorification of being a slut is only a decade or so old. Your friend actually has a point.
At first it meant “people born after 2005”, then it meant “people who grew up after 2005” (which can go back to c.1992 honestly), and now it means “people who are younger than me and therefore have smaller brains and are idiots”.
that image originally said "seinfeld for millennials" not "seinfeld for zoomers". you millenicucks truly are the biggest scum on the planet, right next to your baby boomer parents
Butthurt zoomers detected. Everyone knows that between having a 2 second attention span from watching vine compilations span, severe autism denoted by how popular minecraft is, and spending most of your money so that some random streamer might acknowledge your existence zoomers are by far the most pathetic generation that has ever existed. Not only that, but they have objectively the worst taste in music as well as video games.
Every other generation had a mix of good and bad games but every single generation had a long list of beloved classics. Zoomers? Absolutely nothing. NOTHING. They just want to play fortnite and minecraft all day because their autism can't be contained by anything else.
Years later and boomers are STILL fucking seething and coping all they can
Then your definition of Zoomer must be those born 2000-present, since I was born in the late 90s and none of that applies to me.
>those replies
gonna blow my head off brb
NAh fallout was ruined by retards who aren't capable of making a good RPG.
>t. zoomer who spent $120 so asmongold would say his name on stream because he has no social life because social media robbed him of developing social skills
He doesn't. Women have always been sluts. You remember tube tops or mini skirts? What about those low rise jeans that were big like 10 or 15 years ago? There were no shortage or women who like to fuck when i went to college and that was like 40ish years ago.
>He thinks the baby boomers are the parent generation of the millennials
Shit like this is how we know zoomers are retards.
>since I was born in the late 90s and none of that applies to me.
You aren't fooling anyone. Your autism is absolutely crippling
I hate Fortnite and Minecraft. My favorite video games are on the SNES, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Playstation, and PS2.
I also hate today's music.
So that proves that your definition of Zoomer applies to people born in the 21st century.
>t. Projecting kissless virgin reaching desperately for any kind of identity to distract him from his pathetic fate
Go project somewhere else
But those are millennials.
Have sex
>m-maybe if I keep posting it he'll go away
Lose weight
sorry hun but no matter how hard you project you will always be the sad pathetic kissless virgin and everyone here already knows it. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if you have NO idea where the clitoris is and think that female orgasms are a myth because you've never seen one irl.
Lol millennial.
cry more tranny
>judge each other by our own merits
Absolute bluepilled.
You realize that Gen X and Baby Boomers both gave birth to Millennials, right? Do you actually think every Zoomer is the result of Millennials?
Blame the upbringing of youth. Parents and schools controlled everything you did to make you feel special and safe. Now we have fragile snowflakes who want to save the world while getting rich only to find out reality doesn't work that way.
their culture is soulless
Gramps made cause they don’t eat ass lol.
The article from 2016 is still correct. You can meme up aspects of pop culture all you want but 'own the libs' culture is still bigger than anything else.
>didn't even do anything illegal
>expelled and arrested for wrongthink
>"""journalists""" saying he made threats when they can't even quote one
and then they wonder why kids are becoming radicalized
Man 2013 sounds like shit.
This is what happens when you shove black people everywhere.
People born in 1998 and 1999 used to be universally hated and considered gen z toddlers
George looks like Tim Pool.
>spending most of your money so that some random streamer might acknowledge your existence
that's a millennial thing
>every single generation had a long list of beloved classics. Zoomers? Absolutely nothing
6th generation was the peak of gaming you hipster faggot
Cope harder, mill. Don't you have some soilent to drink?
Well, it was an orgy user, have you ever heard of a sensibly dressed orgy. I mean I understand your point of view, but I don't think it's the best example.
Good luck, user. If possible, try to leverage any connections your family has to get a menial job. Make shit up on your resume if you need to. Put your dad's cell phone number down on there and say he's your boss Joe Smith from when you worked at that grocery store on Main St. that closed 6 months ago.
I managed to get out of the NEET depression hole and things got a lot better. Still haven't figured out what to do about getting an education though.
Cause Zoomers will be the main audience of this website soon. It's old farts rebelling against the new episode.
And now that they're adults, they're not anymore.
At least, not all of them. Due to the close proximity with the start of Shitworld, there are a lot of people born in those years who are insufferable Minecraftards, but due to the other close proximity with the 90s-early 00s Golden Age, there's a large group of boomer-like people born in those years than in later years.
The real problem is that zoomer females are all GIANT fucking sluts.
Like that one zoomer cunt who got necked by some autist in Utica last month, bitch was like 16 and she looked and acted like a 25 year old alternative thot.
>tfw enjoying something unironically feels fresh and genuine
>someone making some movie or media that isn't a parody feels brave and bold
Unfortunately in a similar boat, 1995 here, witness the destruction of a culture that I had only begun to enjoy and grasp, left with nobody in my real life that understands where I come from when I get irritable about the current state of the web
this has been true for every generation since the sexual revolution it's not unique to gen z
don't forget
>Cd proyect in general
You're a failed normalfag, you are not one of us
This is the life of a wagie, remember this zoomy zoom zoomers
Nah, it's even worse in Gen Z, little 8-17 year old white girls literally behave like black thots in their 20s.
For example:
Why yes, I am mad, how could you tell?
Being born in the late 90s is like getting a taste of the best cake you've ever had, only to have it taken away from you and substituted for an onion.
Being born in the late 90s is like showing up to the best party in the world an hour after everyone's already left.
In some ways it's almost BETTER to be born in the 2000s, because at least then you aren't mocked with the possibility of a good time.
Oh well. Nothing we can really do except try to make things better. And I DO have plans.
I remember playing bugdom and flash games on my school's computers at age 7 in 2004. But after that, I never really started using the internet until I became a teen, since my parents wouldnt let me have my own computer like my older brother. Im sure this isnt normal for most others born in the 95-99 radius, who were probably heavily exposed to youtube type cancer as children around 2006-2009
>ruin every generation you touch
>kids act like fucking whores
>Nothing we can really do except try to make things better.
Thinking anything will ever get better ever again is delusional. Today's children are brainwashed and will never, EVER approve of anything that isn't approved by their (((caretakers))). See for further example.
Moron, the point is that millennials grew up with the same influences, hell, even a lot of the music artists pushing this dumb shit have been around for like 15 years.
And yet, it's only recently that literal 14 year old white girls started behaving like disgusting goblin thots.
someone post the renaissance etai think drawing where they talk about how the new generation wheres tights and rolls dice and shit
>inb4 making fun of my drunk ass
please be kind gentle anons
Gen Z will lead us into a marxist dystopia soon...
Don't weasel your way out of this, zoomie zoomer.
This. The youth of today is forever ruined, and all future generations will fall down the same path.
Fallout 2 was PEAK comfy post apoc
Then Bethesda came along and FUCKED IT UP
Im not a zoomer fag, i'm not even in your gay ass argument
Believe me, buddy. (((I))) couldn't be more furious by the state the world is in.
The real enemy are the anti-intellectual degenerates who seek to sacrifice soulful culture for a consumerist dystopia.
I do have an idea that could essentially make the real world obsolete, but I haven't fleshed it out enough to really give a good summary of it.
All I can say is, don't fall for /pol/'s misdirection.
>uses the jew brackets when referring to himself
Yeah, that was the point.
This doesn't tell me anything user I don't see any guys there. Cherrypicking stuff on social media doesn't prove anything because Gen Z were the only ones to grow up with it. If social media existed 40 years ago you could find the same stuff. Also why do you have pictures of skimpily dressed little girls saved on your computer?
God, shut the fuck up you literal 10 year old
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
-Inigo Montoya
Dumbfuck, social media has been around for LITERALLY 15-20 years, fucking Youtube was around in 2006, even back in ~2009 there weren't videos on Twitter or Facebook of 10 year old white girls dressed like strippers shaking their asses to a T-Pain song that's almost as old as they are.
Like fuck, I grew up in the fucking ghetto and that was the kind of shit girls did THERE, hence why tons of girls ended up pregnant in middle school in my city.
You meant to say "figurative", and you mistakenly said "literal".
I assume it was a mistake, since I had previously stated being born in the late 90s.
>social media has been around for LITERALLY 15-20 years
So zoomers were the only one's to grow up with social media just like I said???
Oh no wonder you can't read. Your anecdotal experiences aren't representative of civilized society.
yo i literally lol'd at this meme senpai so true
Try yelling "nigger" in your precious "civilized society". See how that turns out for you.
>So zoomers were the only one's to grow up with social media just like I said???
No, millennials grew up with it too, and they're not nearly as fucked up.
Which, again, was my point.
You dumb nigger, do you think being 9 in 2005 is any different from being 4 in 2005?
Yes, Gen Z is a disgusting generation full of mentally unstable men and disgusting slut women.
I feel bad for zoomers, but any older millennial should just slay slutty zoomer pussy and at least get some usage out of these deranged sluts.
>fucking Youtube was around in 2006, even back in ~2009 there weren't videos on Twitter or Facebook of 10 year old white girls dressed like strippers shaking their asses to a T-Pain song that's almost as old as they are.
You must be underaged or new to Yea Forums, because Yea Forums used to make threads all the time with videos of little girls shaking their asses to rap music back in the mid 2000s. They also liked to find their relatives' Myspace pages and send the videos to them.
jerry buy ipad
I would watch this. It looks fire
No I meant to say literal you literal fucking 10 year old ESL hispanic retard
How many of them were white and doing it in public while being recorded by an adult/older teen as opposed to doing it in their bedroom when their parents didn't know?
Wolfenstein, although i think that was more millennials
Arent zoomers too young to be ruining anything yet?
What are some game franchises that were IMPROVED by zoomers?
Everyone that graduated from a school in 2008 got reamed up the ass with barbed wire.
Why do to zoomers what boomers did to us? Be better than those retarded sociopaths
But I had already stated that I was born in the late 90s.
Perhaps you should talk to a specialist about your illiteracy.
I just went outside into the courtyard of my apartment complex where tons of people are outside at the bar and screamed nigger three times in rapid succession at the top of my lungs. Some people looked up at me like I was crazy for a few seconds then resumed whatever they were doing. The horror.
If you're not literally 10 you post like a 10 year old
Either way stop posting
Kill everyone younger than me.
Are you serious? That's hilarious. I guess I shouldn't be making fun of you for that. After all, if I was the king of street smarts, I wouldn't be using Yea Forums, would I?
Every 3d platformer, every point and click, every rpg both western and eastern.
The youth of today are having less sex than their parents or especially their grandparents generations, objectively speaking.
Fucking based and redpilled. Gen Z is the most wretched, vapid, materialistic, niggerloving generation to ever exist. Literally no zoomer is innocent and this thread proves that. The zoomer is what will cause the moral degradation of society.
>Why do to zoomers what boomers did to us?
Read . Zoomers are puppets of what they consume, and they always will be. "Born in the wrong generation" will never be a fucking meme. It's the truth. Gen Z is the worst generation in human history.
>Yes, Gen Z is a disgusting generation full of mentally unstable men and disgusting slut women.
>older millennial should just slay slutty zoomer pussy
and cope you're not slaying anything but another 6-pack of sòylent
shut up about your interracial fantasies dumb nigger pedo
Nah, just the males.
The females just fuck older guys.
projection to escape their own shitty lives, as usual
ironic considering you post exactly like a Gen Zer
All games are shit now because of them. Notice how the most recent entries in many series are considered by longtime fans to be the worst in the series. That's because of the zoomer infestation.
>How many of them were white
All of them.
>and doing it in public while being recorded by an adult/older teen as opposed to doing it in their bedroom when their parents didn't know?
None of them.
So in other words, Gen Z is even more slutty and fucked up than millennials, because they emulate niggers.
Sounds about right.
Except the boys, Gen Z boys are just kind of insane, which I don't mind so long as they take their anger out on themselves or Gen Z females instead of shooting up random Walmarts.
I hope this is copypasta
>You dumb nigger, do you think being 9 in 2005 is any different from being 4 in 2005?
There's a pretty major difference between remembering the pre-social media world and not remembering the pre-social media world. Someone who born in 2001 and 4 years old in 2005 is a completely different human to someone born 4 years earlier. Likewise, someone born even earlier is different as well since they were already teengers when social media blew up
Preach user preach. Now you are my nigger, it is the same tactics the big daddy government loves to use. It is the state vs people.
If you actually think that someone born in 1996 who was 5 in 2001 would have any real memories of the pre-9/11 (the actual catalyst for all this) world compared to someone who was born in 2001, you're a fucking moron.
It's just that, again, Gen Z emulate niggers and similar dregs of society, and as such cannot function without clinging to narcissistic social media 24/7, hence why so many Gen Z girls are disgusting sluts and so many Gen Z boys are fucking insane.
What the fuck are you talking about? Gen z kids are some of the most passive kids around. More insane than fucking ww2 vets with PTSD? Or millennial Afghanistan vets? Your entire lense sounds like it's taken from social media, which lemme tell you, isn't real.
>The zoomer is what will cause the moral degradation of society.
You absolute fucking retard. Don't grandstand when you're as fucked up as we are. Boomers literally caused it already
>Contraception and abortion become ubiquitous
>"Civil rights movement" kickstarted PC culture
>Participation trophies were literally invented by boomers so that they wouldn't have to admit that their kids were bad at sports.
>Boomers raised their children and their children's children on wanton consumerism
Don't fucking delude yourself just because you're a failure of a human being who has nothing but the era they were born in.
>Gen z kids are some of the most passive kids around.
You dumbfuck, that's not a good thing.
All that means is that they're sufficiently addicted to their consumption of shitty media that keeps them braindead and moronic, hence why, again, Gen Z women are such huge sluts compared even to millennial women.
Have sex.
You know, say what you will about obnoxious hashtag Millennials, at least they're better than the modern day kids who hate anything before 2006.
Always remember to rub it in their faces that older films like Star Wars and The Terminator are infinitely better than their "movies" like Avengers: Infinity War and The Emoji Movie.
Fucking Christ. Not any of you have any fucking point. It's all just endless bitching in here.
What the fuck is wrong with all you? Just chill the fuck out and play some videogames or guitar or whatever the fuck it is you do.
Why engage in a hobby that makes you so angry?
Sounds pretty based
>Gen Z women are such huge sluts compared even to millennial women
whatever helps you cope with the fact your wife took 1000 dicks user
They're the main shills for microtransactions and they need to be called out.
itt: me good they bad. who are they? grug don't know.
Catalyst for what? what are you even talking about? I just said that people who remember what life was like before web 2.0 are different from people born in 2001
Oh please, let's not pretend that a Gen Z thot hasn't already taken that many by 12th grade.
And I just said that people born in 1996 don't remember what life was like before web 2.0 because they experienced less than 10 years of it.
>out-of-touch developers in their 30s-50s make shitty decisions
>"Zoomers ruined video game franchises!"
Imagine growing up with two options:
You can drive down the highway in a convertible while blasting some kino music on the radio.
Or you could be twerking while your fellow assholes stream it for Instagram and Snapchat and listening to this garbage.
...and for whatever reason, you choose the second option.
This is how modern kids actually think.
take a shower and go outside once a while
t. 2010s apologist
Go outside past 10 at night once in awhile.
Go to a club.
Oh wait, you can't, because zoomers are too busy shooting up clubs nowadays.
Think about it for a second. You are this passionate about a meme that you went and looked all this up. Some of you must actually be autistic
This thread
There are people on this board in this thread right now who unironically view the world through a lens of Yea Forums catchphrases. Were we ever this bad?
>He spent like 2 minutes looking up the videos for a bunch of songs he already knew about, most of which are just popular top 10 songs from their days
God, what an autist!
This is why your generation is a meme.
Kids loving games has always made them great. Modern gaming is unironically ruined by 'adult' geek/nerd culture. Same with comic book movies.
yes you are
just stop you're embarrassing yourself
Yeah, I didn't really put much thought into which songs to pick from. I just chose four popular songs that were big for each generation.
>This anonymous person I don't even know is embarrassing himself
God, what a meme generation.
The games industry started faltering around 07.
It's funny how they were referencing Gen Z in 2008, but most people didn't know Gen Z existed until 2018 when the Zoomer meme began.
new shit will come, the outer worlds, underrail, and many others are coming pretty soon
You're honestly all over the place. You sound like you're just arguing for any literal reason. You get called out for something then just keep ranting like nobody sees you contradicting your own statements. You argue like a 15 year old
I'm sorry, are you implying "söyboys" WOULDN'T be the most vocal supporters of twerking?
that feel when you're 25 and not a millenial story fag, nor are you a retard zoomer that likes games that take no skill, feels good being superior
>The people that look away when a bra is onscreen like twerking
This sounded intelligent in your head. Think about that
that feeling when you start browsing Yea Forums 10 years ago, that feel when you take a 5 year hiatus
that feeling when you come back and every thread is zoomer vs boomer, and rarely actual game discussion
yeah sure, explains this thread. Kind of pathetic to jerk yourself off in public, though, I guess that's what the anonymity is for.
>all these seething boomers having a meltdown because they can't handle the bants
that feeling when inbetween both generations where gangster rap was at it's peak
The worst part about being a zoomie is you're too dumb to realize what you've lost or never experienced. I'm glad I'm a 30 something boomer. Lived the best part of internet culture before it became sanitized and safe normalfaggotry.
I started in 06. It's a helluva ride but only downhill.
This holy shit.
trolling is an artform, it's supposed to make people mad, just like fucking with people
you can choose to take it serious or have fun and debate it to make me rethink whether i'm wrong
that feeling when you come full circle and are now the oldfag, lel
it's another label to blame shit on, this shit changes every so often and has been here since the beginning
Jumping into troll OPs and getting actual discussion is lemons to lemonade.
We all deserve the hell
Top left: Monk
Top right: Shaman
Bottom Left: Barabrian
Bottom right: Thief
Seething millennials.
It's funny, because the pic in the OP originally said "Seinfield for millennials".
So basically millennials and zoomers are no different from each other
Makes me feel old and scared.
Yes, millennials are different, they are heroes who are saving the world by watching one superhero movie or another.
>boomers pretending they didn't destroy the world
>boomers pretending they don't run fake news media
>boomers pretending they aren't the ones in corporate offices for vidya, tv, movies, etc.
Zoomers don't give a shit about Fallout, which was actually ruined by millennials on the release of FO3.
back in 2016 people used to say that the only difference was that 1995+ borns were conservative leaning, unlike millennials, who were extremely liberal and left wing
Elaine still looks fine, even with that dumbass haircut.
How many edits does this video have? How mad do you have to be to make them?
it's funny how desperate they are to deflect their stereotypes onto zoomers they're the worlds punching bag
As what you'd call a grandpa 34, I am fine with it. Time is something you cannot fight. I just hope they have good lives and realize that shitposting is fucking awful.
It's real, idiot.
Yea, and that turned out to be utter bullshit.
Some of the boys sure, but the girls definitely not.
And the only reason Gen Z hates gays more than millennials is because Gen Z is less white than millennials are.
>mfw I'm 32, have an actual career and I'm married and I still post on Yea Forums
Don't even care. It is kinda fascinating how much this place has changed in the last couple of years though.
Women in general are less conservative than men, unless you're going way back
Girls are always more left leaning because women are more emotional beings.
This. The sad thing with the zoomers is they don't even know what they will never have. That is what makes them so pathetic.
reminder this year and next year are actually going to be good, you got underrail for fallout oldfags, and you've got the outer worlds for fallout new fags and oldfags alike
How very mature and adult of you.
Why her hands so small?
why do asians vote democrat?
>specifically mention whites
>his "proof" is one tweet
>unironical usage of ebonics such as "thot"
Sorry Amerimutt, but your decadent nation doesn't represent anyone but mutts.
>6-7 years ago it felt like 90s kids were the dominant group on the internet
>now late 90s-early 2000s born people are the majority.
Why did us mid-90s babies never get our day in the sun?
Because they aren't white.
This is what Americans refuse to understand, white are alone.
And since whites are focused mostly on attacking other whites, the US is done for.
Cultural hangover
It’s actually because of corporatism infesting all gaming companies, you dumb boomer.
>Women in general are less conservative than men, unless you're going way back
you know whats funny? while woman in general are way less conservative than men, woman who are rightwing/conservative tend to be way more extremist than most right wing men
too close to home boomie?
post the sóylent/blacked edit
Euro whites aren't much better.
Kid sounds like an absolute faggot, but those comments and the supposed reaction the school took is even more cringy as fuck.
In 2014-15 people born in 1995, 1996 and 1997 started saying they posted here, and got shit on for being underage, and there were comments like "people born in 1995 can post here now". Then once the election happened, the flood of turbo zoomers happened, and people gave up on trying to gatekeep this website
They hate him because he spoke the truth
>millennials dedicate an entire decade to turning politics into something akin to console flamewars
>fight hard for censorship, for turning all media into propaganda, and literally implanting a social Big Brother that attacks all those who commit wrongthink
>even millennial right-wingers are now a bunch of racemixing traitors who's biggest effort goes towards attacking other whites, and specifically white women, even though they are the only other demographic in the west that votes conservative
>these people shit on zoomers for playing a dumb videogame and doing a stupid dance from it
>zoomers are the ones giving thousands of dollars to streamers
>when even the oldest zoomers are still studying and have no money
Wanna talk about millennials the other day who got triggered when someone made an article mocking them for going to Disneyland as if they were 5 year olds and being chidlless, and all of them started saying
>btw I go there to be in touch with my inner kid, god I love my baby, my dog is so cute
I've been here for 10 years and there's nothing boombooms can do about it.
Leave it to Wojak creators to not know how to correctly animate the floss.
>>when even the oldest zoomers are still studying and have no money
The oldest zoomers are 22-23.
That fits the description.
I'm 21 and I only have a job because i'm in the military, otherwise i'd be stuck in college or McDonalds.
>it's a ANOTHER Yea Forums thread that talks about society
Should be good.
Millennials are a generation that think that they are the main characters of some superhero movie and that they are destined to save the world or some shit just because they watched too many movies.
Imagine saving that .gif.
Ah, yes. Blame the orange man.
You sound like you're projecting user
After the "le 90s kid" craze of 2008-2015, there was that brief window around 2015-2018 where those our age posted nostalgia for early 2000s shit like Shrek, skater punk, Spy kids, American idiot, etc.
But it was short lived and quickly succeeded in 2018-2019 by zoomer nostalgia for late 00s-early 10s stuff like Cool math games, Minecraft, Phineas and ferb, Party rock anthem, etc.
No, i'm saying that the guy in that pic is what millennials unironically believe.
It's fucking pathetic.
They had lives so uninteresting and they've been stuck in their rebellious phase for so long that the moment they sniff something related to "revolutions" they join in.
But only through the internet, that is.
I didn't even read your post. I was referring to the pic.
>and you're shocked the children are fighting back
more like 24+ manchildren
As much as I hate that faggot I do like the webm.
Even in 2016-2017 after the election, I still remember oldfags kept trying to gatekeep Yea Forums, they were still going on about "CANCER BORN IN 2000 CAN POST HERE SOON AAUUUGGH" or "IMAGINE MW2 NOSTALGIA UGH SUCH CANCER." It seems like 2018 was the year when the oldfags fully stopped swimming against the tide, with MW2 nostalgia and Minecraft parody song nostalgia threads now being actual things here recently.
wasting the precious gift of youth on being the worst generation of all time
I remember as recently as 2017 that people were trying to make the distinction between the early 2000s and the rest of the 2000s, and saying "people born in 1999 aren't early 2000s kids since they were 4 at the start of 2004". But now you have zoomers saying 2006 is early 2000s, and people born in 2001 calling themselves early 2000s kids
"one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a zoomer and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"
That happens to all the "xxs kid" fads. People in 2005 used to say "True 90s kids were born in 1984-1987 because they experienced the entirety of the 90s." But then by 2010 you had early 90s borns flooding the internet and saying "1990-1993 are the ultimate 90s kids, we grew up with the first season of Pokemon".
People born in '99 absolutely are early 2000s kids. The earliest born ones would have been 4 at the start of 2003. Their formative years would have been from about 2002-2005.
2004 and 2005 weren't early 2000s
I count them as early 2000s, or at the very least "golden age years", because 2006 was the year the downfall started.
>one may call him a boomer, a doomer, a yoomer it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a millennial and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
Every generation blames the one before it and after it for being shitty. Has happened for centuries
>late 1989-mid 1990 born's peak: 1996-2000 (absolute peak 1998)
>late 1990-mid 1991 born's peak: 1997-2001 (absolute peak 1999)
>late 1991-mid 1992 born's peak: 1998-2002 (absolute peak 2000)
>late 1992-mid 1993 born's peak: 1999-2003 (absolute peak 2001)
>late 1993-mid 1994 born's peak: 2000-2004 (absolute peak 2002)
>late 1994-mid 1995 born's peak: 2001-2005 (absolute peak 2003)
>late 1995-mid 1996 born's peak: 2002-2006 (absolute peak 2004)
>late 1996-mid 1997 born's peak: 2003-2007 (absolute peak 2005)
>late 1997-mid 1998 born's peak: 2004-2008 (absolute peak 2006)
>late 1998-mid 1999 born's peak: 2005-2009 (absolute peak 2007)
>late 1999-mid 2000 born's peak: 2006-2010 (absolute peak 2008)
>late 2000-mid 2001 born's peak: 2007-2011 (absolute peak 2009)
>late 2001-mid 2002 born's peak: 2008-2012 (absolute peak 2010)
>late 2002-mid 2003 born's peak: 2009-2013 (absolute peak 2011)
Blatantly wrong, the last early 2000s kids were born in mid 1997
What have zoomers done that's comparable to the literal evil of millennials like this?
meme addiction
So who did Grunty steal youth from to change to that?
>Banjo, drop down to a NEW LOW, stick your bear-dick in my CULO!
I don't care as long as they understand how to post anonymously; that you're only as valuable as the words in a single post and sometimes contribute OC.
So far, phone posting has ruined any of that ability.
All this website needs is a hidden browser ID on posts that we can add to filters.
>you're only as valuable as the words in a single post and sometimes contribute OC
>a hidden browser ID on posts that we can add to filters
Final Fantasy