Okay let's settle this once and for all. Samus Returns vs AM2R

Which one is better?

I go with AM2R. The graphics have more soul, music is awesome and comfy af, it has bosses throughout the game and not crammed at the end, more enemy variety and it didn't fuck the atmosphere.
SR has better controls, much better metroid fights, the final boss is amazing, teleport stations are a godsend and the game is surprisingly long (in a good way), but it killed the atmosphere by making most areas look very similar, same enemies copypasted everywhere and forcing you to use the counter on most of them sucked. Solid game but I hope they learn from their mistakes if they are making Metroid 5.

Attached: 5323000_sd[1].jpg (1000x1000, 150K)

No wonder nintendo barely remembers Metroid exists, you don't even want to talk about it.

SR is better

People only say SR is better because they're deathly afraid of the only official, real Metroid game we've gotten in a decade receiving any negative feedback and subsequently harming the series' comeback in Nintendo's perspective.

Nigga what? Yea Forums has been shitting on SR for almost 2 years

Fuck off

A lot of buzzwords but not saying much. I've played through AM2R and it had the big problem of trying to make later metroids "puzzle-like" but damage sponges. The introduction of super missiles was particularly a problem, since they didn't pace such things appropriately and if you run out of super missiles, and especially regular missiles, then fighting these bosses - which have very short times when you can safely attack them - becomes an incredible chore. It also included a teleport station to go back to previous areas for breaking speed boost/power bomb/screw attack blocks. It's like the designers didn't realize that Super Metroid had a fully interconnected map and so revisiting areas with new powers wasn't that big of a deal, since you'd be running past everywhere with nearly any route anyways. M2 was much more linear, and going back to a previous area to test out your new bombs/speed booster was just a chore.

On the other hand, AM2R seems to have a better understanding that M2 was supposed to be empty, abandoned, and full of ruins. SR seems more like an action game which is supposed to be about running around and blasting everything.

>making most areas look very similar
>same enemies copypasted everywhere
These were a part of M2, though.

The atmosphere, the horror vibe, was DESTROYED by SR, so I’ll go with AM2R

Both were good. I found AM2R was very lacking in replayability though due to the Metroid fights. At least they were somewhat enjoyable in SR.
There was never meant to be a horror vibe nor did I get one from AM2R or SR.

>There was never meant to be a horror vibe nor did I get one from AM2R or SR.
In AM2R there is that pitch black level and right after that a bunch of caves with waterfalls with literally no enemies, then you go to the metroid's nest with that creepy music. That whole segment is definetely unsettling or at least tries to be.
In SR there is nothing like that, just that robot factory or whatever that shit was with still regular bats and then the Metroid nest with britghtness set at maximum, absolutely pathetic. That area should have been dark and the metroids should have come out from the background with no warning, instead of flying around waiting for you to get close.

Both are flawed, but I prefer AM2R. No matter how shitty the metroid fights are in AM2R, the counter mechanic in MSR is worse.

What really saddened me about MSR is how dated Metroid has become and how much other games in this genre have completely overtaken this series in quality and innovation, from The Mummy Demastered and Axiom Verge to Hollow Knight. I don't even know whetherIi would want another 2D Metroid if it's going to be more of the same, since the indie metroidvania market is doing a better job at pushing the genre forward.

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this, 2D Metroid has been so devoid of creativity, still thinking it’s ok to just be a mediocre copy of Super.

AM2R has proper 2D platformer controls
SR has shit-tier circle pad controls, no ability to change them, and a terrible 2.5D aesthetic with very low contrast between foreground and background.

and even though AM2R is better, and is probably as good as a Metroid 2 remake could ever be, it's still fairly mediocre simply because it's based on mediocre source material. M2 is just a bad game in general. I wish we instead saw an actual new metroid game instead of a shitty remake.

Getting first Samus Returns instead of Metroid 5 is great, now they know what worked and what not so M5 can be truly great. Imagine M5 with the same exact counter mechanic, lack of bosses or shit graphics, yikes, that would have definetely killed the franchise.

Except the delusional fanbase and critics have praised the counter mechanic, lack of bosses, and shit graphics, so expect MercurySteam to double down on them for Metroid 5, while introducing even more bad mechanics in there. Just look at what happened from Lords of Shadow to Lords of Shadow 2.

But these things are so obviously shit-tier that the devs should've seen that as soon as they tested it in the first place. You shouldn't need to bring a full-fledged game to the public before realizing these things don't fucking work.

The original Metroid 2 is not a scary game. SR honors that. I thought AM2R did too. I don't understand where this idea that Metroid 2 was supposed to be spooky or unsettling came from. I will note that after saving the Metroid in SR the surface is changed a bit to be unsettling but I took that more as a reference to Fusion which legitimately was meant to be freaky.

Counter is a massive fuckup but it can easily be fixed if they only keep it for certain enemies and not all of them, so you always must be careful when entering a new room.
Shit graphics won't be a problem this time with the switch.
Lack of bosses shouldn't be a problem because M5 won't have a million metroids to kill, but it's true they should have done something like AM2R where you fight an original boss every 30 minutes or so.

It's a shame. I think games like Odyssey or BotW are genuinely fantastic games that compete and even defeat modern rivals. But Metroid has fallen off hard. It was a remake of a weaker entry so there is that but I'm concerned for Metroid 5.

Fuck Samus Returns, genuinely shitty game that people only bought to support Nintendo and get some ACTUAL Metroid content in the future.

The original Metroid 2 has the best atmosphere, super kino.

Attached: metroid 2.jpg (220x222, 20K)

Doesn't matter. Which one, as a result of being supported, is more likely to result in more (2D) Metroid games being made? That's all that matters.

AM2Rwas awesom. it has better sound-design and tries to stay faithful to the content in Metroid 2. the Queen boss was the best fight to me with the remade theme sounding almost like what you'd hear in the Alien movies.
of course some random shit being added is kinda annoying. that ball shit made no sense whatsoever and didn't even serve as a puzzle of some kind. the intention is clear, though.

now about SR. I personally didn't hate it as much as other anons. ambient music is always a part of Metroid so the team behind the remake did do that right but it wasn't as unnerving as the Metroid 2 game. controls were a little bit janky but the environment was alive. the counter mechanic added to this. all in all pretty great concept.
the Aeon powers were used to improve the duration of the Aeon most of the time by reaching the Aeon tanks so eh....
the controls made the boss fights less fun than they're supposed to. also, fucking 30 FPS.
in the end I like SR as much as AM2R and I'd have to say that AM2R beats SR hands-down.

Really hate SR's constant reuse of enemies. But I like SR's visuals way better than AM2R

The original does NOT hold up well, are you being serious?

Zero Mission and Samus Returns.
SR builds on the story of ZM and progresses further.
I'd have to say that there'll be an inevitable Super Metroid remake that continues after ZM and SR.
hopefully, it won't be too fanservice-heavy because everyone knows how well-loved Metroid3 is. there's bound to be something done wrong.

I swear if the Metroid 5 uses the same upgrades as Super I'm gonna go burn down Nintendo's headquarters.

Oh God please no, Super Metroid's remake will suck ass.
>shitty 3D graphics
>atmosphere ruined
>something to ruin sequence breaking

Nothing wrong with that as long as they add at least 3 new powers and 1 new beam

They've already said there probably won't be any more remakes for the foreseeable future.

>Shit graphics won't be a problem this time with the switch.
Not necessarily. The problem with SR isn't just graphics being low-quality in terms of things like resolution or poly-count. The problem is the style, being a dark "2.5D" game where often there isn't enough contrast between the interactable sections of the environment and what's the background. There were many times I was playing SR and didn't even see a path because it was very hard to distinguish the environment. A problem I've NEVER had in any of the true 2D games.

Seeing how it's Yea Forums probably

AM2R was better, but at the same time it was still kinda underwhelming when looking at it objectively, just because Metroid 2 isn't a good game. So any remake is going to be shitty too unless it completely changes the entire design of the game itself, at which point it's no longer a Metroid 2 remake.

The original Metroid II was fine as it was. I still play it to this day. Samus Returns is a mess of warp points and QTE boss battles.

Attached: Metroid2_boxart.jpg (320x323, 111K)

AM2R, easily. Better atmosphere, slicker controls, and the new content had more thought put into how it would improve the game.
I played through every 2D Metroid recently, and it was by far the most enjoyable of them for me. Super is overrated.

They're not comparable. They both take drastically different approaches in remaking Metroid II, and they're both good on their own merits.

I once saw a thread on /vr/ where people said that the original Metroid is 100% superior to Super.
The highlight for me was "Super ruined the series by adding a map feature"

>something to ruin sequence breaking
I don't see how this is a bad thing