>best game in the series is also the most underrated
Best game in the series is also the most underrated
Outbreak pt3 when?
it truly is the best in the series
literally never, and if capcom ever went back to it I don't think you would want it.
why? I go back to it and I still want more
Are there still private servers for this game? i remember reading something about that on a PCSX2 forum, but never bothered to actually give it a go.
OP, are you me?
I just started replaying this game last night, I'm in the fourth scenario. Probably gonna' finish it today and start File 2 right after. These games are sick, especially on emulator where the load times are reduced to nothing.
yeah, me and my friends were playing elimination 2 earlier today
fuck elimination 2
Outbreak takes me back
file 2 > file 1
file 2 feels a lot more hastily put together than 1
I like 1 more even if the new mechanics in 2 are better
Being able to move and shoot is pretty cool though.
so you don't want a new game you want a port of the original two... fair enough, that would probably be pretty ez.
The scenarios are way better in 2, though. 1 has some great ones, but they're so short and less varied. Although "Outbreak" is a fucking amazing scenario.
this game would really benefit from a re-release on steam or modern consoles. Fast loading and a better online system will make it shine perfectly.
I mean, it's already confirmed they've got enough cut content to make a third title
Pretty great trailer desu
Just give me a fucking port Capcom.
I really want a remaster of these in a single package with online play. That's it. I'd even take straight up ports.
the last good RE
First Resident Evil game I ever played, still my favourite, I actually got super excited just seeing this thread lol
with all I hear about this game recently I'm kind of surprised capcom wont just port it to steam and make a fast buck. just keep quacking about it and capcom might get the hint.
Ah, yes. I play as the doctor, how could you tell?
I've been quacking user
and I'll continue to quack
we're getting outbreak HD, user
It honestly depends if they have the code/assets anymore. Plus if they can be arsed to make the ports. The original Onimusha only just made it to PC this year with 0 advertising, so who knows what Capcom is doing with their old titles at this point.
Was litteraly about to post that while entering the thread. If Capcom knows its shit, hopefully after RE3 remake.
Is this the one with coop?
How much of the areas are redone areas from previous games? I became really interested in playing this after i saw the frozen RE2 lab.
The three first onimusha games have be on pc for decades, newfag.
Reporter was the best character, love those lockpicks
Yoko second best
no, just 3
and it is a horrible PC port
yoko > mark > david >= cindy > alyssa > kevin > george > jim
jim is a piece of shit who is only beneficial to the person playing jim
You also have a redone RPD, The hospital from RE3, as well as the marshalling yard train part from 2, if memory serves me right. Also the tram station from RE3, as part of the bossfight area for the zoo level.
what's the onimusha game with the giant samurai things? that's the only one ive ever played
David>Kevin>Yoko>the rest
Making Macgyver weapons and throwing wrenches as David was fun
>horrible pc port
Higherh resolution, dinput support. It's not a horrible port. I still can play the original release on my current pc.
Cool, a butchered port of the 3rd game and Chinese/Russian ports which are also shit.
what do you mean by butchered? did you even play the game? It's has nothing missing, moron.
RPD, hospital from 3, parts of the umbrella lab from 2, that's mostly it
I've seen it in action, it's very buggy
All of them?
It barely fucking works you dipshit.
>it barely works
LMAO. I bet more than half of you guys never played this game on pc. I played that game when it was released. The cutscenes were real time not pre-rendered shit. It had good dinput support, it had higher resolutions. Stop lying bunch of faggots.
i mean colossi sized samurai
all games have these?
there was a giant samurai in dawn of dreams I guess
That's the one. Great game.
>So good it was removed from the store.
>The only remnants of the game is discussions on how much of a shit port it was.
david, yoko, mark, cindy
that's the MVP dream team right there
How active are the private servers? I played both 1 & 2 when they came out, Decisions Decisions was my favorite scenario. Used Jim, Mr. Green and Mr. Gold a lot. Also the white lady with the pink suit.
A remaster of these games (or a sequel) with reduced loading times would be the tightest shit ever. It absolutely baffles me why Capcom still hasn't done it, especially considering spooky and "hardcore" games are popular again. These games were so ahead of their time.
2 usually gets up to ~15 players a day, 1 gets about ~15 players a week
playing with friends on the revival servers is probably the most fun I've had with vidya in years.
Oh, don't mind me. I'm just gonna solo all the levels, ez pz.
Capcom should just end the series with the revelation that Jim is Umbrella's ultimate bioweapon
>old coop good
>new coop bad
typical Yea Forums
How does one even use Jim? Out of all the characters I never knew how to properly utilize him
At least try harder next time, friend.
>tfw started playing very hard with a friend who's never played it before as a joke
>now we've played through the entirety of outbreak 1 on very hard with little to no difficulty but file 2's new enemy variety made very hard so much harder
he attracts zombies less and can play dead to avoid the ones that hunt you down.
>i felt like making another hipster RE thread today
>this budget spin off with slow loading, shit graphics, shit gameplay speeds is actually THE BEST ONE
fuck off
he's got a faint attack that completely de-aggros enemies, even if you use it for a second
enemies are also less likely to attack him, he can see all the items in a room on the map via question marks, and his coin flip increases crit chance up to like 45%
he also gets a coin in file 2 that makes it impossible for hunters to break his guns
t. re2/4/REmake babby
It's kind of comical to me that they made Wild Things, maybe the most ball-bustingly difficult scenario across both games, the opener of 2. We had the same thing happen with 1 being a breeze and 2 being an absolute motherfucker on every scenario other than Flashback.
>all the doors are locked
>there only path you can go through is full of fucking lions
>it either gives you guns and no ammo or ammo and no guns
what a fucking miserable level on VH, and it's such a cakewalk on normal it's not even funny
I remember we used to shy away from end of the road because of its difficulty but it's also pretty easy on normal
You play dead. That's it.
>t. Actual good games
sure, they're good games
but outbreak is better
They seriously came out a couple years too soon. If they initially released on 360/PS3 near launch without those awful load times bc of the increased hardware, and how those systems nailed simple console online, friends lists and party chat,etc. they would have been much bigger.
Hindsight is a bitch.
At least End of the Road offers the coward's way out with the helicopter ending. You may feel like a shitter by doing it, but it's still a stage clear. I have no idea how you do Wild Things VH with less than three/four people just on the basis of how fucking awful item management gets with all the raccoon medals and the need for as many weapons/health items as possible for the boss.
Yea Forums actually fucking exhausts me sometimes. Whatever.
Just a reminder that residenteviloutbreak.com
Go on YouTube. Some of these dude do insane shit.
I’ve never played Outbreak. What does it do differently than the other Resident Evil games? What’s the appeal? Clearly they have a devoted following.
4 player online co-op with just random survivors who each have unique(ish) abilities
funny enough residentevil3.com is still not taken by capcom even tho it's pretty much inevitable at this point.
I don't think resident evil 3 had a website
in fact I'm almost certain resident evil outbreak didn't have a website on its on but a portal on the resident evil website
I remember it had a chose your own adventure flash game that was pretty fun
There's more depth to the gameplay through characters having unique abilities like unarmed attacks, dodges, aimed critical shots, the addition of melee weapons, breakable doors, zombies being able to pursue you through loading screens, and of course the ability to play cooperatively with other people. I don't go as far as to call them the height of the series, but they certainly offer some of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of any of the old school RE titles.
>heals you with capsule shooter
Four player coop traditional RE
You haven't lived until you've seen someone get instantly killed by a zombified elephant crashing through a window and killing him instantly, then having to go outside to pick up a key item off his corpse
No in-game mic either, so you get to spam character specific, contextual ad-libs at all times to convey intent to other players.
>tfw have been looking for evidence of that flash game for years
I fucking loved that CYOA shit
I think you could play as cindy, kevin, and mark, and each character had a different route and it was really fun and I want capcom to bring it back
Outside of the online multiplayer, it put its own unique spin on the classic RE formula. Enemies could follow you around the map in real time, breaking down doors and such. Each character has different stats with their own unique tools and/or abilities, allowing for different routes of progression. And rather than explore a big area over the course of the game, it was divided into "scenarios" that are bite-sized, and self-contained - almost like a mini-RE game.
It's truly the best RE game, and every day I await the HD collection.
>Outbreak remake in full RE ENGINE glory
>But it's over the shoulder or FPS instead of fixed camera
I don't know what to feel should it happen.
it really wouldn't work
I don't think RE engine is tailored for mp
>What’s the appeal?
Operation Raccoon City but with tank controls
>follows you around endlessly
>flips coin
>flips coin
>Leechman/Dr.Lester enters room
My life is...SHIT
>Plays dead
Here's what I'm thinking...
I miss Compton...
Kiss my ass bitch
>you'll never play the outbreak scenario for the first time ever again
>you'll never first experience online outbreak ever again
>you'll never be forced to actually communicate via voice commands again
Agreed RE1 is pretty underrated these days
yoko is best girl
Unfortunate that people just discount it for not being REmake rather than enjoying for its own merits and unique atmosphere
>What’s the appeal?
Sonybros exaggerating praise over an exclusive because they couldn't have REmake and somehow they're still stuck in the mindset that Outbreak was a good game even though REmake is now on everything
t. tastelet
Dodge to win.
>hoards every fucking item she comes across
>have to routinely hunt her down and demand keys she doesn't know where to use
>have to routinely shoulder carry them since they barely survive boss fights to the escape
>best girl
N O !
also applies to Cindy and the absurd invulnerability window on her dodge
just means you gotta become the little girl, user
then YOU hoard all the items
>ever not playing David
I'll die before I lose the ability to do knife combos or chunk wrenches like a retard
>exclusive ps2 game
>in 2019
that's not it
you know what always bothered me?
3 women, 5 men
why isn't it even
why can't you just turn george into a broad
HD rerelease when boys? :(
hopefully soon
How do you set up online with a friend on this again I remember a guide someone linked
CAPCOM are retarded gooks, so never
obsrv.org, user
ill start
Will I still have fun with these games if I play solo?
it's overrated desu
a decent amount, yeah, but the AI, though very interesting, is still p retarded
a bit too optimistic for a game released in 2003
thread theme song
yeah i love the music
>beast from the east mix 1
you posted the wrong one
there was a group of dudes from Yea Forums that managed to get the netplay working. i can probably link the steam group if anyone is interested.
is it OBSRV because netplay's been working on emulators since 2013