PS5 gonna be expensive because Drumpf!

>Sony’s upcoming PlayStation 5 console may be far from a launch, but it could be the most impressive and possibly the most expensive yet. The Wall Street Journal reported; Sony has warned that the price of the upcoming console could go up if President Trump’s administration goes ahead with higher tariffs on more Chinese exports.

Sony lost the next gen before it even got started. Be prepared to pay 1000 bucks MSRP for a PS5. Thanks Drumpf!

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Good. Fuck china, fuck kikes, fuck women, and fuck niggers

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make playstations in japan. why did they stop making them in japan. nip labor is supposed to be competitive with chinese labor. look at the other shit japan makes that stays cheap.


>Want to rise up because muh PS5 Prices
>Can't because it goes against daddy trumps wishes
whats a gamer to do?

It's ok, President Sanders will fix this before it releases.

Based donnie dabbing on snoyshitters

>Japan vs. China
Gee, if I were a Sony executive, I'd be a conundrum. 1 billion labor in a country with no rule of law (ergo, no transparency or enforcement of labor laws) or a 120 million labor pool in a country that is demonstrably richer and has some semblance of labor laws, imperfect as they are.

Rich, smart countries design the product while third-world countries assemble them.

They attacked gamers! CHINKS RISE UP

>It's ok, President Sanders will fix this before it releases.
He'll probably keep the tariffs in place, unironically.

doesn't Nintendo make all their shit in Japan?

Yikes, got bad news for you
Oh nooooo, now we have to actually stop using near-slave labor and cheap easily broken chinese parts

I don't think Bernie has said much about CHOINA, has he?

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>Sony lost the next gen before it even got started. Be prepared to pay 1000 bucks MSRP for a PS5. Thanks Drumpf!

That applies to all consoles, including Nintendo and MS.
It also includes PC parts.

But hey, amerifats chose this timeline, so they can't complain.

Glad I'm getting a Microsoft Xbox Scarlett and Nintendo Switch Lite.

Trump must be a secret Nintendo fan because after Nintendo releases a console and sells a shit ton, he destroys the console market.

It's because nobody wants to side with gamers.
Even as "consumers".

Places as Yea Forums have made it abundantly clear that to be interested in video games, it means you're a socially dangerous person that might eventually develop into a violent terrorist.
Thus, shitting all over this hobby is not only popular (even Trump himself does it, for some reason /pol/ keep forgetting this), but even cheered on, for fighting against what is clearly a hobby for dangerous losers that are just one bad day away from becoming mass murderers.

ANY politician from now on, be them republican or dems, will shit on video games and gamers.
Gamers are now at their lowest point in terms of social reputation.
Disgusting antisocial weirdos at best, actual dangerous terrorists just waiting to explode, at worst.
This is the future you've created for yourself Yea Forums.
Now it truly is, all of you vs the entire world.

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Surely THIS thread, will be the end of Glormf...

Nintendo and Microsoft are already looking for alternatives, they will keep their console prices down, Sony is willing to make you pay for an expensive console.

i havent got a playstation since the 2nd. which version of playstation do you guys think i would ever get if considering one in the future

i just buy xbox

>implying videogame console prices are of the utmost importance to a country
>implying products from china arent cheap hunks of low quality garbage

Only buy a future Playstation if it's assembled in Vietnam. If it's built in China, avoid at all costs.

It's gonna be funny when the DNC HAS to run Bernie and he wins.

No one wants Biden, he's far too conservative for leftists and he's slightly too liberal for conservatives.

>trump re-elected
>he bans all Games except americans
How fucked would burger be?
Time to get your Wolfenstein Young Blood copy bigot!

There's a fat and ugly New Zealand girl who wants my dick, I'd marry her I guess to keep playing weeb shit.

He's beating Bernie though, he'll fix America unlike that old ass liberal, Bernie.

Biden will fix this.

It's would be bad since the companies that make the games America loves most are in Europe.


>Supported segregation and pushed a bill thats intention was LITERALLY TO LOCK UP MORE NIGGERS
He's dead.

Trump 2020

I know how to fix this problem.

Manufactured in China.

Assembled in Japan

Exported from Japan

wtf I'm voting Biden now

>trump helping no life americans get their shit together by making time wasting games too expensive

This is why he's winning.

I blame the Joker memes

Based Drumpf taking a dump on SNOYtoddlers

If you think this will help the US in any shape or form you're legit retarded.
As has been stated, companies are just looking into other countries NOT THE US, to take up the job the chinamen did before.

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> 2019
> Nobody has figured out fully automated electronics assemblies yet

Technology is yet again proving to be fake.

Nah. He’d probably just raise taxes on any company that exports jobs instead.

People don't care about you amerimutts, fuck off

>slightly too liberal

You are clearly a homosexual

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China is a threat tho, it's not about "helping" the US but curbing Chinas rising dominance.

cry some more mutts

Hurting China IS helping the US dumb brainlet. And besides regardless of where the business goes doesnt stop the US from setting up shop to compete with more realistic prices.

I see now how Trump got into power. People in the US is brain dead stupid and ignorant.
No wonder it's regarded as one of the most uncultured nations in the world.

It's just these guys.

>it's regarded as one of the most uncultured nations in the world.
by /int/?

Based Chdjrumpfthy dabbing on consolefags

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And what part is wrong about either of those posts? You can just act superior without even attempting to refute
Imagine being so spineless and needy for another countrymans acceptance

Almost as based as crypto miners and Epic

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No, China.

I remember in 2010 Yea Forums saying that the PS4 would never happen

My favorite part is how unnecessary it all is.

>China’s been getting richer off the back of hoarding labor for too long.
>I’m going to make them pay for it with Tariffs!
>sir, that is literally the opposite of how tariffs work. All that’ll do is make operating in the American market less viable for everyone, furthering chinas own ascent to super power while only being a minor annoyance for China.
>unga bunga trade war easy
>sir, stocks take a hit every time you talk

why, was Yea Forums retarded? sony was in financial trouble but not so much so that they couldn't shit out another console and hope for the best.

Sony could spin it brilliantly in a PR statement, though.

"Sorry fans, but that Orange Man Bad guy FORCED this $1000 price tag on it. Please, dear fans, buy our system and sympathize! We're friends, remember?"

It would fucking work.

the snoyboy damage control is real
>how can we sell our next console for $1000 without losing more of our fans?
>oh yea we can just blame the nazi leader drumpf again ;D

>Imagine being so spineless and needy for another countrymans acceptance
Keep supporting your president after they throw his ass and his kids in prison after Biden takes his place.

>Implying that I was gonna buy a Censorstation 5 and get nothing but movie games with fags, dykes, and trannies

Yeah right, Dems will not win 2020

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No amount of taxes are going to convince companies to bring back jobs. US labor, developed nation labor in general, is expensive.

>tariff american products
that's fine
>tariff china products


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>supposedly a good businessman
>gets into a trade war with china
lmao he's fucked harder than america got fucked in nam

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Wolf games are developed in Sweden faggot

>>gets into a trade war with china
But that’s a good thing. Production of cheap goofs (clothes, electronics) is already moving out of China

Do you have any idea how international trade or even just basic economics work?

>cheap goofs

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>PS5 gonna be expensive because Drumpf!
He knows about those Commiefornia kikes.
Hopefully it fails.

>Do you have any idea how international trade or even just basic economics work?
It means work standards get thrown out of the toilet because Jews and Boomer CEOs prefer slave labor over paying actual wages

And what stop companies from moving production to another shithole?

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