Attached: xbox-logo1.jpg (994x560, 105K)

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What happened this time?





Attached: nintendo.png (1200x675, 36K)

Marinate the nether rod

In the squish mitten

What happened or is it a shitpost and nothing of value has occurred?

Power drill the yippee bog


With the dude piston

Is there any way Microsoft could possibly rejuvenate the Xbox brand? It feels like we’re going back to the early 2000s where Sony had no rivals in the home console space and Nintendo had no rivals in the handheld space.

Pressure wash the quiver bone


>tfw you cancel scalebound so you can use the money to pay an eceleb to stream on your dead platform instead

Attached: phil.jpg (480x360, 30K)

In the bitch wrinkle

Sony is going to raise the price of the PS4 and PS5 to an insane price and Sonyfags are losing it attacking both Xbox and Nintendo for some reason instead of attacking Sony and Trump.

Scalebound looked shit anyway

Cannonball the fiddle cove, ooh la la

With the pork steeple,

>Complain about how Xbox exclusives are absolute dogshit
>Some faggot always responds with “Good games take time, Phil hasn’t been in his position for that long”
Phil has been the head of the Xbox division for 5 years and he hasn’t put out a single good game or announced any interesting games.

it would have won xbox goty 2018

If I get you in the loop

When I make a point to be straight with you then

In lieu of the innuendo, in the end, know my intent though

I Brazilian wax poetic, so pathetically

I don't wanna beat around the bush





Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where

Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where

Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where

Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where

Retards not remembering that every single fucking time whoever is winning THE WAR gets all arrogant and fucking stupid and winds up pissing away their lead the next time around. We are due for a successful Xbox, then probably a Nintendo disaster, then Sony rebounding in 7 years from whatever they fuck up next year

>PSX to PS2
Explain this.

I miss using Xbots as punching bags, Nintendorks barely put up a fight

>This thing that happened exactly once is bound to happen again, that's how patterns work right

The PSX was a fucking tv recording machine it is NOT the ps1

Literally everybody including journalists called it the PSX instead of the PS1 back in the 90s.
I don’t give a single shit about some gay ass tv recording machine.

what is happening?

remember when sony got so arrogant and stupid from the ps1's success that they followed it up by... releasing the greatest and best-selling console of all time?

Nothing, it's passive aggressive snoyfags shitposting

>imagine having to create a statement to argue with yourself
