IIT: Items that have never been used as videogame weapons

Attached: laboratory-thermometer-500x500.jpg (500x500, 22K)

Attached: MapleStory-BasilMarket-Screen-188060[1].jpg (800x608, 194K)

op btfo

Attached: detalle-infantil-muelle-colores-difuminado.jpg (300x300, 21K)

OP just got fucked, fpbp

Attached: 350[1].png (350x313, 143K)

Attached: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.jpg (230x230, 8K)

Attached: Osthyvel_20050723_001[1].jpg (2272x1704, 238K)

that's not a weapon

A sock

Attached: valentine too hot to handle.gif (930x882, 2.2M)

Attached: imagenGrande1.jpg (500x355, 22K)

Attached: irisu.jpg (638x480, 54K)

Final boss of YIIKes throws cumsocks at you

Used as part of an Assasination skill in Dungeons of Dredmor

Attached: blackjack.png (878x266, 33K)


Attached: Zyklon.png (1920x1080, 299K)

Attached: 61AnRwAGJDL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 10K)

So... basically a non-vidya thread.

I see at least 7 vidya posts in this thread. Why did you pick this thread in particular to be bothered by and not the 50+ other twitter/discord/reddit screencap thread?

Everyone stand back.

Attached: dirty socks.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

A casino chip?

All of those other threads are quite obviously shitposts. While this one is a tad more clever. It might not be considered one, unless someone points it out. The only reason games are being posted, is for the fact that people are guessing wrong. If everyone made correct guesses, then it would just be a thread of random objects.

how long were you waiting for this?

Attached: head1.jpg (1000x563, 51K)

Literally a weapon in Bayonetta 1

Attached: 4.jpg (1783x1636, 389K)

Attached: gaming-mouse-bungee-cord-holder-with-4-port-usb-hub-npet-h01-led-lighting-mouse-cable-manager-non-sl (600x600, 30K)

That's why it's a fun thread, since it actually challenges people to think of and post video games to prove other anons wrong.

LITERAL autism

How the fuck do you even usea laptop mouse as a weapon anyway.

>*highlights you*
>*right clicks*
>*presses cut*
Nothing personnel,kid.

Attached: the most useless daftest thing on the planet.png (1042x584, 842K)

Projectile bitten fingernails

Does this count?

Attached: 837.gif (400x225, 950K)

Ken & Ryu frogs use them in cuphead, also, all King Dice level.

MadWorld. Penultimate level gives you giant poker chips to smash over people's heads and bind their arms.

Attached: 1200px-Heart_corazón.svg.png (1200x1200, 30K)

Final level of Karoshi: Suicide Salaryman



youre not a weapon


Not even trying

Attached: 220px-Arms_(video_game).jpg (220x330, 31K)

Attached: gyrojet.jpg (1968x1260, 365K)

your penis!


have knife ears ever been used as knives?

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Angry Goy II