Was she really needed?
Was she really needed?
One of the characters — Sunny, a little girl who dresses inexplicably in Harajuku fashion, in what might be a conscientious shout-out to the closeted pedophiles lurking in the Japanese shadows (conscientious because if these people had to go twenty hours without seeing a simulated little girl, they’d have to rape a real one) — tries her best to cook eggs for Snake and Otacon. She asks Snake, “Would you like some eggs?” And he says “Uhhh . . . no thanks”. She makes him eggs anyway. She brings the eggs downstairs and sets them in front of Snake. She takes a cigarette from his fingers just before he can put it in his lips. “No smoking in the plane!” she says. She goes back up into the kitchen. Snake looks at the eggs. “Otacon, can’t you teach her how to fry an egg?” Otacon shrugs. “Do I look like someone who knows how to fry an egg?”
Are you fucking serious? Neither Snake nor Otacon nor this little girl knows how to fry an egg? The only person who does know how to fry eggs is the genome-expert science-genius female? You’d think that the one person who would not know how to fry an egg would be the determined, professional, full-grown woman. Otacon is a lonely bachelor, and Snake — for fuck’s sake — is a trained US Ranger, the most elite force in the goddamned world, called “Snake Eaters” because they’re capable of eating raw snakes if they have to. You figure, if Snake couldn’t make eggs for himself, he’d at least be able to stomach disgusting ones. More than this, what’s so disgusting about the eggs? We realize that Sunny is a girl with a troubled past, a dead mother, and many rape innuendos, though how painful would it be, really, to explain to this girl — a computer genius, by the way — that some people like their eggs cooked differently than other people, that there exist a myriad of possible ways to cook eggs? The girl can likely multiply seventeen-digit numbers in her head with a snap of her fingers — she’d probably be open to the permutations of egg-cookery.
for the sfm yes
The entire MGS series would be better if they cut all the useless characters out and focused entirely on the snake lineage; Big Boss, Solid, Liquid, Solidus, and Raiden. Literally no one cares that this side characters in the prequel is big bad or that this other side character did all this other garbage that amounted to actually fucking nothing. Fuck off Kojima
source, webm, anything
ngl, the briefing sequences in MGS4 were comfy as hell and Sunny was part of the reason why
>source, webm, anything
Yes source is the engine for SFM
based egg expert retard
Who else is going to cook the eggs. Snake? That retard lives on diazepam and cigerats.
>Naomi should be too smart to know how to cook eggs
>Otacon and Sunny should be too smart to not know how to cook eggs
>Snake is trained in being able to eat stuff raw, so he should know how to cook stuff.
What kind of moonspeak is this?
Get a load of this cigarette smoker and egg-dodger.
Cute little girl makes any game better.
that sounds a bit paedophilic
Cunny side up.
No. 90% of characters in Kojima games accomplish nothing.
Stop that.
Snake never cooks, he eats shit raw.
The entire Metal Gear series is ultimately about the rise of the patriots and this script kiddy was the one who finally beat them while sitting on her ass in front of a computer