post about games our dlc daddies have made

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So does every paradox game have god awful AI or just stellaris?


>Extended Timeline Mod
>Playing as Morroco
>Invade spain and Portugal
>Vassalize Navarre
>Come 1500, decide to look East.
>Byzatanium isn't dead yet, instead they're a vassal to Hungary
>Protestant Reformation time
>Look East Again
>Ottomans have fucking converted to Protestant
>Not only that, but they haven't killed off the Mamlukes at all, in fact the Mamlukes are beating them
>By this point, all of Europe is mad because I shagged Spain
>France declares constant wars with me that I always just white peace
>One war however, they aren't accepting my white peace
>Look at their allies
>Mamlukes, Ottomans, and Persia all have joined them in the war, and are making their way across the desert to kill me

Mfw I cucked Europe so hard they had to call the middle East for help

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How the mamlukes, turks and persia look rn

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There has never been good AI in a video game of any genre. It's just that some genre's hide it better than GS

>Imperator is dead in the water
Hope Johan is seething instead of being in denial

It's all bad.
It's the content that matters. You can buff the shit of ai nations but some times it is just fun to watch Europe burn

This is such a pseudo-intellectual thing to say that i refuse to believe you're older than 18.

It's shit but fun, paradox never realized that so they will just give modifiers to the AI and try to cripple you with RNG as much as possible. Imagine dark souls but you could get a random heart attack while fighting a boss

I need more Vicky 2 mods to play

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Have you played Divergences of Darkness?

i'd buy their games if they didn't make a million dlcs for every game they release

just pirate then. everyone does it

Extensively, I'm probably the one who shilled it to you

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>Never played a paradox game before
>Thought Crusader Kings 2 looked awesome, pirated it
>It's really good
>Decide to buy it on steam
>Mfw the price for the complete game
I look forward to pirating Imperator Rome as well when it's finished.

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If you really want to buy it, there is a bundle with everything for $15 in Humble right now.

There's a humble bundle for it atm if you want to get it legitly

The more advanced and DLC ridden the games get, the more the AI ignores all of the features. This is a fact.
HoI4 still doesn't have a reasonably good AI and the problem is still "Give it massive bonuses". Not to mention thinking like a chink and throwing their men at a line without any planning.

Thanks bros. It's $20 in canadian fun bucks but I'd pay up to $60.

Recently got into hoi4. I can do pretty well in the war as Italy, but it just comes to we win in Europe, take the Soviet union and great Britain, get all its colonies and i just get stuck into not being able to successfully invade the USA. Any tips or is there anything I'm doing wrong?

I always quit stellaris when there is about 100 years left because it's too much of a hassle to manage the late game

>buying paradox shit

I'm mostly dissapointed

Stellaris isn't really fun to play after 2.2, cuz they fucked up so much and didn't fix most things even now

EU4 almost stopped development now

I'm trying to like Stellaris, but it just makes me think of sword of the stars, and then I get sad.
Also, is there some shortcut to micromanaging pops? Trying to RP as the Slavers from Known Space and it just turns into a goddamn mess.

try automatic migration mod, it solves most of pop micro

I program AI for video games for a living and he's right

>Ruins your favorite game/dedicated fanbase

Nothin' personal, kid

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The eu4 AI is quite good now. There's been huge improvements to it.

I think one problem with Stellaris is that they listen to certain whiners too much.
Whiners who don't want a wide variety of ways to play, but want every different way to play to be the same, namely 'player in charge of everything conquest'.
So they make pacifists more okay with war, and make it so federations is just pseudovassals for the most powerful members because it was "annoying" when an AI member was federation leader.

All I know is they are taking a year to make the long requested Europa revamp for EU4 and I'll bet you anything they'll hike the price for it once it does drop.

GalCiv 2.

I think the rival system should be removed from stellaris and eu4.

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I am just playing as a genocidal machine empire with a cheat mod.

Killing whomm