why is this allowed? cutscenes ruin video games.
Why is this allowed? cutscenes ruin video games
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Shouldn't you be HAPPY that there's so many cutscenes?
So you can watch the entire game on youtube, save yourself 60 bucks, and buy actual good, gameplay focused games with the money you're saving up.
Nothing wrong with that
but how am I supposed to justify my playstation purchase when the only game that fits that criteria is bloodborne?
>devs no longer make them pre-rendered shit and integrate them into the actual in-game engine so they play out flawlessly along with the game itself
>wait no then that would just be considered unneeded and padding to make the game feel longer, it'd probably just end up running around like a retard not minding the dialogue anyway lol
>13 hours
I thought MGS4 had the world recorded for most cutscenes in any game ever
I'm SHOCKED, shocked I tell you, that MGS V had 5 hours of cutscenes. Felt like it had much less than that.
Cutscenes are skippable in all of those games and the games themselves have playtime at least 3x times the size of those videos.
Stop being so autistic.
Most people who have an issue with cutscenes are actually tasteless morons who are obsessed with the worst types of gameplay. Shit like you see in survivalist games and such.
I get having an issue with stop-go-stop-stop-go-stop pacing but to categorically say that the mere existence of it at all ruins games makes me call to question your taste.
If you can't enjoy Symphony of The Night, or DMC, or Metroid, Final Fantasy old and new, Mario, Zelda, Half Life, Warcraft and StarCraft, Diablo, Baldur's Gate, or Kingdom Hearts, Dragon's Dogma, and Ninja Gaiden then what the fuck is wrong with you as a person?
>jewtubers compile all cutscenes in a videogame
>call it (Game Movie) to attract zoomers and spergs
>somehow this equates to cutscenes = bad
Sometimes I can't tell who's the biggest threat, trannies or retards like you.
How the fuck are trannies a threat to anything other than themselves retard?
Gog the tranny obsessed niggers are a threat to my nerves that's for sure.
>How the fuck are trannies a threat to anything other than themselves retard
Do we even fucking live on the same fucking planet with the same geopolitical climate or fucking what? God damn you're fucking autistic.
The loud pink haired ""feminists"" you see on twitter are queer and transtrenders, user.
Actual trannies stay in their room all day playing pantsu quest XII self inserting as waifus.
They have no interest in censoring your toys, because they play the same shit that you do and have the same needs that you have when it comes to vidya.
>Do we even fucking live on the same fucking planet with the same geopolitical climate or fucking what?
I dunno does this make any sort of sense on your end? If so then we probably don't.
Return to your tranny threatened realm outlander, leave us in peace.
why can't these people just press the skip button?
They count dialogue as cutscenes in W3
I dont think there are any actual cutscenes in W3 midgame
You seem awfully fucking knowledgeable on this matter. Fuck off my shit, you fucking psychopathic leftist freaks. Join the 40%.
even some nes games have cutscenes so i guess games have been ruined since atari then
i think it just had the longest cutscene
>You seem awfully fucking knowledgeable on this matter.
And you don't.
So why are you so opinionated on something you don't know much about?
Witcher is about four times as long.
My friend you are clinically insane. Seek help before it is too late. Also get the fuck off my site you disgusting electionfag, fuck you and fuck your tranny mutt shithole.
its not just cutscenes, its all the unskippable walk and talk sequences, god of war and red dead redemption are full of them, i have no patience for that shit. i recently got yakuza 0 and that game starts off with like an hour of cutscenes before you get to any real gameplay, there is an option to skip cutscenes but it doesnt fucking work on half of them.
>Phantom Pain
>five and a half hours
What the fuck did the elusive chapter 3 come out or something?
They must be playing fast and loose with their definition of "cutscenes."
>Snake is on a helicopter while credits roll.
There's at least a half hour of cutscenes right there.
Please. GoW had one in the beginning, one in the end, and I think maybe one or two in between. They werent even that long of sequences, except for the one at the very end. Youre over-exaggerating or simply didnt play it. The transitions between areas replace loading screens and you dont even talk, so those dont count.
You know you just reminded of a time I was in Brazil being a missionary and I visited this woman who had the tendency of buying a bunch of pirated dvds, I dont think she even looked at what she was buying, because this one time I am at her house and she was watching what I must assume was a compilation of all the cutscenes(with some gameplay added) of I guess an Injustice game, for a second I thought it had to be an actual movie because theres no way someone would just put a game's cutscenes in a dvd and sell them, but at some point in the "movie" the camera put itself behind the joker while he shot cards at some hero that was trying to catch him, that moment was obviously a gameplay part where the player gets control of the Joker, it looked like a ps3 game, I wonder which game that was.