Should I get it?

Should I get it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yea Forums told me it's a good game but it's full of homos and transexuals sending erotic messages to each other all the time so idk

So it's discord?

Free trial.

Don't play on crystal.

It’s an amazing game, and join a server on aether if you want to avoid the gay shit

Try the free trial. Some people hate the leveling process. If you do, don't. I can say that it gets better several hundred hours in, but that's not a promise and doesn't matter.

Personally, I enjoyed it all. Even the journey from 1-50 and everything afterwards. It helps if you enjoy the ff series. If you're only interested because some of your friends told you to play it, or because it's popular, don't feel bad about giving it a pass. If you have to force yourself to play it you're just wasting your time. A lot of people do this.



Great gameplay*
Amazing OST
Okay Story

*Gameplay doesn't get good until higher levels

The story swings between great and ok is at least say it’s good

Some of my friends have thousands of hours in game and they told me too get it but the last time I played a pc mmorpg was when WOW and Runescape were at their peak, so idk if I even like mmos at this point. Ill try the free trial today

I would if everything involving Lyse in SB was removed. Okay is a pretty high rating for an MMO story, most are utter trash

>aether if you want to avoid the gay shit
If by 'avoid' you mean 'charge head first into'.

Only retards here think every data center is like that. I’m on primal and have yet to see any erp or gay shit.

>More E3S parties on PF than E2S parties now

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*clenches fist*

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XIV threads dead now, huh?

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Have to be stealthy otherwise Janny will sense the dark presence

Apparently so

>the last time I played a pc mmorpg was when WOW and Runescape were at their peak
Modern mmorpgs are completely different these days. If you've liked WoW and Runescape at it's peak, you will not like modern mmorpgs. If you didn't like them back then, you might like mmorpgs now.

Modern mmorpgs are basically now a very linear leveling experience. No grinding. A lot of story. Level and gear scaling to make sure you never run into a wall in pvp or pve. Everything is account bound and timegated to dissuade long sessions of doing the same thing. Generally a lot of focus on getting daily bonuses and collecting skins. The only exception is the successful BDO. GW2, ESO, WoW, FFXIV are very different now.

I’m looking for games that can be played on both an iMac and an Android cellphone (I know lol). I only know of Fortnite, Roblox and Hearthstone. Any suggestion is appreciated.

Seems to have died down, yeah. Probably for the best.
Still not going to /xivg/. There's no jannyposting there.

play a male character and you get catcalled a lot, its annoying

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Albion Online

It's been long enough since release for it to die down, its always been like this. There's no point in forcing it until there's something to talk about.

I've been playing this game for years and that has never happened to me. You playing on Balmung or Mateus?

>SB baby
>didn't try savages in SB
>try them now
>days of days wiping on E1S in PF
I don't even experience fun stories or anything. It's horrible.

I mean I guess if im having fun with my friends I wont mind

>finally get to level 30
>all of my ARC skills are gone as SCH
what the fuck were they thinking
also what's the point of Eos and Selene being different

Forgot to mention that they're mostly solo mmorpgs now. Realistically you're not going to play with your friends if you want to play FFXIV, because 1-80 is basically just walking from story npc a to b for around 100 hours. The whole "Let's party up for this quest" is not a thing anymore, but you will party up for endgame stuff.

No difference anymore, just use which faerie you like more
Remember to not be a shitter and lock your bars.

That may be a deal breaker

It's literally the definition of "it gets better later"

The early levels are an utter drag and the first part of the story is the old "gather the crystals and fight the empire" plot most of the early FF games were, but once you get past level 50 it really kicks in. Luckily getting through all that doesn't take much time but if you are looking for something that will be fun right away this won't be it, but that's a problem with MMOs in general. That said, going through the story with friends can be pretty fun, since it is a better story than most MMOs it's like watching a movie together, or at least it felt this way to me.

As for the trannys that Yea Forums always whines about. There's no global or zone chats, there's a /shout that covers the whole zone but it's never used, so you really have to go out of your way to run into degenerates besides the odd half naked idiot in Lominsa every now and then. And even in that case just don't go to that city. You can find everything you need in any of the other ones.

Go for the trial and try something like pugilist, arcanist or archer first before unlocking the others. They are the most involved classes at the beginning from the bunch in my opinion, the rest are very dull until you upgrade them to their respective jobs at 30.

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guess I'm sticking with Eos until I get bored and switch to Selene

Play free trial. Know that it does get better X amount of hours in but if you only play to reach that point you will get bored and burn out. take your time and enjoy the ride even the slow parts.
Make sure to do side quests with a blue checkmark as you see them, those unlock things. Once you gain the option to run roulettes try to do them every day. Ignore crafters and gatherers until you hit max or near max level. Don't play ninja unless you're on adderal

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>I unironically watcing WoW right now
>asmongold garbage
Kill me. I need 5.1 NOW. I want my Nier raid and more cool EX

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>Take your time and enjoy the ride even the slow parts
Ofc FF14 starts interesting me in the point in my life where I can't get stoned anymore.

Scholar is a hard but rewarding road. I legitimately run out of keybinds because there's so many abilities at higher levels

Why not?

replay FFIII

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I play on Controller, so not looking forward to that.

Why would you play an mmo with a controller?

You can' play all jobs on controller. You can google video of SB ultimates with SCH gamepad pov

Because FFXIV is easier to play on a controller.

My PC is unable to connect to the internet. My PS4 is not beholden to this.

I'll do that, thanks.

Remember to place your Faerie in the middle of the room before the boss fight starts so she'll be in range to heal instead of following you around.
The ideal Scholar playstyle is you do DPS 95% of the time while Eos and your Aetherflow Guage do all the healing off your global cooldown.
It's comfy once you're good at it

how do I do that if the boss is in the middle of the room when the fight starts

Only if you play dps

Your pet doesn't aggro anything

This. Eos is 8 inches tall the boss doesn't care about her


wait, do I have a "Eos/Selene/ go here" button?

that wasn't even what I found annoying about her
what I found annoying is that she literally didn't care until she took off the mask and then like a week later she's the captain of the whole shebang

You should have a pet bar with her commands on it, it might be defaulted off in your HuD or maybe you unlock it at a later level I don't recall.

I thought I just had the same pet commands my buncle does, I'll check

Hows the black mage for a Noob?

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She does. You're looking for the Place command to put her in the middle and Heel to have her return to you.

Enkindle should turn your egi into a demi-primal depending on which one you have out.

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If you're not one of these retards who get hit by everything attempting to stand in their leyline then its one of the easiest classes, along with red mage and machinist.

More like she couldn't do anything by herself. What was she going to do? Charge into alamhigo by herself?

Just because she wasn't going "muh mhiggers" like ildberd it doesn't mean she didn't like her homeland.

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I thought machinist was hard since you cant mess up your combos or you'll do piss poor damage

at least bring it up?


Not after shadowbringers casualized most classes. It has one of the fewest individual damage skills now and that makes it very easy to use.

im doing what someone said is "the wall" of the game which is the 100 quests after ARR to get to heavensward. some of it is interesting like the crystal braves stuff but theres so much fucking filler and fetch quests that i bet a lot of people just quit the game from it.

You're welcome. Don't forget to look down on non SCH healers for playing the easy jobs

Every few levels theres a dungeon or trial(boss fight) you have to do with other players so if your friends are on they can play with you. It is true you will be leveling solo through msq, as 90% of it is just means to feed you story, you are heavily incentivised to do daily roulettes, random categories that pick a random duty to do, and that can be fun in itself with friends

I would honestly buy a story skip if I knew I had to do those again. It's a waste of your time and you might as well just work 1 hour more to afford it. People praise the story of the game, but I honestly find it pants on head retarded that it keeps devolving into 'UR THE CHOSEN ONE PLS SAVE THE UNIVERSE' in heavensward and after. It's so stupid and boring.

Very easy from 1-59. Fire is your damage mode, ice is mp recovery mode and used to reapply your thunder DoT. You use fire 1 for single target, fire 2 and at 50 flare for aoe. By 50 you fish for procs and throw them out as they come. By the time you hit 60 it becomes more difficult. You now spam fire 4, but your fire stance timer ticks down until you refresh it with fire 1 so movement becomes more punishing and you have to be careful of what you're actually doing while you're in fire stance so you can maximize throwing out fire 4 without dropping your stance and having to start over. This also means you can't just throw your procs out whenever you want and have to plan them better. AoE stays the same. At 70 you get a new AoE burst skill which you can use every 30 seconds if you didn't drop your stance, and you can flare twice before running out of mp. By 80 you get a fire stance finisher and second charge of that skill you got at 70, plus a more powerful instant cast single target version of it.

You also get a lot of tools that help you perform your rotation and deal with movement, so if you know what the job is meant to do and what each skill does, it's not really that difficult. But it does ramp up from what it was at 50 and rather drastically changes playstyle every now and then at certain milestones.

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E2S is making me suicidal. Nobody seems to understand flares

If you played retail WoW and didn't like the endgame, then now. It's the same shit of getting to your weekly point cap, the weekly max of raid gear you can get, then logging off unless you want to level alts or collect mounts/transmog which are way inferior in FFXIV (All your alt classes are played with one character, you just change the class of your character instead of the character, so after the first max level or two, all you can do to level is grinding copypaste grind missions or doing dungeons. Collecting shit is worse because A. There is a limit of 200 or 400 (?) transmog items oyu can store, so the goal isnt to collect it all, and the way to get mounts and pets are very limited. From bosses, a couple from factions and crafting, and few from the very barebones achievement system)

The worst part of her character wasn't really her overall disinterest on alamhigo since she worked with papalymo specifically to aid on refugees entering gridania from the baelsar's wall.

The worst part is that her character was built to be the Ashe of XIV and they didn't deliver anything of it. If Lyse was some sort of princess from alamhigo hiding from garlemald in eorzea while helping refugees it would've sat a lot better than the daughter of a literal who, who was hiding for some reason and only took initiative after ildberd decided to do something. That's why lyse falls so weak as a MC, she feels built for one thing but delivers something else.

Bro literally the story of ARR was: Do good things becasue you are a hero and the magic crystal tells you to
While every expansion actually gives you some motivation like revenge from killing your friends. The reason it seems like youre more of a footsoldier in ARR is just because the writing is garbage so they cant convey the importance of the situation or the motivation for you to do so. Youre doing the exact shit in every storyline of FFXIV, single handedly killing gods or demigods (except in some expansions its actually canon that you didnt do it alone, unlike ARR)

I play a NIN and DNC

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what do ff14 players think when theres a monk on their party

I think i'll get my last piece of Eden gear and take a break for a couple of months desu, feeling kinda burned out.

See if they have a retard indicator (crown) and if so don't pull too hard because they won't be able to AoE for shit

>what do ff14 players think when theres a monk on their party
That Mentaiko plays as a MNK, then remember his doujins and then i have to go fap. I hate MNKs

the worst thing I felt was how the dramatic reveal of her taking off the mask doesn't matter at all.
So she reveals she's actually Lyse pretending to be her sister Yda? that literally changes fuck all, we've never known the real Yda, even 1.0 it was always just Lyse in the helmet. You could have had her just take off the mask and still be Yda and it would have changed nothing.
Now if it had been like the real Yda died in Ul'dah during the sultana's assassination, and she replaced her then, it would have actually mattered.

At least for the animation, sure. We don't need a billion demi egis running around, but for the animation, that would look awesome.

Why is tanking in ShB so fun bros? PLD actually has an aoe rotation other than Circle of Scorn.

because its easy and everybody wants to suck your cock

Where the fuck do you play where shout isn't used?

is leviathan a good server

How do you kow if you got a shit tank?
>dark knight
this combo is the worst

I can't decide which class to play

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I play a male character and this has literally never happened on primal. Kill yourself erpnigger.


Ultros. I should correct myself and say it is rarely used, not never. Usually to tell people of a hunt. The point was you have to go out of your way to interact with degenerates, which knowing Yea Forums that's likely exactly what the people who complain are doing.

nice meme. btw how is WoW? Still infamous for no content and Tauren erp?

I fucking hate pugging E2S. Even when the group plays flawlessly someone is always dragging behind on DPS. At this point Im just going to lock out NIN, DNC, MCH, RDM, DRK, and AST

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PS4bros, what do your UIs look like? I've seen a lot of wacky shit so I'm trying to figure out which of that wacky shit I should implement without it looking ugly as hell.

SCH. Less likely to get cucked in the future and DRK is in the shed with NIN and SMN

Look at their gear, look at what other jobs they leveled, and what kind of glam they have. If they are using Ultimate content clear gear or titles theres a good chance they were carried, slutglams are a red flag, and only one job leveled is usually a raiding alt. while a few others is a sprout.

>yo can i get this piece, it's my bis
>no let the high dps jobs have it, they benefit the most
but i deal the most damage you cunts
i hate my group

If you played and liked Nier Automata and want to see it's sequel then yes you should get it.

If you deal the most damage already, you don't need it as much as those below you do.

Bought it with my friend a bunch of days ago, some quests are ok some are garbage, did Ifrit before logging out and that was good
How are they related tho? *Its

Automata is getting a collab raid.


plz respond

I saw some crazy shit where a dude had a giant hotbar above his crossbar and then the enemy HP directly above that and then both WHXB visible to the sides.

Sorry I dont think their are many ps4 bros in this thread

why does it matter if you're on a ps4 or pc? you can customize it in both

Why is 2B a black chick now?

>monthly sub

I guess I'll keep trying to find the optimal layout then.

because the way you'd lay things out on a PS4 and a PC is different.

>E2S training wednesday
>group doesn't go too far but take my time to perfect the phases we managed to go through
>busy thursday and friday so can't play
>try again today, stress killing me, fail base mechanics, constantly drop the ball and feel like I'm dragging down everyone else
Am I finally getting too old for this shit?

Oh, didn't know that, sounds good, but didn't A Tomato already exploded in popularity? It's not a Persona 5, but it did sell way over expectations as far as i know.
First time i've seen it was with her second colour in Soul Calibur 6, might have gone viral from there

>because the way you'd lay things out on a PS4 and a PC is different.
Not really. I still would have my focus cast bar set to 400% scale and have it in the middle of the screen, amongst other things. Placing the hotbar is the least of it.

Alternate skin from her cameo in soulcaliber. The ones saying she is black know are just meming. Taro himself said he had't wrote a damn thing yet when it was announce so that concept art for the raid is just that and nothing more really.

It's 2P, she has black hair, white clothes and darker skin.

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Honestly I just might prefer this version

im feeling pretty glad that i dont bother with savage, you guys sound miserable as fuck

no way am i letting that eat up my time

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The liters of semen ive lost to 2p is incalculable

>constantly hitting cap on poetics and seals
at this point it's just annoying

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Make sure to handover/ to your minion daily.

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It's only if you're in pug hell on E2S. E3S is apparently much easier and E4S doesn't seem as bullshit considering it's the final fight so difficulty is expected.

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sounds like Yea Forums at easter-time

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Which healer is good right now? Not sure if I can choose AST safely.

I can't outpug E1S.

Why are you not buying anima mats or converting it into gil?

Spend them on anima relic mats

Even ignoring the hotbar, you have more room on PC.

They're all good now. 5.05 changes balanced the healers pretty damn well. Now they just need QoL.

AST is still good for raid buffs, SCH still good for shields, WHM still good for raw healing. WHM still has its old niche of being an absolute rockstar in dungeons and EX trials but the healers are very close in actual DPS output with WHM edging ahead by some 300 DPS once you hit Savage and beyond. Just be yourself man.


levi seems fucking easy compared to e2s its disgusting

>go healer cause i just want to sit in the back and not think too hard
>its actually the hardest role and you get blamed for everything


During W1 race Levi was wipe fest.

>Try crafting
>Notice fleece can't be bought and has an unusually high market price.
>Figure it's just because running all the way down to a corner of Coerthas is annoying.
>Do the math
>Just to craft one of each item that uses undyed wool, you need 311 of it, or about 1250 fleece, assuming no mistakes occur.
>Getting this to that tier is a two stage process that eats shards like mad.
>This is ignoring that over 2/3 of these recipes ALSO want wool yarn.
>It's used in half the job trees in such a manner that it's a bitch to even avoid.

since your face is closer to the screen there's more room for stuff without losing clarity

So WHM isn't end all regarding 8man raids? According to the forum, everybody is whining (of course they are), but AST and SCH seem to whine the loudest (muh cards and muh boring dmg rotation)

There is no "rest on your laurels" job since all jobs experience the same mechanics, outside of healers clearing Doom/lower-to-1-HP mechanics and tanks dealing with tank swaps in high level play

>watch e1 savage video
>dont even want to try the fight because it has like 20 fucking mechanics that all require PF retards to do correctly

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Nah, it's still largely preference. If your group is demanding meta jobs or trying to put you down for not using a meta job they're probably those "trannies" Yea Forums keeps telling me so much about.


I haven't reached that point yet but can't you tell your retainers to farm fleece for you? shouldn't be too bad

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lol, are you shortsighted perhaps

Well, I'm currently 72 on my monk main job, still running through shb, but thinking about lvling up a healer. The forums tend to look for SCH/AST for some reason. Seems like everyone and his dad has a WHM already.

It's literally "best of Omegascape" in terms of mechanics.

>they're probably those "trannies" Yea Forums keeps telling me so much about.

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Stop doing rowena turn ins dumbass.

>just beg your way into a static and submit yourself to the rigorous schedules of jobless NEET pissjuggers bro

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>dropped 10 mil restocking on HQ tinctures, HQ food, and caving on HQ crafted gear to round out to i450
Im at my fucking limit. I'm going to make the dragonsong war look like a joke if I don't gear my E2S clear today

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>being this obsessed with trannies
Kind of sad mate.

>he's going to tranny subreddits to find XIV players

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The thing about raids is that almost all the mechanics are recycled. The hardest part is getting into it and learning them so they're all familiar to you the next raid tier.

Low-key meta whoring, doubled jobs reduces LB gauge generation (if LB is mandatory for the instance it'll provide some method of generating it). Everybody and their grandmother does have a WHM since AST and SCH felt like asshole to play up until the Savage balance changes, the latter two jobs are still unpopular because of that and a lot of people not wanting to admit they actually like playing "brainlet" WHM.

>More like she couldn't do anything by herself. What was she going to do? Charge into alamhigo by herself?
that's what she made us do before taking all the credits
she's a proven veteran, active before the WoL awakening, she could at least do something

There are studies that show the smaller the screen is the more information you can process
how the fuck can I keep track of all of my CDs from five feet away the same way a PC player can

Why do you keep things like this on your computer

Have fun spending a shitload of ventures for barely any fleece at all. It's better to bite the bullet and farm fleece and shards for an hour. You'll end up blasting your ass into late weaver crafting the mats alone and you'll have a healthy stockpile for leatherworker (it needs wool for a healthy chunk of 40 stuff) and some real nice carpenter/armored crafts.

It's really not that awful, it's just the ultimate roadblock in ARR crafting. You either pay a fortune or grind, no way around it.


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Ok, so between SCH and AST, which one would you recommend after I finisdhed shb with my monk, to actually have a chance in savage eden? I think mnk will do ok, but not sure about these two.

>he doesn't know what 'post from URL' is

>There are studies
Jesus Christ. You need help.
People can't even follow macro.
>one of party leader marks ACBD
>tell him to change things normally to ABCD for safety
>"nah we're fine"
>wipes 3 times disband
Who the fuck marks ACBD?

>before taking all the credits
That's a community meme, there's a dialogue option that she thanks us for the help and says alamhigo wouldn't be free without our help.

You missed the boat on PF-able Savage in SB. They've hit a good balance for Savage difficulty, I think

We only talk about Smash and WoW here, incels.

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>he thinks that doesn't save a quick temporary/local copy to your computer and then uploads it
There are trannies inside your computer right now user. You touched the poop trying to post dank maymays and now you pay the price.

Time to gtfo of this thread before jannies come

is it too much to ask for a way to get more inventory space without having to shell out monthly for more retainers?
Even a way to put fishing bait in a separate bait bag would seem like a no-brainer but apparently not.
Also not being able to craft with items you have in your chocobo saddlebag, having to drag them into your main inventory just to use them. Having a severely limited inventory doesn't discourage hoarding it just makes it more tedious to hoard and puts a price tag on it

"NO DOUBLES" in PF is comedy.
For what purpose you meed no doubles in E1S, E2S?

>how dare you know things

SCH would probably be your best bet, but in the end it'll come down to personal opinion. Try them both out and see how you like them.

im 27 not 15 anymore so i cant do this nor do i want to

savage is for retards anyways, its not worth doing for recolorable gear

>he went to the internet
>found a picture of a tranny
>on a reddit post admitting he plays XIV
>with the fact he plays XIV underlined in red
What are the odds?

>"the smaller the screen is the more information you can process"
>"how the fuck can I keep track of all of my CDs from five feet away"

You're contradicting yourself here. If you sit 5 feet away, then that means your TV becomes small, which lets you see all the information at glance. Meanwhile, PC players sit so close to their monitor that their eyes have to travel a lot more to gather information due to how much bigger the monitor is.

I'm almost ready to start Heavensward, Yea Forums.

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Is Vauthry looking like Corneo an intentional reference to VII? Especially because I'm pretty sure he's called Don at one point.

>NO DOUBLES on Titania or Innocence

Are you the fag that made that "review" thread the other day stating how much you didn't like the erp? Get over yourself. Everyone already proved several times that you don't find that shit unless you're intentionally looking for it. So fuck you.

Yes, he's a mix of Corneo and Owzer.

He's called Don Vauthry in JP in general if I remember right.

>we only talk about shitty games here
Never change Yea Forums never change

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Ok, so how high should I level them to get a feel for the class? Should I lvl them up for real, or just do Solo palace to try them out?

I've never even touched the Zhloe/Stormblood turn ins, what are they even good for? Do they at least give exp?

Just be a top-tier NIN player and you too can be middle of the DPS pack

I definitely heard it a couple of times from Alphinaud. I wonder why they changed it in the localization, it seems like a weird decision.

Yes, a fuckload of it.

How pervasive and all-consuming the ERP scene and Crystal's supposed effect on the rest of the game are got tiresome a long time ago. Though it's kind of funny how hard some of the people pushing it will try to keep pushing it, I remember somebody getting legitimately upset that his stance on Crystal was being challenged and his grammar suggested he didn't speak English very well.

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>"thank you hero! you really saved us!"
*alamighoian comes in screen happy*
>"bless Lyse! thank you so much ! will you become our new queen ?"
>"why yes of course !"
*alalamighoer leaves the scene*
>"anyway, I have so much work to do, I'm leaving the scion, yes I already said thanks, now bye, fuck off my country"
well gee, good thing it's a meme and she says thanks

>intentionally forgoing armory bonus just to level everything at once for memes

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Probably something with it being an obvious mafia boss title in English so it doesn't really fit Eulmore, but in Japanese it just sounds like a name.

I'm a mid tier NIN which means that I'm a bottom tier player.

But it's closer to them AND big enough so they can actually see it.

SCH always whines, along with WAR and SMN

You do realize you can scale up HUD elements, right?

Around lv. 50 to 60 is enough to get a good feel for them. Solo PotD ought to be good enough for your purposes in figuring out if you like their playstyle or not.

yeah, but then I can't see me.

I know it's a mostly minor nitpick but it's one of the reasons I wish my laptop ran XIV.

>but in Japanese it just sounds like a name.
Might've been Koji trying to sidestep Trump memelords.

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>DRK is in the shed

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Ok, thank your very much. Have a good night.

do better

>best tank ogcd of all time is in the shed


I would like to keep playing, but my 30 day game time period expired and now I miss playing as my paladin

Please carry me.

The only tank in the shed is WAR just because it's not very fun to play anymore (its actual balance is fine), all the healers are fine now, the only DPS in the shed is NIN because its numbers are still insanely low compared to the amount of effort put in but that's not necessarily a bad thing, Trick's still potent as hell

It's not even worth trying to unevenly level Healers/DoL/DoH. You just end up with a cramped inventory.

Stop being poor

Is ff14 blocked in arabia Im going on monday

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>level all my jobs for the amaro, most of them still 60 due to skipping out on Stormblood for the most part
>red mage is only doing sword attacks on single target and AoE casts on group pulls
>tank just keeps pulling and pulling and items don't get rolled for

Was this a real person? I don't even know any more whether I'm playing with bots or actual people sometimes

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Top tier NIN stand shoulder to shoulder with mid-tier DRGs.

Why would you need to see yourself when your character is always in the middle of the screen? I'm on PC and I've put my skills in the middle of the screen with vertical 3*3*3 bars.





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Trick doesn't make up for NIN's low pDPS unless you're literally in the top 10%, which is still better than DNC, the worst DPS even including the buffs

leveling DOH/L at once makes sense. but DOW/M not so much

I've been playing since around last Easter (it was the first event I did) and I've seen nothing gay happening, so either I'm really lucky or you are looking for it

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But Dancer is fun and therefore it's not in the shed
>no it isn't
Yes it is

>"I should try to update the game if I ever want to play"
>error: you do not have a sub, fuck you
well gee


Trick Attack will be better with better gear. Same for DNC. You will farm current tier with NIN

thanks wefallposter

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Oh yeah, that too. I forgot about that but people were already making DR*MPF comparisons.

Generally when somebody's swearing up and down that the game is actually a degenerate cesspit they're lying out their asshole. Best to call them retarded and move on.

Most definitely not. It's literally "it gets good 200 hours in", but it never actually gets good. It just goes from fucking horrible to okay.

Aside from Healer, yeah. There's no point in bothering with them until you cap since they level so easily and there's no sense in not doing them all together at that point so you can just use one set.


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Yea Forums sings when

Don't worry, it gets worse.

I could have sworn they said something about adding armory bonus to DOL/H though so wouldn't it be somewhat optimal to level one above the others.
I dunno if that was ever implemented though, but I distinctly recall someone in a pre SHB release thread mention that DOH/L were getting armory bonuses.

>just because it's not very fun to play anymore
It's literally the same as SB, people just bandwagoned to GUB because muh DPS, and maybe because WAR has completely different itemization that the other tanks on prog this tier.
Also, Nascent Flash is fun as fuck.

user I mean this sincerely. ditch crafting. Just level gathering to max. only three jobs, easy and steady money, less headaches.
Endgame crafting is hell on earth.


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>It's literally the same as SB,
Its absolute core gameplay loop is the same but it lost ALL of its self-sustain, which got backloaded into the Nascent abilities. I do like the Nascent abilities but WAR is in the same boat as DRK where a lot of its neat stuff is in the later levels.

how is this news, they announce banwaves of RMT dipshits like every 2 weeks.

Why yes I do buy everything from the mogstation.

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>buying gil when even at low levels you can get more than you'll ever need
by the time you actually get to the point where you're buying a shitload of high quality materials/gear off the MB you should have enough gil to comfortably handle it.

You can still see the markers my dude

stop this aiportrait shit it's spooky

If you see Dark" Devil" join your party then kick him asap.
He is a pf troll that joins just to fuck your party over.
Could be a troll or sabotaging content seller, he had e1s clear but joined 2chest clear party just to mess up stuff on purpose and purposely having garbage dps even though he knows how to dps.

Attached: Dark Devil.png (275x444, 245K)

Shadowbringers has some GODLIKE art direction but everything else about is average just like the past expansions.

>ban "thousands" of bots every other week
>top LS/FCs still have dozens of gathering and crafting bots to get full pentamelded crafted gear every raid tier
>blatantly sell clears for real money
>never get banned
Really makes you think

GNB is fun.

Attached: Attention Please.jpg (1607x1000, 160K)

We better get this outfit and it better be wearable by everything

The state of Europeans

PS4 players don’t have to worry about that.

Female SAM only

Timely LB3 and potentially LB2. This is week 1 and not everyone is in a FC that gives them crafted gear for free along with potions and food

Wait why
A friend told me it was beginner friendly and there's an xp bonus
Did I fucked up?

>it's always Light
Well for unknown reason all cancer is on Light


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There's no exp bonuses on crystal because there isn't a single preferred world on NA.

is playing with a controller actually viable later in the game?
played years ago, but using kb + m hours on end hurts my hands now

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>/vg/ shitpsoters
>Admiral group

to elaborate, what got me thinking about this is when I was listening to the final boss theme and some AST(?) had their gameplay on in the background

I just can't picture having a set up like this on PS4 on a TV.

Everybody on crystal sucks and its full of weeaboos and degenerates. Depends if that's your style.

I am convinced every ranged DPS is played by cowards who have no interest in actually participating in boss fights save for doing damage.
Everytime, EVERYTIME, I am in a dungeon or a trial where the other DPS are ranged, they run to the farthest corner of the arena to attack from, a mile out of range of me so I can't Dragonsight them. I am TRYING to speed the process up and be a good team mate by buffing our damage, but they want to go sit in the back row and fling their attack miles away from the bosses.

Yeah, you can see raidfags streaming with controllers.

there was very early on in July
t. new player who transfered to Byrn since I thought I would get the XP bonus even if I didn't start my character there


Do you have brain damage, bro?

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You have some real autism.

>>/vg/ shitpsoters
pretty sure there's plenty of those on NA side too.
>>Admiral group


I know, but not for this reason.

No, I don't, bro.
Shitposting squad from Odin


>from my server
Sounds based. Also not your personal army


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>started playing this recently because I wanted to get into it for years
>job requires me to be on call for 10 days a month, meaning I can't do dungeons or raids or anything that requires other players
Fuck wageslaving

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>run around as shirtless male elezen
>can feel the looks of disgust all around me
when are they fixing elezens

You need to check eyesight.

No. The grind through the story is incredibly long, you can spend weeks trying to get through it unless you no life.
And you have to go through the story, as if you don't you won't have any clue who is who in the plot when it actually starts getting good.

There's one, maybe only on the free trial and that's what i'm playing

Which Ranged DPS should I play? Which is the most popular?

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I'm been having fun as a archer/bard but they kind of nerfed the class since it no longer buffs allies (which is what the whole questline pretty much is talking about)

The game was built with consoles in mind. I did endgame during HW and SB with controller just fine. Since they prune abilities with every expac, you should be able to fit all your skills and buffs in two cross bars just fine.

>over 9000

What do you wanna be, gunman bowman or slut?


Judging by your pic you're a pornsick faggot so DNC is perfect for you

the big raiding fc on the eu data center is literally owned by saudi

I saw a male Dancer yesterday. It was possibly the gayest shit I've ever witnessed.

No one told me MCH is SMN with a gun and dab



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>alisaie getting butthurt when titania says she'll always be there for you

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She has the best song in the game.

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gotta love a song about being a narcissistic peice of shit and being better than everyone else.

I'm pretty sure that song is actually about if you give into her she'll make sure you're stronger than all of your rivals.

That's not even what the song is about you retard.

>tfw you rise above your rivals

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Consider, they are at their best expansion right now
World of Warcraft is in the middle of its worst expansion
People still prefer wow
That's how bad ffxiv is

I think it was supposed to give her an inferiority complex, but there are less convoluted ways of going about it. What really bugs me is that everyone was enough of an asshole to let her keep doing it. Like, maybe I can picture some of them just letting her continue to poorly pretend to be her sister, but literally everyone doesn't care bar Papalymo. I'd be fucking offended if that shit happened with someone I knew.

>People still prefer wow
Those aren't people, they're blizzdrone whales

>new ip bringing up WoW without provocation is retarded

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it's the primal of beauty, what do you fuckin think they mean by "rising" above your rivals?

Dont you have phones

but she is the most beautiful of all the primals

>that scene where you summon Feo to help you make a deal with the pixies
>"Another self-important little brat. Just what we need."
>"Reminds me of my childhood."
I love the twins so much.

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the animation quality jumped up in shadowbringers, lots of instances of two characters actually touching each other for instance, less player emotes.
though I suspect we're getting the FIST CLENCH that got so much play at somepoint.

>around y'shtola's pulling out of the lifestream when krile is talking about how much of a stud alphinaud was at school back in sharlayan
>alphinaud's girlfriends would come up behind alisaie and whisper freaky shit into her ear thinking she was her brother

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one of my favorite things in the previous expansion was guessing what emote someone would do before they did it

the easiest was Lyse would always do the little finger wag to the side of her body, because she always fucking did it

>no bad ending where Titania keeps you in her castle to drain you of your "aether"

Why do you faggots always do this? You aren't new. I know you've been playing for a while

>she didn't have a (thicc) snaketail ingame


Feo sounds like a man.

Attached: Feo Desire.jpg (214x288, 22K)

Ive never played ff14
The only mmos on pc Ive played were wow and runescape at their peak

Does Alphinaud look like a girl or does Alisaie look like a boy?

>just want a small housing plot
>housing is the hardest thing in the game to get outside of dead servers

Fucking christ, just kill me.

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trust me, she sounds like a scottish 16 year old girl.
Scotland is a magical place.

Behold, the coming oblivion...

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I've found that it was worst in her intro cutscene. I found that every line after that was pretty decidedly feminine.

You transphobic or something?

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She sounds like a Scottish girl. Irish is the pleasant-sounding one.

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Thanks doc.

People say that Shadowbringers is the best expac. But that doesn't mean shit when the game is garbage. Shit combat, shit community, shit casuals getting carried into savage, shit crafting, shit and dead pvp, shit gathering, shit story, shit housing system that takes your house hostage for sub money, shit data centre split, shit content like eureka and shit degenerates.
Also fuck degens for erping in my halatali roulette and making it last 50 minutes. It might have been the only time I saw erp fags in public aside from the obvious modded clothing and chokers, but still fuck you.

>playing with English

Found your problem

What's the best way to level dps alts from 50 to 70 these days? Still deep dungeon?

The 'rising high' is about getting high as in drugs you moron. She's the primal of beauty, yes, but to the Qalyana she promises "freedom" from the pains of the world by putting her followers into a blissful delirium.

Buying skip potions.

Feo means literally "ugly male" in spanish.
Remember Betty la Fea? Yeah.

The dev team modeled Alisaie first and then copied her, so Alphinaud looks like a girl.


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Alphinaud has a surprising amount of game for someone that drops his spaghetti around us often. I wonder if Alisae ever got kissed in these incidents.

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that's not ravana's theme

>mfw found a really good thing to sell in the mb
>Calculate profit margin
>Pretty good
I forgot about the crystals and now it's not so good. FUCK. Well off to farm something else. I wish I knew what sold, my server isn't too big on the gay gear like it was when I was on crystal

>Play on Hyperion for about six months so far
>Didn't find any brothels or sluts at all

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Reminder that Alphinaud and Alisaie were admitted to the studium at a very early age so those other girls were all college-aged shota lovers


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But our lovely branch is the cutest fae.

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Does anyone hate how WoL feels more like a tool rather than part of the team?

It sucks that we literally have to get told for someone to tell us to do something. I hope they pull a P5 for it's protagonist and have us have thoughts like "hmm I better check this out."

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Fuck lala's
Fuck bunnies
And fuck cats


Am i going to have a harder time making friends if I play a male lala?

/ss/ doujins with Alphinaud getting bullied by elezen older-sister types when?

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I have so many questions about that screenshot.

Do the DRK questline you tard

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Your gonna get raped online

Depends. If you're laidback and amicable, you'll get some pets at best. If youre an edgy memester, you'll get a pity commendation for just being a lala.

user 5 of my friends came from WoW with me and we run shit together every single day. we've all been playing about 3 weeks.

Why do people keep trying it say it's male when it literally has titties?

Cutscene skippers don't get why they're called King.

Got 80 CUL today. Probably work on SCH/SMN next.

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I did. I'm talking about the MSQ. U tard

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Sharlayan is multicultural, user, he'd be surrounded by fly honeys of all races and clans.

man this cutscene was like 40 minutes. is the cutscene near the end of the post ARR content the longest in the game or is the a longer one later on

futa/trapfags are insufferable

The WoL is just a deus ex machina for the story.
>oh no we have an IMPOSSIBLE problem that NO ONE has ever solved before!
>oh nvm we have a WoL to fix everything lol

Faeries use the title of 'King' for their ruler in honor to the previous cicvilization that once inhabited their home. The JP script use something more akin to 'Monarch' which is gender neutral so it's the ENG localization team being incompetent again. Either way, pixies don't have genders so its a moot point.

I loved that one. I enjoyed SLOPPY fighting and that little Jew getting rekted.

trade crops for fleece. the crops are cheaper, you can trade them from a vendor in the apartments.
curious crop exchange

>13 min fight
>30 energy drains
W-we want energy drain to dump excess stacks, we swear we don't want it to blow it all up on dps yoship please.

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>The JP script use something more akin to 'Monarch' which is gender neutral so it's the ENG localization team being incompetent again.
Hardly matters when the name Titania refers to the queen of the fairies in A Midnight Summer's Dream.

oh yeah it was a great cutscene i'm just surprised at the length of it

The topic is already covered in the DRK quests.

I also suspect that the pixies don't really know what words like "king" specifically mean and just use them because the old kingdom did.

I wouldn't mind it too much if we could at least have some control over what's happening. Have us come with conclusions by ourselves once in a while. LET US TELL OTHER PEOPLE WHAT TO DO.
Fuck, we're literally everyone's multitool and it feels like we're not even friends with the scions.

That doesn't excuse what happens in MSQ. We're still everyone elses bitch boy.

Yeah, just by their mentality it's probably hard enough for them to remember or care that there was a kingdom there to begin with.

Because we aren't. If you actually look at the story and Scion characters, the writers do a terrible job of it. All the scions have 0 personality. There's no conlifct or interpersonal dynamics. Every conversation is "I think the WoL should do X" and then everyone else nods and life goes on. They're basically robots that serve as lore exposition devices.

I pugged E1S with double doubles SAM and WHM.
No doubles is retarded unless the fight includes a LB cheese.

>only 9 of the 39 aetherflow stacks gained through the entire fight were used on healing
Bringing back energy drain was a mistake. Or at the very least, putting damage on it was a mistake.

>ara ara and smug nee-sans
>surprise reverse trap with Alisae for some /ll/
>we're still only getting faggy miqote and au ra tranny OCs for doujins

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It should've just been MP gain without the dps.

I got it recently and I am enjoying it though I am fond of the story etc. Also really like how you can do everything on one character.

It does start pretty slow though. Still working toward Heavensward which is where people say the game starts taking it up a notch. I just farmed palace of the dead to 50-60

There was literally nothing to use Aetherflow on that wasn't a heal beforehand and you can count the amount of times that amount of sheer healing is actually necessary on one hand. I'm sorry the cuckshed memes were short-lived but this is no reason to lash out.

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>normal raid too easy
>savage raid too hard

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>garuda semi-officially has a thing for humans/spoken

>Just got the Fenrir mount
I can't wait for everyone to be able to tell how much time I wasted in the Gold Saucer just from looking at me

I think it's the longest one. There's only three or four other cutscenes that go "sit down this will be a long one."

They need to nerf ED potency so people don't feel the need of using ED over healing for the 430 potency per gcd.

And speaking of which, I love how every SCH bitching about afflatus misery 900 potency are quiet now that they can throw 1280 potency in 3 gcds.

>bottom two frontline teams fight eachother instead of trying to fight the team with a giant lead

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Bros, I want to hit up crafting / gathering finally, but I have no idea how to get started.

Because 'King' is a gender neutral term in Japanese. You're calling them incompetent for not using gender neutral terms that don't naturally exist in the English language just because they do exist in Japanese. You fucking idiots who want direct translations need to go the fuck outside so you learn how to speak your own god damn language.

Let me guess, it’s Adders?
Every damn frontline they attack whoever’s in second place to fuck them over instead of the actual ones winning, it’s so fucking retarded.

Would you, user?

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Misery is fine because it's a way to make up for the fact that you had to spend 3 GCDs on healing. Energy Drain as it is, is just free damage. And it's even more free than before, with fairy heals being so frequent and plentiful.

I was on adders. Mael pulled into a big early lead while flame tried to fuck with us. Then later on when were starting to even things out 3/4ths of my team kept fighting flames for minutes after nodes despawned while mael just sat back and coasted to victory. It happens every match, either you're on the winning team and the other two fight eachother and make it easy for you or you're on a losing team and whenever you try to get shit done the other losing team crab buckets you.

It's literally about what happens in the MSQ and the level 50 quest is about coming to terms with the hero lifestyle being what truly makes you happy regardless of how people treat you. There's nothing else to cover in the MSQ regarding it.

>no gender neutral substitute for king in the english language
>literally said monarch which is the same thing

>feels like we're not even friends with the scions
Because you're co-workers. The only Scion you have spent lots of time around has been Alphinaud, and coincidentally that's the most believable friendship. You've been on a mission with Y'shtola I think a grand total of one time, and throughout that entire time she spends it reading while you make yourself something to eat.

It's hard to have relationships with characters when one of them is a self insert. Plus, it makes sense for Urianger and Thancred to be impersonal.

That fight is a joke

Except in the lore they use the title because it was taken from Voeburt you fucking moron. You don't call someone 'Monarch' in English. You call them King or Queen. Just as in Japanese, they use King. It just so happens that in Japanese 'King' can be used for either gender. Learn to speak fucking English.

I just think we need a bunch of back and forth dialogue choices. Maybe something like "I remember when blah blah happened, it's tough being a hero." Just having them share their troubles with us and just nodding feels impersonal and rude.

Maybe we'll get some side quests with the scions in the patch where you just hang out?

Any max level monks here have info on the latest rotation? I’ve mained healers from ARR to ShB and have no idea what Im doing.

>Titania's new playtime activity is stealing all of your aether until you 'break'
>she keeps you smothered in her bosom until you're 'fixed' and ready to play some more

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>both healers in orange damage numbers
>both of them also putting out healing in equal amounts
What was the problem here, again? Not only is Energy Drain an important part of Scholar's job identity as the healer that branched off a DPS class, it provides more opportunities for making choices as you play. Do I pump all of my Aetherflow into damage, or should I play it more safe and save some for healing? You may think the answer is always obviously damage, but that's only on paper. Figuring out the right solution to clearing a fight without using AF-dependent healing is a satisfying challenge on its own. And if the fights are easy enough that I'm literally talking bullshit and there are no heal checks ever, then the problem is with fight design rather than Scholar's skill kit design. I'll see for myself in savage in a few weeks when I have the time to play again.

Who here comfy autohotkey afk botting here? ;)

Or, hot take; you could not nerf astro more.

I think we might be getting one on one time with the ones who are just hanging out in the First.


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>Titan Maximum: Frail, foolish creature. You are nothing!

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I'd love to spend more time with the Scions. Might be difficult to tackle if they decide to kill some of them off tho. More heart to heart moments like our chat with Alisae after rescuing Gabu or when the Scions kept getting isekai'd one after the other and she expressed she's doing her best to keep herself together to not make you worry. Not to mention the entire HW base story being a huge character development for Alphinaud. It's scenes like that made the twins really well liked among the playerbase.

EX is just the right difficulty. Too hard for DF or one shot on first try, but easy enough that you don't need a static or create elaborate guides.

>MEANWHILE, AT THE LEGION OF DOOM cutaway cutscenes and roleplay instances to see what Estinien/Gaius are up to and what's going on on the Source
>MSQ for WoL for one or two patches is just hanging out with the other Scions and helping them with day-to-day stuff while the Exarch keeps piddling around with ways to send them back in one piece

Attached: 1536432631105.gif (758x696, 102K)

ED = energy drain

Should've cleared the first couple days. Everyone knows to clear what you can ASAP or get forever stuck with greylets that whine about parsing and elitism. You made your grave, now lie in it.

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Haha those gaols look so weird. I wonder what they taste like haha

literally impossible right now, no other data center lets you make characters

If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?
Could you save our worlds?

Attached: story of my life.jpg (232x164, 20K)

Two worlds on Primal is open and 4 Aether worlds are open

>What was the problem here, again?
The problem is that the ruin II + energy drain is so good that there's no reason to use healing skills at all. ED needs a nerf.

Final fantasy xiv is a great game for your team to play with your favorite sport games for your favorite games of the year to be a great place for people to play and win

ED's fine and you'll get booted out of parties once they figure out you're prioritizing your parse over keeping the party healthy.

how does one go about finding a static group for raids? Im want to blow my brains out trying to party finder the ES raids

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>Machine learning is posting on Yea Forums now
how long until we're all robots

Not if you make the other healer do your job.

Attached: 1537592012321.png (1326x712, 101K)

PF and reddit always has static recruitment ads

Everyone on Yea Forums is a bot except you

I thought everyone was bots already.

Make your own.

Recruit on Yea Forums

I ran into my static by just pugging. I ended up joining their discord for the pugs and then found myself in the static. They were starting from scratch so I guess I was lucky. But there's also PF advertisements for statics. Discord is also another place to find a static.

damn i was just gonna go grab 10mil gil, now its like 50 bucks

Thoughts on Brynhildr?

>another two years of strangled crying about scholars DPSing now that they have Energy Drain back
>another two years of strangled crying about scholar not being good enough or being too good or what the fuck ever
I hate this job, I hate the people who play it, I hate the people who can't shut the fuck up about it, I hate the people who hate it. I don't think I can take another two years of people not being able to shut the fuck up about Scholar, Yea Forums.

Attached: 1541836679082.png (128x105, 18K)

worst server on crystal of all place

I remember the days of Heavensward when you could have got 40 million for $30

Here's a secret I found out the hard way multiple times. Statics are just PF pugs except you can't kick the party leader's girlfriend for being a useless shit.

>kyaaaaaa! help me! the head is going right to me I literally cant stop shaking !

Attached: 1479096544968.jpg (607x537, 92K)

its crazy, I bought like 25mil at $35 just last month now that much is like tripled.

You can run in if you can manage to actually look and see which way the adds are facing.

Don't play SCH then.

well the fact that its POPULAR now and that they are having weekly ban waves, making things complicated

Do you want to actually fucking guess how many players dont pay attention? They immediately go to their cleave spots instead of going to the N or S part of the hitbox and then following the add outward to their cleave position. It's not that fucking hard but they just freeze like deer in the headlights and then run to another party member and get both killed with cleave. Literally every other party this happens despite it saying "Know all mechanics/Have enrage experience"

I don't.

You can actually run between the adds.

Is 19 mil a decent amount to have? I never craft and only gather the level 80 maps once every few days.

Sounds like you need to make your own party and kick the useless retards. Tell them to run in between the line ahriman at the corner positions, then into middle behind the ahriman if they're a cardinal direction. Also make macros even if it cucks your dps. If it doesn't work, they've proven themselves worthy of being tossed the fuck out of your party.

im sure in like a month or so itll go back down. new crafted gear just got dropped so theres a lot of market activity going on right now

>every single CUL item requires random bullshit dropped off some shit mob in the middle of nowhere while every other DOH can just camp a market board and occasionally wack a stone or bush to get everything they need

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You can buy some stuff. Want to know hell? Getting Diremite web in ARR.

depends on your server economy but it's good enough to get anything you need in a pinch, but not enough to really flex on anyone.
You're hoodrich.

Does anyone actually do guildhests?


>Boss is at 5% and about to engrage
> starts playing

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Tfw cant stick to one class
Tfw leveling MNK up now hoping that it's the one

Why is DNC and MCH bad again?

I'm making only 3-4mil a day and I want to learn how to make more. Teach me.

It doesnt matter how many I replace they're all just trash
This is basically what I do for guillotine, but the ones that come from the back to back cleave and slice are a bit harder to dodge through, or at least I'm inconsistent with it so I opt to just stand max melee in the safe wedges between them

Oops, I fucked it up. Meant to do 1:50

What's up guys...

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Robots can make you feel like you are a strong and successful person to be a great place to work for and it is a great place to live and enjoy the fun and the excitement of the day and night rush hour for the first time in the season that you will be able to enjoy the game final fantasy xiv

Is Alisaie dating the kobold?

Then go tell the retards at SE that when you give SCH 350 potency in one gcd, they will not use stacks on healing ever again and will always tell the cohealer to heal since even whm 300 nuke/gcd is weaker.

Machinist is bad because it doesn't inflate my parse. Dancer is bad because it doesn't inflate my parse enough.

3-4 mil a day is a lot. You don't need help.


>only 3-4 mil a day
you're actually probably richer than me user.

For achivs and logs

Only at 19mil. It takes me all day to make it desu. It's a pain in the ass. Everytime I relax, stuff starts selling and I have to go gather and collect it. I just want something where I have a ready stack so I don't have to take an hour or two off to gather and craft everything to refill my retainers.

They're only good below lvl 40

What? All by myself?

favorite item sets?
For me it's pic related. I've been playing WHM since HW and this is the only item set they can use that I actually really like.

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>they will not use stacks on healing ever again
Being a green DPS is still not as viable as it was in Stormblood and you'll have to heal sooner or later, don't you dare point to that FFlogs screenshot from before because you and I both know that if a SCH is doing that they either know the fight well enough they know when to DPS and when to heal (and their DPSes are either rarely getting hit or not getting hit at all beyond unavoidable damage), or they're a burden on their team by piling all healing onto the co-healer. If you balance around the slack-jawed monkeys in this game you're going to end up with an imbalanced game and I don't care that you're mad SCH can output more potency in a short timeframe than WHM can.

Same man, same. I enjoy too many things and I listen to others too much. I do with this game had a normal rogue instead of Ninja or that Ninja generally was better.

Artifact armors or bust, lad. Paladin's Shadowbringers armor is one of my favorite sets in the game.

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It takes way too long for me to craft everything to get it. I just want to start playing on my alt and once in a while drop stuff to sell.

Every second I spend gathering/crafting I'm losing profits because my retainer will be empty.

One thing I like about ShB's AF sets are that they seem like the First's take on the original AF

>TFW reached the end of HW
>TFW All Jobs (Except SB and ShB Jobs) leveled to 60
>Still haven't found my preferred Job
I know they don't have their full kits yet, and I can't touch the 4 remaining Jobs yet, but none of them really click for me yet.

1. Make sure it's not you fucking up and you know all of the mechanics.
2. Make PF like "Serious clear party, know the entire fight. Under-performers will be replaced."
3. After the second wipe, look at the people fucking up or that are doing shit all damage.
4. Back out, kick them wordlessly and put PF back up.
5. Repeat as necessary.

This has usually worked when I felt hardstuck in PF stuff. Decent players will be more likely to stick around if they see you're removing bads instead of just going for an endless wipeathon.

Explain to a brainlet. Does GL4 do more damage than 10% Fists of Fire?

That's one of my favorite parts about them, most of them are like a combination of the 50 and 60 artifacts with their own spin on it. Along with original sets like DRK's 80 Cecil set

Sup bros

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If I'm remembering right GL4 balances out to being more long-term damage just from being able to slam in more GCDs.

don't worry about profits. I forget to fiddle around with my retainers all the time. I'm also constantly sitting on 100 leve allowances because I just don't feel like leveling any of my craft/gatherers that particular day or week. You gotta set your own pace and not fall for the gil grind meme user. The only thing you'd need a zillion gil for is housing and that's not worth it unless you have a bunch of friends/ time on your hands and never plan on taking a break from the game. Just relax and fish.

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Hows Aether?. I just beat FFVII the other day so i can recognice Jenova and Midgar Zolom


All they need to do is lower ED to 80 potency, so that Ruin 2 + ED matches Broil 3. That way SCHs aren't as inclined to use aetherflow for damage, but it is still available for MP if they need it.

I said WHM because their nuke is the strongest of the 3. The issue is that if this shit catches on every SCH will pretend they're green dps and ignore that indom, excog and sacred soil exist affecting both SCH players and co healers who will have to heal more over muh dps.

cactuar and sargatanas seem to be full of whiners. faerie seems to be full of chat macro spammers.

>The issue is that if this shit catches on every SCH will pretend they're green dps and ignore that indom, excog and sacred soil exist affecting both SCH players and co healers who will have to heal more over muh dps.
At which point they get booted out of the party for insisting they're actually DPS classes, same as Stormblood.

Guess ill be playing on Lavos Mom then

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Why the fuck E2S DPS check is so goddamn tight?

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Because it's week one and nobody has proper gear yet.

I play on Light (Lich) and it's fine, though I do see a lot of (strictly male and female) characters hugging or blowing kisses at each-other in Limsa-Lominsa. The worst I saw was a fully pride-parade drag-queen-tier semi-nude male miqote called "captain fabulous" or something like that all dressed in pink, but other than that it was fine. I only ran into
players once in an instanced dungeon and they were fine, aside from a German who keeps spamming the chat with his FC advertisement, so idk

I have run into a player called 'Cat Fantasy' a lot of times, a fully black male Miqote, but he doesn't seem gay because he poses like a Chad next to female Miqotes a lot. There is also this FC that keeps spamming the chat called 'Anime Haven', which claims to be trying to 'create a petition for a safe haven for anime fans in the game'.

Really, all in all it's not as bad as it sounds. The community is friendly, and the FC I am in is nice and there are a lot of genuine women who play the game. I am on holiday, so I did not log in for some time, but the last time I did the game was 90% bunny girl. I also ran into a lala called 'Flandere Scarlet'.

Why is Limsa-Lominsa so fucked though.

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>xi/v/ died down after a month

ditch the mask and it's perfect

Even emet needs a carry.

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gotta wait for my leves to go back up for fishing. I have a medium house and im just saving up so I can comfortably buy a decorator.

people too busy playing the game

They won't.

Horseshit, uppity SCHs get kicked from parties all the time.

Should ask his brothers

Desu the worst healers are those hipster ASTs that call every WHM a "glare mage", while barely doing any healing or dps themselves.

What's a good price to pay for a medium house decorator?

I've played with him, he's trash

Given SCH is the main heal now of any comp, you better well damn kick them if they are not riding their Soil and Indom.

ff16 better look like this SE! Or else......

The jp script uses 王 which is king.


>Still working toward Heavensward
>I just farmed palace of the dead to 50-60
Why not just level up through the main quest...?

ask them to offer then haggle based on the price

>subscription MMO

This business model should have died a decade ago.

>Can put on a bunch of retarded tatoos
>But cant have a beard
Fucking japs eternally salty because they can barely grow a pair of pubes

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>13 minutes
>42 aetherflow
>plus 15 aetherflow from Dissipation
wtf bros i can't believe the scholar spent 27 aetherflow on healing and pressed fairy ogcds

>Try out FFXIV.
>Adverse to it due to the ARR storyline and simplicity (early Stormblood).
>Keep going because it actually looks decent on graphics and doesn't seem like a buggy piece of shit.
>Learn to love the post-arr storyline and the gameplay is kind of comfy.
>Get to the end and grind up the ilvls to open up more end-game.
>People are either thin-skinned dramawhores or extremely involved tryhards.
>Just keep playing and try my best without looking at meta play or losing faith when some stacy/tranny throws a tantrum over very-friendly-and-not-a-hint-of-passive-aggressive advice or DPS loses his shit when easing up on pulls for new healers.

Is this like Smash Bros. where people have convinced themselves the game is deeper and harder then it really is? Does difficulty = fun by default for people now? I can have fun playing Terraria or Factorio.

I think Yoshi P said in an interview they had no idea people wanted beards

And yet, all of the F2P mmos are dying, while the three main mmos still alive (in the West) are all sub based.

I just don't want to be off the mark. They'll all say something like 50mil when I only have 30mil or something like 70-100mil.

Are all people gathering botting?
Nobody fucking says anything when collecting.

I'm usually just watching shit on another monitor and brainlessly moving from node to node. I assume everyone else is doing the same

a good portion of them are botting

The smart ones do

Because gathering is tedious and you don't want to delay your node swings to type.

Why would I say anything when I'm at a node for 30 seconds before teleporting to another?

Any tips how? Is it all paid software?

Just get a bit pissed when I forgot what node it is and I ask which one it is and people just teleport away.

>people are omnicrafters
I don't get it. That shit must take forever.

Just keep xivclock open

>Is this like Smash Bros. where people have convinced themselves the game is deeper and harder then it really is?
Pretty much. Meta and all its dickriders is 100% optimization of numbers and they'll ride that to the grave even though the game is so well-balanced your party composition does not matter at all.

Alot of people don't realize that alot of the reason, of course not completely, for lots of socializing in pre-wow mmos is because many people had time to type and shoot the shit. I myself am a slow typer at 46 WPM and struggling to get things out in WoW combat and some of FFXIV's depending on the boss fight or when I'm doing 2-3 pulls.

Auto hotkey my nigga

You only need to do leves, gc turn ins, beast tribe dailies and weekly deliveries.

they're pretty stubborn about the character creator besides adding hairs

You underestimate NEETs.

>the reason, of course not completely, for lots of socializing in pre-wow mmos is because many people had time to type and shoot the shit
The slow, strategic combat was to encourage socialization, not the other way around.

Welcome to hotbar ABC combat. That and a fucking lack of "Keep hitting this node" button in the gathering menu so I don't have to deal with the laggy mess that is gathering in the first place.

>Best Ascian is killed off in a singe expansion
>Only Ascian left to deal with is a dude scared of sharpened butter knives

Its not fair...

>die because of aggro when gathering
>People just gather their nodes and dip.
I'll remember that assholes

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I've noticed this. I'm leveling all three gathering profession with my maxed out leves at the moment. Going to 50, fishing was a total nightmare. Heading to 60 with mining at the moment, I've completely ignored whatever collecting is and just continued with my excess leves while watching demon-loli-daughter animu and political streams.

I have no fucking idea what they were thinking. It's probably pretty predictable that he's supposed to be the villain, all things considered, but he's been around since like 2.1 and he's done nothing besides stand on the moon.

>I've completely ignored whatever collecting is
Read up a guide on it. It's your fastest means of XP once you've gotten at least 600gp. FSH is mostly just figuring out which location has your leve turn-ins and then semi-afk fish it with a rumble-enabled controller, and some netflix.

He's going to die before the next expansion

What's the best way to stop someone with a katana? Asking for a friend.

then who the fuck will the final final boss be
everyone they've been leading up to is dead besides Zenos and you've done all you can do with him

I thought about it but didn't have the GP and the GP-related gear seemed extremely limited or extremely expensive past 50. I'll probably try it in Stormblood content where I saw alot of GP gear is either cheaply vendor sold or cheap HQ crafts.

Don't pull your own sword, charge at each other ambigously, and be the one to fall to your knees, not fall on the ground.

Do closed servers open eventually or there is no point in waiting?

i'm ilvl399, can i go in mt gulg as a dps or will I piss off my party?

If you can queue then fucking go in. Game does enough self-policing itself. Not to mentioned 95% of the playerbase doesn't look at parsing, you'll only might get called out if the tank multi-pulls and everyone notices shit ain't dying.

Think Gulg's ilvl auto adjusts too.

Well you havent played Samurai yet thats why

their excuse is server limitations, because character data is being sent back and forth constantly and more options would increase the data size putting strain on their shoestring and gum put-together servers, or something like that.