Was he really so great?
John Carmack
>his most famous code snippet was a misattribution of someone else's code
nah he's a hack
Nah, he's a closet fash
Good on based and redpilled furry for calling him out
>hello I am commenting on your tweet so umm who are you and why should I care
What's wrong with these people?
>joe rogan isn't a fascist
>he just has only fascist guests on all the time ever
>he also sometimes prefaces pro-fascist statements with "i'm not a fascist but" so you know he can't be a fascist
>31 years old
So what questions do you want me to ask John, Yea Forums?
he's the father of pretty much all modern game engines. The fact he open sourced idTech gave us so many great games. The OG multiplayer fps, the first great modding and speedrunning scene. And quake 3 is the greatest multplayer FPS of all time.
He's a really really smart guy.
But of course leave it to degenerate twitter to act like he's done nothing but huff their own farts like some kind of grand projection.
Inb4 he brings up quake champions
>United Kingdom
as expected
>caring about social media
What are you even talking about?
He has guests from all sides of the political spectrum on his show.
Also many of his political views are clearly left leaning.
He didn't know it was discovered by someone else before though because it was patented and secret, he stumbled on it on his own and thought he was first. It wasn't until after Doom 3 way on the market for a while before the two faggots from Creative came to him to demand shekels showing the patent.
god i hate leftists
>Nah, he's a closet fash
Of course he is he's actually talented, the only people who think fascism is bad are those who would be relegated to the bottom of the heirarchy if we returned to the natural order of things
He's not a right wing person at all, he's just legitimately naive as fuck and really enjoys talking with people.
He's talking about fast inverse square root.
>Carmack trashes it on not only a gameplay level but a techinchal level as well
>rogan was a quake pro
>loves QC
Calling Joe Rogan altright is on par with calling Bernie Sanders a Republican.
Ok, so I am predisposed to despise Joe Rogan, I admit that.
But I haven't given him a chance since I did back when his podcast was new.
Can any of the apologists ITT point me to an episode they know of that could be redeeming in any way?
Every goddamned time.
To these people, even associating with the right is grounds for being a fascist.
>implying he isn't
um excuse me sweetie. If you check the troofie meter, you will clearly see he is a nazi white surpremacist (otherwise known as RE(tard)THUG(cunt)LICKCANT)
They're communists, so it's not unexpected at all.
Just watch a couple episodes.
You will see that Joe is a decent guy, curious to hear his guests opinion regardless of background.
Leftists are a blight to any hobby/interest
Elon musk interview is a must.
His biggest redeeming quality is his ability to listen. He has had plenty of guests with different views and was always very respectful. Just watch some clips with more controversial guests and see if you like it.
I blame youtube, you watch a few videos of his and your recommended videos list goes straight down the white power hole for some reason.
Most people are claiming youtubes 'REINFORCE' AI is being gamed, but they don't have any idea how.
His Alex Jones podcasts are kino, though that’s only because Alex is fucking insane and fun to listen to.
>trannies seething
Well duh, remember wolfenstein 3D? that was clearly nazi propaganda
*to the entire world
So, like Hitler? A soiboi who sucked at art.
I'd call them extremists.
I'm a left leaning moderate and I hate those screeching idiots on the far left.
Tay has taken over the AI responsible for youtube algorithms, clearly.
The greatest strength of his show is that he's incredibly open to hearing different sides to things. He has his biases and prejudices but for the most part he can at least listen to different viewpoints.
His show with Paul Stamets, and the several episodes with Maynard James Keenan stand out in my memory.
Most commie countries(aka every slav county) hate fascist and commies equally. There are some old fucks longing for the "good old days" but they'll die soon.
if he were that good he wouldn't only be know for a 30 year old game, and suddenly e-famous again because he got hired to shill a failed novelty gadget.
>people like these actually exist
#961 - Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Michael Shermen was the first podcast of his I heard and I loved it
fake and gay
Hate fascists but are wildly racist, which a lot of people in western culture cant wrap their heads around. Not everything divides evenly into left\right tribal shit.
Fake any gay
>started the most prolific modding community in video games by releasing the source code to doom along with other id games like wolf3d and quake
>triggers trannies
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based
>also removing scripting engine from games is a terrible idea
joe rogan is the definition of a useful idiot, the only time he challenges anyone on anything is when he's 100% positive they're a total know-nothing like dave rubin. any other time and it's "wow that's crazy" and then he just sort of moves on. anyone calling him alt-right is retarded though. his channel can inadvertently function as a "gateway to the [far] right" but that's not his fault so much as it is youtube's dipshit algorithm.
These subhumans don't deserve to exist.
Is this real?
Jesus Christ. Joe Rogan is such a moderate, milquetoast and harmless show to be on. There's nothing controversial about appearing on his show. He had Russell Brand, Mike Tyson, Dr. Phil, etc.
Disgusting zoomer, begone from this place.
>really enjoys talking with people
Sounds right wing to me.
valve wouldnt exist without carmack
No wonder you're all losing your shit. Joe Rogan isn't a fascist, or an alt-righter, or even a conservative.
So am I.
It was discovered by two faggots who then patented it and went to work for Creative, selling the patent to Creative, it was kept secret.
Carmack discovered it later on by himself, hence why it got dubbed "Carmack's Reverse".
After success of Doom 3 and the two jews from Creative realizing that what Carmack discovered is the same shit they did back in the 90s, they demanded shekels from id which id had to pay.
It's also why it was no longer used in post idTech 4 games and why it got removed from Doom 3 BFG, replaced by the "traditional" method that's not as fast and thus more computing intensive.
The more you know, faggot.
Day of the rope fucking when? We're reaching levels of degenarcy, dysfunction and dissociation that shouldn't even theoretically be possible. Our species is diseased and mutating at alarming rates.
>nononononono he's efamous now, you just don't KNOW all the advertising I read! he's! a! GOD!
It's fake.
It's hilarious seeing you leftards burning all the bridges with normal people.
>joe rogan
>far right
Imagine believing that
>a weed smoking gorilla enthusiast
>remotely right wing
america is fucked lmao, next they're going to say dave chappelle is a white supremacist and an uncle tom
Marxism is a literal bugman ideology.
Bit of a stretch.
>And suddenly, for no reason whatsoever, the people elected Hitler
And gay.
Wtf? Did this transfem nonbinary 30+ yo furry "writer" just completely 0wn Carmack when it comes to coding?
He isn't, but he does has a tendency to bring on people that regurgitate alt-right talking points, even when it's not remotely their expertise. In that way, he has kind of proven to be gateway into that shithole, but I think he's just a useful idiot. Also, the best way to change that perception is to have more informed guests with better opinions. He just had on MJK and Dr. West, for example.
The day of the rope cometh soon
James Hetfield and the beekeeping chronicles. Absolute kino.
Maybe Joe Rogan isn't far right, but it doesn't help that every time someone wants a recommendation everyone says either Alex Jones or Sargon
>next they're going to say dave chappelle is a white supremacist and an uncle tom
user... I...
They hate commies with a burning passion because they still remember. It's a heavyweight insult to call slav a communist.
The fact that he just lets random nobodies talk about their political and social views is really the problem. It's like if your racist uncle was a boxer and you spent half the interview letting him about about how much he hates "the chinks" or some shit instead of keeping it on boxing.
i mean it like unironically, but yeah, pun intended
Joe Rogan used to put worms in people's mouths. Now he puts worms in people's brains.
As opposed to batshit insane views that are the bread and butter of the modern left?
Despite being a leftist himself, his most interesting podcasts are the ones where he has someone from the right. Sargon, Alex Jones, Milo, Shapiro etc. He knows that these podcast make the most money so clearly he'd be dumb not to have more of these figures on. Though of course if he has someone like Kid Cudi or Elon Musk, they'll get a lot of popularity simply because he's dealing with celebrities.
Based uncle. Seethe more tranny
How? Because booboo furlord won't be able to make his poorly drawn $2k grossing RPG maker ""indie gem"" anymore?
Scripting languages are fucking terrible
>Joe Rogan
What the fuck are you smoking, he's the quintessential Dudebro Liberal. But I guess in the twitter tranny era that's not far left enough.
>informed guests with better opinions.
>"Dr" West
most reddit post I've read in a solid month
Liberals think the reason people considered the book burning by the nazis to be an atrocity is because of the carbon emissions.
he brings on all kinds of people and some of them will have opinions and beliefs to the right which they will talk about.He's done a lot of podcast and the ones with the "right wing" guest obviously stand out and tend to be the more popular at least going by the clips on youtube are but that's not really something you can blame on rogan and claim he's intending harm with it.
>center left is the new conservative
yeah its getting pretty ridiculous
>interviews republicans and conservatives
Not to mention, a lot of the people he interviews, not only aren't conservatives, but don't even officially align with any side.
But that is how "progressives" work.
Isn't ironic? You call people fascists, but you people are the ones enforcing one political side , one way of thinking and any one that doesn't follow what you demand, what you dictate, is dealt with hostility, persecution, lives destroyed because people dared to go against your "tolerant" ways.
You know why I called it ironic? Cause the people calling others fascists are the ones behaving like fascists.
It's pretty obnoxious how the insane leftist dregs of society call anyone who is sane and normal "far right"
>based and redpilled furry
Being a furry is the opposite of these things, even worse being libtard
This is objectively untrue lmao.
His best podcasts are when liberals come onto the show and legit embarrass themselves because they can't even argue their points
carmack didnt discover anything, he stole it just like he stole the vr work from bethesda
They need to be hunted down, make a list of all these aids sponges on twitter, don't forget Yea Forums has jihad incels.
it's ridiculous to blame that on rogan though, these people are popular figures online so of course people are gonna gravitate towards seeing clips with them in them as opposed to some professor they've never heard of.
alex jones and sargon aren't exactly nobodies though, they each have a presence online which is you know where his podcast is.
>joe rogan is far right
I'm glad I don't use twitter.
Berlin was the cultural capital of sexual deviancy and decadence before the Nazis rose. History will repeat itself because of these dummies being normalized.
Because it's easy to implement modding features with a script engine, test content, debug, cheat codes, like in the 2000s games, when games were made by people who liked video games.
rogan is self proclaimed left wing, how stupid are these retards? the guy smokes pot every day for fucks sake.
What a pussy
>it was kept secret
Patents by definition can not be kept secret. Patent documents are publicly available and anyone can look them up.
I assume you actually have a source for this bullshit?
the last comment is the worst, how little self awareness can you have?
Someone who cheers on Tulsi Gabbard can't be very left wing. Center left at best.
Uhh who are you sweetie? Nevermind I don't care lmao
Aw sweatie who r u suppose to b?
John Carmack has put himself in the perfect spot. The empty pesterings of internet strangers can no longer have an effect on him because he is irreplaceable in his field.
I aspire to be like John Carmack.
ugh..... have sex ok sweetie?
>one time
He's the most influential and important engineer in video game history.
He really shouldn't even be considered a "video game designer". He was a software engineer first and foremost.
Hitler was appointed by Hindenberg on his death bed you retard.
>pronouns in profile
>50% chance of playing FFXIV
every single fucking time