What is your favorite kind of atmosphere in vidya?
What is your favorite kind of atmosphere in vidya?
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.hack series was great
baroque gothic-horror
Nothing in existence will ever top Sotn's atmosphere
This shit right here.
the ost is so good
any hidden or otherworldly tier place that feels super enigmatic and mystifying to be in
Alien worlds, backwater depressive slav lands, and fantastical worlds.
game looks cool
never heard of it before
Dark and bleak shit.
Bloodlines & Fallout 2 New Reno.
There are few, they have one thing in common impending doom. Without it there is no urgency.
the one tuning me into a sissy slut.
Zeno Clash
FPS Brawler
Fuck everything, I like it when it's cute and comfy.
I want a family, I want to raise my kids in a nice village with nice people, and do happy stuff for the rest of my life, without having to worry about all the ugly shit in the world.
Why can't I have that?
I really liked Soul Sacrifice because the game seemed really dark and edge lord tier but when you actually do the side stories, most of them have genuinely happy endings, at worst it's bittersweet.
Too bad a sequel won't ever be made since it was only released on the Vita and I think the IP is owned by Sony since they published it and they don't have any interest in continuing it I think. Ditto with Freedom Wars.
the large castle atmosphere.
dark huge castles (or bright ones for all i care) are kinocore
Huge scale space horror, or other things that make me feel insignificant as a player/species.
Prey, especially the apex scene was good. The ships in Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2. Certain skyboxes in Homeworld. EVE can be unsettling. Dead Space, also. I only wish there were more games that took inspiration from how unsettling supermassive scale is.
Can you emulate it?
enchanted wet singing forest > the world
Wizard cities, there's always some crazy shit going on with them.
This town's finished
My favourite jj2 atmosphere.
Pre-patch shrine of amana not even once.
that chromatic aberration is sickening
The game never came to PC so you're going to have to settle for tiny resolutions and awful preset shading until the PS4 emulator comes out in like a decade
This is all I want from Elden Ring. Towering castles and dimly lit fortresses like Sens. Fuck forests, swamps, catacombs, all that shit. Just give me lots of giant labyrinths to get lost in.
The gothic atmosphere of Assassin's Creed 2 is very relaxing.
the atmosphere from the thief trilogy
i have yet to find a game that makes me feel the same way these games did aside from arx fatalis
Oppressive and visceral. Think Valley of Defilement
>Arx Fata...
>checks spoiler
patrician taste
Arx Fatalis, nigga.
bug gothic
Bloodlines is great.
You should probably look into the Legacy of Kain series, Blood Omen 2 in particular.
I need better controller for this game, Xbox 360 dpad suck dick.
Where do I start with LoK?
No game has ever topped the Witcher 1 in terms of atmosphere for me, though honourable mention to Stalker SoC
I got the same feeling on KotOR 1's Dantooine.
Then again in Skellige on W3
>Xbox 360 dpad
You're not using the analog stick?
one where the music gets more complex and layered the further you traverse in the level. I don't know what that is called exactly but you might know what I'm talking about
fuck gotta play it now
ive been postponing it ever since i got to the swamp
sci-fi apocalypse
I can see why you'd say that, but I always found Dantooine pretty boring with some dodgy pacing
Witcher 1 is a love/hate game, I played it when it came out in 2007 and dropped it a few times during the first chapter. Eventually managed to complete it over the course of a few months and it's still one of my favourite games of all time.
It definitely picks up during that chapter with the Swamp though, most people get hooked towards the end of that chapter.
A lot of people say chapter 4 is the best, but I actually really liked the swamp part and the investigation you do during that chapter.
Would definitely recommend finishing it if you can though, the plot is really good.
Name three (3) games with this aesthetic.
fallout 1
fallout 2
fallout nv
Tiberian Sun
Super Metroid's
.hack is such an incredibly comfy series
I could replay them over and over.
Blood Omen 1. It's great, and arguably has the most fun gameplay.
Can't go wrong with it at all, though pretty much all of the games have great atmosphere.
I should re-play Blood Omen 2, though...
Here's a SR2 screenshot in the meantime.
If you decide to start with Soul Reaver 1 instead, emulate it.
The PC version itself has bugged music (which was supposed to be dynamic and changes based on whether or not you're in the spectral or material dimensions, and it also changes based on combat situations), so I'd recommend either either the PS1 version or the Dreamcast one. Dreamcast version as some nicer looking textures, I guess.
Lots of things about Witcher 1 are jank-as-fuck, but it's still something I'd consider playing.
I actually haven't, which is funny. I should though, because I can't get enough of white-haired swordsmen.
You mean Automata?
I wouldn't say Replicant was really sci-fi at all other than the opening which has some ruined modern buildings in the background.
It's definitely fantasy over sci-fi
Shame this one isn't on official soundtrack. Thanks for linking it, user, that stirred some memories.
Also this track and atmosphere are top notch.
I unironically like automatas atmosphere, dawdling around the dead ruins of humanities desolate cities without really knowing why they were built. Primordia had a similar atmosphere too.
Ehhh i've never really bought into the argument that Witcher 1 is janky, but maybe that's because I played it pre-enhanced edition when it came out, and back then it actually was janky.
The combat is different to most games, but actually very satisfying imo - there's no other game I can name that does swordfighting against groups of enemies as well as Witcher 1.
Playing it on hard doesn't make it super difficult, but it does make you have to use the alchemy system properly which adds a lot of depth to the gameplay.
But yeah, other than some wooden animations and character models, I wouldn't really say there is anything janky about it imo, but I can understand why people who haven't really played it would think it is.
The lakeside night theme is great as well and feels completely different to the tone of the rest of the game.
It's weird that neither made it into the soundtrack, as I feel that other than Seawall, Peaceful Moments, and River of Life, they're the best tracks.
I do but pogo is inconsistent as fuck, with keyboard is better but it's unconfortable with layout i use.
This, but I'm not sure what the aesthetic/atmosphere is called. Does anyone know?
It's like steampunk but with turn of the twentieth century instead
My impressions are based on half-asleep, drunken sessions with watching a friend play through the game. It was mainly the animations that seemed janky, and some managed to be outright hilarious. I'll save my *real* first impressions for when I actually get to dive into the game myself.
Oppressive. Like Dark Souls, STALKER, or Dead Space
Urban decay combined with authoritarian sci-fi architecture is absolutely kino, any other games besides half-life and dishonored with this?
I think it's steampunk
poop and maybe a little bit of pee
Litebright neon future shit
this man is a good man.
ditch the steampunk and just go Edwardian.
personally i love me some dieselpunk.
kino as shit, but woefully underused. at least it's not as overexposed as steampunk.
Slav atmosphere.
Space with weird physics
Forest of Pain, home.
Water world with small settlements of cities and towns, i'm terrified of large open water so i guess i like the idea of being on a safe cozy little area surrounded by water
Kingdom Cum: Deliverance is TrueSlav™
The Witcher 3 was comfy aftbh
Blue sky, grassy green grass. Trees. Wood, flowers. I aint even gay
>snow or thunderstorms
>comfortable hub/downtime area
>cool architecture and structures that look like natural installments
>glowing light from fire or other sources
>nature and some ambient noise
>paranormal feel to the land
>somber feel is usually perfectly fine
Majora's Mask is great, there's even an alien/cryptid sidequest. Games with a single pervasive theme like cowboys, pirates, or historical Japan tend to be nice too.
Gothic especially medieval shit
Witcher 3 was more of a western european medieval/fantasy.
Anything that looks literally trash, like Fallout, GTA or Deus Ex dirty streets.
Find a unique suburban town without copypasted neighborhoods. Also with interesting locations close enough to walk to like a park or cafe. Talk to neighbors and you’re set
You don’t want to play animal crossing you want to live animal crossing
Huge dark and dirty futuristic cities with bleak sunlight or at night. So far EYE and maybe Omikron are the only games that have scratched that itch for me.
Also, download the Nextdoor app and buy and sell furniture with people in your town, you can treat doing favors for them like mowing their lawn like sidequests you do in your off time
>that music
So fucking good. No game has managed to hit that sense of far-off sunset wonder besides maybe the old Spyros and their fanciful skyboxes.
Actually, I did like that Rime game for similar reasons, but that felt more like mid-day bleach white outcrop. We need more late coastal chill games in general.
well you want some variance tho. Having to wade thorugh forests and climb hills./mountains to get to some remote castle would be nice. Drive the highways in Austria and you'll see castles in the distance. It's so kino
uhm, forests are kino.
I love the 90s semi-futuristic aesthetics youtube.com
Farcry blood Dragon style
gritty gothic streets and spires, dirty smoke, and fire sets a pretty cool tone
Nighttime Yharnam best Yharnam, imo.
Traversing abandoned habitations, ancient, old, modern, futuristic all are fine by me.
As long as the geometry and architecture are reasonably sensible, it will hit the right spot for me.
Dark Souls 1 comes very close to this.
Amazing how much atmosphere they were able to create with such limited tech
I first played it when I was 3-4. The mind of a child and the game's great atmosphere allowed me to have the most immersive experience I've ever had with any medium. It felt like I was on zebes. Pretty comfy in a really spooky way.
Not many games I know of that do it, but for me I love descending into the depths having started outside on the surface, and basically completely losing track of how far you have travelled downward.
Pic related is from VTMB - people shit on the Hollywood Sewers level, but it really scratched my itch for that. Spending a few hours getting deeper and deeper and encountering more and more unsettling enemies felt like descending into hell. Then you drop down this giant pipe in the pic and find yourself in the Nosferatu town - just felt really surreal at that point.
Only other games I can think of that gave me that feeling were the Penumbra series, and Underhell mod for HL2
I am an absolute sucker for games with a melancholy feel.
Bioshock/SOMA. Also post-apocalyptic games
Try INFRA. It's a game about repairing industrial complexes. You start on the surface but soon after you'll realize you haven't seen the sun for god knows how many hours. And even if you get to the surface, the game likes to tease the player by showing the sky and nearby city but also having all escape routes to the outside cut out.
Literally the only good thing about EYE is the art direction, it feels a bit like playing the video game equivalent of a miscarriage
Dark contemporary urban.
That looks and sounds up my street thanks, is it a walking simulator?
Won't put me off if it is, just curious what the gameplay is
nice choice
Another example.
The skybox in Chinatown captured that feeling best imo
Go have sex then whitebro
any humongous game really
Maybe if you're a Jian
>nice ambient OST
>every weapon feels powerful except maybe the BK13 but you get two of them and the GCTG .222 which is shit
>tons of enemies to use said weapons on
>neat levels that can be played through as quickly as your cyberlegs can carry you
>god-tier PvP provided your IQ is above room temperature
>god-tier story provided your IQ is above room temperature
>the best source of vidya gaem memes
Yes, it's a walking sim with some puzzle solving and political/conspiracy plot. No enemies, only you with your flashlight and camera.
>That atmosphere of surviving in a gigantic, enclosed man-made structure which has its own crazy little world going on inside it. the feeling that the whole thing is alive and breathing and it could swallow you up at any time. mainly thinking of shit like Prey or BioShock
>That spaced-out, surreal, yet cold and lowkey vibe like Yume Nikki or Moonside from Earthbound
Great choices
>god-tier story
It literally barely has a story
not him, but the story is very unique and fits very well within how video games work
in other words, it's ludo
Games that play like dreams. Silent Hill 1 is basically a David Lynch film. Harry's spaced out dialogue, the constant transitioning around locations because of the town, and the whole atmosphere make it feel like a trip. Afraid of Monsters is pretty dreamy in a nightmare kind of way. Resi 1's retard tier voiceacting unironically improves the game because it makes it feel like a whack ass dream. Wish developers would tap into dreaminess more. Games used to at least have dream levels sometimes which where dope
Have you ever played Killer7?
Try Flower, Sun and Rain. Main character has to live the same day for 15 times.
Without saying too much, you should probably play The Silver Case before FSR.
this man here is my nigga
also gmod has something special
When Halo 2 came out, I hadn't played 1 and I was playing multiplayer with my friend before playing the story, and I was really confused as to what I was looking at. Spent a good minute trying to figure it out.
TSC has none of the dreaminess that user was talking about. But yes, The Silver Case is pretty much mandatory if someone wants to understand Flower, Sun and Rain.
Yeah, I played through a bit of it, but I kind of just stopped playing it after a bit. I think the controls and the blood mechanic stuff didn't click with me initially but I'm definitely looking to try the game again pretty soon. I just have to wrap my head around the mechanics; i've been interested in hearing the story of that game.
No I haven't, I'll check it out.
You can sum up the story in about one paragraph, it's really not as clever as you think it is.
You also have to play the whole game 3 times through to even unlock most of the story
Horror. Specifically, I love haunted forests and mansions.
>You can sum up the story in about one paragraph,
You know you could do that with any story ever told, right?
Abandoned or run down places.
Otherworldly isolation/small frontier settlement
It's hard to describe but I get the same comfy feeling from Monster Hunter villages as I do from Port Hanshan and Feros in Mass Effect.
Pretty much everything from from. They have a way of world making that I love to get lost into.
Super metroid and Prey early game have that slightly spooky vibe, almost total isolation, it strongly encourages your desire to discover the world.
Diablo 2,act 2. Loved exploring the tombs.
Skellige from Witcher 3 is probably my fav map in any videogame. You can almost feel the cold in your face, and every small settlement offering some shelter to warm you with some heavy stew and old whisky. At times I found myself just exploring the map just to enjoy the view.
We have storyfags and gameplayfags, but not nearly enough atmosphere fags. It's definitely one of the things that makes a game and adds many hours of gameplay for me.
Not all their games, but DS1 specifically also is in my weird category of atmospheres I like Especially the mossy looking early game areas and DLC.
If you mean Prey 2017, then that game had fantastic atmosphere. The sound design just completes it. The sounds of debris colliding with the station or the Nightmare's screams are just great.
Anything surreal/dreamlike, which is present in a variety of settings, which don't necessarily all have the same kind of atmosphere as each other.
For example I would say Chrono Cross, Silent Hill, and SotC are all dreamlike, however the atmosphere of CC is also more fantastical, whereas those of SotC and SH are more mysterious.
There's some overlap between all these things, and it's highly subjective.
It's crazy how well Team Silent achieved that Lynchian quality to the dialogue. They truly nailed it. Actually I don't know how much credit the localization term deserves, cause I haven't played the game with Japanese dialogue and wouldn't be able to judge it anyway - but nevertheless.
yep one person can singlehandedly repopulate a race
I feel like it was probably just half assed phoned in voice acting and translation that accidentally managed to mix really well with the vibe of the game.
Yeah fair play.
Absolute madness, world falling apart and eating itself. Rules of everything shattering and all sorts of shit encroaching upon reality that used to make sense. Final stages of Pathologic and Drakengard would be best examples.
>that Lynchian quality to the dialogue
You mean stilted and bad?
.hack has the best brown girls in vidya
what's that game on the ps3 that had some hilariously bad cutscenes/VA? It could be Heavy Rain but im not sure. It was a cutscene wiith a few cops in some (snack)bar and they have a really awkward dialogue.
Souls games have already been mentioned here but I still think bonfires were genius. None of the other games did them as well as 1, and I have trouble thinking of a better case of gameplay and setting/atmosphere backing each other up so well.
Looks like Eminem's trailer in 8 mile. Looks absolutely nothing like slav shit
I like those dreamy adventure feels where it's just you, your sword, and your sword against world on a quest to protect the greater good.
Deadly Premonition?
Chapter 4 is almost impossible to beat in terms of atmosphere.
It all starts off so cheerful, but then slowly trickles down into despair. All the while the same music plays. It sounded happy at first, but now it just makes you sad.
Absolutely perfect.
Office interiors, the more stuff the better
What the fuck is wrong with your character's proportions?
shit souls 3
seems like he's pointing up which moves your other arm back and looks weird in that perspective
Based babyleg with sub-room temperature IQ
I mean, you're not wrong about Heavy Rain either.
>tfw you beat your first doppelganger
damn that hurts
my top favorite game
MSAA + nearest neighbor best combo
Sci-fantasy Western.
Homefront: The Revolution is actually pretty good at that. You gotta deal with the main villains being North Koreans nicknamed the NORKS though.
Am i imagining things or are these similar as fuck youtube.com
The darker & edgier the better.
Not being ironic, I mean this in earnest.
>Fantastical but comfortable
>Horrific and ominous
I like atmosphere that try to portray something. It doesn't really matter what. As long as there's a vision and it's not by the numbers.
this atmosphere
i always liked bleak, darker depressing games
pathologic 2 probably does that the best out of any game ive played, the atmosphere is so real to me
Victorian by a long shot.
But Gothic is pretty good too.
Maybe throw in a bit of feudal Japan or Ancient Rome.
This user said, Symphony was top comfy and spooky.
honestly, it's what got me into the game in the first place. something about a safe little bivouac helps to reinforce a feeling of adventure.
fucking based. When is 3? ACE have said they're working on three games rn and they just released the first of those.
There was this really great game where you play like a german barmaid or something and it had the comfiest ost ever. I wish I could remember the name.
I loved the environmental design of 2 but man the switch to unreal really did a number on the game feel, especially the combat. Plus for some reason they made the melee sound effects really limp, whereas the first game nails that overly loud kung fu movie sound design for the combat sfx
Games that use traditional gothic horror elements, and Bloodborne does this in spades.
Yahar'gul is fucking brilliant, btw.
comfy medieval fantasy and bleak but human cyberpunk/sci-fi
something about large structures in even larger voids is really relaxing to me
reminds me of the last level from Amid Evil
I guess you'd call that progressive
Just the first second of that track is enough to almost put me into the game and remember it all
The nexus from Demons Souls and the general feel of Twilight Princess. This gothic, dark and yet dreamy scenery is great.
I love .Hack but it made no sensethat these setpieces existed for people to talk in for imortant scenes when it would have been easier to string together some random words on a abandoned server to ward off eavesdroppers.
No, but two can.
Can't get a pic at the moment, so have a vid.
Tropical source maps.
I genuinely have yet to find a video game as gorgeous as koth_aurora_mansion.
Forgot my image.
I can't describe it but Ocarina of Time. The story is so pastiche the twist seems almost Disney formulaic as notScar turns Hyrule into a wastland...then you go into the field and find out that Ganondorf didn;t really change anything and it was just your childlike wonder masking a already fucked up place.
Nothing encapsulates this better than the well. You go into the well to confront whatever unleashed the monster down there. YOu enter it expecting to find a cave or shrine only to jump down a corridor into a area caked in blood and filled with invisible walls meant to keep out prying eyes. This isn't some made up lore in a book, this is the devs showing you the secret the royal family never wanted anyone to see. The same goes for the reason why the Kokiri live in peace in their happy forest, because nobody who enters ever lives to tell about it.
It's almost embarrasing how much Aonuma gutted this series.
Ultra-Ancient Earth.
What was the actual deal with the well?
sounds like bullshit nerds made up to make their children's game seem edgier
If you weren't a zoomie then you wouldn't have to go off what it sounds like and instead have experienced it first hand with the rest of us.
I played that game and never got the impression that you describe, because it's total bullshit
Spooky run-down spaceships like alien isolation or dead space
No you didn't, it's in plain text halfway through the god damned game.
Quote it.
Dreary. Rainy. Moody.
Tell me of a story never ever told in the paaaaast!
Take me back to the paaast!
Where my yeaaarnings were borrrrn!
The key, to open the door, is in, your haaand
Now fly me theeeeere
based stalkan
Still need to get around to finishing Kiwami 2 sometime
And Judgement
Huge networks of caves with different biomes
What other games are told like documentaries?
What game
You need to be 18+ to post here.
>Atmosphere thread
>Talk about atmosphere
Gee wizz
Your fanfiction is what made the post cringe
god i can taste, hear, and smell these
That looks like a fun module. HotU didn't do it justice.
Oh shit nigga I just started playing .hack//GU for the first time since I was 16. I loved that place. I cant wait to get to it again.
I love cozy assed JRPG and fantasy towns and forests that remind me of the Shire or a fairytale or whatever.
later summer/fall atmosphere, with sun still shining but it's cold outside, with the wind and trees loosing leafs, ultimate comfy for me
Part three of a three-part volume by Arae Lorehunter about the history of Ascalon's capital...
Charr builders replaced the crumbling stones of the human capital with strong iron and renamed it the Black Citadel. Some of the pitiable stone architecture can still be seen south of the Bane in the Black Citadel. The Imperator has left the ruins there as a reminder to all. Charr society has flourished and taken root in the land that once was called Ascalon. We have returned home
Lovecraftian horror atmosphere is best atmosphere
Anything that is grounded to earth. Like RDR2, with moving clouds, occasional fog, and loud thunder when it rains. Or when the environment is almost fully destructable, like Just Cause 3.
This particular image looks like KF-Nuked from Killing Floor 2
really chill track, thanks for sharing
What that guy said, it's like those calm moments in HL2 when you just explore and solve puzzles
they look cool on images, but are they actually interesting to explore? I think not
Slums especially when it's raining.
I love Freeside in New Vegas.
That's kind of sad
Depends. It worked pretty well in Gravity Rush.
>wouldn't say Replicant was really sci-fi at all other than the opening which has some ruined modern buildings in the background.
That wasn't sci-fi at all it was just a run-down city in 2049 covered in what you think at the time is snow.
>tfw adore christmas/toy levels
>then you go into the field and find out that Ganondorf didn;t really change anything and it was just your childlike wonder masking a already fucked up place.
>proceeds to list the only messed up area in the child time as proof of all of Hyrule being completely fucked up
The market is a pile of rubble full of redeads, Hyrule field is full of great poes and has a sinister haze about it, the forest is now cursed, Zora's Domain is frozen solid, Jabu-Jabu is probably dead, Lake Hylia has dried up, Dorf got a dragon to eat half of the Gorons and Hyrule Castle has been replaced with an evil warlock's tower suspended over a pit of lava.
Ganondorf absolutely did change the world for the worse and a couple of sinister instances before you skip seven years don't change that fact.
What's the best way to describe this kind of music? Not simply atmospheric. A lot of Jap stuff from the mid to late nineties sounded like this and I've already really dug it.
Desolate places that hold a mystery which you can explore at your own pace
The Glow from Fallout 1, most vaults in 1-2 for that matter
Max Paynes snowy dirty New York.
The bloodborne kind, Victorian gothic with a sprinkle of ayy lmao.
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
have you tried Alan Wake?
steampunk=modern mixed with Victorian era usually, or renaissance, or even medieval (like Thief)
Dieselpunk=modern mixed with WW1/WW2 era
by which you mean crude automation i assume
probably this shit
A shame that slightly archaic games like the first witcher cannot come out today. It really had that SOMETHING, you know? 2 and 3 are great too, but their atmosphere just doesn't match up to the first one.
>nobody commented on this
Hexen and Hexen 2 have atmosphere I can fucking feel in my bones.
FEAR's offices are one of my favourites.
Steampunk is basically late 1800s with technology too advanced for that era.
Dieselpunk is basically early 1900s with technology too advanced for that era.
What game?
Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor.
Haven't encountered a game quite like it, hence it's one of its kind, at least, from my standpoint, hence I just named it.
chill and comfiness
so far the games that made me absolutely chill were The Witcher 1, Bully, Far Cry 3, and Risen 2: Dark Waters
Murky Waters was probably the comfiest chapter in TW1, while cruising and looking for trouble in the school building in Bully was also neat
FC3 and Risen 2 had these forests and jungles which were extra comfy even though they were usually filled with various wild predators
also honorable mention is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, it's music is probably the comfiest I've heard in vidya so far
My boy, I lived the entire Big Shell. Seeing the sunset and everything that was going on at this point, it felt like the journey was almost over and things were about to get weird. Turned out I was right.
Looks like Outer Wilds.
>mfw I made the mistake of trying to play Risen 2 with a melee build on my first playthrough
Then like everything else it became all about Big Boss doing it years ago.
I've always loved the atmosphere in the Mission Control of Gex 3.
Ancient Rome, too bad it's mostly strategy game, would love to have a Kingdom Come style rpg in ancient Rome
Don't know how to describe it, but I loved East zone in Hyper Light Drifter: sunlit, clear water, antique architecture. Combined with pretty low enemy density it was a joy to explore. And the music.
English manors at night.
reporting in for the .hack thread
Tropical colorful beaches
Sci-fi places during a thunderstorm
Games with a cold, lonely, unsettling atmosphere, yet you somehow find it comfy and homely. Very few games achieve this. Silent Hill series, Thief series, System Shock 2, Prey 2017, and maybe Metal Gear Solid 1 come to mind.
Comfy snow areas.
That wind sound effect though (or is it the blowing snow I’m thinking of?)
There's another HL2 mod called Minerva Metastasis that has you descend into a giant underground Combine facility, it's pretty good.
Underrated post
Deep green jungles
I've played pletny fo HL2 mods and minerva is garbage
Best HL2 mod is research and development, don't (you) me
A calming night in a huge plain.
Small town during winter
this one.
There’s many I like but Mirrors edge still takes the cake for me. Catalyst scratched that itch, but they normalized the aesthetics a bit and I don’t agree with the decision to make most of the game open-world. Top tier OSTs too; I’ve listened to them countless times
mein nig