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hopefully never

Why does everybody like Yordles so much?

die yurifag

They're small and cute.

Die dude who likes to look at men's asses (shortly homo)

cute and funnies sticking fingers in mouths is so hot

They're soft and cute and I love them and I want to hug them and I want to be one

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If someone hypothetically made a game about spending time with yordles would you rather play as a yordle or as a human? Would you also prefer a third or a first person view?

Animal Crossing but with yordles

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I want to marry Poppy, have many children and grow old with her!

third person

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If Swain is not playable I'm gonna Riot

Keep going and this will become an instant ban post the same way (you) did.

I'd fuck your ass if you where a yordle


Not everybody who is small is a child

I played Lol from 2013 - 2016 and loved it. now its a soulless cash grab.

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first person human

me on the right

just tristrana cuz the barefooted cosplays people do make my pp hard

Bro there's cum in your head

go see a doctor

looking forward to church tomorrow?

notice how only the gayest lowtest males (who often become trannies sooner or later) use this same excuse to justify their love of playing as girl characters and liking yuri and futa. The idea of being a man or imagining yourself as the man in a fantasy is so lost on these sissies.

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i don't go to church

Probably at Worlds, maybe during a lull period to throw in a discussion and trailer.

That explains why you're a Pedo. Not even Jesus can save you.

not him but how the fuck does not wanting to see another man when your fapping make you a tranny

I want to put my pp in Yordle butt

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What if I just like playing as female characters that I want to step on me. (Mitsuru/Hilda)

cope harder

sorry, yordle is only for female big futa cock yordles