Ace Attorney

Dual Destinies was good

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It's not a bad game, it just doesn't measure up to the masterpiece that was the first 3 games.

>a game doesn't measure up to three games

On the 3ds its only one.

What? There's an AA6, there's the two DGS games, there's Layton vs Wright all on 3DS.

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I was talking about ace attorney trilogy.

Three games bundled in one are still three games

It really was. Better than JFA and AJ at the very least. I for one really enjoyed the main villain and his antics.

It was trash, and the help system ruined all the following games.

help system?

>complaining about difficulty
>in a visual novel
The only time PW ever was difficult at some point is by making the answer retarded (ie bone steak plate), even then you can just trial and error your way through.

that's just not true though, DD is much more linear than most of the other games
SoJ very obviously upped the difficulty, with some sequences being particularly tricky (like the seances)

Spoken like a true retard who "plays" games by watching streams.

>No porn

Dual destinies had a thing that would tell you where to go next and who to talk to during the Investigation portions.

Phoenix Wright is not/was not a visual novel it's a point and click adventure, but removing half of player interaction is a hell of a step towards visual novel status

I have literally never seen that in DD or any of the other games, what the hell?

>random projecting out of nowhere
Okay buddy
>DD is much more linear than most of the other games
Oh yeah, member when you could skip straight to winning the trial against von Karma by not showing him the evidence? I member.

You're pretty fucking retarded - obviously the non-linearity is in the investigation sections. DD doesn't let you go anywhere unless you grabbed everything in a particular area.

Let's ignore the fact that the part where you confront von Karma is part of the investigation; investigations were always the most boring parts, it's not like it's difficult either, it just makes you waste time and you literally can't game over.
Then after DD hipster contrarians showed up and claimed investigation segments style of previous games were GOAT. You still get all the background information you need and the easter eggs, all the running around the map to see where x character ran off to is (optionally) cut.
The definition of QoL improvement.

I love this character. He looks like a spartan lol.

AA with dating sim when?

This, never understood why retards liked "guess where next story trigger is" game.

>one man's autism over a poker game causes a decade of THE DARK AGE OF THE LAW
will there ever be another villain as based as Kristoph?

It was anime.

It had a good main story, but overall the chapters were too easy

Running around presenting every piece of evidence to every character to figure out which one advances the story is not the same thing as "non-linearity". Every AA game is linear as fuck. Some are just more obtuse than others.