Burn it down

Its time to burn this corrupt industry to the ground by the roots fellow gamers. We have a chance here to take out the entire legion of corrupt journos. Are you ready to rise up?

Attached: 1564733523450.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Seeing a ton of dumbasses wanting to send them glitterbombs or dead dogs and shit.
Wouldn't it be better to just try and use their own tactics against them? Shit like accusations of sexual harrassment, accusations invovling politics, that kind of shit.


Someone pastebin this

Time to see if the old payphone by the abandoned rural convenience store still works.

The lights certainly do.

Attached: 71cd8ad89334b32ebccc695f29bf2ea9.jpg (640x422, 80K)

Man behind the ESA leak appears to be a man who goes by the name SAM HYDE.

Christ, do something better with your lives


Yeah this is retarded. Its going to cause a gamergate 2.0

It's time, fellow gamers. Those SJW kikes have been ruining gaming with their roastie and nigger characters too long.

It ends now.

Attached: 643645745.png (500x522, 71K)

Take Vengeance:

Attached: 1561515740656.png (398x586, 456K)

Bahahaha le epic reddit meme


>it's real

holy shittttt

He can't keep getting away with all these crimes!

I feel like people claim everything is going to cause Gamergate 2 at this point. People said it about the Neogaf implosion and the Resetera pedophile exposé as well.

Attached: download5.jpg (489x640, 98K)

miss deigal nations shitposting desu

Full Force: Half Force Consequences

is this the time for games to unironically rise UP?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 24K)

>I had to move because gamers sexually harassed me by sending dick pics to my home addressed to my children

It'll be a funny article sure, but I highly doubt a single one of them will actually be in any real danger. unless they have a violent ex or something.

Nice try Sargon

Get out of my fucking way nigger, you're either with the gamer army or your against it.

go back

Post the list

jim needs to switch his identity again anyways

>Caring about the well being of Journos, YouTubers, and faggots
Did you guys just forget about GamerGate?

Kotaku/Polygon on suicide watch

Attached: 1560807914523.jpg (960x960, 69K)

Well now I know where LGR keeps all his big box PC games.

Never heard of it.


Kotaku and Polygon data was removed it seems

Attached: 1560021715116.png (1855x89, 22K)

Fuck off Jim

The movement that failed completely and everyone involved in looked like complete retards?

Where do I download it?

It's here

Hey journos! The person responsible for the doxxing appears to be a a radical anti-transgender feminist by the name of Samantha Hyde.

No need to thank me, just here to help.

Attached: samantha hyde.jpg (856x858, 64K)

You can straight up find peoples houses. How do you even fix this once that sort of information is out there?

TRANNIES ON SUICIDE WATCH (more so than usual)


You really dont unless you change your name, phone number and move out.

Attached: 1543357621331.png (1280x720, 688K)

everyone has to go into witless protection, taking on new identities and forging new lives, which is going to be hard because they don't exactly have much to work with.

Why were they even asking their address to participate at the e3 anyway?

> Kotaku and Polygon data was removed it seems
Then this is useless

to mail you the passes i'd assume.

this is why you should just do will call

send out media kits, badges, infopacks, etc. that's why the smart people used either a po box or their work address.

To make sure only the "right people" attend.

Aren't the roots already in the ground? How do you burn it to the ground by the roots?

>taking on new identities and forging new lives

shouldn't be too hard for video game bloggers. they hop on one trans fad to the next. there's several dozen genders they can choose from.

I thought the farms had all of them.

there's at least 8 Polygon employees on the list, no Kotaku though

Anything on jason schrier?


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Oh no! We are heading toward Gamergate 2.0 with this personal information leak.

Attached: sperg.png (611x248, 29K)

Nice try, sargon

Unless they’re kotaku or polygon then they’re a waste of time to kill

I really don't wanna be in these guys shoes geez.
But for real, how fucking incompetant do you have to be to leak all of that info? Are Bethesda and Sony teaming up trying to make the biggest breach of privacy of all time or something?

Attached: 4981ef_6529714.jpg (1729x2176, 362K)

Why would anyone bother to fuck with some pretend "journalists"?

Attached: cia_basketball-american.png (569x802, 1.18M)

Those pesky kiwifarmers will do no good

Attached: DerekoftheD.png (588x202, 16K)

I wish someone would put game journos lives in danger.

>dabs on the chance of that

Attached: download.png (318x159, 7K)

Of course women hate transgenders. They get cucked by men even in their own sports.

Attached: LostTurnable.png (588x190, 14K)

oh no Nathaniel Bandy is in danger...

oh nooooo...

Is kiwifarms a threat? I thought they just did autistic research and kept to themselves.

how fucked are null's emails at the moment from seething resetera tards?

Quick rundown on this?

Most journalists deserve to be killed

How out of fucking touch can a bitch be?

Attached: hahaha fucking idiot.jpg (340x371, 50K)

>Fellow gamers


Check this 4

No, also kill yourself nobody like you.

Attached: [email protected] (588x170, 16K)

I don't get it.
What happened?

>art of autism, attention seeker
Post modern company names were a mistake.
Ah here's the market man.

get fucked redditor

She’s more likely to killed by a schizo lefty trying to make LE GAMERS look bad

One evil fuck who doesn't care about anyone's lives.

i didn't cared about gaming journos before and i won't care now

B-but I thought we should stop fetishizing privacy?!

Attached: muhfetish.jpg (935x456, 70K)

They don’t realize they maybe the corporation they worship doesn’t care about them

In fact, the corporation might want them dead. They might be able to create a narrative with their deaths. Modern discourse is basically who can astroturf the hardest, and it’s easy to do when you plant some bodies on the opponent

Attached: jordan oloman 01.png (631x394, 54K)

Is Heidi Messer on the list?

I think we all know what that means

Attached: Not_Important_-_Downtown.jpg (1920x1080, 983K)

And user was never seen again.

>the farms
Link anyone?

Is there even one name on there I should care about or is it all no-name journos

Why would a person fear having their details known unless they are doing bad things?

Why would their lives be in danger?
Why would anyone use the leaked information to somehow do bad things to the people in question unless these people proven themselves to be the worst snidy and facetious scumbags?

>All BBC journos are mudslimes
The absolute state of the UK

Attached: native british names.png (631x320, 20K)


>"The ESA caused me to get doxed to cover up the EVIL of lootboxes"
he's going to say this, watch

Attached: yong.jpg (1267x653, 178K)

Because never underestimate the bloodlust of incel gamers

They think all gamers hate minorities and women and are all terrorists

Whites too busy making/covering up celeb sex rings


Attached: 1552941317843.gif (1307x734, 804K)

These "journalists" know they're bad people, that's why they are so afraid.

Back in the day people used to just send pizzas to your house. Times are different now as people have the intelligence of a game ai with an incorrect line

It's all fun an games until one of you crazed autists decides to show up at Jane Dickless's house and murder them because they rated god hand a 2/5, then we have federal agents swarming and news teams INVESTIGATING THE HACKER KNOWN AS Yea Forums

Attached: greeek.png (500x750, 547K)

Do you speak english?

Because of the sociopaths in this very thread that wanna cause them shit. No one does anything with people who do bad things, but if you do good expect to get salty virgins flinging shit at you the first moment they get.

already asking for money. our grandfathers would be ashamed of us

Yes let's piss our journo panties over a completely idiotic hypothetical non-situation.

you'll pay for ruining our games

>game journalists "doing good"
Oh my fucking siiiiides!

Attached: laughing mob.jpg (580x417, 73K)

>you'll pay for ruining our games
isn't that usually called when they get over the age of 40?

It wouldn't be the first time

Attached: pizzagate gunman.jpg (800x562, 115K)

The first gamergate was less important than that shit. It wasn't a big deal that some dumb depression quest bitch got fucked by a half dozen game journalists.
Was anyone surprised?

Attached: 5-guys-zoe-quin.jpg (480x360, 50K)

Here's your (you)

how many people did he kill?

Attached: zoe-quinn-cunt.png (680x682, 274K)

Let's fuck with them

Attached: 1564547021076.jpg (628x616, 101K)

not video game related. can a mod delete this ?

Federal agents are more likely to kill them in the first place

Devs fucking journos and paying for high ratings is is the norm now anyway.

Stop it, guys.

Attached: VentureBeat E3 organization leaks data for over 2,000 journalists and analysts.png (1827x305, 83K)

I refuse

Attached: zoeQuinn3.jpg (484x534, 169K)

That's how it is in the wild wild world of politically charged media. In that sense they brought it all on themselves

what a non event, names of people who are already well known, whoop the fucking do. It's just shitty blogger baiting to bring gamergoat back in the news

nah, we need a fresh influx of newfags to finally put the last nail in the coffin of this place.

Bad Bait Mate (named Tate)

Are they really scared of Gamers? I thought Gamers were people to be mocked and ridiculed? I mean, it's not like they spend hundreds of hours doing things that amount to nothing. What's there to be scared of ?

Attached: ZoeQuinn.png (1304x1376, 199K)

this reply is why they deserve everything bad that comes their way. fuck you homo

Attached: 1548368779453.jpg (346x406, 36K)

Does this guy live in 2005 or what?
He actually thinks there's an user army or any of that old Yea Forums shit?

Wait wait who's the sixth?

they've been pushing the toxic gamer narrative for so long they've bought their own story and now think it's all true

quick someone, send them tons of coal

ou could kill every liberal and the world would just get more fucked up, just so you know. Your rise up is doomed to fail from the start, at best you'll just kill a few people, and a thousand more will happily take their place. Just like getting rid of a corrupt politician, it doesn't matter if the next guy is also corrupt, face it, the entire world is run by corrupt shitheads and even a genocide won't fix it

Attached: nobody-owes-you-the-game.jpg (810x1646, 527K)

If a game journalist is afraid of the people they're meant to enlighten and entertain, that's pretty damming proof that they are doing everything completely fucking wrong.

Any job where you make enemies of your target audience is clearly not the right one for you.

That was scripted

This is what happened:

Attached: end-of-gamers.jpg (2160x2250, 1.26M)


Attached: FOX INVESTIGATES.gif (169x127, 1.93M)

Don't know what this has to do with politics.

Oh no no no no no

Attached: Oh no.png (617x469, 43K)

>If a game journalist is afraid of the people they're meant to enlighten and entertain, that's pretty damming proof that they are doing everything completely fucking wrong.
this pretty much puts it in simplest terms. you don't shit on your audience and accept to be treated like royalty when people can fuck you over

Of the people who deserve the violent crimes they're still doing in Mexico or the ME, these are some of them.

I don't think it's necessarily that. To me they're using politics for easy clicks, but don't realise how inherently divisive and galvanising politics is. So now they've got hordes of autists who only care about politics out for their blood and suddenly going after the low hanging fruit was more trouble than it's worth.

Why do they think people give two fucks about this?

Attached: 1533878977815.jpg (494x533, 50K)

European Speedrun Assembly?

their persecution complex is the only way they can pretend to be real journalists.

Entertainment Software Association

What would game journalists do in a speedrunning event, you dingus.

ESA here stands for Electronic Software Association (E3 organizer)

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Attached: 1560849632846.png (646x785, 75K)

that's pretty fucked

European Space Agency

Oh man just think of the poor speedrunners.

So lemme get this right.
These pompous, self-entitled "journalists" spent so much time screeching about "toxic gamers", inflating their own made-up boogeyman and spreading lies to incite terror and anger, that they actually ended up believing in their own lies and now think there's a massive world-spanning video game monster coming to their house to kill them for being such poor, innocent little defenders of truth and correct thinking?


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Attached: oof.png (853x504, 80K)

>we work hard and put out quality content?
What? Where? When?

Just purge all videogame "journalists". They deserve it for forcing politics in videogame industry.

They wouldn't be in this situation if they just fucking talked about video games. Nobody was going to kill them over giving the latest Zelda a 9 instead of a 10


Attached: 1542529614710.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

It amazes me how gg managed to make Yea Forums bury the hatchet with reddit only for mods to false flag the narrative that Yea Forums never supported it once.

It's almost as if Yea Forums is mods' bitch so much that they willingly pretend they aren't.

Attached: 1564809375960.png (693x496, 42K)

Yeah, how come he can't say wife, one wonders.

they're mega autists, some are too far gone and take everything on there so seriously and at heart

similar to how many poltards are too far gone

Who is Maria Yea? His mother?

You're all jerks

Oh super easy. Barely an inconvenience.

Yea Forums is not your personal army.

Idiot. Games have never been better. What do "trannies" have to do with it? If anyone, blame Yea Forums for popularizing traps.

his tard wrangler

Attached: where_do_you_think_we_are.png (644x644, 936K)

>Games have never been better.
Are you completely fucking insane?

Attached: WOW.jpg (393x381, 103K)

I think they realize now what a hornets nest they kicked, but it's way to late. Our culture has really gone to shit in just the last five years, and I think the main reason is assholes like these pushing their agendas on social media.
There is almost a riot going on right now in London over Tommy Robinson, and him being in jail is directly related to pricks like these.

I thought DiCarlos was a pizza place. Was she stripping at pizza joints?

86 people cared enough to post in this thread about it.


What? No one's afraid of their audience. They're afraid of you demented idiots who have completely lost touch with reality.

>Our culture has really gone to shit in just the last five years, and I think the main reason is assholes like these pushing their agendas on social media.
it will die down eventually, not by early 2020, but eventually everyone will realize how retarded people would die on the cross for shit that was just a egotistic blow job.

Are you autistic?

You mean yourself. You've clearly left orbit a long time ago.


we are writing letter to them

Hold up.

Attached: dicarlos wv.jpg (1191x426, 57K)

Yeah, no one's talking about this at all. Like I don't see you talking about this.

>Can I just...
God, fuck off.

Alanah Pearce

Don't forget to disable "Full Force" before eating.

Yeah there's certainly not a thread here with people reposting the info and calling for action to be taken against these perceived transgressors. Nope.

if you want to find it just google "kiwifarms esa"


first result.

Attached: 1563984193787.jpg (407x335, 23K)

Maybe, but there are millions of people on the left that believe the intersectional bullshit. Institutions like higher education, the media and Hollywood have been taken over by it, and now they are trying for real political power.
I don't see it going away anytime soon.

Yea Forums didn't support GG, it was bullshit. Nothing happened and the dumb bitch doxxed herself. It was all fake.

No, but I'm older than 13, so I remember further back than five years ago.

or better yet the archive.org link

There isn't. The most that got mooted was a few jokes about pizzas and a prank call. Get help.

Literally who

Good so it isn’t just me.

Grats on your 14th birthday, user.

The worst they will get is some prank calls and dried cum in the mail

If you aren't 30 you don't know how good games used to be


Attached: 1488340119693.gif (217x200, 2.68M)

Oh, you mean nobody? Because gamers haven't ever actually hurt any journalists. I'll wait for you to post an article about how hurt game journalists feelings were after getting called a fag on twitter. Wow, the inhumanity!

Attached: oof.jpg (319x252, 20K)

I'm using fedex so hopefully it won't be dried.

Attached: fsfdsd444.png (1010x1080, 864K)

>sees sue lightning got doxed
>address is legit going by all the pictures she's taken around the place
Guess I should ask if Nana was fed.

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Attached: 1556924088959.png (337x441, 86K)

What are they doing at E3 after the conferences?

Attached: E3.png (1204x53, 10K)

>off-topic invasion thread
>up for over 2 hours

Quality moderation as usual.

If there is even one fucking video game released in the past ten years that's good then gaming is better than it was ten years ago. All of those older games still exist and are fully playable

Yeah. They wonder why people hate politics but this is the end result. I find it very hard to sympathise with them when they made a deal with the devil.
They were the ones who wholeheartedly threw themselves into the fray. Politics is an ugly shitty mess, the only virtue is winning. Perhaps they should have thought twice before going for the easy clicks

Attached: 1557682963930.jpg (780x768, 279K)

at best fren, at best. You have forgotten where the fuck you are. or your just that new.

Attached: 1563216830699.jpg (1080x2339, 110K)

someone posted their portfolio
unironically a lot of girls

Whether it's spineless cowards losing clout or the greatest threat humanity has ever faced, gamers are whatever the left needs them to be.

Go back to your shithole, tranny

Attached: fellow4channerstranny.png (900x720, 677K)

I'm not who you were arguing with, just wanted to let you know you're moving the goal post. That's a logical fallacy commonly used in debates by people who can't support their original argument.
So you lost already, pack it in, you're embarrassing yourself.

Attached: ISHYGDDT.jpg (236x214, 8K)

>waaaah big mean Yea Forums is gonna kill meee
Hahah oh jesus, grow up journos.

Wow really I never noticed

Attached: 1559317534563.jpg (498x441, 41K)

>not good

Attached: 1488768945255.gif (339x278, 2.95M)

just hear me out user
use this instead web.archive.org/web/20190803001329/https://www.e3expo.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/E3-2019-Approved-Media-List-1-1.xlsx

>Faggot shills himself here all the time
>Tells people who call him a freak they should just admit they are gay and want to fuck him
>Now his dox are out and people can just go fuck his ass with a cactus

Karma's a bitch for James Kelly, everything he does fires back on him and he should just 40% this instant.

Should probably point out the detective work was done by 8 channers. Also she's been hilariously silent on Twitter so maybe we finally achieved that one twitter edit with the rope at last

yare yare daze

of course there’s a thread HERE trying to drum up threats when literally nobody gave a fuck except urinalists pissing themselves in fear and comparing this leak to having your journalist cover blown in a war torn country
im shocked

what work
who is nana
what the fuck are you on about, you insane psychopath

No user you don't understand america is a dictatorship now so nobody will care what happens to these journo's.
Because that's the reality we're running on. The clown reality.

America happened, son.

Attached: my god.png (613x775, 84K)

Attached: hmmmmmm.png (578x1062, 967K)

I always felt it was a vocal minority of Journalists being annoying cunts and not the whole industry.
Either way nobody deserves to get doxxed. except for those who do the doxxing, give them all the hell you want

Attached: 1564778944524.jpg (1065x1325, 662K)

>journalist fearing people

Is Yahtzee in there?

So basically it's just Resetrannies falseflagging and trying to stir shit up to instigate MUH GOOBERGATE 2?
No one cares about these fuckers' data.

>E3 fucked up
>So let me detail exactly how they fucked up and advertise it literally everywhere so more and more people can find my address

Attached: Ataru shit eating grin.jpg (900x900, 47K)

> "fuck the black-lives matter fags"
seems based

That's a tiny house

I mean it already happened so they cant do anything about it anyway.



this is all we need to do. just put their own disgusting self-hating vitriol up alongside their home. this is not about video games, this is about the horrendous people who are paid to inject their own shitty politics into their writing. so expose their shitty politics and let them dig their own fucking grave

Attached: sweet dreams.png (604x379, 28K)

>So more and more people
is the key point of my post. If I didn't want people to know where I live, I wouldn't advertise an easy convenient way to know where I live on times square.

Let's be real we're just gonna get another series of Twitter posts about how "change will come" and blah blah blah. Meanwhile I'm wondering if people are asking her for escorting services.
>who is nana
Opie and Anthony reference. She fucked Ant.

so dox the ESA, got it
>Ashley fag being this optimistic
not surprised

>the cloud of poison gas is already released so might as well direct as many people to it as possible
lmao aight bruh

twitter was a mistake

what a fucking loser

That's not what he's saying, "black lives matter' isn't an 'arbitrary declaration', it's speaking the woke truth. Saying things like 'all lives matter' is hypocritically taking the focus away from the oppressed nogs

Attached: hmmmm.jpg (578x513, 55K)

kill yourself journalist piece of shit, you fear people because you deep down know you did wrong

hope some crazy autist kills one of them


Attached: aaaaaa.jpg (378x301, 14K)

>got doxxed before
>nobody gave a fuck both times
>except the people that did it in the first place, that being the same person who's STILL butthurt at me
heres an idea: dont be a piece of shit in your job and people generally speaking wont care unless you have personally wronged them in some way

Attached: 1541140370888.jpg (453x593, 68K)

Already looking to sue. What a legend!

Check this 5

This is funnier that I was expecting.

Attached: betrayed the trust.png (589x301, 25K)

They actively report DSP to the IRS and try to convince the SSA that Chris-chan is committing disability fraud, they don't shy away from typical internet hate machine mischief but some of them have went off the deep end and will probably do worse if they have the opportunity.

I'm sure his hurt will go away by donating to his patreon.

What like have sex?


>some people who I actually fucking like are on there, full details
holy fuck

>Anything else with result in the nastiest porn injuries
Someone do this then sue him for harassment.

No one is demented enough to actually cause harm to people they hate and become worse than them in the pr---

Countless people's personal info got leaked online. Now people are thinking Incel GAYMERS are coming to behead them. Very spoopy.

Check this 1

>Genocide wouldn't fix it
You're only right because every race/nationality/etc. is corrupt. A population that gives a shit could fix the problem easily with a few hundred murders

I wonder if the ESA and E3 are done fore after this

thats not a 1
this is a 1

Attached: goth girl trying to get between fancy man and his waifu.png (500x500, 278K)

ESA for sure, e3 not so much

So is E3 gonna get sued?

This guy better call the cops fast because I'm hiding under his bed




honest answers only
are you actually glad this happened? i genuinely want to see another video game crash in my lifetime because we need it now more than ever

Attached: cap 11.jpg (955x504, 55K)

Imagine someone going around all these people and gunning them down where they sleep haha

Who would take charge of E3?

Imagine wanting to fuck that monster in the first place and even wanting to pay for it.

>Opie and Anthony reference. She fucked Ant.
all this sounds just like gibberish to me

Hohohohohoho Oh silly user!

Attached: 1556247946511.jpg (1124x1500, 176K)

Yes, but people should take this as a note that Google is likely doing the exact same thing behind closed doors to everyone who posts on here while connected in some way to a Google service

Attached: 1502158041814.jpg (600x600, 132K)

>bunch of whiney twittertards
>an industry trade group backed by the video games industry
fuck I hope they try.

basically everyone that went to E3 to cover/stream it got their info leaked due to someone fucking up very badly
now the journos are convinced gamers are going to RISE UP to burn down their houses or some shit

From small children to old people they are not beyond doing anything that might make someones life a bit more fucky for their entertainment.
Like some other user said their kinda deranged and in most cases far worse than the people they might decide to harass.

they got our boy ;_;

Attached: mj.png (1181x41, 7K)

you're seriously retarded if you think an industry crash is going occur over this

But going after the journalists isnt going to make any difference to the actual game devs.

If this had happened in my home country the worst thing probably would be someone throwing in your windows.
In the US, as I understand it, you may have literal meth head cannibals knocking at your door.

It's all good fellas, just blame the ESA.

Attached: in the clear.png (593x579, 57K)

im optimistic. enough fuckups and it'll happen

Gaming industry is probably the best it's ever been you just need to stop sucking triple A dick you double homo.

I'm glad some of the doxxers got doxxed. But all in all, a bunch of people who didnt deserve it are gonna get hurt

>b-b-but they arent
Nigger I saw a man with KEK and Pepe scribbled onto his AK walk into a church and shoot everyone there while screaming "SUB TO PEWDIEPIE" on his stream

You havent done anything bad user so post all your data here so we can be friends

Yes. Daily. Even in the nicer towns.

>would not be an understatement

>doxers get doxed
mmmm based fuck all journos


user i dont even play vidya anymore

>do you think people will get hurt?? I sure hope people get hurt to prove my bias!!
>yes I think so! It's very likely that people will get hurt, I really hope so too because it would work out great for me!
>here's hoping!

Absolutely disgusting, pathetic and sad.

Get fucked redditor!

you're stupid not optimistic

I like shit happening to people I don't care about. It's like watching a live tv show

>conflating the long growing hatred of muslims with the tepid disdain given towards games journalists
ratfink fuck

Wow it's almost as if politics is full of unstable lunatics who would gladly see you swing from a tree if it scored points for their side
Who knew

Sadly there's people who are willing user. I mean there's that Google Drive passed around for one.

Attached: sleep with one eye open.png (616x255, 20K)

Don't these faggots live in America? Get a fucking gun to protect yourself. It's your amendment right to bear arms.


Attached: 1389329966389.gif (450x253, 2.8M)

for the shitshow yes, been busy watching Mumkey Jones' continuous downward spiral for a month now so this is a fresh old school webdesign shit storm.
internet drama got kinda sad for me
>I'm glad some of the doxxers got doxxed.
yes the terrible doxers of the ESA website owners, based retard

>lock yourself indoors, get in the shower in the fetal position and cry like the massive bitch that you are

you really think nothing will happen? i'd put some money on that if i could

>list includes youtubers
any gamer(cam) girls that went to e3 better be moving asap

That takes a long time for most states user, as it should.

Literally no downside.

Are these people scared of their own shadows?

Attached: do not engage.png (591x702, 46K)

I didn't know E3 was meant to represent scumbags who inject their political agenda into everything and take bribes in exchange for favorable game reviews.

I find it funny how they list "YouTuber" under profession. That's the same as calling yourself a Children Entertainer/Clown.

Gangbang heard across the web

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>try to do their job
they're not even trying, fucking retards.

Attached: 1551357737472.gif (397x250, 1.18M)

>Journos make shit up and pretend they are victims
>Journos are actually getting attacked/harassed
Either way the result will be the same since they will NEVER shut up about it so fuck em

you think these faglords would support legal ownership of a weapon? that'd make them one step closer to the facists!

I am convinced that Google Drive is made by him, the look in his eyes should tell you enough what kind of snake he really is regardless of the facade he puts up on Twitter.

I don't believe anyone should be doxed.
But I hate gaming journalists so bad that I don't feel to bad for them either.


Attached: us goobers.png (608x312, 26K)

>they think blocking will stop their personal info
god these guys have the mind of a 3 year old covering their eyes, glad they got doxed maybe they will be safe with their info for once

That GIF made me feel physically ill. Fuck.

Watch this trips.

The fact that "rise up XDD" resetard memers are the ones who made this topic trying to instigate people is everything you need to know.
They're literally praying for something to happen and score point against immaginary goobergator nazists.

enjoy getting banned for doxxing if you link direct

Attached: 1564102310211.png (706x645, 115K)

for most of them: just shut the fuck up
you are some noname on a list of over 2000 people
noone knows who you are, noone cares who you are
but the second you start whining about how your life is in danger on twitter you paint a target on your back and invite people to fuck with you

The guy who gave Pathologic 2 a shit review on RPS is on the list.

Attached: 1537097018876.png (210x195, 101K)

Nothing will happen, and I'd take that bet.
Might as well give me the money up front, bucko.

Well, Yea Forums?

Attached: wake up sheeple.png (602x575, 64K)

Good question

Somewhere out there a doxxed tranny got harassed on the phone by this


if gamergate was really what journos claimed it was he'd have the fear of death with his address out there instead of complaining about prank calls

>James has an alt account called HDBZOfficial
I can believe it desu

Attached: Capture+_2019-08-03-09-45-59.png (352x347, 24K)

>retard journos baiting and fearing Yea Forums Yea Forums
there is more chance that someone from 4+4 chan Yea Forums /pol/ do something than this useless board

fake threats incoming



Attached: JACE_MOMS_PRIUS_WUPOCALYPSE.jpg (2048x1536, 965K)

well that's true

Most of those seem to be work addresses. Why all the fuss?

eat my poo poo

Are eight-chan and r9k know this leaks?

I had a fairly large following on Youtube/Twitch for a long time and made all of my personal info 100% transparent, didn't ever hide anything.

Literally all that happened is people would send me random meme shit like anime body pillows, fedoras, sex toys, etc. and a few times people actually showed up at my house and we hung out, I also banged a girl who showed up.

I think only a complete douchebag needs to be worried about getting doxxed, if you're not a douche I doubt anything bad will happen 9 times out of 10.

Nothing is going to happen from Yea Forums, kiwifarms or anything else.
What WILL happen is that one of these "journalists" is going to get into an altercation in traffic, with a homeless person or some similar shit and they will IMMEDIATELY rush home and HAMMER THE FUCKING KEYBOARD as they type up a story about how Yea Forums came to kill them because they were doxed.



goobergate is back babyy woo go gamers

they are already fapping with the directions lmao

Attached: a very shady character, indeed.gif (250x333, 1.31M)

No shit, one crazy bastard is probably planning to fuck that tranny youtuber and film it.
As long as he isnt fucking fat and hideous thats fine

>there is more chance that someone from 4+4 chan Yea Forums /pol/ do something than this useless board
This. I wish someone here would do something just to drive normalfags away.

The ones that represent a big company use work address. The smaller fry used their home address like the dumb YouTubers.





Semper Games


Don't see any posts on /r9k/ but 8 is all over it on different boards

I want this to be true so bad. I really want these scumbags to stay trapped in the hell they've created for themselves

They want people to harrass them so when the lawsuit happens they might get more money

but sue lightning got aids



>fellow gamers

Attached: images.jpg (259x194, 6K)

Oh shit. This journous will be fucked back and forth all over then.

Here's hoping a BASED and redpilled gamer tracks some of these cunts down and end them rightly.
In Minecraft of course.

Aids doesnt magically appear when two dicks collide user

no one gives a fuck about you, shut the fuck up you dumb drama feeding piece of shit

>nothing is happening
>"i blocked some people I saw online that in no way gives a shit about me, so afraid rn"
>still nothing is happening


are you winning Carl?


Any possibility of SWATting incident?


>this is what puts him over the edge

Attached: WhoCares.png (720x143, 17K)


Is it time for Deagle Nation Part II, gamers?
Is it time to rise up and show these haters who they're fucking with? Future US Marines and Spec Ops!

Attached: 1510068855410.jpg (480x360, 23K)

>Spend fucking years "Cancelling" people and doxxing strangers for wrongthink
>What goes around comes around.

Attached: 1383846283007.jpg (541x565, 142K)

God I want to see a camthot raped live in front of all her beta donators.

After their little cuck peepees cum they'll cry on twitter for years about it.

This is why muslims and blacks are so great. They do shit like this, like that black gang who raped some dude's daughter and rang him up while they raped her. Kek. He probably votes democrat and wanted to raise his daughter in a "rich urban and cultural environment". KEK

Most people who try to swat people end up in prison for 20 years.

Cops don't fuck around with that.


Yea Forums's "support" was shitposting on the front page for a few days, when cunts invited reddit over for earnest activism that's when the board turned on it

No, it would just be funnier to send stupid shit like dragon dildos to the mailboxes of the most notable people on the list. That's probably what Yea Forums would've done a decade ago anyway.

Shut up tranny.

I'm very glad it happened, all of these blue checkmark journo fucksticks are authoritarian ideologues who'd unapologetically subject others to the same thing if they had wrongthoughts, just like they did to the Covington kid or every time they try to #Cancel someone like PewDiePie. They live by the "sunlight is the best disinfectant" philosophy, but curl up in the fetal position the moment they feel the least bit vulnerable. I relish in seeing them panic and whine. There will likely be 0 ramifications for the industry at large, but at least these crybabies will always have that nagging doubt in the back of their minds with every tweet they make that acting like their usual dickhead selves might open them up to harassment. They deserve every last bit of it for waging cultural and informational warfare against people who just wanted to be left alone. Poetic justice, all things considered. Unironically, gamers rise up.

its funny how this happened after the goobergate scandal. the gaming community found hard evidence gaming journalism was fake with a behind the scenes group dictating reviews, and said group pulled the same strings to make it seem like it was an anti-women thing for defense. and now we have everyone's info who was involved.
its literally over but I doubt anyone cares enough to do anything.

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I hope he takes lots and lots of those aids, maybe also a couple sips of alcohol (half a bottle of vodka should suffice) to ensure he gets a good night's sleep to recharge his batteries
stay strong, my dude

Attached: mFqSE[1].jpg (899x905, 514K)

>dude let's repeat gamergate that worked out so well last time
Incels are the dumbest people on earth

but it does when you stick it in sphere hunter's pooper

Attached: cVOaSLJpueg3TcSqw9ksd6JrKWuS5hFmyrdPOV54J30qPfFYk3OA6y58yXfMCQIX.png (1600x3458, 3.09M)

Why the fuck would you spend money to send these retarded fuckheads actually useful items?
Have you any idea how expensive a dragon dildo is, you utter pawn?

>now the journos are convinced gamers are going to RISE UP to burn down their houses or some shit
Yeah how irrational its not like this thread is 30p posts of trying to plot journo harassment. Fuck you guys are dumb as dog shit

>Kill someone for rating Godhand 2/5
Fucking deserves it then.

Attached: 1432262251826.jpg (700x822, 184K)

calm down journo, i can even smell your urine from here

If you got a large enough following, in the millions, I'd imagine there's enough weirdos to want to protect yourself and take precautions. Opening yourself up to the unwashed masses seems bad enough.

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>dumb ReseTranny baited by another dumb ReseTranny falseflagger
Yeah, incels are indeed the dumbest people on earth.

>sphere hunter's pooper
is the name for their constant search for realistic tit enhancements?

You do realise your voice print is on a data base next to your photo?

Do you really think this is the time and place for references, as tight as they may be?

have sex fatty

just ring them up and say "penis penis penis penis penis"

Good these assholes dox others all the time it’s about time it happened to them so they get a taste of their own medicine fuck them.

Imagine being on Yea Forums and thinking anything you read isn't satire.
It's almost as if you're mentally retarded or someth-... Oh shit..

>30p posts

>they seriously think that people give enough fucks about their personal life because theyre gaming "journos"

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>That obvious manframe

How is he is so disgusting?

Attached: 1412643604897.jpg (500x375, 49K)

>goobergate was satire
You dont believe that user

this and based

I'm pretty glad, there are some people I like who got doxxed but most of them are worthless cunt journalists and I hope all their worst fears come true.

Not your personal army, fuck off everyone encouraging doxing because of their tiny penises

Absolutely untrue. People do this shit for years. Most of the time the call results in just local sheriffs showing up without any further issue. You only hear about the actual SWAT cases though. Only a handful of people have ever been prosecuted despite many, many people being "SWATed".

A VPN and VoIP number purchased with something not in your name would probably let you get away with an actual death.

Hell, I posted some fags info on Yea Forums once and he ended up getting his PCs taken away after cops showed up at his house. This shit happens all the time.

You just can't appreciate a good manframe user

All journalists must hang

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Gamergate was a falseflag by these journos to victimize themselves.
You'd have to be more than dumb not to understand that.

But of course, they might do something similar again with this.

Heil Hitler