Doom 3 is a good game

Doom 3 is a good game

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Why are there so many fucking threads about this 15 year old game lately?
Is it one guy?

I unironically agree.

It was a good console and system shock hybrid but a bad doom game its too slow and clunky hate the movement shooting and level design for a doom game

Needs better encounter/level design.

Enemy varity is there, weapons are solid enough.

Can't agree. It's mind-bogglingly stupid that you can only equip the flashlight, but not with a weapon.

perfect showcase of tech and just not bad game.
i dont get all the hatered

It was just re-released on Switch.

I ironically agree

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i ironically fucked your ass

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Man, the xbox coop was so comfy cause of this, felt like scooby doo adventures lmao

>Holding a flashlight and a gun at the same time
Try that in real life faggot, while underfire and moving around

>What is space tape

I unironically already fucked yours beforehand

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its alright

It’s an exceptional game when you compare it to quake 4

>15 years old

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lol nope

They changed this since the BFG edition

I thought looking through the reports in the labs was pretty comfy. Also at the time the in-game guis were pretty awesome.

zoom zoom

BFG edition fucks up the lighting though

monsters in hidden walls chilling for no reason. pick up armor and the walls open up. much wow

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why yes i do enjoy race cars, how could you tell?

Weirdly it still felt like doom in atmosphere. Visiting Hell for the first time is something I remember vividly to this day.

Oh yeah visually it's aged good as well especially the lighting but yeah gameplay... Nah not even the best coop mods could not save it every time I replay it I drop it half way in

its a good game
just not a good doom game

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The art style is great and the heavy lighting is something games don't even try to approach today.


Really good opening, I like the darkness and the emphasis on your role in the station and interacting with the others. Your tablet with collectable lore bits is interesting too.
The guns weren't too bad, but one thing I found annoying is that the human/humanoid enemies are legit harder than the big demons, who's fireballs you can duck with ease.
Also the pacing is annoying, you should have visited hell earlier.
The majority of the game is having your route changed because shit has gone wrong, similar to the Half-Life method, except without those cathartic moments when you feel you're actually getting somewhere

I honestly enjoyed the tension of the fights. The game feels more like survival horror akin to Resident Evil, which is I'm honestly okay with. Shouldn't have been called Doom 3 probably, but as a spin off that puts focus on... realism? and atmosphere I very much appreciate its existence. Would love to see a direct sequel to it one day.

Glad doom 4 was redone into what it is now.
My only wish is that it had proper mod support but fucking zeniseda won't have it

Yeah, it's definitely for the best, because what they showed was really uninspiring.

Any idea how to fix the frame stuttering on the PC original release?
I tried
seta r_swapInterval "1"
seta com_fixedTic "1"
in autoexec but that makes the game run twice as fast.

It just ain't a Doom game

It gets worse, eternal is going to have some pretty tasteless microtransactions.

Cant say anything here cause it's going to expose my identity but the community is going to flip out and I'm thinking of leaving the industry.

I hate working at Bethesda's iD now

Are you a self taught dev or did you go to uni?

im playing it right now (downloaded the nsp 2hrs ago), its runs way better then Doom2016 but still feels like a PC port and not a optimised at all

No comment

Agreed, much better than Doom 2016 and closer in spirit to what id were trying to do with the original Doom

I'm sure there's a 100 devs at id, they aren't going to find out your identity on a chinese cartoon forum from such information.

Nice try, Zeni spy

>upgrade your Big Fricking Gun to the Big Fucking Gun only $9.99

Imagine typing this in 2019 and thinking it's a worthwhile contribution to a conversation. The NPC meme is real.

i still got your (you)

shut up shaun, only you would make such a comment

No it's not. It was btfo'd by Far Cry and Half Life 2.

so it's true to the original experience

I had a GeForce 2 when it came out and spent hours on TweakGuides just to get the demo to run at 20+fps at 640x480.

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