You think you do, but you don't

Was he right?

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Other urls found in this thread:[Embed]


He was right though, he just worded it like an autist
There was a thread on the forums that basically amounted to "here are native vanilla features that you idiots are falsely reporting as bugs"

It depends on the person, if you go blindly with just nostalgia you are gonna get disappointed but if you accept and love the game for it's flaws you are gonna enjoy it.

>Right in the sense that people don't want the actual vanilla WoW experience
>Wrong in the sense that people want the stale turd that is modern WoW

I think when he said it wow was not fully turd yet, so it sounds worse when e-celeb niggers are playing the vid on top of bfa, it looks very insulting

Unironically yes, he was right and in less than 6 months home niggers will be on suicide watch

>play ffxiv

You can easily get through all meaningful content XIV has to offer before classic is even out.

No. Vanilla WoW is one of the best games of all time. It's a classic in the same way that Ocarina of Time or the first Half-Life is. Why do people think it was such a hit? It wasn't the first online game. It wasn't the first MMO. It didn't have amazing graphics. And yet it was a hit beyond Blizzard's wildest expectations. Why? The answer is great game design. It was fun.

The Blizzard of the early 2000s were geniuses. No one had a track record like theirs. They didn't have to crank out sequels. Every few years they came out with a game so good that it sold for the next ten. Nothing in Vanilla was an accident. Why was leveling fun? Why were dungeons fun? Why did people explore more? Why did people chat more? It's not because people were friendlier and more innocent. It was good game design.

Over the past fifteen years the new guard at Blizzard has vandalized what the old guard built. Take sharding. Today you share a world with people from other servers. People have said for years that it destroys server communities. That's true, but it's more than that. Part of the pleasure of "entering" a virtual world is the sense that it is truly a world, that it has the same sense of solidity and consistency that the real world has. When you leave your house to go to work in the morning, your neighbor's the same guy he was yesterday, and if he's not there's some explanation for it. When virtual worlds have this same sense of consistency, it's fun. That guy you saw in Stormwind yesterday is there today. You wave, he waves back. That's cool. Sharding isn't cool. I'm pretty sure the old Blizzard would've known that.

Vanilla WoW is just as good today as it was back then. Earlier this summer I was playing it on a private server and I had to stop because I was playing too much. The "nostalgia" stuff is ridiculous. Game design as good as Blizzard was capable of in 2004 doesn't quickly age. The game is only around today because Vanilla provided such a strong and durable foundation.

>wpvp ranking killing realms
>retarded lag compensation mechanics from 14 years ago like overtuned 400ms spell batching and melee leeway
>no progressive itemization
>layering that will destroy devilsaur farming
>loot sharing (people kinda forgot about this one)
>1.12 AV
>updated ranking gear
>cross-realm BG

I can keep going but those are all the major game breaking issues that can ALL be avoided if Blizzard were intelligent but they're not. Haha "you think you do but you don't" btw here's a product that's not what vanilla wow was, wow wtf why are you complaining.

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I'm an adult now and have no time to play this.

Yes but for the wrong reasons.

WoW was fully turd by WoD


>That feel when this realization has slowly set in as the release date approaches
Just fuck my shit up.

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this list seems wrong, rogues do top damage with good gear in PvE

imagine spending so much ressource on a game that will die in 2 months

This list is so fucking wrong lmao

Having played on Nost, no. Vanillas design philosophy leads to a certain type of playstyle you cant find in any other MMO which is both challenging and community focused, no modern form of wiki/information/communication replaces it and its going to be huge on launch.

>t. retailbabbies

This will be Blizzards biggest launch since D3.

t. faggot who got ganked by a rogue

>t.someone who hasn't played vanilla

Enjoy the grind lads.

>inb4 some big boi jewtuber steals this.

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I do want it, I want it bad.

But I dont want modern Blizzard

sry bro but I have no use for this

If you play any MMO by grinding you're a moron.

Fuck off attention fag.

what fucking retard made this list?

It’ll be their biggest flop since Diablo Immortal too

My man, that tier list is nothing but trash and bait.
>The meme spec with no damage and slow kills that require heavy gear to even work in small portions of the content
>S tier
And then you have
>The class spec that is known for soloing dungeons
>B tier

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>Part of the pleasure of "entering" a virtual world is the sense that it is truly a world, that it has the same sense of solidity and consistency that the real world has. When you leave your house to go to work in the morning, your neighbor's the same guy he was yesterday, and if he's not there's some explanation for it. When virtual worlds have this same sense of consistency, it's fun. That guy you saw in Stormwind yesterday is there today. You wave, he waves back. That's cool. Sharding isn't cool. I'm pretty sure the old Blizzard would've known that.
That is so true. Its like that for other games as well. I used to play on the same servers on counter strike and it was always fun to see who was logged on and if you could beat the good guys on the server. Also just talking and playing with the same people all the time built a community and we had lots of fun. Today online games are mostly vs randoms and that is very sad imo.

Fuck off
How many times do we need to tell you to fuck off?
Nobody wants you here, you subhuman piece of shit, fucking die already.

Oh yeah cause some sperg disagrees with a guide video (the #1 on the internet prove me wrong) I'm just gonna leave?

Get on my level then ask again.

>S Tier
>Spriest and Ret Pally
The fact that anyone thinks this user is serious is disgusting.

Joana get's to 40 in 1 day 20hrs

when i played the beta it was just like the old vanilla i remember
but then more and more people got beta access and the community turned into retards and it was then i realized zoomers will ruin classic

Yeah with no fucking money or trade skills. See his classic beta run? 12 gold LOL.

He was right, but only because he was concealing his intent to absolutely ruin the game

Damn it, should I play an elemental shaman or a BM hunter? I know BM isn't great, but only WoW character in vanilla was a dwarf hunter and I played him all through high school right up until BC came out and I quit.

The first 25 levels god tier then it gets boring af every time

Reminder that BFA is actually good in 8.2 and Asmongold now thinks it’s better than classic.

>Vanillas design philosophy leads to a certain type of playstyle you cant find in any other MMO which is both challenging and community focused
Except literally every pre wow mmo? stupid fucking zoomer holy shit

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>every other mmo
LFG shit

nice reading comprehension retard

That's because they decided to let mostly streamers and their fans in along with funserver heroes instead of anyone that played vanilla.

>challenging and community focused
>press one button to get in the raid and other button to kill boss and get a piece of rng gear

retaillets out of my comfy classic threads

>mfw they will bribe streamers to introduce nu wow features

>completely missing "pre-wow" even after being told to read
no wonder blizzard still gets your money in 2019

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Vanilla WOW wasnt a better "WOW" it was a completely different game interms of player progression to what we have on live.
You arent getting "current WOW but better" or "current WOW but without the bullshit LFR", you are instead getting a completely different game with completely different leveling and character progression, everyone who wanted to play the game could have done so during the giant hype in private server around 2016-2017 (and they did), that spike amount to somewhere between 100-500k unique players all around the world playing any server and after a year barely 10-20k played on the most populated servers and now its almost completely dead every where outside of america and parts of Europe.

Tl;dr Vanilla will absolutely see allot of players but will die out soon after since player retention has shown to be terrible + wow isnt a new game anymore - and 10s of millions of people have already played it and have experienced it(most will come back say "wow, neat" and log off after a couple of levels and never come back)

>implying pre-wow mmos weren't lfg shit

You would know the answer to this if you weren't literally underage and hopping on the classic bandwagon because your favorite streamer told you to.

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desu we don't know yet, if someone says that they do then he is lying. this is first time, totally unique time in gaming history something like this happens. we just have to wait and see what happens.

Wow Classic isnt going to be what people expected it to be. Its honeslty a big fucking joke. That people felt it would be PERFECT..To WANT to play a wow... without any expansion. Which means.. Playing wow with LESS content. Why would you want that? Has wow retail become so shit you WANT to go back and play the game back when it was started. In this case, the game right BEFORE the Burning Crusade Expansion patch. I know people want to play it for nostalgia. But. How long before that "Nostalgia" is gone and you end up just smelling the re-animated corpse of what used to be wow. 12 years ago. Yes, 12. Since the game you will be playing is going to be the patch before burning crusade changes. So. Less Races. Less classes. Paladin being Ally only and shaman being Horde only. You get to start going thru the same content most people have gone thru on so many alts. Now you will need to CC mobs. Tanks need to start their agro rotation on enemies before dps actualy get to start. Mana breaks every pull. And even then. Most people will be undergeared for most fights. Even dungeon bosses. And then the grind to get the items needed for specific bosses. Like the cape needed to even be able to fight Nefarion. The Fire res gear for Firelands and Onyxia, Shadow res gear for Blackwing Lair. Nature res for Ahn QIraj and Frost res for Naxxramas. And mix for Zulgurub. But. WIll it really be worth it? Subing to WOW retail.. just to play wow with less content. And you dont really get anything that you can carry into wow retail. Like old transmogs that are gone now. I would love if they made it possible to actualy EARN Nax tier 3 set. Instead of wasting money on the Black Market Ah.And then unlock it along with an achivement. Or something.Otherwise you are just playing an old game. And that is just sad. That Blizzard has failed so bad. They NEED Wow Classic. had it been years ago. I would have seen it as a Nice addition on the side. But that isnt the case anymore.

Both. His statement was incorrect in his itnention and meaning, but correct in other ways.

While some people genuinely want and will be happy with vanilla release others really won't find what they are looking for, it's not some magical item that will just make everyone love it. Part of what made it enjoyable is about the first time gameplay and exploration and I don't think it could be re-captured to the same degree, especially if you're looking to get audience that never played classic, but are familiar with the genre.

It'll be a flash in the pan with some really dedicated players, but it'll tone down heavily over time.

>t. SEETHING retailzoomer

You are actually retarded holy shit.

>could have done so during the giant hype in private server around 2016-2017 (and they did)
No they didn't. Editing the server list is way too much work for normies, classic wow being a part of retail wow is going to give a massive amount of new players that never played on the pirate servers.
I didn't play on them until a couple of months ago since I thought they were just buggy pieces of shit as in 2012.

It's literally what happened to runescape

>editing a server list is too much work for normies
so who do you expect will play tedious and grindy game ? those same normies who you say cant edit a server list ?
get real dude, 70% of people will quit after hitting lvl15 and never comeback

>Now you will need to CC mobs. Tanks need to start their agro rotation on enemies before dps actualy get to start. Mana breaks every pull. And even then. Most people will be undergeared for most fights. Even dungeon bosses.
Hhnnngg. Sounds perfect.

Lads please tell me how to get my hype back. I was hyped for so many fucking months until a little over a month ago when the hype just disappeared completely. Probably because I wore myself out.
I'm just NOT fucking feeling it now and its pissing me off.

I couldn't stop looking up videos to figure out which class I wanted to go, which spec I wanted to go, which race, which professions, which leveling route I wanted to go. FUCKING EVERYTHING.
Now I just...I dunno man, it's gone.

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I can't wait to stream snipe twitch thots all day as a t2 rogue and post their shitty reactions to my channel.

It's gonna be cringendary.

Yeah because being technically incompetent doesn't stop them from playing retail wow.

Well did you find out which spec/race/prof you wanted to go? I'm all set so I'm just waiting for it to release. Don't have to be all hype 100% of the time.

Hype is overrated, dedication to your role is what matters.

not enough rage
need more rage
NOT ENOUGH RAGEneedmorerage
NnOeeTd MmoOrReE RrAaGgEe
i need to get closer

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Your logic seems circular.
People who play now have every single step documented and explained in game and they dont even have to alt-tab to wowhead, i doubt they will fare so well in a game which is categorically different in how it handles "hand holding"
Then again, you may be right and majority of people will just follow "guides" and 'play throughs", but i genuinly doubt there is enough in vanilla wow to keep modern gamers satisfied for long
Here is how i think it will happen:
>1-5million people start playing in the launch week
>Player count is halfed in 2months
>Then total player count will be somewhere between 200k and 400k before we go into 2020
The game will die out next year completely

I'm... the father of a new word.

Wow. What an honor. I'll take good care of you, cringendary.

>die out
Make up your fucking mind. Also, 15k (not total online, just active players) is more than enough to keep the server afloat.

The amount of buzzwords packed into such a short reply is pretty impressive.

Vanilla wow is completely different yes but I think the positive experiences will entice them to play more. I can only imagine how shocked retail players will be when an instance takes more than 5 minutes. That people actually talk using chat in the instance. The mage finally gets to use his CC and feel important. Your class is actually unique and not just sharing the same abilities as two other classes.
Still the players will probably drop off like you said but a decent amount of players is enough. Besides I'm not here because I want to play the game for the next 5 years.

Yes and no.
I was struggling between picking a Warlock or a Hunter. To be honest I want to play other classes too, Shaman, Druid and Priest (Shadow) but I decided I wanted to play them less than both Hunter and Warlock.
About a month ago I did finally decide on Hunter but it's still very fucking close and I could easily change my mind.
Here's the issue though. I want to play Horde, I like the horde leveling experience more, I like the horde areas more and I like the horde races more, but if I go Hunter the two races I'd want to go are Tauren (which make GARBAGE hunters in classic because of the whole deadzone thing which has to do with their larger hitbox) and Night Elf, which is obviously alliance. Contrary to popular belief, Trolls suck as Hunters. Yes, I know from first glance they seem to have all of the perks that would benefit a hunter but they really are pretty shit hunters which is a shame because Trolls are my all time favourite race.
Race aside, I can't even fully decide on my professions. I don't know if I want to take gathering professions first then switch them to something like Engineering+Alchemy/Enchanting later on or something.
I'm a fucking mess bro, I just can't decide.

Oh shit, that's right, I've just remembered why I stopped being so dead set on hunter. The pet selection in vanilla is horribly lacking. I don't want to use Broken Tooth ffs but it's LITERALLY the objective best pet to use and I can't bring myself to sacrifice usability and function for aesthetics.
On the other hand if I go warlock I can take Tailoring which will be nice for numerous reasons, mostly making bags and some high end BiS armor though, as well as alchemy or whatever.

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Sorry but Im not from NA nor EU, and that means if the total player count is hovering around the 100k or less then there is absolutely nobody playing in Asias/Oceania/East-Europe/South-Europe etc.etc. any play which isnt already playing private servers religiously (East/West coast NA, BR and Central/Northern Europe) will be left in the dust
>inb4 fuck everyone else
what i mean is the popularity will be on par if not slightly better then what we have currently with private servers

I dont think "shock" is enough to make people stay, the fact that you cant get to max level and not talk to anyone in less then a month will absolutely destroy the ability of most current WOW players [i know because I played upto BC as a social guy, but then only came back to play in MOP and dynamic was completely different] - everyone who is antisocial (80% or more of players) will suffer and inevitably quit without getting anywhere.
Yeah you are right, the game doesnt need to be big to be fun, but even then "you think you do, but you dont" really rings true once you think about it. Maybe some of the old devs have a hindsight 20/20 and where simply speaking from experiance
Have fun though dude, ill sure try to get into it myself - but since i dont have anymore friends left ill guess ill just play solo and quit like the rest of the casuals lol

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200k-400k?.. HAHAHAHA. No.. i doubt that is going to be the playerbase of wow classic. Maybe 10k.. But more than that.. Naah. People wont have the patience for this game. Especialy with wow retail stuff coming out.

>Shadow priest
>Top tier in classic
What the hell? Were you a warrior or something? I knew that feel. Virtually any other class was leveling.

Chinks will play it, while kiwis and aussies will probably have hard time after a while. I just hope that the whole layering shitshow will pay off and we won't have dead servers after a month.

must have taken some effort to make a list thats literally wrong about everything

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>that image

Maybe the whole twitch scene will carry the total player base (im not saying there will be 200-400k playing at the same time or even close), but i think there will still be somewhere between 100-200k players who will stick around for 4months atleast [most of these ppl will be playing on and off and mostly just watching streams], but yeah there is almost no chance that the player base will hold even that much going into 2020

I would say 10k is abit to pessimistic though, people who play WOW retail will make up the bulk of people playing the game at this point IMO, those are the people who are so dedicated to shit content that they might just stick around

Every one who will come back who actually played in Vanilla/BC/Start of WOTLK will ditch the game in a couple of days or maybe weeks ; there is no point doing the same stuff over and over again especially now that all your friends are gone and you're alone

>Aussies will play it
I doubt it mate, we have a hard time keeping POE alive, australia isnt very gaymer friendly at all (ive lived here for about 10 years and the only people who really play games are just Asians who play obscure PC titles/MOBAs or Bogans/white-trash on centrelink who have nothing better to do)

Region NA, area West, mode PVP, Server 5, shard 2, layer 3, instance B....home

Why do people keep pulling numbers out their ass like this when they don't know what they are talking about?

Do you honestly believe that a multi-billion dollar corporation like Blizzard would even relaunch Vanilla at all, if they hadn't done months of potential profit margin calculations?

asmon layer.... home

>would even relaunch vanilla again
so are you saying everything up until now has been fake news ? even the beta ? the blizzcon announcement too ?

genuinely have no idea what you're on about

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I do not agree with this opinion.

I'm saying your claims that the game will "die out" are pulled out of your asshole, and a company would like Blizzard would never republish Vanilla if they actually believed there was any chance it would "die out completely next year".

So stop making a fool out of yourself you fucking moron.

Of course not. Its the best version of WoW objectively
That is a retarded argument and has nothing to do with this. There's nothing unusual or wrong about remembering details wrong from 15 YEARS AGO.
None of that changes the fact that it is the BEST WoW ever was.

maybe have your own fucking opinion instead of listening to ecelebs you fucking brainlet

i hate ecelebs so fucking much

This 100%.

This list is extremely wrong.
Shadow Priest S-class for raids? It's quite literally the most useless spec possible in raids lol. No wait, Ret Paladin is - which is also written as S-class here????
What retard made this

a wotlk baby probably

I finished everything in XIV already, so I'm looking forward to it.

Here's to hoping I don't regret rolling a NE Priest over a Dwarf Priest.

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Calm down there buddy, been drinking too much twitch/discord-coolaid i see

No NEET on Yea Forums is gonna sabotage your precious game, but those stats arent "pulled out of my asshole", they are stats from private server from 2016 onward - which show a rapid decline in popularity of Vanilla servers when the hype around the server died down
Who knows, maybe there will be a couple million playing even well into the start of 2020 ... but that is just wishfull thinking
trust me that nobody would be happier to see that then us people who are "pulling [stats] our of our assholes"

Just chill

You can't get too hype, mate. It's tough but you just have to let things sit at the back of your mind. I listened to guides and stuff as well but I just do that at the gym if I want to, I guess it's the sort of thing you can't do actively.

I want vanilla without sharding.

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They were all worse than vanilla WoW though, even if they did same things moderately well, WoW did them better.

>The answer is great game design. It was fun.
Not sure if I should pity you or envy you for that opinion.

>but those stats arent "pulled out of my asshole", they are stats from private server from 2016 onward - which show a rapid decline in popularity of Vanilla servers when the hype around the server died down

Post proofs or stop talking you pathetic concern troll.

Spoken like someone that never made it to lvl 60
Game literally starts at max level

>Classic is dropping just as I'll stop having free time and move to a time zone where almost no English-speakers live

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>dumb them down for mouthbreather wider audience
>did them better

The "better" nu-WoW can't handle that many players on the same spot.

What? Vanilla WoW has way more content than WoW with any expansion.
In case you didn't notice, none of the expansions ADDED into WoW content, but they REPLACED all previous content with LESS content. Every time.

Nostalgia has nothing to do with this. Vanilla WoW is just objectively the best WoW from gameplay terms and game mechanics, enjoyment, etc.

All of your complaints are about good things, holy zoomer.

Why would you need to "be hype"? Just do something else before its out, then play it, and you will enjoy it.
Jesus, what the fuck is the need for "hype"? Anime posters always the most retarded subhumans

my pc is really bad even has vram
think this game will be a gfx hog considering how old it is?

>Paying $15 a month to play 15 year old content that has been played 15 years ago with LAYERING


>my pc is really bad even has vram
What does that even mean user.
>think this game will be a gfx hog considering how old it is?
Their minimal requirements are PCs from 10 years ago, anything made pass 2010 can run it.

What the fuck are the both of you smoking.
Classic will easily have about 4-6 million active subscribers.
Your argument of "people will go back to BfA" is idiotic because you don't seem to understand, the playerbase of vanilla WoW is completely different than of retail WoW. There is no "going back to BfA" when vanilla players never had interest in BfA to begin with, never tried it and never will, because it sucks ass.

In case you didn't know, vanilla WoW kept rising in sub count for the entire 3 years it existed before TBC was out, reaching 8 million in the final months of vanilla.
Same is likely to happen with Classic since it's an actually good MMORPG unlike BfA, which is not an MMO nor an RPG anymore.

That would be a nice thing. But the problem is. How many servers tdo they plan to even have. If they are smart.. 1 PVE server, 1 PVP and 1 RP server. But the rp server thing they could skip. Because only faggots play on rp server.

what does that even mean?
im retarded
but you gave me the answer and confidence I was looking for
ty sir


RP is great in games which aren't WoW.

>they are stats from private server from 2016 onward - which show a rapid decline in popularity of Vanilla servers when the hype around the server died down
No they aren't, stop lying.
Nost and literally all the biggest vanilla privas each had about 200 000 active accounts, it's just that only 10-15k could be online at the same time per realm.

Vanilla privas stay fully populated for about 3 years each time, which is the natural lifespan of vanilla WoW back in the day as well.

Classic will have around 4-6 million active players for about 3 years until too many are Naxx geared and have no further goals to achieve.

No he wasn't, but then they decided to fuck with the vanilla formula and people stopped caring, so he will think he is right.

I meant this.

No, vanilla WoW didn't dumb down anything, it just improved badly designed good ideas. EverQuest was absolute garbage compared to WoW.
You are very childish and just purely delusional.

>fire mage that high

The first three raids literally everything is immune to fire

It's a joke you gullible retard.

Did you also not notice that he put Ret and Spriest at S-class, even though they are objectively the worst raid specs in the game? It's obviously a troll image intended to bait noobs into wasting gold on respecs

i said that both games are absolutely different in this post
your reasoning isnt grounded in reality my friend, you are assuming vanilla will be popular because vanilla was popular
this is really silly conjecture especially when we have seen a sizeable amount of players start playing in early 2016 (due to nostalrius hype and community being pissed at blizzard) which later devolved into ... well see for yourself the current player pop on the most populated vanilla private servers

im not going to, because there is simply no statistic from 2016 that still exist to this day (from my knowledge), if you where around during 2016 and have seen the large exodus and hype around private servers and later the quick death of all those one popular server you would see a pattern - one that vanilla is simply just a distraction/novelty game to player - but will most likely fail to garner a stable LET ALONE RISING player population

Bait successful...made me ponder a bit.

>putting ret uptop
my dude...

pic rel is much more grounded in reality

Attached: vanilla-pve-tier-list.png (791x894, 222K)

Agreed. Vanilla is the defining video game of my youth. I'm not buying classic though, the community has been poisoned.

That other post of yours was already addresed and refuted. You literally listed things that made it great and whined about them like you're a 14 year old zoomer who wants his hand held.
You also lied that vanilla has less content, even though it objectively has more content than WoW with any expansion, since the expansions REPLACE all previous content instead of ADDING TO IT.

>your reasoning isnt grounded in reality my friend, you are assuming vanilla will be popular because vanilla was popular
No, you are just wrong. It will be popular exactly because vanilla is the best MMORPG in history. Not because it was popular, but because it was the best. It has the best gameplay, feels the best to play. This is why it will be as popular again. People don't want the hand holding nonsense of retail WoW, no one cares if it's newer when it's BAD.
>his is really silly conjecture especially when we have seen a sizeable amount of players start playing in early 2016 (due to nostalrius hype and community being pissed at blizzard) which later devolved into ... well see for yourself the current player pop on the most populated vanilla private servers
Are you mentally retarded or something? Put down the crackpipe nigger. Nostalrius and the other most popular vanilla privas prove exactly my stance and AGAINST yours, if a fucking bootleg server can have 200 thousand active accounts for years, it's guaranteed for the official servers to have millions of active players.
Literally the only reason why population is going down on Silver Hand and other privas right now is that Classic is 1 month away, no one feels like there is any point in investing time into a character when you reset in late August anyway.

>all these replies with nobody realizing it's a fucking joke/meme/sarcastic picture

it sure is summer in here

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Buying? You don't have to buy anything retard, you just pay the monthly sub and you can play it.
And to say "the community has been poisoned" makes no sense and you have no basis for this argument, since the community does not exist yet. There is no way for you to know what Classic community will be like.

Warlock, Warrior
Rogue, Hunter, Mage
Shaman, Priest, Paladin

>Join private server
>Make a priest and get to Barrens
>Throw Stamina buff on a random guy passing me on the path
>He stops and says thanks to me in /s
What in the devils. It's exactly how I remembered it in 2005.

>objectively has more content than WoW with any expansion

Absolute bull fucking shit, name anything vanilla WoW has that a WoW expansion doesn't have.

Dude this is just too tiresome, you are literally saying "it will be successful because it was teh best game ever"

Please take your medication - nobody was saying vanilla has shit mechanics and nobody was whining about them, i was saying that people who are used to the hand-holding nature of current WOW most likely will though

Talking about player count with someone who refuses to aknowledge the whole push towards Vanilla was based on mindless twitch/reddit hype is pretty pointless since you can just say that people still want it and people still play on these servers (even thought Northdale which is one of the most populated servers for Vanilla has barely anyone playing still)

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Trying to decide if i want to do priest or shaman. Either way i know i'll heal at endgame im just curious which is more fun.

Those were stats from the PAST. Not the NOW. As Wow had so much competition in the past. But still was the game most people went back to after some week or two. And it was the Original wow. Without any expansions. Now you have multiple expansions. You really think people are going to want to play a game with LESS content? If you think they will. Then you are stupid.

Nope most people will come from dota 2, league or cs:go. Retail cuck will not play vanilla for long that's for sure though. The people who want vanilla don't play current wow and they would not play test something for 2 hours.

They will since VWoW offers a cohesive experience. Retail WoW just offers 4-5 graveyards of old content that you see for 5 hours and the current one.

(pls respond)

For the love of God stop using full stops as commas
Why do you even type like that? Who taught you?

Classic will fail because private server populations keep dropping as Classic get closer to launch.

Cause and correlation are not your strong side I see.

I just wanna play tbc bros

he totally lost didn't he? man you guys made him look like a fool and now you gonna give him your money, damn he lost HARD i'm telling ya
he lost so hard he is now president of the company, yep he got absolutely buttblasted

Retail is right there.

Fire actually does pull ahead in naxx, but the list is still completely wrong

Correlation =/= Causation

This. So much this. Thank you for putting everything I feel about classic into such a great post. We are going home.

Made a PVE viability list to try and replace the horrible one someone posted earlier

B tier is for the few spots guaranteed to shadow/hunters for their utility

C Tier is suboptimal specs I know little about but don't have a terrible reputation

Lemme hear some opinions

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Imagine being in denial this much, you are further into denial than you are in the closet.

How about avoiding making nonsense retarded lists?

Can we take up a collection to have this moron killed? Please. I hate seeing this namefag closet case homeless faggot all over threads here and in /wowcg/.

You won't ever be Asmongold.

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this, wow has had its golden age around wotlk, it got extremely bad at WoD and has gotten increasingly retarded.

I am a lore person and seeing it butchered like that really hurt my almonds.

You are just a zoomer, wow went to hyper shit as soon as cata hit and it was already bad enough in the last 3 raids of WOTLK.

Don't play Horde. That's number one.


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Otherwise you get shit like the Infamous Goldshire Erp.

You actually just made a great case for Classic. Most of the shit Blizz added and changes they made ruined the game. We WANT all the shit you are complaining about little zoom zoom.

>Affliction warlock
>Implying you'll have your dots up while warriors rend + deep wounds, hunters with serpent sting, druids with moonfire, mages with scorch

You are the definition of Cringe faggot. Please unironicaly kill yourself.

Horde has Shamans. Shamans have Bloodlust. Alliance doesnt have Bloodlust. Only Paladin Buffs.

actually an objectively alright list
so much wrong in this thread lmao

Lol. I remember when Vanilla launched players on other MMOs like SWG and EQ were saying the WoW quest system was hand holding. 'For real? Every quest has text that tells you where to look and what to do? What kind of casual wants that? Where is the mystery? Why would I want a mini strategy guide on every single quest?' or 'You don't lose xp or levels from dying? Where is the incentive to stay alive? To fight to hold onto your progress and not have to redo months of work from one death? Seriously fucking casual ass games man....'

Dude just fuck off and stop posting. No one wants you here.

I think the retailcuck zoomer population will be shocked when they get into their first Deadmines group and they wipe 300 times because they can't manage aggro and use cc effectively. The tanks will pull without even thinking about checking healer Mana, won't know how to use LoS, will let pets pull huge mob trains, will oom in first few trash pulls. It's going to be hilarious.

>S priest and ret top tier

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>Not being a sperg who mashes keys without paying attention to rage meters and cool downs.

Just don't play if you want to be Horde. Stay in fucking retail where you belong scumbag. No fucking shoes.

Well it was, most of what Blizzard does is take things that work and dumb them down. Diablo was a streamlined crpg stripping the agency and dumbing down the skills. WoW was no different. Blizzard never made hardcore games, just fun ones that some like Starcraft (by more luck than planed) had a really high skill ceiling.

>Not American
Then why the fuck are you on my board? This is an American board for Americans only fucko. Get the fuck out you subhuman non-American piece of shit.

They are removing layering after phase one... you absolute fucking retard.

Shitposting is all most her can do.

Wrath was objectively the best version of WoW. I mean this unironicaly.

Dude i remember when i played in the past. Before the quest finder addons... Where some quests told you to go NORTH.. But you werent suposed to go NORTH... But East.. or west. In some cases SOUTH.. So the stuff npc said and the quest info made no sense. IN WOW.

I want a world without Trump or trannies or republicucks but here we are.

Wrath had 12 million subs. Objectively the best WoW ever was. Also ICC > Ulduar. Fight me.

>best version
>faceroll AoE dungeons
>HALF of its tiers are TotGC and a raid instance that was copy pasted from Vanilla.

They don't need a PvP server. PvP belongs in instanced battleground settings only fucko. Reminder that ganking and corpse camping players is theft of game time they pay for. Wpvp has no place in WoW.

>Comparing shit pservers to an actual WoW Classic launch

Druid shouldn't have been in the game. It's the worst of all classes.

They would first need to GET to Deadmines. If the op fire mages right outside it dont kill their interesting.. Inside deadmines will.

Bahahahaha Benji faggot btfo. Little bitch deleted his posts and ran back to /vg/. Seriously we need to out out an open assignment on him. I want that homeless faggot as dead as 4 o'clock in the morning.

>gm allows 1 corruption per boss
>my band of lockbros throw every dot we have
worth it

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it wasn't the "BEST WOW EVER WAS" because of the vanilla part, idiot. It was because it was new, unique and fresh. Vanilla comes out this year, i bet Ragnaros will die in 3 weeks tops and people will be like "well this shit is boring.."

I lost pretty much all my hype after playing Shadowbringers. I'm honestly a little sad to be leaving XIV to go back to Classic, but all my bros are playing it so I guess I have to...

who is ritsu tho

>first fucking line
>ret paladin pve S class

I'm a fucking paladin main, what the fuck is this shit

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Can't wait to play again. I never got into the private server scene but played vanilla heavily through high school.

A level 70 skill feels quite relevant for classic wow

Same here breh, I've decided to play both tbqh. Apart from running some primals and getting Phantasm cap every week there's not much to do in FF tbqh, so I can just switch between the games.

>shamans have bloodlust

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Daily reminder
If you want to play PvE, you need to roll holy priest, prot war of mage. Other classes are useless.

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Bait or not gtfo

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imagine not playing rogue, the best class in the game

Nice reading comprehension you fucking idiot. The user you're replying to stated that these nit wits, much like you, are reporting "bugs" that arent actual bugs, but rather actual features of classic. Did that clear it up for you summer fag?

imagine not playing druid, the worst class in the game

>Rogues in D class
Good lord Classic is gonna be a shit show!

until you attempt to jump a prot paladin

I am playing Rogue. Orc male.

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>Ahhhhh! P-p-p-please d-d-dont hurt me!!!! Lets erp instead (:


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If they add any "sharding" "layering" "phasing" or whatever buzzword they're using for being cheap pieces of shit - then I'm not touching it

it's really fucking simple
n o

Oh no, user, you're the one person Blizzard really wants to play! Please reconsider!

It was a lot of fun , I am debating picking it up and playing at shaman , might try a warlock though.

Name him Thex.

Remains to be seen, but I don't think so. Too many shills psuhing the idea that BFA is suddenly good now just because we have more world quests to do.

gtfo back to PLEBBIT this is 4channel REEEEEE cool kids only here

>try warlock on a instant 60 server
>Get geared
>if a warrior so much as sneezes at me i'm fucked

What the fuck, other than frost mage v warrior i've never seen such blantant hard counters in all of vanilla wow

Bruh i still can't find mankrik's wife

it's because you think they are finally going to just cave into what the fans are asking for, but Blizzard/Activision being total cunts that are actually spiteful towards consumers, keep on sadistically giving you the monkey's paw treatment

first it was no you don't actually want this, followed by months and months of radio silence that only broke AFTER a major backlash at a Blizzard hosted event

SO they went "okay sure, here is your game dudes..."
"but we might add or change some stuff, lets take a community feedback poll! :)"

and then the current NPC retail crowd, instinctively understands...that if a pure Classic WoW released then the dog shit gatcha machine they poured so much time and effort into, will be for nothing

imagine, just IMAGINE being a retail-addicted normie...who still plays even after all their friends have quit and guilds have disbanded

to them, Classic means: Mount Collection? gone, hours and hours chasing after dumb achievments? gone. collecting trannymog for months on end? gone. fashion shows? gone. tokens? gone

Classic is very very VERY threatening to Blizzards current consumer base. SO deep down you and I both know we'll never get the simple, pure game world we and so many like us crave

but it won't stop the sadist CEO at Blizzard from doing his thing ya know? and dead-eye hazzikostas is right there sucking the rotting shit falling out of J Allens blown-out rectum

he meant bugs, he was talking from his backend view

You are rolling on Asmon layer right?
You don't want to be some loser who doesn't get to participate in amazing, server crashing community events right?

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Yes, asmon layer for life, brother.
Be honest, he is a LITERAL god.

No, because I actually want to play the game, not be a sycophant to some bald eceleb loser.

Horde or alliance?

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based blizzard allowing only the biggest neets

I've alwas wondered why he doesn't play undead with that face

unfortunately too cuz I have a lot of interest in playing it. prob make one for fun eventually

tbc > vanilla

>retri S
i don't even read the rest

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I mean, you can try to pull the whole "mega corporation doesn't need you!" routine...but the fact that they keep sending me nu-WoW expansions long after I dumpstered this shit is pretty telling

I played a shaman in vanilla I named him Ilpalazzo, He was a troll cause I think trolls are cool

Fuck that fat spic piece of shit tipsout.
He got Verdan nerfed as well as other bosses in other instances.
He's a complete shitter.

Reminder that these "people" were invited to bug test Classic instead of actual vanilla players.

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Just resubbed ;) see you at Crossroads boys

>Boss is well known for hitting hard as shit
>Charges in while his healer isn't ready
>Has fucked up armor
>Is underleveled
>"woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow he hit me hard this is bugged blizzard save me"
What an embarrassment he is.

>nostalrius veterans can't handle the actual game
Yep, can't wait for classic to die so this part of wow "community" dies for good

he was, but a lot of people are too delusional to see it.

Vanilla WoW will be popular for a few months but the hype will die down and leave only a few ten or so thousand players.

Either way, Blizzard wins, because you pay for a WoW sub.

And it's his feedback they listened to.

Hey XIV trannyfreaks.

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>misunderstanding of layering
but ff14 also have layering

vanilla dungeons are the opposite of that, the mobs hit way less

user, if that's your image, you should learn English before attempting that again.

Vanilla dungeons were a lot harder than retail. Pic related.

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Fuck you user.
I've done mythic 19+s and that jump.
That fucking jump will haunt me until the end of time.
>tfw you failed 5 times in a row

No wonder it will, if you are playing wow past wotlk it means you are literally retarded, that's why such an easy task is an issue for you.

>t. guy behind me who is about to fall down a sixth time

>Gunna focus on FFXIV, levelling jobs, doing hunts, playing raids
>Gunna also sub to WoW classic and play it casually, level up once a week and enjoy the down-to earth "nobody doing heroic things" feeling as a sidebitch to my "Warrior of Light and hero of the Universe saves the planet for the 12th time and everyone slobbers your dick" feel

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>the shots don't do it any more, please help
What currently is happening to you my man is called critical thinking, where you brain says you are a fucking retard if you play an already solved game, which is heavily glorified in your memory.
What you want to do is "just enjoy the game" which was fine back then, but its a recipe for disaster now.
The sad truth is you'll encounter a FUCKTON of minmaxers, AH flippers, chinks, now add to this Activision's fuckery, the things you already solved, the playerbase having completely different mentality and many many small things which add up.
This classic shit is just a damage control by blizzard after the colossal failure OW, Hots and BfA was.
Don't let boomers meme you up, which they did with zoomers, and most importantly don't fall Blizzard's scheming again. You did this many times, and its time to say no.


>paying $200 + tip to play two shitty MMOs

FFXIV is the best "modern" MMO on the market, and WoW Classic is the best "Oldschool MMO" or so I hear, I never played pre-Wrath.

And it's only like, 30 bucks a month to sub to both. i make that amount in an hour. Where are you getting this 200+ shit?

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Which is a more fun class to play end game, Paladin or Warlock?

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OSRS is the best oldschool MMO, there's no debate about it

WoW was never an "oldscool" MMO. It was the first of the modern design.

Depends on so many things that there is no easy answer. Are you looking to PVP or PVE? World PVP or Battlegrounds? PVE raids or dungeons? Do you want to do damage or support? Are you ok with farming for resources ahead of time for a bigger payoff when actually "playing"?

Man I keep trying to get back into that game. i have it on my phone and it runs pretty well but I just have no drive or direction.

>It was because it was new, unique and fresh

Why does this shitty opinion still get posted? People don't say this about other 15 year old games.

>Half Life 2 wasn't good, people only liked it because it was new, unique and fresh in 2004! You're just trying to relive your childhood by replaying it!

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actually, blizzard tested numbers to see if they were correct. they were. tips is just a shitter

Questing is a really good way to get the motivation to play imo. Quest requirements are goals you work towards, and quest rewards are interesting and make you want to actually do those quests in the first place. It's a natural way to progress. If that doesn't do it for you then idk, just might not be the type of game for you then

Nelf or Dwarf Hunter bros? I can't decide, they're both so good.

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He was correct in that a lot of modern wow players will not be able to handle how slow classic is compared to retail. My bet is it will have a lot of players for about a month and then drop pretty quick to a few 100k and then hold steady. I could be wrong and we could end up with a million players steady but I don’t see many retail players having the stomach for classic. It’s not even that it’s hard because it’s really not, it’s just a lot more group focused and you have to be patient and actually be smart about dungeon encounters. I bet the first dungeon I run the tank will try to pull 10 mobs and not understand why he keeps dying, people just sprint into mobs and mash buttons nowadays and come out just fine. Retail doesn’t work like that, most people who played vanilla know that the majority of physical dps classes (besides the hunter and maybe paladin) can’t handle more than a few regular mobs without dying and that’s probably with popping a few oh shit buttons. The people who think they are going to faceroll the game as warriors/rogues are in for a big surprise.

>say goodbye to your transmogs. all of them.


nelf for cat + shadowmeld ambush fun

stealth as hunter is just too good. in combination with fd its godlike. on the other side, the wow intro makes me play dwarf hunter anytime

>mfw I read this with DSP's voice

It was actually fun to see even people from Method struggle and die in classic because the gameplay is so different.

>spriest and Ret paladin on top of the list for nose useful love classes
Hahahahahahahahahahaha oh lord, I stopped reading when I saw that. Whoever made this is either trying to troll or a complete retard. Not saying either of those classes are useless in pve it’s just that they are far from even being middle of the pack in terms of dps output. It even has destro warlocks as being better than fury warriors!!! Oh lord in heaven. This has got to be the worst pve value ranking I’ve ever seen, the person who made this should kill themselves.

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yeah. it was fun 15 years ago who the fuck cares about doing all that shit again large part of the fun was playing with your irl friends I have no desire to ever play a mmo again

Remember when you read an "it's just nostalgia" post that this is the kind of person behind the keyboard that wrote that post.

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what about all the other people that are going to be playing classic with their irl friends you dumb fuck

This, and act like you're owning blizzard while paying them to bring old content they fucked awhile ago.

they didnt change the boss, they refuted his report.

>prot paladin

who the fuck made this retarded list? they don't even have an active taunt, and all their threat is based on being hit, The gear just isn't there, Who ever made this list needs to put paladin tanks down to where ret is, because they are worthless compared to the counterpart of a feral druid.

>h*me poster
no better then trannies

I seriously don't know how you retards justify this. Blizzard literally is disrespectful and fleecing you. This should be 4 dollars a month or b2p at max. There will be no new content and even if there was it isn't 15 a month in quality. Christ

>if you don't like classic you must like BfA.
I'm so glad I'm not you.

Content isn’t the appeal of classic

They should have had multiple unique servers outside of pvp/pve by now EQ did it why can't wow? The fucking cucks that suck blizzards cock deserve to get continually shit on.

I just want WotLK on retail serves again. I'm playing a private serve right now and all I want is this magic with the resources to fix bugs and stable stateside servers.

That's great then it should be 4 times cheaper for what you're getting

i just hope they don't fall for the TBC classic meme, such a dull and boring expansion where literally everything is a grind, just skip straight to wotlk

pve minmaxers, boomers, casuals, dads, nelf trannies
pvp autism, twitch emote spammers, stoners, furries, edgy neckbeards

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are there even wolves in tirisfal glades?
I think this guy is just lyin

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I would bump demonology lock up with affliction because the raiding spec for locks is actually a combo of affliction and demonology. The spec actually ends up going quite a way down the demonology tree for demonic sacrifice. It’s to bad warlocks have such garbage threat mitigation otherwise destruction would have been very viable in the raiding world.

>just skip straight to wotlk
>the same thing but with more faceroll

there are those undead dogs

>the same thing without all unecessary autism*

They're like the second mob type you fight in the zone

thats my boys, retard strength

What autism? Having to do a couple dungeons once for attunement?

Well said. Sharding makes sense in starting zones due to the bottle neck effect but that’s the only instance it’s good for.

>and then drop pretty quick to a few 100k and then hold steady.
Why this number? Do you admit you're just pulling shit from your ass

idk, I don't think I would confuse those dogs for 'wolves'

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I think I wanted BC, not this boring shit-designed patch.

There are people actually wanting to go into hellfire again. I think their parents beat them up every Saturday.

I think someone randomly assigning the classes would have a good chance at making a more accurate one.

Explain the hundreds of thousands of private server players

As I said it’s just the number I think it will drop to, it’s also based off the amount of people that consistently played the nost private server but that really only gives us a small idea of how many people will play because I’m sure there are many people that wanted to play classic but didn’t want to deal with private server shit. As I said I could be completely wrong but that’s just my guess. Don’t know why you gotta get all hyphy

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>that consistently played the nost private server

Just a little over three weeks.
Feels like this summer is passing by in a flash.

if they ever go down the OSRS route, it'd be cool if they reworked Outland as a post-Naxx patch. BC had a lot of bad, anti-vanilla mechanics, but Outland is still the best continent in the game, and it'd be a shame to let it go to total waste

>Game is not even out and it's already dead
What went so wrong bros?

they shouldnt add more land. keep the world as is. just open up karazhan, and other unused raids

outland was hot garbage even northrend was better

I heard they had like 20 servers during the stress test but had to reduce them to only 2 because nobody was participating, is that true? It's not a good look for the game if it is.

>but Outland is still the best continent in the game

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Imagine believing in 2019 blizzard

>Nothing in Vanilla was an accident. Why was leveling fun? Why were dungeons fun? Why did people explore more? Why did people chat more? It's not because people were friendlier and more innocent. It was good game design.
Pretty much all of these are because the game was new, not because of design choices.

Classic will eclipse R*tail

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people hated outlands from day 1, its the most hated zone

reddit post tldr

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i love classic wow i cant wait to play with [streamer] and gift him my allowance kuppa lol

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And why is that?

Course he's not right. It's arrogant as hell. Telling other people what they like and what they enjoy.

It's idiotic.

I played on a private server for about 4-6 months well after her said that, so he wasn't right, not going to play classic now anyway because I've played it out again for a while and blizzard can fuck itself anyway for being so full of itself

Who /PoMPyro/ here?

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He was right that people didn't want vanilla made by current-year Blizzard.

It was obvious from the start that they'd just fuck it up anyway.

>Outland is still the best continent in the game,
Holy fuck you couldn't be more wrong you obsessed boomer sockshitter fucktard. Everyone and their grandparents were steamrolling trough so they can finish it as quickly as humanly possible to leave it behind. There was a constant outrage about how badly it was designed (even in Wotlk people would gladly PAY to skip it, they rather spammed dungeons, which were single corridor shit too, but it was still better. The very fucking moment everyone hit 68 everyone jumped on the boat to northrend), it looked like shit, the flying was shit too, the quests were incredibly badly designed. Then there were some meme PvP zones nobody cared about.
But yes you completely forgot how you waited 30+ mins for every single plank next to a catapult.

How to fix retail:

>fire Christie Golden
>fire Ion Hazzikostas

And then

>remove LFR & LFD tools
>remove all crossrealm functionality except maybe BGs & rated Arenas, merge dead servers and prioritize faction balance
>revert talent system to wrath with more tiers, 110 point talents
>revert class design to wrath with hybrid spec design choices and unified class abilities rather than completely different toolsets for every spec
>mixed dungeon design, more mega dungeons like BRD and less 20-minute linear runs
>remove difficulty setting toggles, meaning no heroic or mythic. Instead difficulty progression in raid tiers with ulduar-style activated mythic difficulty. Heroic difficulty baseline, no easy normal mode.
>tier sets reinstated
>titanforging removed
>kinder-egg random gear rewards removed. Every boss has a set loot table with drop percentages for specific items that act as a BiS
>gear items do not change with spec
>spec change on the fly removed. Spec change at class trainer for a price
>flying mounts removed
>achievement system removed
>microtransactions all removed, no character boost. Heirlooms removed.
>old world reinstated, cataclysm revamp reverted for 1-60 content.
>no more personal loot, master loot / group loot reinstated.
>battle pet system removed.
>toy system removed. Increased void storage for players to keep their shitty items.

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Can't wait for a million sub boost for 1 month and then a drop off for 2 months. People don't even understand how badly no-bgs fucks with normal players.

>But yes you completely forgot how you waited 30+ mins for every single plank next to a catapult.
I'm amazed to see anyone complain about this in a Classic thread. Aren't we supposed to pretend that waiting in lines and fighting over spawns is "fun"?


Why do people still think modern WoW can be fixed? Have you played this trainwreck of a game? Like honestly, it's such a goddamn mess I've never seen anything like it.

Blizzard's expansion system was never sustainable and looking back was very poorly executed. Every few years you have a new xpac that comes along and completely invalidates everything before it, creating more and more "legacy content". Blizzard makes almost zero effort to fit this content into the larger WoW experience, turning what used to be high level content into a mindless experience grind so you can get to the "real" game. This exacerbates the already existing problem of "endgame is THE game" which didn't exist in Vanilla, causing the majority of the game's content to be ignored and the community to obsess over the part of the game that has the least amount of experiences to offer.

On top of this you have Blizzard continually phasing game mechanics in and out every expansion with no consistency whatsoever, so new players experience this incredible level of inconsistency while leveling. Player retention has dropped significantly over the years because you can't just tell a new subscriber "Have fun bro, by the way literally nothing you do matters until you hit max level" and expect them to keep playing. Even if they do make it to current expansion content, they will immediately be swarmed with quests and realize they have even more legacy content to grind through to get to the current patch everyone is playing.

So on the one hand you have an ever-changing game that can't find it's footing, and on the other you have this never ending pile of outdated, useless old content that has no real place in the game. It's no wonder that most players only grind for cosmetics now, that's the only thing that stays with you forever at this point. Your power level, gear and even your spells could all be gone in an instant by the next update. You might as well just go back to Vanilla.

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I wonder (((who))) wrote this

That doesn't mean that people don't want these things.

This bait is pristine

Everyone understands that Classic will peak and then taper down to a smaller population. But what nobody seems to understand is that Classic will now have an official home where the hardcore, dedicated players can enjoy this master piece for decades to come. Both Warcraft III and Classic are games I’ve been playing for nearly 20 years, and will continue to play until I die. I don’t care about how popular they will be after Classic and Reforged. What matters is that we have an officially blessed version that is up to date with modern systems. Blizzard 00’s games have aged like fine wine and us 90oomers will continue to enjoy them until the end of time.

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only 1 more month before classic niggers leave my private server
Have fun playing your "vanilla" experience with these aids-inducing asmongold followers and le epic MAGA shitposters

exactly. i can literally just keep playing until i have full t3, even if it takes 4 years

Agreed. Really hope they don't do classic expansions and fuck it all up again. I don't mind if they do add to it or fiddle around and stuff but just don't invalidate everything like they did with all the gear in TBC. That was dumb as hell.

Or if they do, at least do it on other servers and leave classic in tact.

Have sex.

>FFXIV is the best "modern" MMO on the market
Sometimes I really hate Yea Forums. But then I remember they must be newfags.

you don't seriously believe that activision is going to keep the servers up after blizzard is dissolved... right?

Go on then, user. What do you prefer?

Blizzard is not going anywhere, kiddo.

>icons blown up

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Yes. Turns out I wanted TBC

ditto, which is better stoneform or shadowmeld for hunter

shadowmeld is fun

yea but is it more useful than stoneform, say for dealing with rogues and stuff

meld, hunters already shit on rogues without stoneform

hunter already has tools to deal with rogue, it's overkill, shadowmeld can help you get kills against every class and it has other uses, also wisp form is underrated. most good endgame weapons are bow crossbow too. i'm a bit biased against dwarf in general

Even EQ is still around. WOW was 20 times its size in players. WOW will forever be the "thats still exist" game.

absolutely nothing wrong with cross-realm BG. if you played in vanilla you would know how long it would take to find a game without it. not only that you always faced against the same team if you did a pre-made.

also cross-realm BG were in vanilla


Attached: ragnarok-online.jpg (800x450, 126K)

Bad games always have the angriest communities
Prove me wrong

Easy shadowmeld.

>can ambush people
>can avoid being ganked, corpse camped
>if you drop out of combat during a fight and there's a caster casting at you, you can shadowmeld midcast to avoid it
>if you need to reset a fight, you can trap, run away, eat/drink and shadowmeld, giving you several extra seconds of eating/drinking compared to dwarf
No BGs in the first two phases and shadowmeld is very valuable in wpvp. Wisp is pretty good in wpvp as well since you'll be corpserunning a bunch.

Stoneform helps you kill rogues better.

I want this instead

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I get to enjoy Classic WoW AND it will most likely influence present WoW's design - that or it will become a whale ghost town for teenagers who love cosmetics and the main playerbase will just be playing classic. No matter what, this rerelease will be a lot of fun and a good experience for nuBlizzard. Even now, after everything, I have hope in them...

How is this bait? When some incel who poopsocked to 60 ganks and corpse camps lower level players who can't fight back it is THEFT! They are stealing game time the other player pays for, since they are unable to play the game just sit there dead. This is the great flaw in your so precious world PvP bullshit. I don't have time to be wasting being some incel's source of power fantasy masturbation. Get your rocks off on someone who is stupid enough to expose themselves to your bullshit. I'm rolling pve only and I encourage everyone with an IQ higher than a jar of mayonnaise to do the same. PVP DOES NOT BELONG IN THE OPEN WORLD! THIS IS WHAT INSTANCED BATTLEGROUND SETTINGS ARE FOR!

Honestly I just want to break peoples perception of vanilla pvp class strength and quit after failing to do so.

How can you still support this racist bigoted uneducated homophobic transphobic xenophobic Islamaphobic lying cheating daughter fucking pedophile piece of subhuman shit?

>Why do people think it was such a hit?
Because it was the first casual mmo, and it had enough name and money behind it to snowball.

For the Alliance!

Bro the guy made a mistake. Let it go.

stupid dumb retarded fucking warrgins

I will shit down your throat pipe directly into your stomachs and you'll fucking like it.

Based druid reference dump
Tanking endgame content
Farming in heal spec
Farming lashers in dm
PVE spec = PVP spec
KILLING named quest ELITES SOLO /w appropriate gear @ level.

This is exactly it. While I didnt play on private servers because I detest having the chance of everything wiping, watching people play classic reminded me how fucking GOOD Vanilla was.

If anything Vanilla has 1 flaw which is some specs are UTTER trash, but everything else is fantastic. One of the best things about Vanilla was its pacing in general. At first you are getting levels, talent points, getting your first greens, and doing simple quests and dungeons. Then you hit around 30-33 and you fuck off to STV.

The first real highly populated+contested zone which you were about to spend the next week in or more. You slowly work your way down STV and end up in Booty Bay, one of the first MAJOR hubs that have horde and ally. Soon you are 40 and finally get your mount, this is when slows down, BUT, its also when blues start becoming more common, drastically improving your character instead of flat out leveling faster. Dungeons are now more grand, and the world is far more open to you. All of this type of shit is so fucking well paced you never feel like what you are doing is worthless.

You dont feel like you have to rush max level like you do today, especially when a new Expac hits, because everything between 110-119 is a fucking useless waste of time because of how drastic it changes at 120. Vanilla had blues from dungeons that some were BiS until fucking AQ40. Raids never really made past raids or dungeons worthless at end game, except Naxx but most couldnt do it.

>Why do people think it was such a hit?
Same reason Fortnite is: right place, right time, right advertising, recurring play incentivization and social aspect.

Have based.

Yes, I do, a lot, until TBC


>Casual only
>Hardcore only.
>Meme only
>You hate other people just a little bit more than you hate yourself.
>Chad DPS
>Brad DPS
>Chad Healer
>Brad Healer, /pol/ edition
>Brad Healer, dindu edition

>You have no personality
>You have no personality and want people to like you.
>You have no personality and want people to hate you.
>Autistic slut regardless of gender.

>Proud retard
>brick wall personality
>didn't really think about character creation that much lol
>Absolutely shameless

Reading through the wow threads makes me wonder if even 10% of the Yea Forumsermin retailers played vanilla. Go back to your containment streams and keep asmon's dick clean, he didn't do shit in vanilla either even though he had a copy.

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What a boring list. Stop posting.

This isn't about entertainment. The reason it's terse is because it's supposed to be 100% accurate. I could write paragraphs for each one but this is far more effective because the readers won't get lost in small details and know exactly what will result in the most enjoyment. If you are not able to choose from a list like this then you will never be able to choose. My mistake was writing it in capslock, which attracts boring faggots like you to assume it's written as a joke to try and drag it to your level. I'm sorry, I was just in a good mood.

Bears cant tank

You lost me at transmog. I don't want to play your faggot dress up and collection sim. Also TBC was shit. All of retail wow is shit. Go back to your safe space.

You are a weak zoomer and not wanted in classic anyway.

Have fun losing to druids 1v1 constantly.

Now that's a funny post. Thanks user!

Ret paladins do fuck all DPS and their spec has shit utility beyond the baseline Pala spells and the only reason to take an spriest is for shadow weaving, which can be applied with a 0 / 31 / 20 mind blasting hybrid build, so what the fuck?

Why does anyone worry about TBC or post naxx content? Chances are day of the rope will come by then.

it's something to talk about other than theorycrafting or reminiscing

Can pallies tank well in TBC?

My guild had a paladin tank MT in TBC so yeah
They're really quite good in TBC. It's when they reformed the Paladin tank spec to be a viable one instead of some niche afterthought. They specialize in AOE tanking, they're fantastic for 5 mans and 10 mans. It's one of the reasons I loved TBC so much: it opened up slight hybridization with the same systems that classic had. My real dream is for TBC servers, not classic ones.

TBC: Hybrid classes and off-specs for specialized classes have niche roles
>Spriest: mana battery
>Paladin tank: AOE specialist
>Druid tank: AOE specialist
>Druid cat: DOT specialist
>Shaman melee: burst specialist
And so on
But none of them outclassed the actual DPS classes. It was a great system because you could pride yourself on the output your niche filled. I know for a fact that Spriests with great mana regen were highly valued and thought very highly of.

Those classes have a fine niche in classic. It's called healing.

>t. didn't play TBC

>I think when he said it wow was not fully turd yet
Didn't he say it during WoD, considered at the time and even during Legion the lowest point in WoW's history?

I think you missed a big point though: WoW was the first MMO that wasn't a fucking dick to the player. When you died, you didn't lose experience or die permenantly (if you check D2 stats, almost no one played on hardcore mode compared to regular). It didn't have everything be absurdly expensive and perma-breaking gear. It didn't build the entire game around being an autist crafter like SWG.

Meme spec fag nice

t. Esfand

Hunters are for gold farming, everyone knows this.

Spriest niche mana battery and warlock dps booster with shadow weaveing and can be a viable dps if u use all runes/pots/flasks/bis etc and play like a boss, pally tank and druid tank is lol but can be used in dungeons with enough performance to heal in raids, druid cat is actually viable with the use of a blue lvl 40 blue shirt with an energy shapeshift effect and a farmed +dmg 3 use only weapons from gnomeregan, melee shaman is a meme but with cookie cutter items is actually insane. All of these will be viable in classic purely from a pve perspective

the boots dont have any armor on it

great post and agreed, ive played on vanilla wow 1x rates private servers for 8 years. I hate those that say youll be bored in a few months. Bitch people still play boardgames that are hundreds if not thousands of years old.

Did you watch his stream? It's not a joke you autismo. He just says
>"it's supposed to not have armor? Oh well. I am sure they'll figure it out."

anyone else think private server players are the most annoying fuckers in this community?

I like how they all got exposed by Blizzard in that huge "not a bug" thread.

>tfw the guy who used to post webms of him reck bombing people with a /sit macro disappeared after that thread came out

Honest thoughts on /ourguy/ Tips?

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Talking TBC lad, not vanilla, you get me

>a scammer is the face of classic wow
the irony

>shitskin scammer

>Tons of people play a free game for free

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Look at this plebeian Tauren Warrior abusing his massive hitbox.

Uninformed here, what scam did he do?

No. The problem is they are still pricing it at $15 a month.

For $5 a month it would explode.

>all free games have high playercounts, especially the ones you need to illegally accquire
ever seen steamcharts, based retard?

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Vanilla WoW is one of the best games ever, you can have literally no content but the classes are so perfect to play that is is enough, theres a world you can create your own adventure and literally have a WAR(craft) with the enemy faction wich was the real endgame fighting for resources (mine nodes, herbs, world bosses, territory, etc)

And of top of that people werent scared of fighting ( doing PVP ) because it was natural, not forced like arenas or bgs

>add layering
>heh it seems like you really dont ^)

>He doesnt know
Blizzdrones are ok with sharding now

Dont fall for drood propoganda. You will end with inferior class which has 1 raid spot in 40m raid, cant dps, cant tank, cant heal, cant die in pvp(but cant kill either), and only exsist to buff/debuff in raids and carry flags in wsg.

There's plenty of other free MMOs.

It only proves he was right tho. Drones fell for sharding meme, next step in their meaningless exsistance is quiting by levl 20 since game too hard and tedious. Shame for people who wanted real vanilla, but we still have pservers so whatever really.

>The classes are so perfect to play

In what fucking reality? Most classes had one fucking functional spec and all hybrids had to heal..period. There were three tank specs and only one class ever got to tank, fire mage was a goddamn joke in raids, any rogue spec aside from combat swords was utter dogshit for most of the game, etc. The only time you got to play something different is if you were the lucky snowflake in that guild that thought having one goddamn shadow priest was a good idea.

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There is 2 options, sharding or 3 hour long ques, it will be gone after the first month so u will have ques anyway but it's necessary to mitigate the asmondrones they already confirmed it will have a cool down so you can't exploit it for gathering, world pvp

If they added sharding, then what's the point? You're just playing a dumbed down version of retail?

None of those games were shilled as hard as WoW private servers were. When you have dozens of retards on sites like this going on about how hip and underground their secret classic server is then ofc you're going to get people running in to see what the fuss was about. I've been playing WoW off and on since 2005 and I'll be damned if I ever go back to that trash fire....gve me the BC-Firelands era or MoP and maybe we can talk.

Classic's only purpose is inflating sub counts with minimal effort. If they can get some hype for their dying franchise just by throwing a few programmers at some old code then they might as well jew it for all it's worth. All that matters is helping retail in the long run, so having cclassic as a seperate purchase was probably never even discussed.

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Well that's their loss. I guess they didn't want to have to admit that classic might have been more popular than the current expansion. Now they will get to say "I told you so" when nobody plays classic.

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>I want vanilla
>But I cant handle ques to play actual vanilla instead of torn apart abomination of legion backport
You think you do

I understood some of those words
Fucking nig---

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stoneform is great, and even though guns aren't that great the dwarf skill bonus makes decent ones awesome. especially that one from AQ40.
Nelf is just for ganking/T&A

Guys, I want to grind to 60.

How effective is this route?

I don't see any initial flaws. Anyone that has experience with vanilla grinding can chip in and give me pointers? Gonna be an undead warrior.

>Just do dungeons.
No I hate people.

>Just do quests.
No I hate alt tabbing to look up what to do and I hate the idea of a "quest."

Is this a good route for 1-40 grinding?

Attached: undead warrior.png (461x587, 544K)

Yeah man, it's the low traffic taiwanese cave painting boards' massive advertising schemes that've tricked thousands from all over the world into spending hundreds or thousands of hours of their lives playing a game they actually don't like. F2p mmos like tera and rift NEVER had this kind of shilling prowess.
Your brain is literally rotting.

Attached: 1538810357792.jpg (600x401, 52K)

>Massive advertising schemes
I know you're a retard but do you understand how many dumbass kids come here and play any and every thing that even sort of looks popular? Tons of lurking idiots just eat up any trend Yea Forums shills...and Nost was shilled up our asses for years.

You can explain it any way you want but a bunch of idiots playing a decade old solved game for free doesn't make it a good game by today's standards.

>Get banned for being a faggot avatar
>Dodge and comeback pretending to not be you

Try to imagine that you're some failed attempt at a internet personality with a whiny high pitch voice.
You go to Yea Forums to try to shill your pathetically bad content and personality.
Being some fat arse with swole in your name.
Being so unliked in threads you shill in that everyone wants you dead.
You come to every thread attempting to even grasp at views on your already nonexistent channel.
You reply to yourself as a way to get eyes on what you say. And you say retarded shit just to have people call you a retard.
Your channel is full of "Alpha Male" but you're a Beta squeaky voice faggot that no one cares about.
You go to any wow classic related threads on any board shilling your dead channel while trying to push you're a alpha redpilled "male" that once trolled a minecraft server.

Bro, I just wanted to know if this grinding route was effective. I saw in the video he shitposts here in his free time. Does he... really shitpost?

You have no idea how small Yea Forums really is, do you? Try looking up some sites on alexa or something, bumblefuck. And please provide any kind of source for your dumbass claims that most of the private server players must be from Yea Forums. Have you even played on them?
You're talking out of your retarded ass and you have no idea how stupid you're making yourself look.

sharding and streamers aside it'll be pretty funny watchin everyone minmax and truestrike shoulders are BiS and people fight over it and all of the wonder is stripped from the game because even people who haven't played vanilla are going to know mechanics that it took us months of trial and error to figure out

>Implying it was just Yea Forums
Reddit, Gamefaqs, any other shitty e-forum...etc

You still haven't explained how vanilla, by design, was anything resembling a good game. It was free and it has that "like grandma used to make" nostalgia all you fags want....that doesn't make it good. Now that people have to pay for it again it'll be forgotten by this time next year.

>All of these Rogues, Warriors, Paladins and Mages talking shit and acting so tough
>I will be an Undead Shadowpreist

You people have absolutely no idea what's coming for you

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>s warrior
>a healers, pure dps classes
>f hybrids
>z druid

i know your ass won't have any gear and will be forced to swap specs to be a good little healslut.

Or maybe you want to pretend you will be the BASED overly geared Spriest of your dreams just 1 shotting warriors and noobs.

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I’ll hit level 20 in less than 12 hours. (: probably less than 10 cause of the sharding meme.

All sites you mentioned serve as echo rooms for watered down 4chin memes. Classic was definitely memed into relevance.

i watched the video.

k so ur not gonna get 60 fast if u grind but he is right the mobs outlined drop good loot and ez 2 kill. u should be able to stay safe from ally if u keep 2 those zones also nice 2 be near town for selling of greys

but why does he use white item and shit green?? he could be fastr if he not use crap gear lol

vry nice style of showing mob on map alongside vid i think great guide i tried 2 google better place to grind but hes right everywhere else 2 crowded hard 2 fuken find good grind spot IMO

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>Resto Druid A
>Feral lower than Prot Paladin
>Prot paladin above F

Please, I play a Druid and resto is terrible hps and Feral is a niche ot but the single best dungeon and tps tank.

I’ve healed and tanked every raid in vanilla and full cleared Naxx as a hybrid heal/tank heart of the wild build.

Your argument was it only has players because it's a free game, you alzheimer mouthbreather
And you're still trying to ignore all the dead free mmos or other games that without a shred of doubt had more hype and advertisement, but sill died out?
Now you're gonna shift the discussion to me having to explain all the game's good points to you? Just admit your loss and keep hugging retail untl that sub count gets closer to zero, faggot.

Stop replying to yourself you sad faggot.

listen kid i not him kk see i not type in perf grammur liek him stupod doo doo haed.

The answer is it was the most casual MMO at the time.

Sure, blizzturd feeling threatened enough to shut down private servers was just the culmination of epic memeing. And anyone still playing past level 40 on a p server is under the influence of meme mind control, just robotically shilling the game further on their huge threads and subreddits, eclipsing any marketing campaign undertaken by other f2p games that have crashed and burned.

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>Your argument was that it only has players because it's a free game
Yeah? The fact that people are bitching about it being 15 dollars a month in this very thread is just proving my point. It was popular because it was nostalgic, shilled to death, and 100% free. People couldn't take two steps without stepping in Nostalrius™ brand shit so they went to see what the fuss was about because they literally had nothing to lose.

I'm not going to defend retail, Legion was a half decent glimmer of hope but they literally only brought over the negatives in the current expansion and I've long since jumped ship till they get their shit together. That said...WoW was at it's best from the beginning of TBC up until the Firelands raid and I stand firm on this, it was an unbalanced mess until BC happened that we only remember fondly because it was the first half decent MMO at the time.


>warriors with rend
>druids with moonfire
>hunters with serpent sting

Why do people pretend to understand vanilla raiding again?

based tranny bro

>And anyone still playing past level 40 on a p server
Whole 20k-50k of players worldwide? Do you have any idea how little it is compared to retail even nowdays when retail itself near dead?

You're STILL completely failing to prove a point about it being worse than any other f2p game it would have to complete with if it was only played 'because it was free'.
You can keep running from your dumbass post all you want with your wanking to tbc or whatever instead, no one cares.

Attached: crymore.jpg (257x300, 25K)

Do you have any idea how much that is for a 2004 game you have to go out of your way to make an account for and torrent?

Or google drive or mega, it takes like 1-2 minutes to download classic wow with modern internet. You're not a 3rd worlder, are you?

>make an account
Takes 10 seconds, don't even need to validate email.

>"I'm not going to attempt to prove you wrong in any way, I just win"

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I wasn't going to anyway

You're conveniently forgetting how it's not advertised on shit like steam or twitch either, or being 1 click away, which is the norm, or being illegal, which a lot of players do care about. If you think p servers are as available as other f2p games you're high.

Attached: No.gif (500x200, 662K)

>keeps retreating from first argument like a chickenshit
>uhhh, you're a brainlet
And yes, I have proven you wrong about it not jsut being played for being f2p. If you're thinking about you moving the goalpost to a comparison with the expacs, then you should start with some actual arguments about why they're better instead of 'tbc good, more balance'. You fucking suck at this.

>Moving the goalpoast argument
>I totally have proven you wrong
Except you haven't even tried, you're just bitching. Why was it played aside from being nostalgic and free? When the P2P revival tanks you won't have to but I'd like to see an actual argument in the meantime for why a bunch of idiots flocked to a free game that was shilled all over various media platforms for years.

So you're still gonna pretend it was advertised more than the other f2p mmos and games that failed? You're delusional. I've made it crystal clear to your pea brain that it succeeded because of its quality, not your shilling conspiracy bullshit. If you can't even understand that much from all the posts then feel free to keep crying in these threads on launch day.
I'm done here, call your handler when your diaper needs changing.

>"I still refuse to prove anything and I don't fucking have to! I just win!"
Ok friend, you do you.

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Home...just like the old days bros

b-but it was the beta

Even when it's larger I still don't know wtf the resto shaman icon is supposed to be

>Guys, I want to grind to 60.
>How effective is this route?
>I don't see any initial flaws. Anyone that has experience with vanilla grinding can chip in and give me pointers? Gonna be an undead warrior.
>>Just do dungeons.
>No I hate people.
>>Just do quests.
>No I hate alt tabbing to look up what to do and I hate the idea of a "quest."
>Is this a good route for 1-40 grinding?

This game, or this thread, must be dead. Dude asks a legit question and everyone just calls him a tripfag. I mean, I'll admit I kek'd but holy fuck you guys are letting Benji live rent fucking free in your heads.

Have sex.

Jesus, do you have to shill your crappy videos in every thread? At least stop trying to dupe people into watching your videos by acting like you're not him.

You do the same shit every thread and everyone sees through it.

It WAS the beta. Beta was already confirmed by devs to have much lower thresholds for layering because the population was so limited and they needed to test the technology.

Attached: 236246.jpg (708x673, 114K)

>I hate people.
>I hate the idea of a "quest."
Why are you even playing an MMO?

Attached: whatareyoudoing.jpg (600x623, 85K)

no one gives a shit that wow vanilla is coming back except for all you cucks that got slapped around by blizzard for the last 5-8 years

just fucking move on

didn't play beta but wasn't it just one server? of course they sharding will be bad, the entire playerbase won't be in 1 server on live.

If you stopped trying to shill your vids in such a scumfuck manner people wouldn't despise you so much.

I think they had a PvE and a PvP server, not sure about RP I wasn't in the beta either.

It's not my fucking video I just saw it on youtube recommended.

ok benji


>so uh are we going to do some pvp as a guild?
>kill faction lords?

Attached: 1353685595638.gif (353x209, 2.62M)

Stupid themeparker. You go PVP because if you don't have to start the raid from the capital in fear of being ganked by some asshole guild, you didn't really raid.

Stop obsessing over some youtuber. If you want to talk to him so bad he literally has a Discord in his youtube info box thing.

>tfw blackrock mountain PvP
PvE players will never know these joys.

Attached: blackrock-mountain.jpg (1280x1024, 245K)

ok benji, nobody wants to talk to you we just hate your obnoxious shilling. it's always the sames shit "hey guys just found this vid is this guy good haha"

Have you ever once read anything you've typed or written out loud? Did you go to school?

I was thinking of rolling an undead warlock.

Couldn't find much of grinding guides, but saw this:

Is it any good?

Attached: warlock wow craft cool guy eh.png (728x586, 791K)

you're looking at this only through the perspective of raiding which is relatively a small percentage of the entire experience of vanilla. your points mean nothing to people who primarily enjoy leveling, farming gold, collecting rare stuff, pvping, and especially community shenanigans. plus, for the most part, it literally doesn't matter what you play. outside of some parts of AQ and Naxx, the game is piss easy to the point where you can be successful in most aspects of the game without even thinking about where to spend your talent points.

you just gotta avoid the streamer servers. hopefully they provide enough server variety where this isn't an issue

No one cares about your shitty video.

And yet they are putting sharding in classic wow, so you can forget about good game design.

>I was thinking of rolling an undead warlock.
>Couldn't find much of grinding guides, but saw this:
>Is it any good?
Not my video but it's pretty fukken good bro.

>Not my video but it's pretty fukken good bro
Lmao shut the fuck up benji

Broooo it's a fukken good video d00d like totally bruh I'm not benji you're being kind of a skitzo not everyone that links popular youtuber vids is that youtuber brooooo.

>popular youtuber
>averages 300 views
>same links posted in every thread for months
>same reddit spacing in every "totally not benji" comment asking about guides
>have to filter through several pages of grinding routes on youtube to find your videos

This post gives me an idea on what it will be like....

Attached: 1564018166922.gif (288x377, 1.83M)

Are the quests worth reading in vanilla? I didn't pick up WoW until cata.

WoW Classic was good, but I have little doubt there some changes could be made to make it better.
Mainly things that remove a fucking boatload of busywork or improve quality of life.

>More than 16 debuff slots
>The ability to change specs for less that the cost of two firstborn
>Multiple bank slots to remove the need for 6 bank alts
>Higher stacks of ammo so huntards don't resort to melee at the end boss
>The ability to gain additional soul-shards on kill
>Enough drops of high-level herbs so one guild member doesn't need to farm 40 hours per week for elixirs before the raid
Shit like that.
I know thinking of doing anything to 1.12-1.14 is like pissing on the commandments to some people, but the biggest complaints I had when I was playing was the busywork.
Yes, you need some sense of work and commitment in an online game, but at the endgame a guild would be doing busywork for dozens of hours before a progression raid. That needs to be scaled back in a small amount.

Also more than 16 slots so you could actually have more than 1 person of each class using more than 30% of their abilities per raid.

Everyone has always known that classic will fizzle out after a few months and just be the same min max nerds who have been playing on private servers for 10 years. So it will be successful by that metric sure, but nothing beyond that

You are a real piece of shit Benji. Stick to sucking dick for hotel money you homeless piece of shit.

Only cucks, incels, and autist morons play on PvP servers.

>he plays for the PVE
damn boi how you finding that 1-2 button rotation?

I play a Warlock so I hit a lot of buttons. Also don't worry I'll have a nice comfy time leveling with my bro and getting into shit without having to worry about you incels ganking and corpse camping me. PvE RP servers are the only way to play.

>tfw only want to play classic to level and for dungeon kino
>tfw if I want to get back into raiding I'll just hop into a mythic guild on retail

Attached: idort.jpg (600x709, 23K)

>I play a Warlock so I hit a lot of buttons
>he doesn't know
The warlock rotation is literally curse and shadowbolt spam, it's only beaten by frost mage as the most braindead rotation available

yes within a month there will be a group finder addon, And if blizzard disables/removes the addon then someone will just make a web based alternative.


If Classic WoW is a good game on it's own merits and not because of nostalgia, convince me to play it.

best sum up

carebear fag

these are probably most offputting things, you just know no fun allowed is going to happen

>Playing WoW on a PvE server
>Playing the class with the 2nd most braindead rotation, yet brag about it being complicated

You like MMORPGs that are more "RPG" than Action?
You want to play a game where the gratification does not come quickly, and getting a piece of gear has a lot of meaning?
If so, then play the game.

Wait I think I've played this game before

Attached: RuneScape_2_logo.png (448x147, 39K)

Well, if you enjoy OSRS, then good for you.

>chink bots

stay delusional

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i like him i think he's a nice guy and genuinely just wants to make some good WoW vids, it's pretty crazy how low his youtube views are considering how much exposure he got in the beta, more than anyone else even asmon.

rate wow e-celebs
S Tier
-frostadamus, payo
A tier
-sodapoppin, punkrat, mconnellret
B tier
- asmonbald, tipsout
C tier
-preach, staysafetv

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Hey, that's pretty good!

Useful, too.