>buy game at launch
>drop it in 10 minutes
>give it another shot today
>drop it in 10 minutes
Buy game at launch
>You're born.
>Mother drops you in 10 minutes.
>spend your money on game
>dont play it
wow, how brave
>expecting a sequel of a good game to also be good
Yeah, it is my fault.
>good game
here's where you made your mistake
I’m not sure how you could enjoy red dead redemption 1’s opening and then find 2’s too boring to play for more than 10 minutes. Both games have super slow paced openings.
>buy game at launch
why would you ever do this?
Well consider when RDR1 first released it was seen as more revolutionary which kept interest.
try the online, it's better
It's a game that gets good when you are able to actually play it as a free-roam. The first hour is really on rails.
I played online when it launched and it was shit. Have they improved on it?
I did. It was boring.
Free-roam was also boring.
How did you get to the free-roam in 10 minutes?
As far as Rockstar games go, I think this one is the best and am personally offended that you do not agree. I'm going to call you a faggot now.
Maybe it was longer. I remember going through the mission to kill a legendary bear and it was incredibly dull.
I’d say that the second game is just about equally as innovative as the first. I typically hate sandbox games but I honestly think RDR2 is one of the best games I’ve played.
I’ve always been someone who enjoyed the slow character focused openings of games like RDR1/2 and Yakuza 3 though. Even if you don’t like the opening I think you’ll probably start to enjoy the game by chapter 2, but playing that long might be a big ask if you already hate it since chapter 1 is like 3 hours long. The game itself is around 60-80 hours so it’s not much in the grand scheme of things, but I can see how you wouldn’t want to push through something you’re not enjoying.
Dude that’s like 2 hours in, not 10 minutes. You’re right at the start of chapter 2.
Whatever it is, I was bored out my damn mind.
don’t go into it expecting a stimulating gameplay experience. The game is entirely devoid of deep mechanics. It’s basically just a movie game with extremely good graphics/animations. Once you get through that and turn off your brain, it’s a comfy experience. It took me like two months to really get in the mood to play this game too, but I’d say it was decent.
Okay. What do you want us to say? Either you can try to keep playing to see if it gets better or you can drop it. I don’t know whether you will come around on it or not because I don’t know you personally. I can’t promise that you’ll love it, I can only attest that I thought it was a very good game.
It’s not really a game with a very wide appeal. Rockstar did a fantastic job of marketing it to sell so many copies. It’s a very, very slow paced, immersive cowboy life sim that tells a very character focused story. The gameplay can get repetitive and it still has that typical Rockstar on-rails mission structure, but when you get sucked in literally none of that matters. I played it for around 100 hours and I could have honestly played for 100 more if there was even more story content. If that description sounds appealing to you then maybe stick with it and see if you like it by the end of chapter 2. If you’d prefer to play something a bit more fast paced or with balls to the wall action I’d recommend you just sell it and play something else.
Aside from thinking OP is a fucking ADD zoomer, you're an absolute retard:
>spend money on game
>now you're obliged to play it
If I spend sixty bucks on something that's not worth my while, that's bad enough. Not going to make it worse by forcing myself to play it any longer
It is kind of baffling why they made the beginning such a slog. Games today need to hold your hand and painstakingly teach you every little feature through some thin story-based veneer, just put in a manual.
It’s pretty fucking excellently paced for storytelling purposes IMO. The main aims of the game are to create atmosphere and to tell a compelling story - not to have exciting skill based gameplay. If that doesn’t appeal to you that’s fine.
>Stopped playing the game before it barely starts
Do you have ADHD or something?
To be fair if you can’t stand 20 minutes of no action I don’t think OP would like the game anyway. I think it’s a shame that people feel the need to play every big release that reviews well even if it’s something that doesn’t directly appeal to them. RDR2 is obviously going to be a divisive game because it is designed to be enjoyed by a very specific niche of people and anyone who doesn’t fall in that niche will probably find it boring.
You don't actually play it half the time. You watch it. GTA5 is better in every way despite microtransactions and bad loading screens. The majority of those that play RDR2 are kids anyway.
GTA5 is the worst sandbox game Rockstar has ever made. All of these games have mediocre gameplay, but GTA5 also has terrible writing and characters, bad music, and an empty world to boot.
I think when you make a game, the basis of development is try to make the audience as wide as possible. If I were to hold a video game developing business of that calibur, I would appeal to as many people as I can such as the first game.
Was RDR2 even successful? Lmao. Even if it did sell well, compare the numbers of people who bought it and people who actively play it. This matters because Rockstar lost a lot of faith from people with RDR2 because now nobody truly cares about anything but GTA.
The irony of this post is that GTA5 is primarily beloved by children and that most kids would find RDR2 boring as fuck because of how slow it is and because it penalises fucking around.
>I think when you make a game, the basis of development is try to make the audience as wide as possible.
I highly disagree. Making something that appeals to everyone just results in a bland forgettable product, whereas instead trying to create something good that will only appeal to certain people is what results in the best games. Rockstar is able to sell record setting numbers regardless of which path they take so I’m glad they focussed on making a good game.
>was it even successful?
Yes. It’s the second best selling media product of all time.
>just results in a bland forgettable product
Congratulations. You just described every AAA game out right now. Guess what sells the most? You guessed it. You have to accept that the mass of gamers are braindead zombies.
>create something good that will only appeal to certain people is what results in the best games.
At the end of the day, it's a business that aims to profit. Nobody cares about making games "good" anymore.
>Yes. It’s the second best selling media product of all time.
Did you even read the rest of what I said? I can almost guarantee that if RDR3 was marketed and made similarly to RDR2 it would flop like no other.
RDR1 was great from start to finish. Even the slow burn moments had good gameplay.
The climactic parts of RDR2 are worse to play than the slow burn parts of RDR1.
you sound like a retard that easily wastes his money
Everything in RDR2 isn't even worth doing. Hunting, fishing, bounties, collecting plants, side missions, etc. None of it matters, because you can complete the game with your starting horse and weapons. You can purposely fail missions and the game will even give you the option to skip it.
Regarding the controls, everything that was wrong with GTA5 was implemented in RDR2 and made worse. There's a full second input delay with every action you perform. There's no fluidity whatsoever. Also, pressing RT twice to fire? That's not innovative or "immersive", that's backwards. The controls are clunky in GTA, but when you want to move, run, or climb, you do it instantly like every other videogame, and like every human being in real life. I don't "delay" when I want to move. I simply move. Bad game design.
>bad radio
I agree, worst radio ever in GTA
>bad writing
Definitely. I just think the online is funner so long as you have the account you started with when you first got the game. As of right now the game is technically like a pay to win mobile game. Unless you give 16 hours up every day to grind, you're not going to afford anything.
They're the majority in both games even though it's rated M. There are a select few of people that play RDR2, and they pretend like they don't play GTA. They think it makes them older. It's the same group of people. The amount of griefing proves that.
I think 2 is the better game overall but 1 is certainly great too. The first game is much more fast paced in every conceivable area from story to gameplay, so I can see how some people would prefer it if they don’t have the patience for 2.
>ADD Zoomer
alright...who has the rockstar checklist? the shills are here lol
Posting the checklist filters the paid shills. They hate it. Here ya go
The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist:
>go back to Fortnite
>you have ADD/ADHD
>short attention span
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
>the controls are better than RDR1
>the horses are better than RDR1
>I never had a problem/it's on you
>hypocritically calls God of War a movie game
>claims Never Without One is a crutch, but doesn't want ability cards removed
>nobody complains about x
>it's only the beta (past catchphrase)
>it's a single player game
>reddit spacing
>muh realism
>muh immersion
>angry PC gamer
>lol cope
>it's not a twitch shooter
>nobody cares about the online
>what games do you play
>name a better game
>online review scores
>regurgitated Dutch memes
And their personal favorite
>you didn't play the game
If you think you're arguing with fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.
Oh. You were talking about the multiplayer. In that case, yes, it’s primarily kids playing both. That probably goes for most online games though.
sucks for you. i bought it at launch and loved it. played for at least 200 hours.
try playing in first-person, that's what I did. Makes it control way better.
>Was RDR2 even successful? Lmao.
one of the most successful pieces of media (ie tv, music, film, vidya) of all time. based retard
me with Horizon Zero Dawn although i bought it 1 year after launch and dropped it after 3 hours.
GTA5 is. They made hundreds of millions in shark cards alone. Rockstar realized they couldn't milk their fanboys with flying vehicles in rdr so they keep going back to gta to update and dripfeed. Nobody cares about rdr2 including rockstar, and the population is dying. Sales dont mean shit if you can't retain the playerbase which is what gta5 is still doing.
>drop it in 10 minutes
some of my favorite games i dropped 10 mins in on the first try, then actually got into the game later and really liked it. not claiming rdr2 is good though. i havnt played it and didnt even finish the first one.
That's exactly what I always say and people call me retarded for it. RDR2 is a indie game that randomly stumbled across the biggest developing budget in gaming history.
Literally none of the stuff featured in it panders to mass appeal and you see a shitload of normies be quickly bored by it.
>buy game at launch
>drop it in 10 minutes
>give it another shot today
>drop it in 10 minutes
cringe retard
Congratulations on wasting your money, numbskull
>play rdr2
>find it fun for the first few hours
>eventually get tired of hearing cowboys talk from going from point a to point b, then have s shootout, then repeat
>couldn't be fucked to do the optional stuff
It was ok
You are suffering from depression.
Arthur is looking rough. Is he gonna be okay?
I wonder if Arthur gave anyone else TB since he seemed to contract it so easily.
>ask about pc release date
>probably when the ps5 comes out
>have to wait until winter 2020
Hosea had it and Arthur spent a lot of time with him. And on top of that the guy he beat up for money who had tb spit on him. So I guess he didn't gave someone tb, but he surely weakened the immune system of some of the members.
I don’t remember at all but did he kiss that girl on the date before the bank heist?
That's nearly the same thing for me, but I have played for like 3-4 hours then dropped and never came back. The game User Experience is absolutely trash tier.
I loved it and after I'm done with the game I'm playing I'm going to play through it again and do everything I didn't do first time round. Though I do get that it's not for everyone. It is profoundly slow and that puts people off.
Same here. I bought Dragon Age Origins when I was 18 and didn't played through it until I was 24.
Same with Witcher 2. Bought it in 2015. Only played through it last week.
>>other people's hype keeps me playing
gaul level pleb discovered
>contract it so easily.
Dude literally spit in his mouth
This. Once the honeymoon phase is done you realize how dull and tedious everything is.
You disgust me, using a movie which shows the terror of war as a reaction image on a weeb site. Vile creature, probably a nigger
>pc port hasn't dropped yet
>barely any RDR2 R34 yet
Why does god torment me like this. Just let me see the camp girls naked for fuck sake
>How dare you use an image from a product created to profit from human suffering
Try to be civilized and ask for nude instead.
Do you have ADHD?
Get a refund then, OP is a retard, who buys something, decides after 10 minutes they don't like it, proceed to hold onto the item for nearly 10 months, decide again they don't like it and NOT ask for a refund?
pretty naive to assume he bought a fucking nigger physical copy instead of a superior white digital copy.
>I think when you make a game, the basis of development is try to make the audience as wide as possible.
Not always, some games do cater to specific niches. I wouldn't expect someone who doesn't like kart racers to pick up Mario Kart or Crash Team Racing and have a good time. And that's fine, you don't have to like everything. But saying something is bad because it's not your taste is poor criticism.
All the shilling on Yea Forums made me impulse buy this shit game.
Can't get past the third chapter. Arthur is just so clunky and miserable to control. I seriously hope GTAVI isn't like this.
What board was he browsing? Yea Forums?
Yea Forums
>buying digital on a fuckin console
>I bought Dragon Age Origins when I was 18 and didn't played through it until I was 24.
same. i bought it on pc not knowing anything about it and started a human rogue playthrough but the camera was zoomed all the way out and i thought i was some shitty isometric game and dropped it. gave it another try months later and realized you could zoom the camera in and it became one of my favorite games.
playing video games isn't even worth doing you dumbo
RDR is about experiencing the living world and its atmosphere
>buy game at launch
>pour untold hours into it, completely sucked in
>finish it, move on to other games
>start a new game to get a comfy chapter 2 save for free roam
>end up getting sucked back into it all over again, can't stop playing it
RDR2 is literally the best video game ever made. In fact it's like two games - a linear, story driven game and an immersive, open world cowboy sim. Both are executed masterfully.
I personally loved it but I also loved rdr1 and I'm in general a huge fan of western style stuff, movies and etc. It feels like the best western story that I can take part of. Granted the game can be tedious and slow at times but I think you need to love the genre to really appreciate the game.
But in the end it comes to whatever floats your boat. There's nothing in world that everyone agrees on. I just hope that the negativity doesn't mold someones opinion on the game before they try it out.
>RDR2 is a worse game because R* couldn't exploit it for microtransactions
this is nu/v/