Share your interesting stories or autistic deeds in regards to Video Games Yea Forums?

Share your interesting stories or autistic deeds in regards to Video Games Yea Forums?

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i speedrun


Interesting? idk about that but I did get roasted once on a halo 2 match online as "that 12 year old" Was so funny that I was cool with in retrospect.
>h-hey guiez we gotta go get the flaaagg. It's in their base guize
>"I'm sorry user can your repeat that? I am having trouble hearing you."
>u-uh yeah we gotta got get the flag
>"Im really sorry user one more time. Its just not clear"
>w-we gott-
>"I'm sorry user it's just that I cant hear you with ALL THE COCK IN YOUR MOUTH"
Never let your 12 year old go online with a mic. Or let him idgaf. Shit was funny.

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Fuck off anime gamer

I met most of my greatest friends through PonyTown and the (now ded) Gmod pony RPs. Lots of engineers, surprising amount of girls. I hooked up many of my friends together and some recently moved in together.
Online games truly connect us all. /)

Once I killed my friend for three hours straight in Halo 2 with dual needlers. He's black and I would constantly call him a nigger to his face. He is currently in jail after getting drunk and kicking a 5 year old in the face.

I live diapered 24/7 and specifically wear ABUs while gaming cause I like feeling cute. and I get to sit on my Dom Mommy's lap since I'm a foot shorter than her

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>be you
>want to make youtube video with funny greentexts
>go to Yea Forums and ask for free content

If playing a game where I create my character, I unconsciously start making shit up about them, like giving them a backstory and personality, and "roleplaying" them slightly while playing the game. I do this involuntarily.

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Wowzers user next thing you'll tell me is that you like things when they're symmetrical what a madman you must be

not my personal autism but I had a social slayer match on h3 on sandbox with a micless, two other older dudes and a kid that sounded 12 but the kid, I shit you not, all game long "I've got baaaaaaaalls of steel.... I've got baaaaaaaalls of steeeeel... I've got BAAAAAAALLLLSSS of steeeeel..." and anytime any of us tried talking to him he'd interrupt us with "BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS!!" we all died of laughter that night and I'm a ghost 2spoopy

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that habit isn't super unhealthy unless it somehow leaks out into your social life and you're either weird about it or you start being judged heavily. other than that, i expect a dope ass book from you within the next decade or two. three max you lazy bitch

>Balls of Steel
Someone post the Ventrilo video

>playing JRPG that keeps track of total playtime ingame
>playing for a while without saving
>set the controller down to do something
>come back later
>realize the games been counting time still while im away
>load last save because i dont want false hours in my total play time
It really piques my autism when this happens. I could lose have gone hours without saving but if I racked up fake time fuck it im loading my last save.
Im sure im not the only person that does this though

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>be little girl
>no vidya because poorfag
>beta boy kid in class has pretty much every console because of upper middle class parents
>befriend him and hang out with him everyday
>soon start bullying him into letting only me play and he sits there and watches
>he’s too much of a pushover and lonely to stop me from coming over as I’m his only friend
>somedays bring over the “girly” clothes my grandma bought me that I refused to wear because tomboy pride and made him wear them instead while he watched me play

Wonder how he’s doing these days.

your made up hentai scenarios arent real life, user

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If a game has a character creator I'll always spend half an hour or so making a cute girl and then spend another 2 hours jacking off to her
Then I'll go back and make a male character in 5 minutes and play as him

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I'm the kinda guy that pretends to be a girl online for affection of other guys

it doesn't help that i'm really effeminate irl, i was cursed with being a girly boy

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this didn't happen

I buy videogame if it has cute girl


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i'm not a tranny though, i'm my own.. man

That's not a question you esl faggot. gtfo

I bantered in character in heroes of the storm yesterday with a friend I made

Was pretty fun, talking mad shit to each other, didn't seem to bother anyone either.

Believe what you want

>play game for over 10 hours
>start walking and running exactly the same as characters from the game
>make the same hand motions when idle
>repeat quotes word for word if they match a situation, like swearing etc.

what game?

i browse Yea Forums

This didn't happen.

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2

delete this

mgs v

that doesn't really look like hikage

Fuck off ink finish boo

bad games desu

I'm gonna be perfectly honest,
I only entered this thread to post a cute girl eating pizza!
That's all,
have a nice day!

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>Hand motions when idle
I know it's mega autistic but I can't help but do Ocelot's hand gestures and say "pretty good" when the situation calls for it.

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I say ouch when getting hit with big damage and in racing games tilt the way I'm steering.

i have played and genuinely enjoyed most sonic games. even the really shit ones like the black knight and lost world

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post hand

>be me
>12 year old playing WoW
>somehow get into a top raiding guild during summer vacation
>make the excuse that I'm a mute so they don't hear my girly pre-teen voice on vent
>loot is on FFA when clearing trash
>figure out that if I spam shift-click a mob as it's about to die I instantly loot it faster than anyone
>end up looting all the crafting mats from Molten Core mobs
>at end of raid guild leader asks us to trade him all trash we looted
>I trade most of it but always keep some for myself
>sell it on AH using my alt
>do this for all of summer vacation, make a fortune
>finally they catch on to me
>/gkick me
>summer was over anyway but was still salty being an angsty 12 year old
>one of the officers gave me his login info so I could level his alt while he was at work
>log onto his account
>disenchant his gear full of purples from raiding
>mail all his gold and crafting mats to one of his guildmates I knew also had his account info
>proceed delete his level 60 Mage character with over 60 days /played on it
>guild split up shortly thereafter due to internal conflicts and was never as successful again

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>no mention of shadow
times have changed

Shadow is bad, not on the absolute bottom sonic boom/forces/06 tier games though

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>got back into Space Station 13 after not playing it for 3 years
>turns out it's actually really fun if you can be bothered to learn how to play it
>start to recognise a few of the server regulars
>one such regular (Lepi) seems to be quite infamous for some reason
>not entirely sure why but decide to write an adult fanfiction about them and another crew member
>deliberately made it as crude and offensive as possible
>goes unnoticed for a few days until I leave a copy in the escape shuttle one round
>another regular (Edgar) is disgusted by it and tells everyone about it in after the round ends
>people are now reading it over comms, making announcements about it, requesting it at the library, making passing references to it
>Lepi is seemingly mildly annoyed whenever this happens
>write a second one featuring Edgar
>much of the same happens
>specifically get called out by both of them in OOC for writing this filth one evening
>announce then and there that I'll be writing a third one featuring both
>nearly finished it and is due to be dropped later today
This is the most fun I've had playing video games. Their reactions are priceless and I will cherish them forever.

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i want a pizza so bad

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go get some

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hello future tranny

Fucking hell, I have to see this, that bitch fucking annoys me. When? Post timezone.

I had a pizza yesterday

i want pizza but lactose intolerant
fuck asian genes

Probably around 9pm Bong time on Terry. I'll try not to disappoint.

Why the fuck is the deliverywoman eating my pizza

i cant afford anything other than a mcchicken

>not wanting to share it with her
shiggy digg

Wow its almost like lactase pills exist

I ain't doing drugs just to eat pizza cmon man

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