>a literal playable mass shooting level in a $60 AAA game
I know it's been a decade, but how the FUCK did Infinity Ward get away with this?
No Russian
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No one like russians.
People back then weren't quite as cucked as they are today. Still pretty cucked, but a mass-shooting that was plot relevant is acceptable. Plus they let you skip it if your feefees might get hurt.
it was a simpler time.
this was a p cool level desu
Mass killing a bunch of wypepo would fly even today.
How the fuck were they’re able to blame the shooting on the Americans when they weren’t even covering their identities?
>Not a single non-white in that entire image.
Gee I wonder.
They were calling to ban all videogames over here because of that stage, the shitstorm was glorious.
killing Russians isn't a crime
It was highly controversial. It was heavily edited in Japan and Germany and removed entirely from the Russian version.
would preg
you might be shocked, but in 2009 saying faggot was still socially acceptable. Everyone said it, even those that turned into massive liberals a few years later
they literally didnt? you dont remember the political shitstorm that followed after they released this?
>other countries are cucks and pussies
What's new? America is the only country that matters.
>but how the FUCK did Infinity Ward get away with this?
there was widespread moral panic and pre-sjw reeeee-ing about it, but hey, that's exactly what they wanted, wasn't it.
I guess just cause they left the player for dead there and he was American so when the authorities found him they just somehow knew immediately that he was an American even though he also happened to be a government agent who was deep undercover. It's completely retarded anyway you look at it.
this. it really was a different time.
Grand Theft Auto 4 is another game that couldn't be made exactly the same if it were done today. GTA4's radio is full of disparaging transsexual jokes
>Going back and reading/watching pieces about video games in the 2010s Pre-Gamergate
The difference in tone in just a few months span is unreal. Hell, so much of the media coverage that DmC: Devil May Cry got would have been the stereotypical stuff various outlets would have accused GGers of saying/doing.
Thank you Infinity Ward forever forever being based unlike Gayarch
You're more likely to have killed more people who aren't Russian than actual Russians.
My asshole is whiter than you, mutt.
Please. If this game came out today the reception would be the same. If anything it'd be more lax since Americans are basically desensitized to mass shootings at this point.
Reminder that the entire MW2 plot hinges on an airport not having security cameras.
>released the game with the full level intact, accepted for sale by all major retailers, with only an M rating, no one getting fired, and lots of free publicity
>didn't get away with it
If they tried that today the person who came up with the idea would be fired on the spot. If it somehow even reached a playable state it would be cut by the publisher and stores would refuse to carry the game. It would never see the light of day, much like these Russians.
Yea ok Muhammad
I skip it cause you're forced to walk 70 percent of the time and the other 30 you have to fight FSB with captain america shields, I just don't have fun.
If the shooting was hotline miami paced though...
>My asshole is whiter than you, mutt.
that's obviously a yakut you uneducated mutt
by having a guy with a vision instead of focus-tested focus-testing committee - even AW did not shy away from showing some dark side of human dirty warfare, as opposed to completely toothless IW and minors-friendly WW2 that didn't have a single malnourished prisoner inside of a concentration camp (cuz it's either problematic or betamales genuinely think how those looked when discovered, cuz muh photographs)
i mean sure it would be a mess today but people were still pissed back in the day
it's before anyone cared about politics in video games
It was done very carefully, framing the scenario as something your character was forced to do as an undercover agent, something that the bad guys would have done anyway if you weren't there.
You can choose to skip the level or play through it without killing a single civilian - you can walk through the airport and not fire a shot, but once the cops show up on the tarmac, you have to fight or else the terrorists will gun you down themselves.
The whole level was given a tone that constantly presented the people in the terminal hiding, running, protecting a loved one, a poorly equipped security guard doing what little he could with his pistol to stop you, etc. as you make your way through, very directly presenting it all as extremely reprehensible. Unlike usual game events where you cutting down swaths of bad guys, No Russian did everything to make it as inglorious as possible. It still got a ton of flak at the time and was occasionally brought up years later, but the level was considered by the majority as something done with tact and care rather than done for cheap shock value.
Yes, a Russian, like I said.
because american's like to roleplay that they are on the defence against something, even though they are almost always the aggressor
who would imagine sensibilities change with time
>amerimutt education
Yakuts a pretty based though.
Except they didn't get away with this. I remember my neighbor who was 70 asking me about it because he saw it on the news. This shit was everywhere at the time.
oh no, another lardland education survivor
Well its good to see that you have a strong sense of national pride.
>how the FUCK did Infinity Ward get away with this?
They didnt. It was cut from russian version at the time and they added ability to skip it.
I can tell you're all zoomers because if you were over the age of 9 when this game came out you'd know that infinity ward got a lot of shit for this level when the game was released but it was too late for them to do anything about it by that point.
>all of the innocent civilians are just a couple of models copy-and-pasted dozens of times
the new game may have something similar to it.
Chadfinite ward are coming back.
yeah it's really bizzare with all the revisionists ITT
Hmm so Juan and Tyrone are quintessentially American? Muhammed and Obunga are quintessentially European?
>but how the FUCK did Infinity Ward get away with this?
I'm a zoom zoom who was born in 2000 and I still remember seeing the news give the game shit for this. When was the last time today you saw major national news outlets bitch about specific content in vidya?
>GTA4's radio
Thanks for reminding me
if you were old enough, you'd realise that by the time MW2 got released - digital distribution was in a full swing on all the major platforms and, being a multiplayer, they could easily enforce a patch that cuts any content out, including a problematic level.
They didn't.
The fact that matters is not that they got into hot waters with the level, but that it was even acceptable to think about putting something like that into AAA game.
>Muhammed and Obunga are quintessentially European?
Of course!
>edgy campaign
>vehicles and double sight guns in multiplayer
god I hope it turns out good
They didn't get away with it at all, the amount of shit they got was legendary.
It was MW3 where they nuke half of france, kill a kid and absolutely nobody even blinked - that was pretty surprising.
Ultimately they survived and the game did gangbusters, and the same would probably happen today. People bitch. People always bitch.
Fuck I want to go snowboarding again so bad
>double sight guns in multiplayer
They had those in MW3 too. Still the weakest in the trilogy.
that level was actually cut in russia so the story didn't make sense at all
This would literally not be able to get made today, you utter fucking retard. I'm not talking about pearl-clutching news anchors being outraged on television--the person who suggested the level in the first place would get fired on the spot and it would simple not make it into the game.
>No Russian = The Father
>Spec Ops WP Scene = The Son
>??? = Holy Spirit
So what will be the Holy Spirit of Warcrime Ludo? MW4?
A lot of shit then and a lot of shit now are two very different things apparently. They got some articles published and a few segmemts on msm stations but there wasn't anything like there would've been today
so i've heard but double sights are really fun and it's enough to put the game on my radar
You'd think the fear of constant mass shootings would desensitise you but I guess little man is afraid of video game pixels still
>could it be we've created a social environment that makes young men increasingly mentally unstable and we continually scapegoat this onto popular media instead of tackling the deeper issue in work, school and similar social ventures?
>no, it's gotta be the video games
Ofcourse it won't be the same you fucking coons, back then mass shootings weren't a national sport so when they made it they made it with the intent of making the story feel more dramatic and since shootings were a rare if not an almost non existant thing there was no one to be offended, what they failed to see is that the whole problem wasn't russians shooting civillians but is that it made it an objective for the player to shoot them instead which gave soccer moms the freaks when they saw their little kids shooting civvies.
They got a lot of shit from people who don't even play the game, that really gets me mad. As it was used as a news story, if anything Infinity Ward were probably ecstatic at all the attention it was getting. Hell maybe they planned it.
The real truth is that its fiction and fiction=/=reality.
>it made it an objective for the player to shoot them
That's a lie. You're never forced or even told to shoot any civilians.
it was hugely controversial at the time, don't know what the fuck any of you are talking about
What was Russia's response to MW2?
>but is that it made it an objective for the player to shoot them
you can walk through the entire level without shooting a non combatant, this was figured out like an hour after people got their hands on the game, which came out TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO. The game is TEN FUCKING YEARS OLD and people still prove themselves too fucking stupid to get the plot of a fucking COD game, you play the role of a spy, the operation is a false flag, thus "NO RUSSIAN" as in DON'T SPEAK RUSSIAN BECAUSE IT IS A FALSE FLAG OPERATION, the player character is killed at the end of the mission because the bad guys knew he was a spy
and you miserable fucking shaved apes still don't get a braindead plot, go die
Are you really so stupid that you don't know what "getting away with something" means? It doesn't mean zero people react negatively to it, it means you're able to put it out in the first place and keep it out without retracting or apologizing. That's exactly what happened. They got away with it.
Everyone's so thin.
free hint:
this thread is infested with buttmad Slavas with poor reading comprehension
OP's picrelated makes me want to have another go at Payday and/or watch Heat on second display
tfw cant heel toe for shit and stack it constantly
notice how you don't kill ANY children in that mission.
Russians are born fully-grown, retard.
They aren’t as sensitive as Americans or Europeans when it comes to violence or nudity. The only times when they show signs of sensitivity are the story revisionist plots but that’s about it. No titty or gore has ever been banned.
This entire level was banned there, dumbass.
reminder that the Japanese version fucked up the translation so instead of "Remember: No Russian" Makarov said "Shoot them, The Russians"
That wouldn't be too bad, but the game was also censored so that if you did shoot any civilians (rather than just watching the massacre) you'd fail the mission for it.
That is only level i played.
Not by Russia. It was omitted by Activision without any prompting nor any consideration to Russian laws (unlike its removal in certain European countries), they took it out of the RU version because they did not want to stir any trouble.
I apologize. I am the retard.
Advanced Warfare?
>What is Company of Heroes 2
>was mumbling to hide his accent
It was cut from russian localization on steam and switching to english would bring it back. But that was shortly after release and beyond that, I have no idea.
There was some minor shitfest in the media, but iirc it didn't go anywhere.
They didn´t, there was a massive controversy and the added the option to skip the level before release.
>back then mass shootings weren't a national sport
>when you realize it only made things worse
Before gamergate nobody gave a shit about video games and "gamers".
But no, you faggots could not shut up about women, niggers and lgbt and now everyone who likes video games has to suffer because of you.
>The in-game Russians are presented to be beasts and brutes who attack America wrongly
Multiple earlier missions
>America fucking raids and annihilates a Russian military base over some dumb module
>America starts shootouts wherever they please, including politically neutral in-game Brazil, or for no reason attacking middle easterners
Taskforce 101 or whatever are the real villains, even through they're supposed tobe the good guys
so they did
They didn't. Many people got fired from IW directly because of this mission.
Yeah, shitskin, they are.
>>The in-game Russians are presented to be beasts and brutes who attack America wrongly
Not true, rusmutt
The games journalists just wanted to carry on covering things they loved in an honest and transparent way. They never were political and there was never any form of collusion.
CoH2 was retarded though
A better example would be the Death of Stalin, that British movie that came out like a year or 2 ago
Why do you care about game journos?
Before gamergate media didn't outright shit on games and gamers.
All you had to do was to shut the hell up.
I still don't get what the big fuckin' deal was. It wasn't anything new. The gaming world has been through similar shit with the release of Carmageddon and GTA (and plenty of other earlier titles as well).
I truthfully never found it to be that bad in a sense. Sure I've grown up with plenty of violent games, but I probably felt more uncomfortable when doing the GTAV torture scene for the first time.
autistic and assblasted ecleb
im a creepyapasta story creator nice to meet you all
He's right you know, any asian dude is still whiter than a mutt
Triggered pidorashka
they literally didnt though.
did you miss all the autism and reeeeing from the media?
they even ended up patching in a warning before you play the level and i think in some countries the level is unavailable altogether.
This was before Anders Breivik, James Holmes, Newtown, ISIS, Paris theatre massacre, Dylan roof, trucks of peace, Boston bombing, Orlando nightclub, Stephen Paddock, Brendan Tarrant, San Bernardino, Parkland, Belgium airport, Charlie Hebdo, etc. So yeah, Infinity Ward got flak for it but it was a different climate back then. I don't imagine they will include a spree shooting level in the upcoming MW. At least not one where you're actively mowing down defenseless civilians.
Because it was in Russia. It wouldn't have flown if the level was set in the US.
why would it
Reddit - not firing a shot
Yea Forums - lagging behind to make sure they're dead
Muslims hadn't started doing it IRL yet
You didn't play as muslims
Ameriblubbers would throw a fit.
This sums up most of American history
>media gets mad about something that happened in a video game
What a new and unprecedented situation we find ourselves in
I remember thinking at the time it was the most pathetically edgy thing I'd ever seen in a mainstream commercial game
And it still is