Never forget

Never forget

Attached: The Beginning of the End.jpg (1200x800, 171K)

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Yes, truly a beautiful piece that will be remembered for time immemorial.

I'm glad to have been part of this.

it doesnt matter anymore

In hindsight it was stupid to get angry over this. The world has changed so much :(

Becoming numb to idiocy does not excuse idiocy

A monumental moment in videogames for all the wrong reasons.
I buy into what that 5 hour oblivion retrospective guy proposed, where they were genuinely experimenting with dlc, and didn't intend to create a cancerous industry trend we have yet to escape from.
Not to imply they haven't fully embraced it though.

The beginning of the end. Fuck Bethesda eternally.

It started this hellscape of microtransactions and DLC, that is unforgivable.

sure is, but its not like you can do anything about it

>Yes, I bought horse armor.

Attached: gigachad[1].jpg (1068x601, 65K)


There is, a collective action consumers can take, but they won’t

it would've taken off either way

if you want to blame something, blame consoles for getting internet access

A true gamer horse

It's not stupid. The dlc was tame and appropriate. You wanted your horse to look cool for $5 (mind you this was over 10 years ago). It was for the people who played the game for hundreds of hours.

people will only take action when the most extreme of tomfuckery occurs like with EA's battlefront

>DLC with several hours of content costs $10
>a literal virtual horse skin costs $5
>this is ok
Neck yourself

You're just a spoiled shithead. Might as well go to an upscale restaurant and complain about the portions.

I pretty much agree. $5 was a pretty high price for what you got, but it's not insane to think that the visuals would add $5 in value to the game if it's the kind of game where you can really rack up hours. It's way less unnerving than modern games where they shoot for no limit in spending.

Is there an oblivion optimization guide?


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>Skyrim has mudcrab armor poking fun at this
>You have to pay for it destroying the joke now its just ironic

>comparing literal SUSTENANCE to a coat of pixels on a horse
You fucking retard, morons like you passively accepting shit like this has lead to this slippery slope where every feature of AAA games is being framed within a revenue-generating context

Remember when Bethesda tried a Pay for Mods system with Skyrim, and that one hero made a realistic horse cock mod for $10? Man, those were some crazy times.

Attached: you know.jpg (2048x1584, 262K)

Haha that’s so true brother, hey what have you picked up on the atom shop (R) recently? I’ve been eyeing that SWEET ebony desk for the longest time and it’s finally on discount!

Cringe and Toddpilled

I don't believe this. The math is pretty simple when you think about it.

You can only put so many hours into a product before it needs to ship. Time is money, every hour spent coding is cost accrued - loss of profit. Therefore it makes sense to spend the minimum amount of effort into game production that the company can get away with. On the buyers side, there is demand for the highest quality possible for the same price point. So you can't just release a painted rock.

There was never any self-interested logical reason whatsoever for a company to offer extra product for a fair price if it wasn't going into the base game. Time spent on extra product is time lost for the base game, which is already trying to balance the smallest time commitment/product quality ratio. If it isn't going into the base game then use old assets for an expansion pack. If you're not doing that, and think there's an audience, then start committing to a full sequel. The only reason to do this is to trick consumers into buying less hours spent on coding product for inflated prices with novel selling techniques. Companies had to know this.

They knew what they were doing from the start.

With your depraved logic museums, art, or literally any hobby is worthless and pointless. It was a simpler time when this DLC got released. I can understand the hate on current games (since all companies hire behavior psychologists to maximize DLC profit) but back then it was seen as a cute addition for a hobby. And yes playing games like Oblivion was a hobby since the elder scrolls fans usually played them for hundreds of hours when gaming was taboo.

Please give me a break user. My point is that voting with your wallet doesn't work and we would've gotten to our modern hellscape with or without horse armor. And to me it seems quaint in 2019. That's all.
The optimization part of this is solid.

Didn't care for 99% of the stuff in the graphics section and went with the AI scaled vanilla textures instead but the optimization/stablity side of this guide is pretty solid desu.

Anything that's appealing to casuals is a bad thing.

What's fucking worse is they showed this a year before creationclub was announced, IIRC this was shown in 2016 when they announced the creationkit and console mods and their own first party mod hosting. They sat on it for a fucking year before charging for the shit they used to advertise a free service.

What's remarkable is that this shit has gotten exponentially worse and generally people are perfectly alright with it. Mostly because they're "gamers" who are used to getting a financial ass-ramming from other entertainment mediums.

A lot of people defend cosmetics to the death nowadays too. Guess they just grew up around it

>mfw they literally bragged about pioneering cancerous horse armor tier DLC at E3

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At the time it really was a sort of experiment. Whatever came of it, apparently Bethesda thought continuing the practice is a net positive.

>realistic horse cock mod for $10?
hey user, give me your best "things that never happened" for $10

Horse armor was the inception point that snowballed into psychologists being hired by AAA games to figure out how to go whaling.

the creation club content for skyrim is good. i havent paid a single cent and have pirated it all (an easy google search will bring you to a google doc), but it's still good. the only one i'd consider actually spending my own money on would be Forgotten Seasons. top tier level design

first pay to win microtransaction coming through

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it was just part of the long-term dlc plan
ant it worked