Is Yea Forums enjoying Daggerfall? Let's talk about this game for a change.
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The Chad Dunmner
If you're a pussy, do the little crypts. They're way safer and efficent than regular dungeons.
Posted this in the last thread, but it still has me confused.
>Get a quest in Daggerfall to rid local pawn shop of monsters within one day.
>Middle of the night, skill not high enough to unlock door, wait for it to open
>Store opens, nothing is wrong. Friendly NPCs and no monsters
>Can't even talk to questgiver
A day hasn't passed, unless they meant it can't progress to the next day. Is the quest just bugged?
What if I'm not a pussy? What's the biggest baddest dungeon I can find?
Loiter in the shop you should get them to appear. Got a quest to clear a house for the FG earlier where that happened. Also some houses are more like apartments where two separate floors and shit but they count as the one house.
>quest log is bugged and cannot get any new quests to work, only fix so far is to purge my quest log via console command
>this deletes my main quests
>re-adding the quests via console im not doesnt seem to work in doing them
>ignoring all the above the main quests I do already have are bugged anyways, talking to queen daggerfall after getting her letter starts the first half of her text dialogue and then stops and no way to proceed
>cant do the dark brotherhood because I missed the one chance to join
>cant do any knightly orders because I don't use any of their stats therefore can't rank up
>already done with mages guild
>max health got permanently reduced to 12 due to a bug
>Is Yea Forums enjoying Daggerfall?
Not anymore I'm not. Time to start over I guess.
dunno, that's the point of Daggerfall
I don’t know how you can stomach Arena, I enjoyed daggerfall but found arena borderline unplayable
That dungeon where you find Nulfaga is practically bottomless.
>no overworld to actually explore because it was procedurally generated
>so the core of the game is taking place entirely in dungeons...that were randomly generated
>quests are extremely repetitive, go to dungeon and kill random mob, literally skyrim "radiant-quest"-tier
>dungeon is sometimes a massive labyrinth that takes over an hour to explore
>tons of bugs still from the original, impossible room combinations and NPCs and quests just disappearing
Best I can say is the RPG mechanics are decent, but the game is massively flawed and a lot of it can be boiled down to Bethesda's obsession with some dumb gimmick they have to put in every game. Daggerfall's was "its the size of a real country and has thousands of locations!". Which just filled the game with copy-pasted setpieces randomly mashed together by some algorithm and not human creativity.
>dungeon is sometimes a massive labyrinth that takes over an hour to explore
and that's a good thing!
>What's the biggest baddest dungeon I can find?
All the main quest dungeons are quite large.
Castle Wayrest is the largest dungeon in the game. It's got nine main dungeon blocks, though one of them is the palace area itself rather than part of the dungeon so more like 8 in practice, which is still huge.
Palace Sentinel is the second largest (8 main blocks, effectively 7) and has a cool puzzle with those blue beams you have to get through for the Lich quest.
Nulfaga's "Shedungent" (pic related) has 6 main blocks, although fortunately you get to skip most of it once you learn the password.
Most 'random' dungeons have just two or three main blocks, but some are comparably large to the smaller main quest ones. Just keep doing dungeon quests and you'll run into them eventually.
Main quest became bugged for me too after importing an early classic save. Never got that early letter. Yeah, I'm thinking I'm going to stick to the DOS version for now.
I know it's a lame excuse, but it's just an alpha, the point of this port is to fix all the shit bethesda didn't and offer better mod support/creation to improve the game in the aspect it lacked
Base is still fun tho, good for fucking around for a couple of hours
whats with the increase in Daggerfall discussion, anyway
Dungeon crawling IS the game. I can't understand why zoomers are so obsessed with the overworld, you're not meant to do anything there. It's like their brains shut down just trying to compute the idea of this.
Unity alpha released two days ago
Honestly Daggerfall dungeons are more fun than maybe a couple stand-out dungeons from Oblivion/Skyrim
yeah what is up with that?
>Dungeon crawling IS the game
Then why have such a huge overworld if it's pointless and not fun? A game world itself can have wonders to see, quests, monsters, and dangers just like a dungeon. If a game has an overworld to explore I'd like it to be worthwhile and fun.
but Daggerfall has been out for decades
Or you could just make a new character in the Unity version if it was an early save. It takes like a couple days in game to get the letter.
Daggerfall Unity honestly has less bugs than the original as long as you used DaggerfallSetup and installed the Unofficial Fixes it has since those still work in Unity but it also fixes additional stuff but not yet all of it.
Smaller Dungeons yes or no?
Its not the big huge laybrinths im worried of, what im worried about is getting a literally broken dungeon and not even knowing.
Yeah but the Unity alpha people are playing and discussing now hasn't.
Should I use D.R.E.A.Ms mod(not using it for NPC, they dont look good) but the others look great, its my first time playing this game.
Or should I just go vanilla?
is the unity mod worth it? does it work? is it complete?
I agree that the overworld is a disappointment but also there's hope for mods to fix that. Some people are already experimenting with custom locations, spawning more monsters in the overworld, random encounters and stuff like that.
Still the dungeon crawling is a lot of fun by itself once you get to the point where you aren't struggling to kill each individual enemy.
What mods are you guys using? Installed most of the shit that came with the launcher but it feels like a waste to have this game but not use any mod.
Dungeons are so dark I can actually not see anything 70% of the time
just go vanilla
There's no complete overhaul of every aspect of the graphics yet so no matter what you use, it's going to look inconsistent and jarring.
...Okay then
Use torches
I've only done one dungeon after enabling the setting and I'm not sure if it actually makes that much of a difference or maybe you need to make a new character for it idk.
Its not yet 100% complete but it has
>All core gameplay features now implemented
according to the dev. I think the biggest thing its missing would be the classic UI with the big buttons. Not sure what else is even actually missing.
DaggerfallSetup only includes mods for the original game. You'll have to look on the DaggerfallWorkshop forums for Unity mods. There's a bunch but most of them are kind of WIP.
Honestly go vanilla except maybe for the mod that changes the sky (forgot the name) and possibly the distant terrain mod. Other graphics mods are kind of shitty right now imo.
The overworld is for
>ridin muh horse, muh horse is amazin
>finding random witch covens and summoning devils for laughs
>random vampire and werewolf encounters
>sleeping for free / before a dungeon / escaping the ghost army as a newbie
>seeing if you can swim the entire bay and fighting sea monsters
They went way the hell overboard with it, just like with Arena. In 1995 it was pretty damned cool though.
In America we have the "flyover states" because driving thru them takes far too long and there are not enough points of interest.
it's the ultimate geographic pleb filter.
>snow village music
any particular reason why some items cant be sold to merchants?
Armor can't be sold in most general stores, for example, you need either armor shops or some other types of stores that have nigger propriators
Any suggestions for creating a character?
This is why Morrowind hits the sweet spot with handcrafted loot placement and fun-to-explore overworld
Languages are worthless. The most used skills level fastest, and if they're major or minor skills they make you gain character levels. If you grind up one skill you might get your ass stomped when high level mobs start popping up. Use the questions to decide the class, then get the ebony dagger. Then switch the class to whatever you want afterwards.
merchants only buy the kinds of items they sell
Okay, how was I ever gonna find this secret door in bumfuck nowhere if the awesome 3D map didnt show doorways.
Like, how did shit like this fly back in the day even, there isnt even an indication with some of this shit. Especially when you press a fucking who knows god what(because apparently anything can be a switch or teleport) and something happens somewhere for who knows how long.
I enjoy the dungeon crawling but fuck me.
all right, is this the Unity Daggerfall thingy i ve been watching around here or the og
one from Bethesda ? either way how do I download this.
is it good enough?
Wait leveling up causes high level mobs to show up? So staying low level is OP just like in Oblivion?
To be fair the secret doors have slight texture differences so you can actually spot them in the game world. Mystery switches are ridiculous though. Hopefully there will be a mod that does something about them. Add a sound effect when you're near one or something.
the fuck is that trash? my fucking eyes... straight out of ps1 lol
Don't let the "alpha" state scare you. That's just dev autism.
Download 0.10.3 for your os. Install it. Download DaggerfallSetup and install it with all the Unofficial Fixes enabled and put it in a subfolder of your Daggerfall Unity installation. Open DaggerfallUnity.exe and find your Daggerfall install folder. Changes settings to your liking (there's a fuckton) and play.
It's not the same system where everything levels, there are just thresholds. If you speed level something like climbing and athletics and neglect weapons skills you will get eaten alive. The actual level thresholds for spawns are kind of low though so you can't delay it forever. Some quests also start showing up as you level.
How open is the game? How much shit can I do?
too far?
not far enough
add pissing-chan
Has anyone made a sex mod yet?
you can play with mods and use retro mode at the same time
>when you meet imp in the tutorial dungeon
don't bother with it, just boomer garbage.
>fail spreading wojak memes
>fail shitposting against nintendo threads
>fails trying to make /vr/ hate Half Life
>united both Yea Forums and Yea Forums against bullshit
Kiwifags are desperate
>daedra summoning costs 200k
>can't hold more than 50k gold at once with 100 strength
>doesn't count what's in my cart
How do I pay this bitch.
There's thing called a bank
Get a bank note fool. You don't actually carry gold in this game.
do you carry all your savings in your pocket as well, retard?
after quicksave/loading my way through the first dungeon, i travel to daggerfall then get overwhelmed by the number of topics i can ask from every random passerby, and all those buildings.
So far in every RPG//MMO, or any game in general my modus operandi was to talk to everyone, exhaust all their dialogs, enter everywhere, loot everything, and once i know everything i start to actually progress through the game. In this one, its pretty much impossible to do that and it bugs the shit out of me.
Is there some tell for unique NPCs? are the same buildings/dwellers interchangeable across all towns? (say if i talked to everyone in the mage guild in town A, they would react the same way in every other town)?
And when does the attacks actually "hit"? at the beginning of the swing, in the middle or a the end?
Have to say though, the dungeon was quite spooky and that skeleton nigger was legit terrifying (mostly the sound it makes).
I want to love this, bud so far it appears i'm too casual for it.
its not a game you can breeze through in a few hours
take your time and enjoy it senpai
I didn't think it'd count what was in my bank account.
>Gonna write this witch a check to summon one of the 17 devils for me
I didn't really look at the bank options after I figured out how to dump my gold there.
Guess I'll go give it another look.
>levitate down into scorpion pit in the same dungeon as the king of worms
>float my ass through those fuckers
>find an assassin, kill her and wait to regen magic
>get a random cutscene that i cant hear too well with a blonde girl with bleeding eyes
>get spooped, keep floating through the 30 thieves down there
>map starts to have false walls and not mesh properly
guys im super fucking spooked is my game cursed?
>high rock
>3x int magic
>general spellabsorbtion
>low tolerance magic
>forbidden all weapon except blunt (for staves)
>forbidden plate
blunt, destro, rest
mysticism, theu, alteration
illusion, doge, ethiquete, streetsmart, lockpick, medical
-str, agi, end, speed
++int, will
How bad is it?
the best i can equip is basicchainstuff? theres no mithril chain or something?
>Is there some tell for unique NPCs?
The biggest tell is that they're in the castles of Daggerfall, Wayrest, Sentinel, or Orsinium. The second biggest tell is that the main quest sent you to talk to them.
If one of those two things aren't true, it's not a unique NPC. Also note that not a single NPC in the game has any unique dialogue as a response to a dialogue topic. All the actual unique dialogue is given through quest prompts. The stuff you can talk about in the dialogue menu is just the generic topics that will give you the same responses you can potentially get from anyone.
So talk to someone and ask things if you're curious about things, and talk to someone to see if they have a unique quest for you (they'll give it to you immediately when you click on them if so), but don't waste your time trying to find out if the King of Worms has anything unique to say about Necromancers or The Mages Guild.
>finally killl rat
>whoa, this shit i clunky
>open door
>get to hit it
>"this weapon wont do shit"
I love this feeling of failure only "classic" games can provide
this extreme texture pack is strange.
That imp is the ultimate casual filter. I imagine it alone has turned more people away from Daggerfall than any one thing has turned people away from another Elder Scrolls game.
Woah, is this the power of ray tracing?
This is my kind of town
with a mod you can go anywhere
thanks, that does make it less daunting
its my autism flaring up. i mostly just replay games nowdays since i'm too lazy to "learn" new ones (i spent hours on uespwiki before i even created my first character for example)
do as said and activate retro mode, it gives a Alone in the Dark feel
Retard here with questions, playing unity version
1. Is my spell hitting when cast no matter what? Using the base hand shock spell and it casts but seems like the enemy isn't being hit and then theh randomly die, so I assume it is?
2. Is it obvious when a body can be looted? I've killed dozens of things in the first dungeon but attempting to loot them just tells me I can see their corpse
Try hitting F2 or F4 to switch off info mode.
If I install Daggerfall Unity using GOG, will launching Daggerfall through GOG Galaxy launch Daggerfall Unity? If not I'll just get Daggerfall Setup instead like some other anons have recommended.
Shit man, thank you so much
>thought Daggerfall was hated
>suddenly all this Daggerfall love
Even now, there is hope for man.
It is so beautiful. Thank you, Yea Forums.
Retro or Overhaul?
Enemies resist your spells but I'm pretty sure you get a message of some kind when they do. At the very least I know for sure there's a blood splat when a damaging spell hits an enemy just like when they're hit by a weapon. Talking about DOS Daggerfall, not sure about Daggerfall Unity.
How the fuck do I get spellcost down? At fucking 75 int I only have 37 spellpoints, some shit costs hundreds.
I prefer retro, feels cozy. I'm interested to see what new graphic mods there will be though. The gameplay and immersive town mods are nice.
If you wanted to do spellcasting, you should have chose the increased magery advantage when you made your character.
I'd have to see the Overhaul in motion
Increase imagery 3x in character creation for max points
I'm unsure, maybe I need dialogue mode on? But as of now I just slap a shock spell three or four times on an enemy with seemingly no effect then they collapse
is there really no other way? How can you even have enough to cast some spells at max int even with that
Increase your magic skill to lower cost or make your own spell
I can cast the beginning spell about seven times with 3x
What's the deal with the circle of skulls and the pedestal that activates the rotating books? In the beginning dungeon. There was jack shit behind the books.
Battlemage or sneakymage?
It's just to get 30 coins and maybe a rat
Ah, okay. Well then.
It's perfectly playable. Grab a bow and it's just like any crummy Wolfenstein 3D knockoff from the early 90s. If anything Daggerfall is less playable because it introduces a ridiculously overambitious amount of gameplay systems which are all basically falling apart at the seams.
If you're not seeing a "Save vs. spell" message appear at the top then it's not being resisted. Maybe Daggerfall Unity doesn't have that blood splat when a spell hits, but if you don't see that message then it definitely hit since it's a touch spell, meaning you can't miss the same way you can with a ranged one.
Does Daggerfall have teleportation scrolls like Morrowind? I'd like to dungeon dive but fuck having to navigate my way out of those places.
There's a Recall spell for that
when i first played it i got turned into a werewolf and couldn't turn back because i was a dumb kid.
guards would constantly spawn forever and i ended up hiding out in a small house in the middle of nowhere and slashed at the walls to kill all the guards that chased me there.
it was fun
So people are pretending to like this game because saying you like Morrowind didn't earn you enough gamer clout?
Forget the imps these goddamn skeletons are my casual filter, but I'm also using long blades
Your level is calculated from the three Primary Skills, the two highest Major Skills, and the highest Minor Skill. So you can game the system to an extent but also if you focus too hard you can fuck yourself.
>the coffee table sprite clipped through the wall due to the perspective
Oh fuck that actually looks great. I really didn't like the style they did for the 3d model pack whatever it was called but at low res you can't see it.
>rest in a long hallway so if any enemy wanders towards me I'll have a moment to prep
>enemy spawns in the 1x1 space behind me
There's no scrolls in Daggerfall sadly and there are no teleportation potions either but there is still teleportation magic.
If you're not a spellcaster it probably costs more magicka than you have, but the cost will go down if you train Mysticism.
How was this received back in the day? I mean some of this pixel hunting is fucking insane even for a game its age.
Every TES has procedurally generated landscapes, only arena generates it as you play.
The shock spell is touch which is basically melee range. But spells can also get resisted.
I just walked out of the first dungeon and got attacked by a swarm of five bats. I'm not sure what I expected.
It's the entire reason that TES became a big thing
Comfy as fuck
Not really, people are being introduced to it now that the unity engine has made it comforably accessible.
Daggerfall Unity has it's own exe. Don't know what the gog launcher allows for but you're probably better off using DaggerfallSetup.
Retro until there are better graphics mods. The current ones clash pretty bad with each other.
The 3x mod is pretty mandatory. Especially early game. Later on you can enchant items to increase your mana pool and getting the skills higher lowers the cost of spells in those schools.
Either is fine. You can also increase your sneaky with spells. Just don't use any of the premade classes. They're garbage.
Well technically daggerfall also generates it as you play but it always uses the same seed so it's the same result every time. It's just more efficient to generate the world for the part you're in instead of having it all stored in some file because it's so fucking massive.
I have the old PC Gamer issue where they reviewed it and gave it an 89%
It's not the whole thing but here's some highlights:
>If you had to give a percentage score to your life to date, what would it be? Consider school, the worst ever jobs, parents, friends, sport, all the successes and failures that have been crammed into the past 25 years or so. Now imagine playing Daggerfall, and you'll probably have to use a similar process to arrive at a mark.
>The 3D Xngine technology is one of the best out there, giving full freedom of movement in a texture mapped world with jumping and crouching and a control method similar to Terminator: Future Shock's. The monsters are still bitmap based, and look a little dated next to Quake's polygons, but as you just want to kill most of them it doesn't really matter.
>Looking after the character and building it up is what makes the game so enjoyable, and thankfully the save game facility is now almost instant so it makes cautious dungeon exploration an enticingly dangerous prospect.
>Where Daggerfall has improved over the first game (which was largely responsible for putting Bethesda's name in gamer's mouths) is that it's a lot more varied. Whereas The Elder Scrolls: Arena was effectively a highly repetitive questing collect-'em-up, Daggerfall does have a greater supporting structure. The variety of people, quests, goals and paths your career can involve is larger and substantially more interesting.
>Daggerfall's only indisputable weakness is its presentation. With all the kit available to programmers and artists today, quite how they've managed to produce such an ugly grey look with SpectrumÂŞ fonts is a mystery. It doesn't affect the game at all - in fact all the buildings, monsters and equipment are drawn very well which just makes it all the more puzzling.
>It's about as large and detailed as a game could ever become without collapsing under its own weight.
Whats that really nice somber and mysterious type song that sometimes plays in the overworld while at dungeons?
Daggerfall is a lot what I imagine ye olde dungeons and dragons must have played like.
darude - sandstorm
Impeccable stance
I aint a zoomer, but I guess this type of genre is a bit before my time, I really really like PLAYING this, but having to question if I just spent almost 2 hours and missed a tiny blur of pixels in 1 random room, OR got an impossible dungeon is making me use the tele2quest item shit but only after I reach 1 hour in a dungeon. I do have high hopes for this in the coming years, a simple Quest Item glow and interactive type of sound, maybe even tied to a skill like "Awareness" making the pixel hunting not so jarring. The actual systems are really enjoyable when everything works.
Im assuming story dungeons are all hand made.
lol good one
is these a meme game minecraft
Where's a nigga find a potion of cure disease to fix my stomach rot?
It was received very well overall, at least at first, though crpg fans in general had more of a mixed opinion of it. Nobody really liked the huge, repetitive, and sometimes broken dungeons that most quests would send you too. The simplistic nature of quests and NPCs in general was criticized too, but people loved that they could join all these different factions and basically live in the world. It was just so unlike anything else out there that it wasn't hard to forgive its shortcomings. There was always a very dedicated fanbase.
Is a Hand-to-hand build viable?
Go to one of the whore churches
Temples can cure you as a service. Only poisons need to be cured manually with a potion or spell.
Any lewd mods?
And here I was going to general stores like a dipshit, thanks
Is being able to hit anything off the bat viable? I think yeah
Todd says he still has "sex scene" footage from Daggerfall that ended up unused in the final game. We need to get a hold of it and restore that feature.
One user is working on a prostitution mod.
>tfw you can "USE" clothes to change the way it looks
It's pretty much all randomly generated quests and the main quest so you can get sent to a random town/dungeon somewhere and do your business and then you can do it again until you quit.
Buy a boat
That posture
it's pretty easy to pick apart gifs and put them in.
What's yer offer?
>negative gold
Surely you'll overthink your offer, foolish goymer?
i like how melee combat boils down to whiff punishing and spacing. feels like i'm playing tekken or DaS
Honestly as a first time player, this being on unity now gives me huge hopes in 5-10 years time where this will be possibly the best boomkino ever with mods.
It really needs some QoL shit to avoid pixel hunting and "secret" buttons that do something somewhere. I find these 2 things the biggest flaw and turnoff. Its archaic and isnt really good in that regard, but the gameplay loop is nice and such.
DOES ANYONE know the OST that is very similar to this.
based dunmer bro
I really like the stamina system in this
Yes but now it's playable
ugh so i found this magical statue, it was 15 fucking kg, and i can't remove it from my inv because it *might* be for a quest? but none of the quests i have mention a massive fucking statue. any ideas?
Never forbid plate, ever.
Quest stuff has a green border.
yeah it has a green border, but i don't have a quest that mentions a statue
What was the point of the Rudolph nose? It ruins an otherwise charmingly-designed face.
>walk into random dude's home wanting 20000 gold to summon Hircine
Is this actually a once a year event or a scam?
It's legit, and doing Hircine's quest gets you one of the best items in the game.
Take the deal, what are you a pussy?
Pay up goy
fuck i figured it out. i'm assuming it was a statue used to open a teleporter in a dungeon, it thankfully disappeared after a restart. FYI
Things that should be added to the game once the mod support becomes available:
3D trees/foliage/rocks/mushrooms/whatever would be nice to add to the game.
Also, there should be an alchemy station available at the players house as well as the ability to pick ingredients from the ground the same way as in the latter games.
The dialogue system could also be improved. There could be some special NPCs that have unique dialogue options.
More armour/weapons could be good too, but I probably haven't seen even 1/3 of the available weapons in the game.
Better dungeon puzzles.
Why is it getting quests like this is so much more fascinating in daggerfall compared to other games? Is it the random nature of them?
Probably that and the fact that in games like Skyrim you spew out powerful enchanted items out of your arse, whilst in Daggerfall you play almost the entire game using your basic Sabre/Dagger/Bow/Hammer and stumbling upon some artefact feels like Christmas.
Whenever something is in abundance it becomes much less desirable.
Not to mention how Oblivion and Skyrim have level scaling affect those rare artifacts, so they can sometimes end up worse than your standard equipment.
This is just so fucking stupid.
To be fair the very first thing people fix with mods is the dumb level scaling in those games. And morrowind has it too, you'll be swimming in glass and daedric super quick and never encounter basic enemy types anymore except a few spots in the open world. Daggerfall just unlocks more types depending on your level
Any modders here? I am adding some components to objects in the scene at the start, but if I "load game", the components get removed. All the default daggerfall components still stay - only the ones I've added are being removed.
There are potion shops aswell but with disease its easier to go to a temple unless you already have a potion with you. Which is a good idea if you can't make/use a cure disease spell.
The dialogue system in Daggerfall is refreshingly utilitarian. 90% of the time, if I want random information there’s an option to get it.
>get a quest from a bloke to exorcise a ghost in Jimothy’s house
>travel to the town
>yo where does Jimothy live
>over there my dude
>forget where first bloke was
>go around asking until somebody knows him and points me in the right direction
So so much better than quest markers. What I’d love to see is an expanded functionality where you can ask people about items, spells, general game tips etc.
>the best i can equip is basicchainstuff?
Yes. There's no concept of "light armor" in Daggerfall. Plate is basically all the armor in the game. There's several tiers of armor and Leather and Chain are the lowest two with no advantages at all other than being more common at low levels.
The lightest plate armor is the exact same weight as Leather but provides way more protection and enchant capacity.
>fast travel exists in later TES games and it sucks
>it's okay in daggerfall because there are actual mechanics involved and the world is huge
>quest markers exist in later TES games and they suck
>daggerfall basically has them in the form of npc dialog, but now you have to actually be involved (and deal with the result of PER rolls)
Playing daggerfall is really pissing me off. It shows just how little bethesda would need to change to make their games amazing again. It's not about what the game has, it's about how well you use it.
Lads, I've a couple of questions.
1)Where do I find soul gems and how do I enchant my items?
2)Where do I find artefacts? Do they spawn in dungeons?
3)How do I open secret doors? I was travelling around in the overworld and stumbled upon some random graveyard. I wandered in but was met with a short crypt (just a slope down and two rooms to the left and to the right.) After some searching I climbed up a coffin and clipped my head through the ceiling and saw there was an entire dungeon above my head with a small corridor leading to the entrance of the crypt. I went there but found no door/lever.
4)Is alchemy of any use?
Theres no real mechanics around fast travel though, outside it consuming time like it does in later games too. I guess quests having timers does make it more significant though.
>when your check to a daedra summoning witch bounces and she comes for revenge
>tfw forbidden chain & plate
How do we went from such a gigantic draw distance to seeing only things 10 meters ahead of you in morrowind?
you can also press F3 and interact with buildings (works at a far distance too) and it will mark Residences that have names on your map. Quite useful too.
Fast travel in almost all modern games sucks. Honestly the best I've seen it done in a game is Fallout, where you follow your slow little dot across this enormous map and run into encounters along the way, where the terrain and region affects how fast you travel, what kind of encounters you get and what the landscape looks like around you. In addition to that, in FO and DF because there are time limits on things the time taken to travel (sometimes weeks) has real in-game consequences and you have to really plan ahead.
Tedious Travel has the potential to be the best fast travel system out there but it's still pretty buggy right now.
>I guess quests having timers does make it more significant though.
Yeah, that's what makes any of your travel decisions in Daggerfall interesting. You have to balance how much time and money you want to spend on a trip and they both stack up over long distances. At least in Morrowind you still have to pay money for most forms of fast travel, even if it's dirt cheap. And in the later games, time has no consequence aside from when npcs go to sleep.
Are there any daedric cults I can join?
What about the dark brotherhood?
where do I find nulfaga's place?
Is there a way to make dungeons harder? After I've got access to Item Maker at Julianos Temple the game got too easy, I'm pretty much a god that one shots every normal enemy. Where are the harder monsters?
Ah well
Walkes into temple of kynareth and found some temple prostitutes and a dude who summons daedra in a back room, so that should suffice.
You can summon daedric princes and do quests for them to get cool shit. Hope you have deep pockets.
>you'll be swimming in glass and daedric super quick
You're right that Morrowind has its own level scaling to an extent (mainly in the form of creature spawns) but daedric armor is insanely rare in Morrowind. There's like one full set in the whole game and they never appear in random loot tables no matter how high level you are.
Only the shields and weapons can be obtained repeatedly from the golden saints that spawn near daedric ruins.
While it's much more common than daedric, glass is also the same in that it never appears in leveled lists: glass armor only can only be found in specific locations where glass armor is meant to be found (mainly around the bouyant armigers), no matter if you're level 1 or level 100. Everyone isn't suddenly decked out with top tier gear at high levels.
You can't join daedric cults but you can summon daedric princes to get their artifact quests. Some of the most interesting items in the game can only be obtained this way. There's two ways to do it, one of which involves waiting for their summoning day you can learn most of them from an in-game book) and visiting the mages guild or a temple, and another which involves visiting a witch coven at any time.
The Dark Brotherhood exists and can be joined. You can't just walk up and join them, though. They'll find you.
I'm not familiar with Daggerfall Unity on the code side of things but in Unity itself it depends on how they're handling the "load game" and when you're adding those components. Most likely you need to add those components again. If they're doing any sort of reloading the scene or reinstantiating the objects then the components you added will be gone.
I think they had a modding guide of sorts. Have you looked at that?
I swear Daggerfall wasn't this hard. I noticed that my grass and trees mods doesn't work, the game just uses the vanilla sprites.
Mithril chain or some new tiers of leather would be really nice additions.
Also some weapon classes really need weapon variants. Axes have two different kinds one is 1h the other 2h. Meanwhile long blades have like 10 different types.
Not ominous at all.
>The Dark Brotherhood exists and can be joined.
Is it worth joining though? Do they only have the same boring repetitive quest as in any other guild or is it something interesting?
I mostly referred to daedric weapons in specific, the armor is rare. But I own multiple of each daedric weapon sofar and I'm like 50% done with my current save. Really wish enemy variety was better mostly, all dungeons just have the same max leveled undead or daedra mob variants, I'd like to see them with the lower level mobs too for variety.
Is there really any point having multiple weapon skills? Lots of premade classes have them, it seems it only makes levelling up harder.
>get a quest to bring lich dust from the dungeon
>spend three hours exploring literally every corner of this gigantic maze, finding secret passages and killing everything in there
>quest item nowhere to be found
>about to give up
>remember about some code to teleport to quest spawn
>type it just to see where this item is hidden
>I'm teleported to a tiny room LITERALLY NEXT TO THE DUNGEON ENTRANCE that I checked right at the beginning
>but it's empty, nothing that can be picked up
>frustrated I start to jump around and click randomly on the screen
>a message pops up saying that I picked up quest item
Only for role playing purposes. Most of the premade classes are pretty bad, and like 3/4 of skills are useless.
Ofcourse its shit, no one sane ever plays a premade class in TES games
In earlier parts of the game when you don't have decent weapons, they are going to break, and quickly.
So either carry two of the same type of weapons or mix it up. There's almost no wrong way to play Daggerfall.
But he's not blaming the Unity version developer. He's blaming the flawed and unplayable original DF, and he's right.
You know how in the last decade we blame companies releasing unfinished, unplayable games that need months to be fixed?
That's bethesda since it was founded, except they never fixed their fuck ups. Only since Morrowind they rely on the community to do it for free.
Well their quests are mostly straightforward dungeon crawls along with a few "kill X in Y building" that appear at higher ranks. The main reason you join a faction is for their services rather than their quests. You can buy and make potions when you are promoted enough and, like the Thieves Guild, they have a "Spymaster" NPC in each branch which is an NPC that always has a positive response to every dialogue topic and doesn't need speech checks. Basically a guy you can go to and get guaranteed directions from if everyone else hates you. You don't need to ask around to find your way to him in a new city since the guild hall in a city is automatically marked on your map if you're a member.
They also have a chance, which gets higher as you rank up, to bribe the judge if you go to court.
Why are almost all my hand to hand attacks missing? Agility is high, does low strength influence hit chance?
>I think they had a modding guide of sorts. Have you looked at that?
Yeah, but it's just limited tutorials. As far as I can tell (unless I am a retard with no search skills), there's no real proper documentation or anything like that yet. Right now it just seems to be basically just guessing how most of it works.
>That's bethesda since it was founded, except they never fixed their fuck ups.
The difference is old bethesda had tons of glitches because they were trying completly new shit, new bethesda does the same old shit but still manages to fuck up.
>TES 1 new engine
>TES 2 new engine
>TES 3 new engine
>julian lefay sacked
>TES 4 same engine
>fallout 3 same engine
>TES 5 same engine
>fallout 4 same engine
1) I know you can buy soul gems from one temple once you've ranked it high enough but there are probably other ways to get them as well. Then you need Soul Trap to capture monsters in the gems.
To get access to enchanting you need to be rank 5 in the Mage's Guild.
2) You get Artifacts from doing big quests.
3) Secret doors are kind of a mess. Their hidden switches can be almost anything and I'm not sure if there are any good rules to them.
4) Alchemy is useful if you don't do magic. Less useful otherwise but potions can still be handy in a pinch.
Agility and luck both influnece it equal amount. I bet you are lucklet.
Kind of an obvious question but just to be sure: is your hand-to-hand skill low? Accuracy goes up as it increases. Strength shouldn't affect that. Also make sure to attack using the upwards cursor motion for increased accuracy.
Ha, there seems to be like a 50% hit rate as to whether dungeon item quests are doable or not atm
unrelated but morrowind recently got an object placing mod that is unbelievably good, even better than the physics of the later games. spinning objects any angle, mounting them to surfaces, etc
It really didn't have that big of a draw distance back in the day.
For 3) the area you explored is the whole dungeon. Those floating rooms aren't meant to be accessible, they're just an artifact of how dungeons were built in Daggerfall. Those little crypt dungeons (the ones that are revealed on your map from the start) are always just a couple rooms and a hallway at most. The dungeons that random quests send you to are much larger and aren't revealed until somebody tells you about them or you find a dungeon map.
morrowind was pretty fucking detailed back then, all things considered. many players ran with the view distance even lower to get 60fps. just how it was. and it's not like you can see that far in barely 3d daggerfall anyway
They created a new ai for the enemies. It's a lot harder to bait whiffs out of them. Especially if you don't have high SPD and Running
Thank you!
oooh, I see now. Cheers.
Dude, calm down.
Is it me or do the enemies fight each other way more than they used to?
>pacified thief uses streetwise
>pacifying instead of killing and getting loot
For what purpose?
I think enemies fighting eachother is something that DFU introduced. There's an option to turn it off in the settings
Had a similar experience to this.
After spending multiple hours combing over a dungeon, I finally caved and teleported to the item.
It was a pile of ash on a table that I'd tried to interact with before, but missed or couldn't interact with at the time or something.
After teleporting to it I grabbed it just fine and left.
Maybe I was a werewolf at the time and that's why it wouldn't let me grab it, even though it wasn't in a container.
Get em Goku
You have 10 STR or what? My hand-to-hand character could kill skellies with four punches right at level 1.
Hey it's Jackie Chan
unity please
I might have to uncheck that. On one hand it's cool to watch them fight each other but then on the other when I bash a door down with murder in my heart and half of everyone is dead that hurts my feelings.
>when I bash a door down with murder in my heart and half of everyone is dead that hurts my feelings
You should become a writer.
I can't stop laughing at this
Friendly reminder to uninstall and go back to Skyrim if you have trouble killing anything in the first dungeon
>tfw still no source port of the XnGine
>tfw still no source port of daggerfall or Skynet/Futureshock
>mfw never ever
I just want that feel to end already.
Hey guys, I'm going to start a DU game as High Elf Mage, what are the best schools of magic and skills to focus on?
I walked in on them, didnt do anything.
I figured they just didn't want to die.
Dude it's Bethesda, they probably threw the source code in the garbage as soon as the game shipped.
>automatically marked on your map if you're a member
Not in unity version.
Are there any CRPGs outside the TES series which have randomly generated quests?
>steel longsword is 2-16
>elven saber is 4-13
i genuinely have no idea which to pick. steel does more damage, but elven has higher base damage and affects more enemies D:
dual wield
>Silver or better required to harm lycanthropes, ghosts, wraiths, mummies, and standard vampires
>Elven or better required to harm nymphs
Well you do have access to the source and it's somewhat commented. I'd have to take a peek myself to throw a better guess how to fix your problem but I don't have the time to do that right now.
I'd go with steel, I think the damage chance is based on dice rolls tied to your skills and attributes, if they are high enough you should get consistent damage and hits
elven has the benefits of silver too
Well, yeah?
In addition to this, can also look at the source of mods similar to what you want to implement to get an idea.
The closest thing I've found in terms of "official documentation" is the following:
Good idea about checking other mods though, I should try to do that and see what they did.
How tf do you find out the worth of equipment?
Destruction obviously for combat.
Restoration for cures and free action.
Mysticism for recall and open.
Alteration for shield and paralysis.
The rest is up to you.
Thaumaturgy spells (bouyancy, levitation) are useful ones that you'll use a lot in dungeon crawling but you don't really need much Thaumaturgy skill for them because the cheapest and shortest versions of them are sufficient for all your needs.
Illusion isn't that great. Invisibility doesn't work on the most dangerous monsters you want to hide from and everything that isn't invisibility is useless shit.
But since you're playing a mage and Daggerfall classes have more skills than you really need you can just throw all the schools of magic in. You won't miss out on anything crucial by doing so.
Make sure to join the Mages Guild asap when you exit the tutorial dungeon. You want to get your hands on that spellmaker. Note that you don't need to "learn" spell effects like you do in the newer games. You can make any spell in the game right from the start.
Did you perhaps not take h2h expertise when you made the character? You pretty much need it to scale your damage.
at the end of the day its still daggerfall and daggerfall was pretty terrible
Show it to a merchant and they will tell how much they're willing to pay. This is useful too.
Just use the 'info' button on them. That works on most items. Weapons and armor show their damage/protection instead of worth though, so you just have to see what a merchant offers instead.
That D.R.E.A.M mod mostly looks like ass
Most npcs are just melted upscaled blur filters with bad touch ups.
The animals look okay sometimes though
>dungeon exits are always sunny outside
retarded, just make it a door or dark tunnel image
Eh, it's OK imo. I'm using the textures. The music, sound and cinematics packs were absolute dogshit though. I deleted those.
What made DF "terrible" in the day was it's bugs, horrible unstable engine. DU is basically DF but without that.
>talk normally
>asking random person where the fucking armor shop is
>"How dare you speak to me like that, fuck off"
>try talking politely
>"how dare you talk down to me, fuck off"
>talk bluntly
>"yes I know where it is, but I'm not gonna tell you"
I don't think I've ever hated a generic npc more in my life.
Did you find the modding tutorials on the forums? Those seem to cover a lot of topics at first glance.
Reminder that functional armor is for pussies. Real adventurers fight in style.
Are there any good non-graphical mods out yet?
Only good ones are Real Grass, Birds, and greater view distance.
Is there any overlap between the Handpainted mod and the Dream stuff?
Warm Ashes and Archeology Guild seem interesting but I haven't tested them yet. Planning to start a new run with a bunch of mods to test them.
There's also this
uh I read that as graphical mods, I better go to sleep
Yeah, they're helpful for some basic stuff but unfortunately a bit limited when compared to all the stuff that is potentially possible. I'll just keep messing around with things and see what I can figure out.
I presume what I'm looking at is 3 dungeon blocks? I don't really have a sense of scale when people describe dungeon sizes.
I was walking in the Brecon Beacons and I saw a sheep like that. Half submerged in a pool and rotted down to the bone on the top side. Stank like hell
This guy gets it.
I've had more fun playing dress up in this game than modern games.
That definitely looks like 3 distinct blocks.
Turn on the better inventory setting in the launch menu -> advanced
I want that font and texture you are using for the inventory. Spoonfeed me.
Yeah, that's correct, those are three blocks. Blocks are all the same squares horizontally, though some use more vertical space than others.
Don't know about Daggerfall Unity but the original game has a little icon in the top left of the dungeon map that shows the block layout, representing each block as four pixels. Like pic related but much smaller, showing your location as a red pixel and the entrance as a blue one.
I haven't had any problems with the inventory system, honestly. What does the better inventory setting do?
How do I check my reputation with a faction? I'm trying to build up rep with the Glenmorial Witches to reduce the price of summoning Hircine but I can't tell what my progress is, clicking Affiliations in the character screen only lists my membership and rep with the Temple of Kynareth.
It just gives you more slots visible
So that's what that is for. Neat.
or perhaps people just didn't want to fuck around with DOSbox and the unstable as shit original to try Daggerfall
its in the options menu when you turn on the game. doesn't let you choose a specific font, it uses the one there by default
Try print_legalref in the console.
So how do I actually get gud at the combat? I'm playing on very hard reflexes and getting casual-filtered. I'm in the beginning dungeon. Using long-blades with critical strike and a blunt weapon for skellies. I understand the various strike types.
oh nevermind its part of the KOW Dreams mods. i thought you were talking about the regular fonts
Arena and Daggerfall are dungeon crawlers first and foremost the overworld is just a gimmick in this game, the series didn't become the open world sandbox we know until Morrowind. For the time Daggerfall is still impressive as fuck though given most RPGs were just pure dungeoncrawlers with no travel through a world or towns so even though it seems like boring copy-paste job it's still way more ambitious and interesting than what other games of this kind were doing then.
>he's free
based. Comeback when?
Yeah, my gamer clout on an anonymous image board is really important.
You have to remember what attacks have what chance/damage. E.g. forward thrusts do less damage but have a higher hit chance which is good if you're starting out and your agility is low so you're not hitting a lot of enemies.
I think I power gamed Daggerfall too hard, my nord warrior character already is at 90 str, 90 speed, 90 luck, 100 end. I didn't even leave daggerfall... Should I restart and try something else or is it a fun game too continue on with the same character even this powerful?
>fighting scorpions first time
>getting paralyzed first time
And here I tought my resistance to paralyze would be enough.
I have no magic so at least I noticed some things in dungeons are a challenge like getting out of water of any depth.
Whose idea was it to have the skeletons make the most god-forbidden horrifying noise? I'm just walking along and I hear the scream of Satan and it makes me shit my pants.
Unfortunately only shows you your legal reputations, not your faction ones. There's no way to know your reputation with most factions in Daggerfall by default. There's a third party tool called DagRep that would let you see all of them, but it works by reading the save files so it doesn't work with DFU saves. However DFU saves can just be read manually, as they are text files containing JSON-formatted data.
Your saves are at:
>AppData\LocalLow\Daggerfall Unity\Saves\
and the file in each save that contains your reputations:
CTRL+F for the faction you want and look at its "rep" value.
Haha imagine having Phobia for undead too for your character.
What's the point of lockpicking when you can just smash doors until they open?
what happens? does he pay you gold?
No he steals it from you for his family
>enter shop
>text pops up "this is an incredibly fine store of great quality" or some shit
>talk politely to shopkeeper, ask for directions to tavern
>"I'm not going to talk to the likes of you"
>can't even speak with him any more
It's just another way of opening doors. Melee characters can smash open doors. Mages can lockpick or cast an open spell.
All the music in this game, remastered or not, is fucking top notch. They really did something special in this game, even though it's buggy as all hell.
they are voiced by todd howard
Anyone else having problems with Tedious Travel? I am using some visual mods (Post Processing, enhanced sky, better textures, real grass, vibrant wind, distant terrain, real time reflections), and I get terrible FPS, and beyond 45X time acceleration, I fall into the void. My PC is mid-high end and the game runs fine outside of tedious travel.
NPCs are so mean in this game. I just wanted to politely ask for directions.
Since it's Daggerfall, I really want to play as a knight and join an order. High Personality is a must.
How's this for custom knight? I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing, I just read few beginner's guides. I tried to stay on the knight theme for my skills, not sure if I'm shooting myself in the foot by placing etiquette at major.
Apart from Intelligence, what attributes are best for a glass-cannon mage?
Yes. They start giving you negative gold for items at high mercantile values. You can reach them by enchanting a bunch of items with the "enhances skill - mercantile" effect at an item maker.
Personally I would not bother with orcish as a skill. What it does is simply make Orc NPCs not attack you in dungeons if your skill is high enough. It's completely unusable unless it is for role-playing reasons.
Forbidden armor/material can be relatively painful, unless of course for role playing reasons. Though silver is a rather rare and not particularly good commodity in Daggerfall as you'll probably find Mithril more common than silver.
What the fuck
Can weakest level of Free Action cure all paralysis?
It shows tumblr you are a good person because you draw ugly characters
Thanks, user, I found what I wanted but looking at this file my reputation with the Glenmorial Witches is still 0 for some reason, despite the fact that I've done about a dozen quests for them. Is there something I'm missing here?
Looks pretty good to me. Etiquette is fine, it not only helps when using the "polite" dialogue tone but also works as a language skill for human-type enemies. Unlike the pure language skills, Etiquette is one you can actually actively train since you use it whenever you talk politely, which solves one of the biggest problems with the vanilla language skills (or at least the second biggest next to the fact that most of them truly are useless due to the enemies they cover being weak and rare - two things that aren't the case for human enemies).
I'd agree with that Orcish isn't a great skill and you'd be better off with something more practical, although it's far from the worst language and if you can't think of anything better to slot in it's not gonna kill you, especially if you really want to roleplay as that diplomatic knight type since the Orc-human relations are a big factor in the main quest.
Missing out on Silver and Orcish won't hurt much as they're rare materials and not the best at anything. The Mehrunes Razor artifact is Orcish so you miss out on that but a Knight like you probably isn't going to go around doing favors for Daedra anyway.
Its the terrian/mountains mod and the grass mods/harvestables
I had to disable them to use the fast travel mod, you could leave them on and just disable the fast travel mod instead if you want
Yeah I had to reroll with paralysis immunity and even then their dodge is pretty ridiculous
Got it, thanks dude. I am going to experiment some more with different load orders/combinations of enabled mods to see if I can make it work.
Hmm, that is odd. You definitely ought to be gaining rep with them when you complete their quests. Are you sure it's the right save file? SaveInfo.txt shows its name and the date modified metadata for the files should be whenever you most recently saved. If it all looks right then I don't know what to say. Maybe ctrl+f "witches" and look at all the other covens to see if you've been gaining rep with a different one somehow.
It's definitely the right save, I tried editing my reputation manually for testing purposes and it reduced the cost of summoning accordingly. My reputation seems to be 0 with all witch covens in the game. Not sure if this bug is specific to DFU or if it's just Daggerfall at its usual, but I might just start editing my rep manually if I can't find a way to fix it.
>can't be friendly with orcs
What is this racist bullshit?
>Also, no Skellibobs
Why haven't they bothered fixing basic shit like this?
Is enchanted gear a thing in this game? I haven't seen any yet
When a random quest of Daggerfall has more depth and possibilities than any in Skyrim
How does this game compare to Skyrim ?
Not kidding, ive genuinely only played Skyrim and 10 min of Morrowind (I noped out of morrowind after seeing how boring the game looked), I was thinking of giving Oblivion a shot
Should I try playing Oblivion > Morrwind HD Textures and then Daggerfall ?
As I posted this, I found one
glad this thread is here.
what is repel mode? i've been able to find nothing about it on google.
is it like a safe fall? is it automatic?
You mean rappel mode? As in going down a cliff?
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic?
>you can mouse over teleporters to see where you get teleported to
>you can click on an entry in your quest log to travel to the location of that entry
>no blonde female breton portrait
What a load of shit, there goes my breton knight build.
So how o use this Repel mode i keep seeing pop up?
What even is it? is it like a safe fall anchored to thew all? I'm doing the "smith had his shitty wife kidnapped and wants her to actually die quest" where i had to climb into this alcove with a room, but now when i try to get down i just fall
Yeah how do i use it and what does it do? trying to get off a ledge, i've seen it pop up a few times, but can't figure out what it is or how to do it on command
>I am done asking every day whether mage is viable, time to move on to scorpions like a faggot!
Is this a procedural one or a main quest?
Get close to the edge so you can see the fall, face backwards, put your cursor to it and tap backwards.
This I can't hear jack fucking shit, it doesn't help the audio is so low quality that it's barely even intelligible in the first place. You can't even find it online anywhere, so all I know is that sometimes when you sleep you get nightmares about some random bitch and some guy passively describing it. Gee, thanks. Couldn't at least give me a text prompt afterwards describing what happened.
Ever heard of Google, faggot? It literally links to a thread that answers your question.
>unironically using streetwise
>Daggerfal just has open nudity and gorey violence
Lol could you imagine if they kept down this path Skyrim would be alot cooler thats for sure.
I think that is the cut scene for the dream sequence when you contract either Vampirism/Lycanthropy.
at 3:05 minute mark
Procedural. It has been given to me by a random barman.
I'm playing as a blonde Breton right now user!
tell me, what is the best outfit and why is it the ornamental dress armor
la creatura...
Take her armour off
Rolling rolling rolling rolling
I think that's an ancient mod for vanilla DF. Try googling Daggerfall mod portraits or something.
> 158 gold
> all you gotta do is murder someone, or their cousin, or steal a gem worth much much more
> make 100 times that by dungeon crawling for an hour
I still can't make out what he's saying. "You dream of a women asdfsdfasdfjlka dark jljdlksdf".
Anime and hentai mods are gonna happen
And thats a good thing
Out of curiosity, how is Arena? I'm kinda interested how this all started.
Why? DF already has fanservice and peasant waifus.
Are you faggots ESL or something?
>your sleep is troubled by nightmares of a beautiful woman who'll be murdered in a dark place
>implying pixelated gif mods will be good enough for anyone
They'll exist but not be very popular. Plus the game already has nudity in it.
Runs like ass but can be interesting.
>> make 100 times that by dungeon crawling for an hour
pretty sure that's the reason why quest gold rewards are so lacking, they know where the real reward comes from anyways
close, but it's
>your sleep is troubled by nightmares of a beautiful woman whom you murder in a dark place
>go into dungeon
>Loot EVERYTHING from every corpse
>have anchor/teleport spell so you can easily go back and forth from a corpse and the exit
>clear out a whole dungeon in under an hour
>only leave once my cart is entirely full as well as my inventory
>end up making over 100k per quest
>doing this I was able to buy several houses in different regions, as well as a ship
It's freaking ridiculous how much gold you can make.
Any texture pack wich isn't shit? Any AI-ennhaced texture pack in the works? How I make my grass and tree mods work?
I like how the entire game mostly involves fast travelling, considering all the complaints about Skyrim... hahahahaha
we are talking unity
Anyone else having bugs with theives guild stuff?
i completed the first quest and gained the ability to see the guild halls, But i have scoured my map of Daggerfall city, its nowhere at all
This might be it I could be wrong, might still have a few errors. Would be great if someone could fix them.
>he doesn't know about all the shit that is in the overworld
>he doesn't know the feast days of famous daedra
>he doesn't like hour long dungeon crawls
git gud
valid criticism.
>trying to save some dudes kid from ruins infested with giants and orcs
yeah dude the kid is probably dead or worse
I thought you could only own one house at a time
Jesus Christ imagine actually feeling superior to someone else because you enjoy walking through nearly identical looking mazes for hours on end. Seriously, how fucking sad your life must be for you to consider this some sort of "accomplishment."
What I want, is a mod that adds a new worldspace (should be easy as the overworld is pretty much just copy-paste anyway), and one that adds more slots for clothing like in Bethewda Fallout/later Elder Scrolls i.g. putting on glasses.
Only in the same region. You can have a house in Sentinel and one in Wayrest, as an example.
I'll give this a shot
>install Arena
>try making my blonde female breton knight
>no option to make them blonde
Fuck! Shitty Breton genes...
calm down zoomie
They probably wanted to do more with it but couldn't. It's no secret that daggerfall is a flawed game whose reach far exceeded its grasp.
lil' zoomster spittin' straight fax
Anyone finding that when doing " X is infested, please kill all stuff in X"
That the enemies won't spawn until you loiter around inside, repeating so until they all spawn and get killed?
Feels like a bug
>little baby can't run a gauntlet
It's intended, brainlet
I wish they would've made the directional attack system similar to M&b, instead of replacing it with click to attack
or just about anything replacing the swipe to attack system, but keeping the directional attacks
It is a price I'm willing to pay, honestly.
Just like I figured, not a single rebuttal. Clout-chasers exposed. Gentleman I'll expect your suicides by no later than 6pm tonight.
You're better off focusing on one weapon type to get the skill up faster and increase your hit chance. Agi, luck and crit strikes matter to a lesser extent. Though to be honest I play on average reflexes so I don't know how hard it actually is.
>that one song with that one tone that is at the perfect frequency and volume to melt my bones and fry my brain
mice can navigate mazes. you are literally gloating about doing something that a mouse is also able to do. get a grip friend.
It's the voice Todd makes every time someone is playing Daggerfall instead of the newest Skyrim re-release.
>high elf mage
Just kill things before they hit you
He didn't think you were fine enough for his fancy pants store.
>Even mice can navigate mazes
>Lil' zoomies can't
Dude if I use spells to kill everything I run out of spell points very quickly
What tool is that guy using???
zoom you gotta learn to BOOM
>implying you were even born when it was released
god you're retarded.
>that guy doesn't want to navigate mazes for hours so that means he CANT!
no, you sad pathetic excuse for a man.
Traveled for 20 days to kill a bear and come back.
Do these work with unity daggerfall?
fuck bears
>you can literally solve the first dungeon(and most of the other ones) in under a minute and they all have a map
>noooo! dungeon too big for smol zoomer brain! game bad! I play heavily modded skyrim instead!
You could always mod it yourself or if you're clueless about programming, go suggest it on the forums.
>zoomie zooomer zooms heheeehee zoomer zoomies!!!!
you look like the most underage piece of shit when you talk like this. good bye retard.
>le epicly trolled zoomer retreats after being defeated
What the fuck why did they never use these in the game?
>supposed to kill a harpy in someone's house
>immune to elven weapons
>take off the weapon and start punching it to death in 2 hits
>get quest to find a mummy cloth in some dungeon
>fuck around for an hour in the dungeon killing skeletons having no idea where im going
am doing something wrong?
because reloading and whacking at skeletons gets old pretty fast
Look for a mummy
You're probably just missing tons of secret doors
Sometimes you have to kill a mummy, sometimes the quest item is just in a pile of loot.
You can buy locator wands that basically put a quest arrow on the screen when activated and you've explored enough of the map. Or I could be thinking of a mod, I never played a lot of original Daggerfall.
>Khajiit suit
Just wish it didn't clip into the fucking chin
that's definitely a mod
>tfw we will never have this glorious pulpy 89s/90s fantasy aesthetic in games ever again
>think the Khahit suit was just some sort of hack the devs put in the game that allows players to "equip" a Khajit body because they were too lazy or inept to properly implement that race or something
>get bored one day, buy a pair and put it on just to see what would happen
>nothing happens and it's just a one-piece leather suit
I don't get why they named it the Khajit suit.
Because it's a cat suit
is there anyway to locate secret doors or should i just spam click on all the walls?
also any advice on what stats to get for a spellsword?
i have been pumping WIS for magic and AGI for long swords.
Because in Daggerfall Khajiti aren't furries, they're humans/elves
theres screenies with weapons taking up more of the screen, am i missing some mod?
Overhaul with Retro mode activated, go for it and have fun!
the only thing wrong about this image is that Azura and Sotha Sil were cool with each other and she trully felt sorry for him, while Vivec and Alma she wanted Nerevar Rising REQUIEM them for eternity.
The map becomes so shitty once you went through a few z levels
Try middle button mouse instead of the wheel.
I always thought western vidya failed to capture this kind of art, despite it being so popular in nerd circles. Dark Souls is unironicallt the closest thing to it.
can someone explain me why should i play daggerfall instead of morrowind or any other later tes/nu fallout?
you guys always talk about the 2000000000000000km squared map but outside of main quest dungeons the game is 99% rng, theres countless cities small town etc but it doesnt matter because all important buildings are the same and theres no reason to ever go in those unneeded by main quest, only differences between two towns are if a specific shop/guild is there and their price modificators, all dungeons are rng as well so no reason to do them besides grinding. once you see a town and one non story dungeon you have seen all of them so doing anything besides main quest is essentially ponitless, no reason to explore unless you want a different tileset on the cities you visit (but again, why even visit cities if you dont need to resupply or sell loot?).
people sperg about tons of skills all the time but the only notable one that isnt in later games is climbing, languages are a meme only to have a chance to make a npc neutral and all speech skills (etiquette etc) are pointless as well because if one npc wont answer you, you just go to another (identical) one (sometimes not even that, mashing the dialog until npc replies sometimes just works)
How playable is it and does it have all the content available?
you took the x3 magicka modifier right
Fully playable and all the original content is implemented, just bug fixes and polish from here on out. (It is still a little buggy but it's Daggerfall so)
The feature got cut before Daggerfall launched. There's a bunch of unused sprites in there and also they cut a bunch of frames from the animations. IIRC they were meant to be 16 frames but they had to cut them down to 4 frames. The game was ahead of its time and Bethesda wasn't able to pull of a lot they had wanted to.
Why are people talking about how Daggerfall has randomly generated dungeons? Using any mod tool to look at them, the only actual "random" thing about them I can see is loot, creatures and quest locations.
Andyfall re-added those if I remember right.
Daggerfall has its fair share of cut content.
There's a similar item provided by the Archaeologists mod.
>Archaeologists mod
That's actually the mod I'm using. The locator device I could have swore I saw being sold by a merchant once, and it affects game play enough for such a seemingly small and simple mod that I assumed it was from og Daggerfall.
So whats the point of the huge map?
Theres already enough towns and stuff in one province taht you wont even visit half of them, and they are not even that different. So why would you go to other provinces for teh same stuff?
Also is the immunity to magic countering critical weaknes paralys and poison (or something like that) still applies, or teh character creation is no longer taht exploitable? If so, waits the "best" disadvantage for mages?
It's a lot like Daggerfall, but 99% procedurally generated (most things in Daggerfall were randomly generated during development then made static), harder to find your way around, more RNG combat, and more punishing of single-role characters.
I hear it has good default clothe options, but how do you see it when you are wearing armors? is there a toggle or something?
AGI isn't actually that good of a stat. SPD is more useful for melee and END is useful for anyone. AGI, LUC and Critical Strikes all pretty much end up giving you at most +10 to hit. Based on my understanding Critical Strikes is actually the best as it will always give you +10 to hit assuming you get it to 100%. AGI and LUC get compared to the enemy's AGI and LUC so unless you're buffing yourself and debuffing the enemy its very unlikely to get the most out of them.
At least this is what I understood from reading the source code for a bit. Weapon skill also plays a part for hit rolls but I'm not exactly sure how. It's probably the biggest modifier.
It mostly depends on what type of weapon you're using. Swords stay kinda small on the screen while idle.
A mod to meaningfully differentiate provinces so you could choose the aesthetic/lore that suits you would at least make use of the fuckhuge map I suppose
The term is procedurally generated. Also they're generated at runtime with an algorithm based on a seed that's always the same. So if two people go to the same dungeon on their different installs of the game it will be the same dungeon. It's still procedural generation.
Rolling rolling
>So whats the point of the huge map?
Think of it more like a fantasy life simulator than a modern TES game.
Character creation exploits were fixed.
Some clothing goes on top of armor, some under it. You could always RP and unequip your armor when you're not in a dungeon.
you can wear clothes under armor and robes/cloaks over armor
or you can play an unarmored character
Well they do already worship different deities and there are some differences in the geography. Sure it could be expanded upon by a mod.
Should be the first quest the queen of daggerfall gives you
How the ufck do you get the quiz to generate the ebony dagger? I've gone through class creation at least 6 times trying to get it to pop up but it refuses. What am I doing wrong?
Is DUnity main quest beatable in its current state? I played a shitton of Daggerfall but never finished it, just stayed for autistic roleplay
By roleplaying as someone who would have an ebony dagger and answering honestly.
werks on mah machine!! :^)
most obvious soul vs soulless
Any recommended settings or mods for a first time daggerfall babby?
You can see all the classes that generate that question
>nothing to explore in the overworld
>boring copypasted dungeons
>boring quests
>tons of bugs
yep sounds like every Bethesda title to me
I think you need to pick stealth as a skill
Click Advanced in the launcher and change
>Gameplay tab
Start in dungeon enabled
Weapon sensitivity set to 6-10
Weapon attack threshold 0.001 (you can click this number and change it)
>Interface tab
Enable Inventory info panel, Enhanced items lists, Talkwindow modern style
>Enhancements tab
Enable Combat vocalizations, Enemy infighting, Enhanced combat AI and Allow magic item repairs.
>Video tab
Crank up the view distance and Shadow resolution to max.
>starting a new game
Always make your own class so you can fine tune it to what you want to play as. Choose both strengths and weaknesses for your class for more fun.
After finishing the first dungeon go to daggerfall, sell your loot and as soon as you can, buy a horse and cart (you can click on the shelves in stores to buy things)
As soon as you receive a letter from Lady Brisienna, go to her. If her quest times out you'll lose reputation with her. Her quest is the only timed one in the early game to care about. After that you can do whatever you want and join whichever guild you want to level up and stuff.
Go with whatever you like. Vanilla is fine though.
How do you kill a lich? I just wail at it as a werewolf and it does nothing
Have you guys noticed that when it's raining the raindrops don't appear in a 10 meter radius around you?
They only spawn/drop beyond that range.
Thanks, did I make a mistake by setting the enemy speed to max? I'm getting shit on right from the start, gonna take a lot of save/loads at this rate.
It speeds up the gameplay so you might want to restart and tune it down a bit.
>Join the fighters guild
>Smithy asks me to deliver something to someone across town
>Try asking my fellow guild members where that someone is
>Why the fuck should I tell you? Get out of my face you make me sick
If I wanted this experience I would just go outside.
>he fell for the dumping PER meme
what's a good backwater kingdom to steal a loan from and never pay back
I didn't dump PER though, I'm a filthy catnigger though if that affects anything
>im a filthy catnigger
>why are people treating me like shit?
so what counts as good stat rolls?
I'm too lazy to add all gains together every time
min 70 in speed rest is irrelevant
There are no catniggers in Daggerfall. Khajits are humans
So this is the power of procedural generation... Woah.
>not picking both "Darkness Powered Magery" disadvantages for the extra points because you pretty much never need to use magic outdoors in the daylight anyway
It bounces between -5 and +5 whatever base you set for the stats, so a good role is closer to the +5 side on the stats you want, while the free roll is closest to 15
So if you want to be a fighter and your base STR is 60 you want in the best of circumstances to get 65 STR and either 14 or 15 on the free roll.
Also, do you think "Forbidden Material: Steel" would be good? It gives you 10 more points, and while I guess it's super common, you'll probably be getting better stuff to replace it after a few dungeon crawls anyway.
Such a game-breaking bug, ain't it, zoomie?
Nah it's about time to have a new underground scene in existence. Then the cycle repeats in a couple of decades when it gets mainstream and is ruined once again.
>It was just so unlike anything else out there that it wasn't hard to forgive its shortcomings.
describes every bethesda game
It broke my immersion
>dude, I want a mummy wrapping from that dungeon, but not that one, you have to guess which one it is
I can see why they moved away from those shitty quests
>My imagination is so poor that I can't think of a situation on which a door would be half-sunk into the floor.
Jeez-louise, mate
So Bretons have 30% magic resistance. What does that resist in Daggerfall? In Morrowind it was basically every non elemental spell. Is that the same in Daggerfall, or, does it resist all magic spells?
IIRC high elves are the only ones with working racial bonuses.
>Vanilla is fine though.
should still get the autosave mod though
I thought this was corrected in the Unity version...
>Khajits are humans
You're thinking of Arena, that's the one where they're indistinguishable from humans.
In Daggerfall they suddenly became real cat people, with fur on much of their bodies and a long swishy tail.
Then later Redguard made them more 'cat' than 'people' and explained that all three (and more which ended up used in future games) varieties are just breeds of the same race.
Not if you remember to save.
What do carts actually do? Uesp doesnt really describe as anything other than slower horses
You can store items in them from anywhere outside of a dungeon, and even in a dungeon you can if you click the exit and choose not to leave.
You can use them as additional storage space
Plus, they're cheap as chips
Do enemies spawn in the dungeons when you rest in one?
Are custom classes cheating? I feel like it's really strong to make my character immune to all magic, with all the best combat skills, with 80 in combat stats.
They don't respawn. The only enemies that spawn while you're resting are the ones that interrupt you.
How are staff build in daggerfall? Can I make a staff wielder without getting stuck using maces all the time?
When will dagger fall unity be ported to android like openmw was? Dosbox version is homo tier now and i cant play it anymore. That eric guy on the forums needs to hurry the fuck up
>Steal several extra horses and carts
>can't drop them
>can't sell them to shops
Did I just fuck myself or is there some way to drop all this extra shit?
I can hear the "vengeance" ghost, but I can't find him. I'm just walking around the town and can't see him.
I found him, nevermind
Don't you get super slow lvling up by doing that?
>on which a door would be half-sunk into the floor.
>on stone floor
kill yourself HURR OLD GAME GOOD NEW GAME BAD nigger
You know that the threshold can be a different material from the floor you absolute fucking kneegrowid. Stop sniffing glue.
This is the enemy I fear the most
>it's one of those games that the more you play, the more you hate it
Yes and the harder it becomes to stop.