What are your biggest vidya sins? I'm probably about as disgusting and sinful as it gets.
>Skyrim is my favorite game of all time
>Played it for about 800 hours on Ps3
>Bought it for the Ps4 too later on, played it for like 400 hours on there
>Never touched the PC version
What are your biggest vidya sins? I'm probably about as disgusting and sinful as it gets
The order of MGS games I've played:
>Ac!d 2
>Portable Ops
>Twin Snakes
>MGS1 on a PS1 emulator playing on a fightstick because I had no working controller at the time
And I haven't played anything past this.
How, even? Base Skyrim is the most bland game of all time, I thought people only put in over 30 hours with degenerate sex mods?
I've only enjoyed Mario, Donkey Kong and Wii Sports games.
Same. I wouldn't say that game is my favorite but the only game ive put more hours into is civ 5. And I've never touched a single mod
I like people who like vanilla skyrim. I think it demonstrates a sort of purity or genuineness in finding your niche.
My biggest sin is probably buying FFVII and Resident evil 4 like 12 times between the two of them, both from buying/selling as a kid and buying rereleases.
Lots of different playthroughs and extremely serious and autistic roleplaying. Also, Skyrim also has a TON of content.
I have over 100 shitty indie games in my Steam library that I will never play
>have over 1300 games in steam
>only ever actually played ~6%
>played Skyrim a for a total of 27 minutes
>loved new Vegas but never beat the campaign
>don't ever really beat single player games
>just stick to multiplayer games because I like the social aspect
>played GTAO for 100+ days
>haven't even platinum'd the main game
the only games i've played in the last 2 years are warframe, league of legends, world of warcraft, and heroes of the storm. my shit taste has made me question whether i even like video games at all or if i'm just one of those people with addictive personalities that are super susceptible to colorful skinner boxes.
>played GTAO for 100+ days
Please tell me you wanted to write hours
I preorder games pretty regularly, especially if it has a neat bonus.
I've spent many thousands of hours in Runescape over the past ~15 years. I just keep fucking coming back.
I get bored/burn out, quit for a year or two, and one day get the urge again and start all over. Hell I want to go back again now and make an Ironman or something.
Worst of all I mostly just make shitty meme builds, autist-tier insane grinds that nobody else has done.
My character on RuneScape is one of my favorite gaming memories. Didn't get him to a particularly high level or anything but still had a blast. Even gathering flax to sell for 100k to buy nice stuff. Nothings really come close since
>>Skyrim is my favorite game of all time
Okay I guess, I liked it greatly as well although wouldn't call it my favorite of all time
>Played it for about 800 hours on Ps3
>Never touched the PC version
I have spent around 9000 hours on OSRS since 2015 and I don't regret a single minute of it.
I thought Doom 2016 was a totally average game and I have no interest in ever playing it or the sequel
I didn't like Morrowind when it came out.
I don't like Morrowind now without modding the heck out of it and remove the dice roll bullshit.
I love Oblivion and Skyrim more than Morrowind.
Why is this a sin? Because apparently all older people my age have to love Morrowind because we grew up with it... But I don't without turning it into Oblivion through mods and adding a sprint mod as well. Can't wait for SkyWind.
>>Played it for about 800 hours on Ps3
Isn't the PS3 version notorious for being broken the point of near unplayability?
It had pretty long loading screens, but other than that I didn't have any issues.
How many of those days were spent on the loading screens?
I don't know if it's my biggest sin, but I still feel bad about using items in the mundus fight in DMC1. I'm sorry Dante. I was not stylish enough.
The load times are absurd but other than that they pretty much patched out everything. At launch it was a complete disaster though.
That's nothing
>Play Minecraft PE, then Wii U version followed up by switch
>Never touched the PC version
That's not all
>I have over 1000 hours in Fallout 4 from Mods alone
>I think DooM 4 is kinda overrated
>My first Fire Emblem was Awakening
>After I played Smash 4
>In my copy of Fates, I named Corrin "Snake", made him look like Big Boss, paired with Anna, changed my class and Kana's class to Mercenary and named my sanctuary "Outer Heaven"
>I was Chuck Norris for Halloween when I was 10
>MGS1 with a fight stick
Holy fuck, please be real
Was it fun though?
I think dark souls 2 is a good game
>Was it fun
In ways I guess
Its alright but it falls below p much all the other ones so people will shit on it forever
this opinion is held by basically everyone; congratulations
I pretend to have played games that I didn't and get into arguments about them.
I played planescape torment attempting to give as little a shit about my lost memories as possible, and grew bored with it once i entered the trash portal.
>I NEVER played the original MetalGearSolid, only The Twin Snakes
How do you sit through load times on a console game like that? How? Every city, every dungeon, every fucking building a long ass loading screen. How do you do it?
It pissed me off too, but then I realized you can get rid of the long loading screens if you disable autosaving.
Sun is my favorite Pokemon game after Platinum and Emerald.
The sign of someone that lies to himself and others.
>I have 106 hours on doki doki literature club
>Started the mgs series with 4 when i was 14
>Ive never had fun with a resident evil game
>Die hard silent hill fan even though I never played the games, I use to watch my big sis play them
>Have 300 hours on ps3 bf4, never touched the pc version
I'll post more if you guys wanna here more retarded shit Ive done