Video games should cost $120

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When they go to $70 they will cost $0 for me, not buying them at that price point.

This is not a problem for adults since we have jobs and can afford those prices.
If anyone complains about this you better be sure to report if for they are underages.

Tbh i would never pay more than 20$

With the difference that now there are more gamers than ever. As a matter of fact, Grand Theft Auto V is the most profitable entertainment product ever. Do you think they stopped with MTX? No, they added a Casino and Take Two wants to push MTX in every game they will release. Dilate.

They should actually be cheaper because the market is oversaturated with absolute trash. Can't wait for this industry to crash

>120 bucks for the ability to test flavor of the month software

user pls

>Indy studios make a profit at 40 bucks a game with the same scope
If graphical technology has not met the point where your product can be profitable useing it, it's your fault for not scaling back.

Their problem, not mine. Don't hire celebrities for retarded face scan and avoit the voixe actor mafia.

How much of that extra $60 will go to employees? Answer: barely any.

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What’s the point of making games $120 when a Shit ton of people buy the game when the price is reduced?


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Employees get paid during (paid) dev time whether the game sells 1 or 5958383 copies, so even the muh dev argument is retarded unless the industry is in such a bad state devs work for free or by sales revenue.

>look at these AAA games

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sure thing bro, it's not like i waste my money on electronic toys or anything.

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60 dollars + 60 online

>publisher spends 60% of the budget on marketing
>forces the inclusion of microtransactions to make 3000% return

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The market growing I'm sure kept prices low. Wages in America not going up will keep people from buying any games for $120 unless its something like a very, very long RPG.

The publishers, and probably developers too, don't pay taxes.

If the game industry thought it could get away with $120 games, it'd do it already microtransactions or not.

Strange, they cost $0 to me.

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Devs are paid peanuts and work in shit conditions.

Jokes on you, I buy like one game a year lol

It's because my time is valuable and I won't just give it to any game, it has to be one I know/have faith will be great

You really shouldn't underestimate the amount of people who will just say "fuck it, I'm not playing"

Maybe they should stop artificially inflating their """costs"""" by not spending a fuck ton on celebrity guests and marketing?

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then they should get a different job

Well not only is this guy's opinion retarded, video games were not $60 in the early 90s unless they were shit no one wanted. I had to pay $80 for Chrono Trigger, and that was in like 1996 dollars, which adjusted for inflation would be a hell of a lot more.

I'm Canadian and I'm already out, it's just too fucking stupid at this point. Octopath Traveler is unironically over $80 on Steam and it's a year old port of a Switch game.

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>not waiting eight months after launch and buying the game for 10 bucks
I sure hope you guys don't do this.

The problem is that if you let them charge you $120 they won't fucking get rid of MTX/DLC. They'll still keep that shit and make like $200+ off of you in the end and laugh all the fucking way to the bank. And none of that money is going to go to the actual coders working on this shit. These people seem to have this notion that when devs get paid they cut some fat portion out to part out to the workers. That's bullshit. Those workers get paid their salaries and the devs already got paid by the publisher. The publishers like EA, Activision, etc. pocket all that cash.

60 dollars is completley fine when the developer creates smart.

Games that blow all their budget on useless shit and trashcans with 8k textures don't make sense.

A game like Skyrim that costs 120 IF it had the quality put into it I could get behind. Games already cost 100+ here in New Zealand, which is like 80 or something USD.

Games like Dark Souls/Bloodborne etc are developed on what seems a very reasonable budget but they deliver exactly what they need to do. Developers need to be smarter, games don't have to be expensive to make these days, you just have loads of redundant faggots in studios these days, or shit software slowing things down.

As a 3D artist myself, I know for a fact any studio using Maya for 3D asset creation is taking at least twice as long to make everything compared to a team of Max users. Shit like this should be the real thing looked at.

We should have double the paychecks then because muh adjusted for inflation

he's not wrong

games also sell about 12000 times more than they used to.

This runs in to the issue of the consumers themselves: We've been spoiled by super high end graphics, and when a game is less then sterling visually, people will throw a fit. In fact, a lot of the console warring we see now is still all about graphics, excepting exclusives.

As time goes on, and display become more dense and frame rates become high, graphics are still at the forefront of video games, and will remain so because the youth have been brought up on games that would have be considered high end for the previous generation.

tl;dr - Graphics whores ruined gaming.

The devs still eat the cost of a failed game by getting laid off. If the game does well they might get a bonus but most goes to the publisher or studio reserves.

>Everyone quits
>No more vidya
Honestly its a win/win

The literally who has it backwards. People won't pay full price anymore because of the microtransactions, not the other way around. I never felt ripped off buying new console games, prior to the 7th generation.

Intellectual property, patents and copyright should be abolished.

We need a free market in media.

>wasting more than 20 or maximum 30€ in a vidya

found the basement dweller

>The publishers like EA, Activision, etc. pocket all that cash.
Nothing wrong with that. They made the financial bet.

Not even having sucess saves you.

The rich should hang.

This idiot doesn't realize that distribution costs have gone way down.
It costs pennies in comparison to how much it was in the 90s to get your games to market. Digital distribution should have if anything made games cost 20$ instead of $60 even with inflation.
Publishers are just greedy fucks who want to squeeze every cent out of gamer so they'll never say anything about this.

Don't remindem them, you will wake the "vidya developer" user.

There was a thread where the fucker literally insisted that the devs earn depending on the sales of the game, lmao.

>5.25 in
I'm triggered by your inaccuracy.

They were cut because of infinite growth to appease the investors.

Or get this, I could pay $60 and not give a fuck about micro transactions. Better yet I could just pirate and tel companies to suck my fucking doodle

>Nothing wrong with that. They made the financial bet.
Wasn't trying to say it was wrong, just trying to say that people have this notion that increasing prices is going to magically improve working conditions for devs when in reality all it'll do is give the publishers fatter wallets.

That is what you get for living in that shit hole.

Why not maybe lower costs on production values and marketing?
You know, really going for the primary value proposition if all the other trite drives up the cost of development?

I would say to just limit it to 14 years.

Video games should cost exactly what I pay for them, which isn't even £50.

Hey I think it should be 114 years
Also I have billions of dollars

I fucking love it because everytime they pull the "convenience argument out".
Motherfucker I am literally buying less of the product when I do it digitally, the only costs should be from having the servers to download the fucking thing which should be nowhere near the physical distribution cost

this, I also think gen pop as consumers wouldn't accept a game without post release DLC anymore, Sony 1st party game excluded.

yes but we live in a first world country incel

please make this the norm and kill the industry, thanks

where the fuck do you guys even pirate your games from?

You really don't get the incel thing do you?

You mean, like today?

i'm sorry user. we can't let you do that.

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Can anyone explain why the video game industry is becoming so anti-consumer?

Video games would all be patreon shit if that happened. What we need is to return to the original duration and have compulsory licensing for everything, not just music.


fitgirl's site

There's a boat that comes by the harbor every now and then.

Even if games were $120, there would still be DLC and microtransactions. Why settle with getting only 120 bucks when you can also milk people for twice that amount with overpriced DLC?

Because consumers are literal cucks.

maybe if they spent less on marketing and more on making a quality product we wouldn't be in the first stages of a crash

He is satirizing the real people at Disney who use massive wealth to adjust intellectual properylty laws.

yeah sure, ill just pirate it and buy the multiplayer games when they're 80% off lol

you are somewhat right but digital platforms still take a 30% cut like retail and also publishers only take like 20 or 30%, there was a breakdown posted here a few years ago about it in a thread like this, mostly bloated development costs and publishers are a problem, the hollow knight guys can sell their game cheap because it's like 3 guys, games are better small

Games should actually be cheaper than $60 due to the rise of digital distribution and manufacturing and distribution costs plummeting

They raised a generation to keep cracking open their wallets for every little add on and journalists are turbo corporate bootlickers that defend every money grubbing scheme

The problem is that most if not all publishers are beholden to the shareholders and shareholders dont give a fuck about fun or creativity, they care about profit and tricking morons will always be more profitable than actually putting in effort

So why is it that AAA movies that have higher production costs only cost 20$ for the DVD and it's normally down to 10$ the next year

>muh costs of development
maybe stop spending a small fortune on obnoxious marketing like plastering your game cover all over local transportatiom


i probably wont pirate anything tho, scared of getting viruses or v&

They make most of their money from cinemas

Someone doesn't understand the free market.

anyone that actually uses this argument exposes himself as someone who is terrible with money and has zero financial sense

What the fuck do you think the Box Office means my man

I have no idea how the industry can get away with these low prices desu, I remember paying more for N64 games made by a team of 4 nerds even before adjusting for inflation. I'm pretty sure $60 or w/e nowadays is the equivalent of a fiver for a game back then.

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its important to note manufacturing was like 1% of that 60 dollar price tag back in 2007 and that retail was only 11%

yall have no fucking clue about anything

It amazes me how people can truly think that even if developing the game was made up in sales, that companies would just stop useing micro transactions and dlcs. Like these exec's will say "lets not make more money off of dumb people".
You stop it by not giving them money, not by giving them double.

That's the reason why games stayed at $60 in the age of CD/DVDs. The low cost of manufacturing disc meant that more money went to the publisher. They didn't know it would bite them in the ass when the graphics race of the 360/ps3 era made the cost of making a game explode exponentially.

Then develop a niche of players that don’t care about the graphical hit of that means they can get more games and more gameplay at the cost of looking like a PS2 game

They'll start with you though. Anyone posting here is not the target audience of gomminisum

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Because wages for most of the working and middle class haven't adjusted to match, if they boosted prices then they'd lose more sales.
Its why most games have different "editions" at release, so they can have their cake and eat it

>Video games would all be patreon shit if that happened.
you're an idiot if you think all of the people currently working in the industry would just go away

>What we need is to return to the original duration and have compulsory licensing for everything,
ALL occupational licensing should be abolished and anyone who tries to implement licensing should be tried for treason.

you can't buy a good pizza for $20 in any major city yet neckbeards on this site think a game that you'll literally have forever should cost that much

game artist have to compete for penuts against chinese and other third world shitholes who have billions of people where 1 is bound to be hyper autistic. stop importing cheap labor and wages will increase it is that simple.

They probably believe in trickle down economics.

Ok so the make most their money from selling their product for even less! a movie ticket is only about $13.

Extra these chucklefucks are trying to charge 10$ for the same default gun you already have but blue
Pay up goy!
No fuck off Kike

this, HD assets take hours of manpower to make, that small rock on the ground you walk passed and think nothing of took a guy an hour to model and probably twice that for texture work

But user, not importing chinese and Indian labor to replace white employees would be racist.

Licensing for cartridges was a lot more than that.
Once we moved to discs manufacturing became much cheaper, but you're also forgetting the distribution costs. Shipping millions of discs out into the world isn't cheap in the slightest.

This is a ridiculous proposition. You can't just pour a ton of money into production and demand that people have to pay the price. You have to charge a price people are willing to pay. The market cuts both ways.

Go right ahead and try it. If they even remotely thought they could get away with a price increase they would have tried it ages ago.

>Implying inflation affects all goods equally
>Implying technology isn't a factor in development costs
>Implying real purchasing power is coherent with inflation
I say the budget is still 20 bucks per game and I'll spit on you for free.

>not waiting two years and buying an entire series in a bundle for 15 bucks

>stop importing cheap labor
Hard to tell a bunch of capitalists to NOT make more money.

Shut up, retard.

because no one buys it, so they lower the price. basic supply and demand. get a brain, moran

oh yeah sorry, shipping was like 6% also no it didn't. it became much cheaper once cds become mainstream, that didn't happen right away, the ps2 was the first cheap dvd player remember?

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Sounds about right. The average "AAA" game that gets released today should be priced at well over $100. However, I think they should scale down the development and budgets a LOT. Why was it ever a good idea to spend millions of dollars on a video game? Nobody actually gives a shit if you model a teacup that gets blown up in a cutscene with a thousand polygons.

that sounds like protectionist commie talk to me, user

Capitalism is unironically poison.

I'm gonna guess some additional opinions that individual holds:

- European nations should continue taking in massive amounts of immigrants (but only non-european immigrants)
- Drugs should be decriminalized
- Rampant abortion is good
- Game of Thrones is the greatest TV show of all time
- Trump is a racist and/or a tyrant and/or an idiot and/or a "nazi"
- The United Nations is good
- Russians hacked the 2016 elections

Please confirm or deny OP.

Video games should cost $0

Companies need to be paying me for the fucking privilege of having me give them the time of day

So we're in agreement that games should be cheaper now that digital distribution is an option.
Glad to work that out.

Cost to make vs money made back on those sales is key.
Also chances are if you're a normie you buy more movie tickets than video games in a year.
Also the vidya industry is far more profitable these days

They use microtransactions because they print money, not for any other reason.
Do people seriously not look at company investor minutes? They don't even hide the fact that they view microtransactions as the easiest profit maker they've ever seen.
Just feels weird to me that people defend companies use of this shit when they outright admit they'd be profitable without them.

That's because game development is one of the most passion-driven industries, I can't imagine a construction worker willingly cucking himself as much as a gamedev

>Goods are worth the labor necessary to produce them.
Of course, it all makes sense now.

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objectively correct

As much as this makes me sound like a damn Nintendie, Nintendo makes AAA games and doesn't include this microtransaction shit and P2W stuff in their $60 games.

>economy in the shitter
>biggest consumer base is millennials that are struggling to keep their head above water financially
>expecting a price increase to not tank the entire industry

if anything they should just stop making big budget AAA bullshit and make smaller games with wide appeal. I’ve had more fun playing low budget indie shit like Baba is You than any big budget game in recent memory

Lul i have a job and could afford $120 but i never pay for any aaa game unless its a deep sale (70℅+).

so the average wagecuck


The only poison that gets things done.

it is crony capitalism and stems from immoral practices It is on par with blackmail ect.

well the point is, no one should feel bad cause the price could drop much more and they would still be in business.

Games SHOULD cost 120 burgers, so people will stop buying them and force the undesirables into a different hobby.

Video games are a luxury entertainment good whose pricetag will normalize at a level people consider a fair price. As it's not necessary expenditure they can be cut out if the customer tightens his belt, and then the industry will receive zero dollars.
Since the year 2000 video games have gotten cheaper to publisher and distribute, yet publishers keep crying it's not enough. Despite the savings they were making by not printing physical materials, despite the better revenue split they began taking on digital storefronts instead of physical, it's still not enough. Perhaps everyone in the video game industry is overpaid or the video game industry employs too many worthless leeches?

go back /pol/tard

If you're poor, you deserve it.

They sold fucking hats in Odyssey, not to mention their recent stream of shitty mobages with MTX up the ass

if only the labour theory of value is correct
too bad it's not desu

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No, they're worth what people will pay for them.

Given inflation, I'm surprised games don't cost more now when they cost a lot more in the 90s/ 80s when the US dollar was worth more

so fucking mad lmao

>development costs have gone way up!
>all the increases in costs for making vidya games are for useless shit like marketing and Diversity Officer positions

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Why do I have a feeling you'll say this and also turn around and dismiss the idea of a game union?

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What makes videogames so special that they can double their prices, offer less, and shit on their customer while movies, music, and novels have to settle for lowering prices and trying to please customers so much

no, they should cost more because they require even more man hours and middleware to make them, mario has more than 18 polygons now, sound design isn't just playing a single sound effect every time your character jumps, shit got far more complex, adding to that everyone for some reason wants them to be 30 too 100 hours long, and some poor asshole has to make all of that, if you're alright with games going back to the old days of being like 5 levels and only taking so long to beat because they're either unfair as fuck or require rote memorization then yes sure

That's why they're packed with microtransactions and DLC, look at the recent Rockstar grifts.

There is something of a point here but
illustrate why that hasn't actually happened. Personally, I'd rather AAA devs stop giving a fuck about production values and just develop games with a reasonable budget. So long as their efforts rake in multimillion sales then that isn't happening either so whatever, it's all fucked and I don't really give a shit anymore.

spoken like a true global homo rat
putting your own people first in civilization is not commie tier.

not really, since the price for physical media is undercut drastically by digital media. Not to mention the overall size of a basic game has gone up by 22%. That means physical media has to accomodate for a size larger than 2-3GB in most cases, combined with shipping costs and stuff, a DVD doesn't cost that much to put into the hands of the consumer. And again, since people like buying digital now, the price of DVD's has gone down considerably, even Blu-Ray is in the bargain bin now.

>I have money so it's completely logical for me to waste it
Fuck off with this retarded shit. I'm 30 years old and I haven't paid full price for a game since the Xbox 360.

That's not how capitalism works my man, there's a reason its so profitable.

christ this is old bait

normies dont like small smart shit like baba

can't imagine writing this out and submitting it thinking it was a clever comeback all the while, sorry lad, better luck next time

Programmers would do business development, artists advertising shit.

When I say licensing, I mean licensing the copyright, not occupational licensing.

Treason? Get real.

No need, the devs do it themselves. There's always some fucktard who just "wants to work in video games" and is happy to replace any burnt-out husk when unionization talks start happening.

>They sold hats in Odyssey
Yeah with in-game coins, not MTX? Are you retarded?

>shitty mobages
Agreed, but we're talking about AAA stuff here. Not shitty gacha games. When you're selling a product for free, I feel like MTX is fine in that regard unless you make it heavily P2W.

>this dumb fucking meme again

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pretty graphics sell games better than quality gameplay user, why else would everything run at sub 30 fps but look amazing? normies want things to look like their marvel movies

>Capitalism is the only system that works, it's the invisible hand of the free market user, people only sell what others want

All unions should be violently abolished desu.
The pinkertons unironically did nothing wrong.
The labor movement has done nothing but hurt the working class since it's inception.

AAA companies should just fuck off if it's not profitable.

>Dev costs have gone WAY up

I hate how they imply that this is a necessity and is unavoidable.

Why do they not stabilize dev costs? They shouldnt be going up at all!

She has a point you know. I'm a bit of an optimist as well as an intellectual, so I like to think of DLC as a good thing for us who don't typically buy it. Why? Because it effectively lets idiots who do subsidise the game for us by raising the average price while the cost to me remains the same. It's a beautiful thing, really.

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Kill yourself you fucking retarded faggot. These are DLC hats.

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>when a game is less then sterling visually, people will throw a fit.
Only a very specific group of people do this. We live in a world where Minecraft and Fortnite are the most popular games around.

I support a free market republic where leftists aren't allowed to vote and left wing parties aren't allowed to run in elections.

This. I refuse to pay 80 bucks for today's games. Most of them are let downs anyway.

Games cost more because of graphics and engines being better. The gameplay is worse generally, why would anyone pay more money to make up for video game companies having dumb priorities.

Maybe they should turn down the obsession with cinematic nonsense and voice acting, so adults can just kick back and enjoy a video game like the old days instead of a pretentious, edgy movie that seems to have been written by high school students.

Because they actually want $60 for that game.
The 'sale' price is the actual price.
If they can sucker some fools into paying the non-sale price, then bully for them.

t. commie trembling at the thought of unbridled free-market capitalism

go back to your antifa larper subreddits

I agree. Unions are just a compromise. Workers need to go all the way and take the means of production.

devs don't earn royalties, games could sell the same number of copies at 600 as 60 and they wouldn't see an extra cent

Real talk, the people who make fan games with company ips really should just give it their own coat of paint and try to actually sell it. Look at shit like Blossom Tales. Clear LttP rip off, but it still sold well.

I'm not corporate cocksucker liberal.

>DLC Hats
Free DLC hats. That you buy with the bing bing you get in the bing bing wahoo game.
You don't buy coins with real money in Odyssey you actual fucking dolt.

this whole "development prices are rising" propaganda is bullshit and it pisses me off that it works so well on people who dont look this shit up

>being a schizoid who thinks everyone you talk to on an anonymous imageboard is the same person

I would pay double the price if it had actual content,but AAA have literally 0 content and it's all graphics,expensive VA and repetitive grinding to artificially increase playtime.

They're just as free to unionize as they are to found their own studio with better conditions.
As they are also free to pursue self-publishing.

What exactly does IP, patents and copyright have to do with the free market?

Taking over the means of production will not actually benefit the working class in any material way. The working class already consumes 99% of all end product of economic production. They can't get more than what is virtually everything.
The moment you learn this is the moment you grow up and stop being a 14 year old larping fedora wearing commie.

If they managed to cut costs even more, they still wouldn't lower the prices. There's no reason to compete on pricing when the whole AAA industry is colluded at 60 dollars.
This is happening right now, the Epic Store offers a better cut for developers (and gave a bunch of them money upfront) and the only game that's cheaper because of it is Metro Exodus.
Why lower the price when you can enjoy a better margin? They would only lower the price if that somehow increased their profit.

i actually support this idea, not due to the "hurr supply and demand isnt real" mentality of these morons but because we've seen indie games explode in creativity and craftsmanship every time there's a AAA crisis of price or quality

>120 bucks
>you buy anthem


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enjoy browsing game stores with hundreds of thousands of furry vore fanfic versions of games

What are you on about? I think DLC and microtransactions are good, people WANT them, that's why they're being sold and make money. If people didn't WANT them and weren't willing to pay for them they simply would cease to exist. This is just how economics work.

Since when do we have a free market?

>What exactly does IP, patents and copyright have to do with the free market?
Without protection from copycats how can I be free to profit off of my idea? There's nothing free about a tiny company making a video game and a huge company ripping it off with a big budget.

i would say follow the fucking US constitution for once

"[the United States Congress shall have power] To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."

Key phrases in here

Your work must be scientifically significant or useful
The right is secured for limited times, a lifetime while limited is not meant here
Copyright may not be transferred

So IP in entertainment, especially as it may be held by and transferred to immortal entities, is unconstitutional.

>The working class already consumes 99% of all end product of economic production. They can't get more than what is virtually everything.
literally impossible and a bizarre non-sequitur. Owning their own tools and work has nothing to do with owning "end product of economic production." Workers owning a factory that makes hobby horses is completely separate from a particular worker owning a hobby horse.

>Without protection from copycats how can I be free to profit off of my idea?
You can offer to sell your game and people can buy it if they wish.
You don't have the right to interfere with other people copying your idea.
Ideas are not property.

Since forever. Don't like it? Feel free to leave the country for a "freer" market like Somalia, or vote with your wallet.

you could contribute to society instead of charging people for entertainment they could get elsewhere for free

just saying you don't deserve to be rich for your chosen field, it has no value and is essentially subsidized by the federal government. and how they subsidize it is they rob people of their property rights and declare you the sole owner of all that you have made, even if someone else physically owns it.

>Intellectual property, patents and copyright should be abolished.
It needs to be there, but doesn't need to be as excessively long as it is.

>what are the wages that you have to pay to your employees.

I fucking hate how commies and neolibs pretend they don't want the same thing.

Should we stop the war on drugs then?

In order for game costs to go up, minimum wage needs to increase in tandem with inflation
Inflation has gone up while wages have remained stagnant. Even though many states have programs to increase the minimum wage, by the time they're fully implemented, we'll be back at step 1.

>Former socialist state
>Locked down tribal theocracies
>incredibly corrupt socialist central government run by UN aid bodies.

You're kidding, right?

And people all around the world should be payed about 400% more if you look at the productivity/inflation. They're not.

Still, instead of defending the people, the enslaved mutt is quick to defend megacorporations first, it's laughable.

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because those businesses are failing horribly,
supply and demand.

Yes. None of that shit was illegal in the 19th century.

Like a lot of things in your constitution needs to be updated for modern times (similarly, legislation around the world needs to progress too).
There're just too many grey areas now.

I care more about developers, that's why i buy smaller games
>cheap as fuck
>usually more fun anyway

who the fuck buys AAA shit anymore?

Fucking this. Imagine if movies and books started having pre-order bonuses and all this other modern cancer.
>Go watch at Cinema Company A to see an exclusive 10 minutes of footage.
>Sorry you didn't buy the collectors edition of my novel so you get to miss out on that chapter.
>You bought our latest LP but it only has 15 minutes of songs? And you can only buy the other tracks with a microtransaction? What are you entitled, record company executives need to eat too.

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Sure, we're all joking here after all. If you think Somalia is a better country, feel free to go to it. Nobody is stopping you if you think the free market is so terrible.

What do you expect of a country that has two globalist right parties pretending to be rivals?


>The rich guy left with his money
Not if it's fiat

Devs aren't the reason the cost of making games has ballooned. They're not the ones pushing for multi-million dollar advertising campaigns and celebrity VAs and other useless, expensive shit.

People want these things and pay for them, that's all. The moment people stop paying for them is the moment they stop being made.

The exclusive track thing happens in the music industry.

Very low with 60 extra unpaid hours during crunch apparently.
Also they even outsource your mom these days.

theaters are dying y'know. but that doesn't stop them from trying to upsell via concessions and imax 3D crap

It needs to be there for science and the useful arts.

That area definitely doesn't have to be updated.

Modern times have been unquestionably hurt by the unconstitutional government support of the entertainment industry.

Very little of it does, really. For example the second amendment can be fixed by redefining "people" as persons of good sanity with triple digit IQ scores. So long, gun crime.

Walmart already has Super Mario maker 2, DQ builders 2 for $50
Crash nitro kart for $33
These games just came out and ive never seen them this cheap so fast especially a nintendo game
Whats going on?

>literally impossible
Nope, it's actual fucking reality of the world we live in.

>bizarre non-sequitur.

>Owning their own tools and work has nothing to do with owning "end product of economic production."
That's not the point I made.
I said that them owning the means of production will not allow them to consume more consumer goods OR work less hours.
They would have to work the same amount of time because they were already previously working this amount of time to produce the same amount of goods.

Prove me wrong, you literally can not.
The capitalist class consumes an incredibly tiny portion of the end product of production.
Taking their massive wealth and profits will simply result in massive price increases to make up for the new demand.
The workers were already consuming and buying 99% of all of the consumer goods in the economy.
Surplus value doesn't exist.

He's exchanged it for other currencies, or even gold, well before things got that far.

There isn't a free market in the US. Or in my country. We're both incredibly interventionist.

>video games cost more than ever to make!
>AAA titles that release buggy, rushed and with more marketing than bug testing

Based retarded OP.

Attached: 1539174441755.png (274x249, 73K)

Maybe because a game that costs 1 mil to make now spends another 9 in marketing.

No, because it'd be worthless to the person he exchanged it with

In the past, companies had beta testers. Now, customers themselves are willing to fullfil that role absolutely for free. Fuck this gay Earth.

Somalia is a failed socialist state.
I would rather move to the most free market nations on earth like Switzerland or Singapore and enjoy cheap free market healthcare and laugh at the retarded poverty ridden socialists. lmao

marketing people should actually be killed, they take most of the budget to do the same old tired shit. (somber cover of old rock song starts playing over moody trailer)

Yeah and now that the PC industry pushes raytracing so hard and other memey tech shit that literally people just pretend to care about but won't even notice in game, the dev costs will go up and eventually companies will start losing money and either add in a shit ton of micro transactions or raise prices, and then people will be upset.
The graphics race killed the game industry.

>“Mere mobs!” repeated his new friend with a snort of scorn. “So you talk about mobs and the working classes as if they were the question. You’ve got that eternal idiotic idea that if anarchy came it would come from the poor. Why should it? The poor have been rebels, but they have never been anarchists; they have more interest than anyone else in there being some decent government. The poor man really has a stake in the country. The rich man hasn’t; he can go away to New Guinea in a yacht. The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all. Aristocrats were always anarchists, as you can see from the barons’ wars.”

I wish games were hundreds of dollars each. Parents wouldn't blindly buy them to shut their rotten child up anymore. The days of catering literally everything, even M rated ultra-violent fuckfests, to their garbage tastes would be over.

No thanks, our Founding Fathers had much better ideas about how to run a country than any of our (((modern))) politicians. Straying from their beliefs and principles is half the reason America is so fucked up today. For example, restricting voting to landowning white men of good character was a feature, not a bug.

>no true scotsman

but i dont want to pay $100 extra for content I didnt ask for or enjoy

Make my game, wagie. We all know it won't be good so it needs to be fast and cheap.

What, precisely, do you think the wealthy are doing right now?
Before it is worthless?

we haven't had a free market since 1913

FUcking idiot
The micro transactions are in games not because of the development cost but because shareholders demand greater percentages of profit growth every quarter
The idea that an AAA publisher wouldn’t shove in microtransactions on a $120 game because “the base price is fair” is nonsense because that’s not what motivates them to put gambling in these games in the first place
It’s not about making back their money, it’s about making as much money as possible

>For example the second amendment can be fixed by redefining "people" as persons of good sanity with triple digit IQ scores. So long, gun crime.
Big brain idea there, letting the ruling class set arbitrary limitations to basic rights always turns out right!
It's not like that's exactly what screwed copyright laws in the first place.
But seriously, terrible example.

OP I hope you know that if video games cost $120 baseline and everybody bought them at the exact same rate their quality would not improve.

What would actually happen is everybody on EA's board of directors gets a huge bonus for doubling their profits and convincing retards to do it for free with no promise of improved quality.

You are a cuck.

Attached: 1530786369287.jpg (236x236, 11K)

Unironically only landowners should vote as they actually have a stake in the economy

>AAA companies have had one of the most profitable years ever
>market shares skyrocket in the last 10 years
>they produce less games and earn more money
>somehow some people think that games should be more expensive because poor AAA publishers

Attached: 1489752175609.gif (280x302, 3.75M)

Who is he exchanging it with? You can't exchange money that's not worth anything to anyone. The only rich people who have historically gotten away are royalty who pawn the crown jewels, at least if they weren't guillotined or some gruesome shit first.

This. The US Constitution in its original ratified form was the best form of crystlaised English Radicalism and Common Law, the two greatest forces of human liberty and freedom ever to have existed in the history of our species.

There is no free market in the US and there hasn't been since the 1910s. This isn't a case of no true scotsman, this is a case of you bringing out a Japanese salaryman and telling me he's from Argyll and his family's been there since the Picts were kicked out.

>What, precisely, do you think the wealthy are doing right now?
Investing their fiat currency into the United Statements investment market, which has been on the rise even through the last recession. Don't play stupid.

>Paying full price for a video game ever
This is dumb and anyone who does this is just a beta tester for those that wait for a price reduction because by that time you'll know whether a game is actually worth buying or not rather than taking a gamble that it turns out to be absolute shit.

Attached: 1423766287178.jpg (1000x1500, 323K)

Ryan Faulk said that the sanity argument is bullshit and used this as example.

They have driven a stake through the economy alright

lol why don't you hash it out and post your sources explaining how they own 90% of every end product ever made, I'll wait.

fucking this

Agreed, but if that was the law some (((humanitarian organization))) would skirt it by purchasing thousands of acres in Alaska or Wyoming and then give 1x1 foot parcels to all their pet minorities.

People still believe video games are a poor widdle fledgling industry that are bullied by movies, tv, the gubbahment, and lawyers when it makes more than everything but, what, movies? Or TV, can't remember. It has become one of THE mediums in it's incredibly short lifespan.

based ryan

>189 people like this

yep, I starting to lose faith for future gaming

Shareholders are a necessary part of capitalism though, they invest and take on risk for the company. Are you suggesting we get rid of them?

Every big publisher is tax-evading so how can they even justify putting MTX into their games?

I'm fine with the current price -- free.

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In my opinion that only supports my idea for redefining people.

Widespread gun ownership is only functional so long as all gun owners are in relative agreement. Radically divergent ideologies are social cancers that, if not removed, and allowed access to weapons, will cause violence. Hell, take away their guns and they'd probably use truck bombs. Dehumanizing the racists and disarming the majority of them is only the first step towards a final and permanent solution: complete removal from society.

A pity he privatized the video.

It's weird to think about honestly. How would you monetize a book, movie or tv show in such a way that you could potentially get 2000% or more profit from a single consumer? You look at shit like mobas with cosmetic skins and a new hero every month, you look at mobages where the biggest whales can spend 5 digits in a game's lifetime. Even little fish add up fast if you convince an idiot to buy a game for $60 and then to drop $20 every payday to "treat himself to a little something, it's not that much." You get an extra 100% profit within two months, at least.

The only equivalent is those ultra fans who will buy all the associated other merchandise, but it costs money to make Star Wars toys and shit. A guy paying you 100%+ more for a game for pure data is insane.

If they're a fringe minority, we have the cops and army. If they aren't, maybe it's time to consider you may have failed somewhere.

They are lmao

Hand in your guns cletus, and then your citizenship.

Came to post this.
Though if you count inflation, 20 bucks from 1990 is now $39.20.

Yes we should import millions of shitskins because they will work at 1/10th of the wage that the natives will. Wouldn't want to appear like a commie after all. All hail capitalism.

I agree.

Attached: Screenshot.png (1576x92, 44K)

you can do it with simple math
you leftists are constantly complaining that the capitalists are a TINY portion of the economy yet control so much and have so much wealth right
Well if we're purely talking about their personal consumer goods/services consumption compared to the economy as a whole it's incredibly fucking tiny, so tiny that it has a negligible effect on consumer goods prices.

Take Warren Buffet, this is his house.
It's not THAT big, many working class people have bigger houses.
The capitalist are not living off all of the wealth they have. That's the point, they SAVE their wealth which holds down prices allowing the working class to consume more goods.
They're NOT consuming the vast majority of it.

Even if you could say that they only consume 2% of all consumer goods/services(which is a massive stretch), it's still a drop in the bucket and if you took this 2% back from them(only one time, mind you) it would have a almost no effect on your living standards.

Stop being a socialist.

Attached: 120729-biz-buffett-slide4-1121a.jpg (600x400, 99K)

I don't have guns and I'm not even an American.

I think it's on his bitchute

>not being a free market white nationalist
enjoy being poor

>it's not that big
>2-3 times bigger than an average home, even larger than that vs an average apartment

What did user mean by this? "It's not that big compared to a mcmansion"? A literal mansion?

Correct. Thanks.

>I don't have guns
How are you ever going to defend yourself, user?

Attached: (850x1202, 218K)

The market hates you and hates every kind of distinction among humans. You're a literal cuck.

Sorry as a business owner it's in my best financial interest to import this Indian who will work unpaid overtime to replace Dave who asked for a raise recently. I'm sure as a fellow free market capitalist you understand.

>no sources
>"not THAT big"
also Warren Buffett owns a shit ton of real estate, not just his house. Were you not aware that he literally buys that shit up through his REIT? Anyway, holy shit user, you are extremely underinformed.

I think he's just talking out of his ass at this point.
>Simple math
Every single person at the Foxconn factories pumping out iphones cannot afford an iphone. Apartments are owned and then leased out by real estate management firms, not construction workers. Where does he get the idea that they somehow own 90% of everything ever made?

-3 times bigger than an average home
So what?
Countless working class people have homes larger than that.
You're not even addressing my main point.
The capitalists are not even living off all of those resources and taking their wealth amounts to a drop in the bucket and won't increase living standards for workers.

>A literal mansion?
His house isn't a mansion.
His house costs $652k.

Attached: warren-buffetts-house.jpg (500x500, 51K)

It's not big for a billionaire, it's small even for a millionaire.

As opposed to thousands of independent furry vore games.

>Most profitable AND youngest entertainment medium on the planet with a growth rate that makes movies look like chimp change
Remember when indies were supposed to be the saviors from predatory publishers? Western Indies need to die off entirely, the little good isn't worth the torrent of shit brought over by American west coast liberal cultists.

user, where's the simple math? You're literally avoiding giving ANY numbers at all.

>Only the most popular video games will get bought now.
>Every release will be a yearly franchise.
Thanks, op.

Attached: 1372991536258.jpg (500x385, 45K)

>The market hates you
The market isn't a sentient being.
The market increases my living standards by allowing me to consume goods and services while working less.
Commies and neetsocs need helicopter rides.

What the fuck do business owners have to do with the laws of the land?
If you tried to do this, you would be arrested.

>they HAVE to put microtransactions to make up the costs of development
this is how you spot a bitch who never read about annual salay and bonus for CEOs

Nothing wrong with pirating the games either. Afterall, why would I care if the publishers suffer? The devs already got paid.

Attached: tim-paid-for-it.jpg (1024x724, 87K)

Games used to cost way more than they do now and just like back then, I wait until I find them cheap. I never bought a fucking SNES game full price, I picked them up used at the local rental store for $5. I also only buy games now when they're on sale, usually for less than $10. And I don't pay for PC games, I only buy console shit since I'd have to mod my console to pirate those games, which isn't free.

So yeah, price changes and opinions about price don't effect me for shit. All the modern Nintendo games never go down in price, therefore I don't buy think I'm dropping $50 for some WiiU shit?

Attached: 1549236916270.png (865x679, 692K)

>pay up and pay more
Fuck that. I'd quit videogames altogether if they were that overpriced. I was wanting to learn how to draw anyways. Might as well invest in that instead

Ditto. Especially as a PC gamer, I feel like it's a ripoff to pay more than two X notes for ones and zeroes. If I bother paying at all.

>jew spends 500M dollars on advertisement
>jew spends 100M dollars on voice actors
>jew spends 5M dollars on actual game development
>jew demands it appeal to everyone and be casual, riddled with microtransactions and advertisements

Except that the market is countless times bigger than it was on the 90s

>Warren Buffett owns a shit ton of real estate
Yes, those are called CAPITAL GOODS you fucking idiot.
Goods used to increase or manage economic production.
Completely different thing.

>Anyway, holy shit user, you are extremely underinformed.
You're projecting so hard right now.
You couldn't refute ANYTHING I said.
Disprove my arguments.
Explain how the working class will benefit from taking over the means of production if they are already consuming 99% of all consumer goods.
I mean how fucking stupid are you?
When you work at the typical job, almost all of the customers are other working class people.

I'd be fine paying more for a new game if it came with the caveat that you cannot shove any form of monetization or micotrasnactions in it.

Attached: keys.jpg (611x583, 67K)

Indies don't make Skinner boxes nor sell games at $60 nor use Denuvo (for the most part). Dilate.

lol it's not illegal by any means. The entire US tech industry is replacing their workers with Indians. The Indian is cheaper. Sorry commie you can cry some more.

5 and a quarter inch floppys existed user. That's what I used to play Apple games on. 8 inchers too, not just the 3 and a half that were still used in the 90s.

They'd benefit by working less because the people in charge wouldn't get paid.

>Adjusted for inflation games should cost about $120
Prices go down relative to inflation because processes and tech improves allowing them to be created more efficiently and/or they have to compete with newer things.

Does he also think personal computers should cost $5,000 like an early IBM pc?

What if AAA games stopped costing billions of dollars to make and we roll back the graphics and cinematography so we can have have cheaper, more fully realized games and studios can afford to take risks again

I literally don’t remember the last time I paid above $20 for a game

>spend 150 million USD on advertising
>spend maybe 10 million on development after outsourcing 90% of the work to 300 indians
>cry about how generous and kind publishers are for pricing their shitty games at "only" 60 USD when they're not even worth 20 while still cutting content to sell as overpriced DLC and shoving p2w microtransactions down the consumer's throat

Yeah. Why do you think slavery existed? Because buying niggers from negroes is cheaper in the long term than hiring your fellow Americans.

they can always just charge more. no ones gonna stop them.

>while working less
When does that start? because last I checked full-time is still 40 hours.

>Also chances are if you're a normie you buy more movie tickets than video games in a year
This is easy to do when a ticket is somewhere between 10 and 20 and you can catch a matinee for as low as 5 or 6. If you're looking at games that run 6 times that, you need to be more selective given a similar entertainment budget for each.

You won't do shit you larper LMAO

>look at buffets home, it's merely 2-3 times the size of the average workers, countless own larger!
>it's not his only home

>Disprove my arguments.
you haven't posted any, you keep saying it's simple math but you haven't posted any math at all besides handwaving with statements like "countless working class people have homes larger" (how many?) or that personal consumer goods/services is "incredibly fucking tiny" (how tiny?) and then make up a number like 2% with no source at all. You haven't posted shit dude, sorry.

>Every single person at the Foxconn factories pumping out iphones cannot afford an iphone.
You're literally proving my point you dumb commie.
This is CHINA.
The country that heavily intervenes in the market.
These people cannot afford iphones because their dumb country heavily undervalues their currency, so the more they work, the less goods they can afford. In a free market, we would have deflation, prices would be coming DOWN.

Of course you commie bootlickers love central banks so you get what you support.

>Apartments are owned and then leased out by real estate management firms
Entirely the result of the federal reserve and other forms of government intervention aimed at INCREASING housing costs.

>Where does he get the idea that they somehow own 90% of everything ever made?
Not everything ever made.
Holy fuck PLEASE KILL YOURSELF if you cannot follow a simple line of reasoning.

>rent 825
does he live in the boonies

Remember when they told us going fully digital would save them on production costs and make games cheaper?

Enjoy your late stage capitalism bois. We literally have a worse distribution of wealth in 2019 USA, than the fucking dark ages.

Attached: chaos-spawn_main.png (1920x1080, 2.36M)

I gave you one number.
The SAME number you people give us.
The 1%.
The capitalists.
Unless you can somehow prove to me that they are consuming 100x the amount the average working class person does, then you're wrong.

how is it that you understand that capital and personal goods are totally separate and understand how owning capital goods benefits their owners but then completely miss how owning capital goods would benefit people who don't own them but create their value?

It turns out that shareholders want infinite grow. I hope there's a crash, but I really doubt it.

But that's not what's in the picture.

They already practically cost at least $100 with AAA games due to $40 season passes.

>Free market
>Government interference out the ass
Hurr durr

Isn't this what's going on right now in real time in Venezuela?

Didn't Rockstar created that with L.A. Noire?

>development costs have gone up

imagine unironically believing this when you can get Unreal for free, a Quixel subscription for $40/mo and Creative Cloud for $50/mo

Slack and email are basically free and collaboration tools have never been cheaper.

the "development costs have gone up" meme is a myth perpetrated by talentless indie studios and massive AAA publishers because they're fucking GREEDY

These retards don't know the first thing about how markets work. AAA can barely compete for an audience with F2P as it is. The market wouldn't be able to support more than a single AAA publisher at $120 IF that. These retards would all be out of a job over night and replaced by chink and pajeet sweatshops once the industry is take over entirely minimum maintenance F2P farms. They simply can't comprehend that something's worth is whatever people are willing to pay for it. He's a socialist/commie retard, yet he can't comprehend how doubling the price to that level would shrink the market by well over 50%.

Oh right, I keep forgetting that all the poor countries and people aren't "really" capitalist, because "real" capitalism I guess hasn't been tried anywhere yet because of uhhh the federal reserve stopping construction workers from owning the apartment buildings they make, somehow.

Fuck me, you're right, only the 3.5s had the metal slide.

also, costs of production are way down. cartridges were expensive to make. compare that to discs, and digital distribution, and they are fucking minted.

video games are one of the biggest industries in the world. these faggots aren't going hungry. these stupid sycophants you see on reddit make me sick.


They have increased, but only if you're looking for the best graphics.

How about you let the market decide what your company's games are worth retard

They already proved without a doubt that more money =/= better quality. With infinite profits from microtransactions they haven't made the games better, they simply make them faster. Retard cucks.

If you can't turn a profit without having to resort to heavy handed microtransactions, then you suck at running a business and should go under.

>it's not illegal by any means.
Obviously I was talking about in my ideal country you unbelievably dumb shit eating fuck.
We were talking about my poltical views as a free market white nationalist.

>The Indian is cheaper.
So is robbing someone. It doesn't make it legal and wouldn't be legal in my ideal country.

>They'd benefit by working less
Even if this were true, it wouldn't matter, there is still a tiny amount of them compared to the working class

far more people are on WELFARE than the number of capitalists

That's nice, it has nothing to do with what we're talking about.
I just said I support free markets and white nationalism.
I don't support slavery, it would be illegal in my ideal country.

>When does that start?
When we abolish central banking and implement free markets instead of the interventionist bullshit we have now.

>I don't like something these companies do
every time

>The SAME number you people give us.
Nobody posted it here, you're letting your imagination run away with you. You haven't posted any numbers or sources to back up what you've said so far. How many working class people own larger homes? How much "capitalist wealth" are people not consuming? Where exactly do you get "2% of all consumer goods/services" from? etc. You're literally just pulling stuff out of your ass.

this. I honestly measure how much I will pay for things by comparing it to how much dopamine release I get between taking that much $$$ in adderall, or buying the product.

So you want the government to make cheaper labor illegal? Doesn't sound very free market of you.

Video games already cost $120+ when you factor all the microtransactions, day 1 DLC and season passes. Like for fucks sake some Season Passes cost more than the fucking game.

>free market
>can't send jobs overseas
Pick one and only one.

Wrong, as evidenced by their success in the free market. Vote with your wallet or go to a socialist state like Somalia and enjoy your time there.

it's literally a VIDEO game though, dumbass

Graphical fidelity absolutely matters, and it matters just as much as the controls, story, etc.

>60% of the budget goes to marketing
>10% goes to the gameplay and story

Attached: no thank you.jpg (678x540, 119K)

It has to look good, not realistic.

Why is it illegal in your fantasyland to hire cheaper Indians? Do you know what the "free" in free market means?

Attached: 1562287134226.jpg (280x280, 12K)

How do you even budget gameplay and story?

>it's merely 2-3 times the size of the average workers
So what?
Even if all of the capitalists consumed 3 TIMES as much as the workers(they don't and you're retarded), it would mean that the workers would get a 3% increase in pay ONLY ONCE and never again.
This is basically nothing.
You're falling apart here kid.

>you haven't posted any,
I posted countless and you cannot refute them.
Explain why you think the working class would benefit from taking over the means of production if they already consume virtually all consumer goods and services in the economy.
Answer the question.
You can't and it's angering you.

>you keep saying it's simple math
yes and I did the math
The 1% exist(even you admit this), let's assume they consume 2-3x the amount the average worker does(you're not actually saying they consume more than that are you? You're not actually this dumb are you? They would have to be gigantic beasts that consume tons of food every day for that to be accurate).
By this logic, they're consuming approx 2-3% of all consumer goods and services in the market.
So by this logic, if the workers took over the means of production, they would have an increase of 2-3% of their share of consumer goods, but only ONE TIME.

Disprove this.

Programmers and writers, ya braindead so-and-so.

Attached: disdain for retards.png (1408x1269, 1.67M)

Writers and the guys designing and coding the gameplay I'd guess.

You ignored all those posts just to end your argument by calling someone kid, kek.

Attached: 1338351331536.jpg (250x250, 41K)

Think about this: Some poor fucker sole job for the Arkham Asylum games was just to animate Batman's cape. THat's it. For like, a year or two that's all he did. Something that just goes in the background after about an hour or two and becomes pointless.

We've hit diminishing returns with graphics at least 3-5 years ago, possibly more.
>where's the proof
The fact we had PS4 pro and XBOX One X.
It's getting desperately harder to sell people hardware on the ground "graphicks look better" so they have to watch their steps carefully.
They know consoles are eventually going down because they will never ever as in never be able to produce graphics vastly better than what we have now, it's just not possible on small boxes and it's very hard on PC.
Even if it was possible, it's getting impossible for most developers to pull it off, the market will dictate they have to downsize expectations, that's why a lot are shitting themselves and taking the streaming threat seriously.

The free market already decides that most AAA games aren't even worth the 60 dollar price tag, most EA, Ubisoft, Sony, etc games drop to 30-40 dollars in a couple months. Where is the explanation for that?

>Oh right, I keep forgetting that all the poor countries and people aren't "really" capitalist, because "real" capitalism
LOL this is great.
They're "real" capitalists according to the marxist definition of capitalism.
I agree.

The problem is that the marxist definition of capitalism means capitalists existing in a country and hiring wage labour etc etc.

Almost every single country in the world has "capitalism" according to this definition.

The problem is we don't give a shit about "capitalism" what we want is a FREE MARKET. A country that protects individual rights and allows for economic freedom.

China DOESNT ALLOW THIS and the workers there are exploited because of it.
Prove me wrong you manipulative piece of shit.

>"real" capitalism I guess hasn't been tried anywhere yet
But it was tried in the 1800s and was extremely successful.

I don't agree with this at all.

Dev costs are at an all time low, including high-end graphics development.

What hasn't gone down, and has actually increased is the cost of MARKETING. And when game developers say "the cost of game development is rising" they aren't talking about the programmers in the studio writing code and placing meshes, they're talking about the cost of marketing.

The thing about gamers is that you can release a really great game and still have very few people buy it because the market has gotten too big and game "journalists" will gladly take a bribe from a big publisher over some tiny studio of 3 guys and a cat.

What you said might have been true in the 50s, but now a days the working class can barely afford a house and kids. If wages stay stagnant and the average person can't afford to have a house and kids, there will be riots in the streets.

I'm not saying socialism will fix this, I'm just telling you what will happen if the working class can no longer afford to live their life.

America is basically living in a late capitalist dystopia as it stands right now. We're all scrounging up whatever money we can only to lose it once the bills roll in. There's no hope left for any of us

>They're "real" capitalists according to...
You're the only person itt bringing up the "marxist definition of capitalism" here, so I guess it's according to you. How many American construction workers own the apartment buildings they build?

Name one really good indie game in last year that did not recoup the dev costs.
Digital publishing and world-of-mouth (while in 90th you relied on gaming journals) do wonders.

>I'm just telling you what will happen if the working class can no longer afford
They already cannot. I'm sure you talk to people, and you've met in your life someone who claims they're independent because they share a room in some apartment with 5 other people in the only town where they could find a job.
That's already the beginning of the end.

The VIDEO part of VIDEO game is only important for communicating a lot of information in a clear and appealing way
Photo realism doesn’t actually give you that much more information for most games. Outside of something like LA Noire where photo realism is actually used as a gameplay mechanic, there’s not any real substantive benefit from driving the graphical fidelity of a game too far

Explain to me why indie has been a thing for over 10 years and we still have Atari 2600 graphics or at best SNES graphics
>in before some outlier with unity shit graphics

The quality would not increase.

>Nobody posted it here
You people always whine about the 1%.
Either way here's some real numbers.

>there were 5.6 million employer firms in the United States in 2016.
>US pop 327.2 million
So the capitalist class is only 1.7% of the entire economy. Still extremely small. Most of these capitalists are petit bourgeoisie small business owners that make as much money as a typical worker.

>How many working class people own larger homes?
Tons of working class doctors, engineers, stem etc people own much larger homes.
This wasn't even my main argument though.

>So you want the government to make cheaper labor illegal?
NO, immigration.

>Doesn't sound very free market of you.
I don't care.

I want people to be allowed to send jobs overseas, this isn't the issue here. Immigration is.

Because they wouldn't be allowed in the country, stupid.
Immigration is where my support of free markets ends I guess. I want free markets for everything else though.

> since 90s techniques have become more boring and repetitive
> older games from 2000-2008 would easily get you consistently 20-30 hours of play time
> newer games get you lol 6-8 hours.
> Sometimes even less than 6 hours.

They managed to penetrate normie markets so their audience is way bigger. The normie accepts absolute trash like FIFA despite knowing that 10 years ago even those games were better lol.

Nintendo survives just fine without being a graphical powerhouse. No reason why other developers can't go that route either.

>Spends a gorillian dollars on marketing and celebrities for the game
>Stuffs the game full with shitty DLC and microtransactions to cover those costs

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>How many working class people own larger homes? How much "capitalist wealth" are people not consuming? Where exactly do you get "2% of all consumer goods/services" from? etc. You're literally just pulling stuff out of your ass.
>"the capitalist class is only 1.7% of the entire economy."

They honestly should so kids stop wasting their time. I hope Trump goes along with the tariffs.

Not only inflation, but also the fact that game budgets are now higher.

Go on general strike then you fucking pussy.
I'm sick of you poor pussies talking big and doing nothing.
I'm a software engineer making far above average income for my area and I'm willing to strike, set the fucking date tanky and I'll be there.

>I said that them owning the means of production will not allow them to consume more consumer goods OR work less hours.
No, but that's not the point. The point is that when the workers are the owners of their factory, a) their income is depending directly from their labor b) noone can just fire them to cut losses since they are the owners.

Cool so I can send my jobs overseas to the Indians, don't even need to pay for his Visa or accommodation. Glad we cleared up your warped definition of a "free" market.

It's even more absurd if you hear stories about companies like Riot Games. Guys that only designed weapon animation of 3 heroes over a half year. That's only 12 animations or so for a full time job. You could do that in 2 maybe 3 days with very high quality if you have experience in this sort of stuff.

You also forget that all products have a large markup, that markup would be gone.
If a t-shirt cost $10 to make, they'll charge $20, but the $10 already covers the cost of the employees.

So we could cut the costs of all products in half or more if we get rid of the people at the top.


Then they become easier to crack and I still get them for $0

>That's already the beginning of the end.
Hopefully it's the end of central banking, because socialism doesn't work.

>late capitalist
Imagine actually being brainwashed to believe this narrative.
As if the government isn't responsible for the economic turmoil and corporate corruption we face.

>You're the only person itt bringing up the "marxist definition of capitalism" here
Socialists like yourself bring it up ALL OF THE TIME. It's not just marxists, it's left wing anarchists and other socialists too.
The definition is retarded.

>How many American construction workers own the apartment buildings they build?
Very few.
This has nothing to do with what we're talking about.
Them owning these buildings in a worker commune etc wouldn't increase their living standards whatsover because the supply of consumer goods would stay the same.

>>How many working class people own larger homes?
Irrelevant to our discussion.
We're talking about how much the capitalist class consumes.

>How much "capitalist wealth" are people not consuming?
The exact amount the capitalists themselves are consuming.

>Where exactly do you get "2% of all consumer goods/services" from?
I explained this.

>>"the capitalist class is only 1.7% of the entire economy."
They are.
Even if (best case estimate) they consume 3 times the worker does, it's still almost nothing.
The workers would barely benefit and this benefit would happen ONE TIME ONLY

Are you actually saying they consume MORE than that?
That's quite the extraordinary claim.
Where is your evidence?

Why do these facts anger you so much?
Disprove me arguments or just close the tab.

>AAA games
>worth anything

>The poor have been rebels, but they have never been anarchists
Yeah, that's why the single kinda successeful anarchist was an Ukrainean peasant, as was his army.

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*38 bucks and 37 cents

Stay mad kid.

>What you said might have been true in the 50s, but now a days the working class can barely afford a house and kids. If wages stay stagnant and the average person can't afford to have a house and kids, there will be riots in the streets.
The only reason the working class is suffering so bad is CENTRAL BANKING.

>No, but that's not the point.
That's literally the main point I was trying to say.
>their income is depending directly from their labor
Lol but this wouldn't matter.
You don't even understand what money is. It's just a tool used to buy and sell resources.
What actually matters are the resources themselves.
If the workers NOW are already producing x amount of products, when they take over the means of production they would have to work just as long and hard to consume the SAME amount of goods.

The tiny amount of consumption the capitalists do is a drop in the bucket.

>noone can just fire them
Then this increases inefficiency, sometimes industries have to change to suit consumer demand.
The consumer needs to be in charge.

Sure, then prices would come down for us and you would only need to work 3 days a week to make what you used to make before.

>So we could cut the costs of all products in half or more if we get rid of the people at the top.
This ALSO does not matter because other things would be forced to adjust to make up for this.
The exact same amount of goods and services would be produced and consumed. It doesn't matter the price level.

The economy isn't magic.

>Unironically only landowners should vote
Why do you want to turn USA into the South American shithole again?

>dude voluntary trade needs to be violently abolished by the sta- uh I mean workers council
>we're totally anarchists though bro

The best form of government is a republic based on free market and ethnonationalist principals, like america was when it was first founded.

Prove me wrong.

I'm glad your white nationalist fantasyland supports exporting all the jobs to non-whites kek

>Vastly overpriced thing should cost more as supply becomes infinite and value of delivered products becomes less

How about no? If anything games should cost less as they're able to move assloads more units.


Liberalism brought us to this state, so it can die in a fire. I'm an unironical fashy goy.

Doesn't matter to me, I do extensive research before every purchase and just want something fun to play. If the quality of AAA games ramped up as a result of the price tag increase, I'll pay the $120 then.

Then you'll have to shove your research up to your arse when the publisher adds MTXs out of nowhere.

It does.
Because our living standards would increase.
The value of our currency would skyrocket and we would basically make the rest of the world our slaves making shit for us as we sit back and consume.
The average worker would have to work like 2-3 days a week and be able to consume what he used to at 40 hours.

This is why we need to abolish central banking.

>dude we need poverty and authoritarianism lmao
actually no, this state was brought to us by government interventionism and a lack of strict ethnonationalism written into the constitution

>ethnonationalist principals
>free market

why cant you just accept natsoc in your heart and be at peace

Only really happens to games with multiplayer and I rarely buy multiplayer games at launch for that reason.

>This ALSO does not matter because other things would be forced to adjust to make up for this.
>The exact same amount of goods and services would be produced and consumed. It doesn't matter the price level.
No guy, all that would change is that money that would have gone to stockholders would be given to the working class in the form of savings. The extra savings would in turn INCREASE productions, because more of the working class could then spend that extra money on things they can't afford now.

Sort of how giving money to a poor person results in more money being circulated because they spend the money, but giving it to a rich person does nothing because it sits in an investment account, which itself only makes a return because of the high markup on goods.

You're pretty fucking dumb if you don't think bean counters have calculated the ROI for each employee. And let me tell you something you already know, they aren't running a charity, if the employees returns were less than their salary, they'd be fired.

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You support freedom of speech?

it was allways right

What would be the jobs that people would flock to in your country that can't be exported overseas?

Why do you retards think that free markets can't exist with ethnonationalism when it's been tried successfully many times?

They're PERFECT for each other.

See USA pre 1913

yes but I want socialists to be banned from voting and socialist parties banned from running

service sector and there still would be some manufacturing obviously

Video games actually used to be cheaper during most of the 64 era, and up until Bobby Kotick literally just "got away" with jacking up the cost of games, they used to sit at a consistent $50. Before, in the SNES/NES era and before then, games costed a varying amount between $25-120 depending on the title and who was selling it.

Either way, instead of jacking up the price, you should just lower the development cost. There's no justification for spending billions to make a cutscene when you could have just made a better game for cheaper graphics.

>Adjusted for inflation, games should cost about $120
Okay, so when are wages going to be adjusted for inflation?

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>yes but I want socialists to be banned from voting and socialist parties banned from running
Then you have fascism. Got it.

>development costs have gone way up ;_;
guess what also has gone up?
the amount of potential customers, the amount of money in the business, and the technology to make games with less effort than ever

Meanwhile you have the movie industry spend DOZENS or even hundreds of times more money on movies that people watch maybe once or twice for $10-20
but you don't see them crying about how movies should cost more, because they still make insane profits.

And guess what?
modern videogames mainly sell digitally, meaning they barely have to pay for making physical copies & their distribution.
Can you guess how many millions of dollars that saves them?

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Sorry bro I exported that to China. Enjoy McDonald's.

>unbridled free-market capitalism
Capitalism exists to serve us, not the other way around. "Unbridled capitalism" is a shit meme on par with socialism.

Launch price for Super Mario 64 and Pilotwings was $70

You're a gay retard

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>all that would change is that money that would have gone to stockholders would be given to the working class in the form of savings.
This is cute lol

>The extra savings would in turn INCREASE productions, because more of the working class could then spend that extra money on things they can't afford now.
This is literally keynesian economic theory which has been proven debunked by mises, rothbard and others.

Just by spending money on consumer goods doesn't mean economic production will exist. You need INVESTMENT which requires people(mainly capitalists) SAVING their money.

>more money being circulated
more keynesian "muh economy is a car" fallacies

>but giving it to a rich person does nothing because it sits in an investment account,
Which puts downward pressure on prices in the economy, meaning it's easier for a company to invest as capital goods are cheaper.

How exactly is this fascism?
How is banning authoritarians from running in elections fascism?
This is actual LIBERTY.

>Enjoy McDonald's.
Sweet, I'll enjoy my 3 days a week for 40 dollars an hour.
Thanks free market banking.

I wish we had unbridled capitalism.
Then living standards for the working class would actually increase.
Fuck central banking.

Games should costs $20

Sure, if you put them in large cartridges.
Digital and discs cost so little to distribute.
However that's up to the publishers.
Raise the price, I'm not obligated to pay it.
Who said I can afford to buy more expensive games, I'll certainly but less if that's the case, that would only make more studies close.
I but games that cost less to develop and I still have fun playing then.
So clearly the price isn't the issue.

Video games should cost exactly as much as people are willing to pay. Anyone who believes otherwise is a stupid communist with no understanding of the free market. Video game publishers already set prices to maximize revenue. If prices were lowered, they might get more sales but not enough to make up for the decrease in revenue per sale. If prices were raised, they would get more money per sale but more people would decide not to buy the product, as is their right as consumers. Imagine actually believing that video game publishers are entitled to money.

>Which puts downward pressure on prices in the economy, meaning it's easier for a company to invest as capital goods are cheaper.

What would the investments be for if workers are already doing research and already building factories because they took the means of production.

Who exactly do you think the investors are paying with their investments to build new shit?

>I wish we had unbridled capitalism.
Unbridled capitalism means imported labor. Pick both or neither.

Applying a flat general inflation of the value of currency to the cost of electronics and software doesn't work. The cost to develop has plummeted dramatically, if anything, games should cost even less than $20 now.

Why do leftists and cucked right wingers love central banking so much?
Why do they enjoy being slaves?

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Forcibly banning opposition from voting is in fact fascism. Sorry buddy, try harder next time.

>games have cost 60 USD since the 90s

Why do literal children open their mouths about this shit

>you can only vote for what I think you should vote
>this somehow is peak freedom

I'm a Southern Redneck and I wouldn't mind executing a few hipster faggots.

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explains why no budget mobile garbage games are the worst offenders when it comes to p2w faggotry.

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>publisher sets price to $120
>fewer people buy game
>"oh, that was a mistake"
>publisher sets price back to $60
You can't just force consumers to accept a higher price for a non-essential luxury product.

>One of the earliest N64 games during the SNES period I was talking about
Pull up more late game prices, and then also pull them up in USD, not fake Canadia bux, and we'll talk.

Actually I could save a lot of money by automating the service industry (after exporting the jobs involved to China)... Scratch that McDonald's.

why do you brainlets confuse economic policy with immigration policy?

>Forcibly banning opposition from voting is in fact fascism.
No it's not.
Are you saying ALL western countries are fascists for banning neo nazi parties?

The state is what allows our rights to exist.
Why would we allow people to destroy them?
Fuck democracy, it's one of the most authoritarian shitty systems on earth.
It's better than dictatorships though but not as much as you'd think.

It unironically is.
>dude just let me vote to take away your freedom, why are you infringing on my right to take away your freedom

GCN and ps2 games were 49.99 USD new, there was even controversy when the new systems bumped up the price which you'd remember if you weren't 18.

I don't even buy $60 games.

SWEET then we don't have to work at all and still get to consume

The goal of free markets is to automate everything so EVERYTHING is free.

It does this by lowering prices and working hours until nobody has to work.

This can only happen when we abolish central banking though.

i havent played a single game that has been worth it's price.

Why are you afraid? If your system is so nice, then people won't vote for socialism.

With 60$, i can buy Terraria, Metal Gear Rising, Hollow Knight, Ori and the Blind Forest, and a bit more and i could buy Payday 2.

Thats at least 10x much more fun than a single AAA game will probably ever give me

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>I determine who you're allowed to vote for
That's fascism lol. Pick up a dictionary.

One of these is not like the others.

if they cost too much scale down the fucking development costs, maybe hire lessholloywood VAs, im not paying more than $60 ever

>The state is what allows our rights to exist.

Continental located. Rights exist independent of the state. As proven in Common Law and English Radicalism.

>What would the investments be for if workers are already doing research and already building factories because they took the means of production.
You're asking why workers would invest?
To increase economic production and increase their consumption?
Why wouldn't they invest?

Time to educate retards.

Here's a cartoon for you dummies.

>Everything is free
Socialist detected.

So you're saying every western country is a fascist country because it's illegal for neo-nazi parties to run.
Is this what you're saying?

I'm not a fascist, I'm a classical republican.

>im not paying more than $60 ever
People said that about $50.

He's right tho. That's why the concept of UBI exists.

>why do you brainlets confuse economic policy with immigration policy?
What are you fucking talking about? Your first response was >that sounds like protectionist commie talk to me, user
In response to being anti-foreign labor. Your economic policy is contingent on your immigration policy, so of course they're fucking part and parcel you retard.

>pay full price for imperator
>get a placeholder for 5 years worth of dlc
>pay full price for a TW title
>blood packs, faction packs and unit packs
>pay full price for any shooter that's part of a franchise
>future map packs are just maps from previous games
>spend a tenner on terraria
>got major updates and content packs for free
Publishers can suck my fat cock I'm never paying over 30 for a video game with a dlc or cosmetic shit ever again. Maybe they should spend less on marketing shit and more on making games worth whatever price tag they want to slap on the final product

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>Wanting handouts
Get a job nigger

How about focus on making fun games, and not bloat?

>Your first response was
This wasn't my post.

Assuming its payday 2.

Eh, i just picked those from my library. They are games i can all afford for 60$ and have lots of fun and hours for how cheap they are.

I guess i could remove payday 2 from that list, but desu it granted me 800+ hours of fun, and would be granting me more if they didnt fuck the spawns

The problem is that most of the AAA cost is from marketing, and in this age of free advertisement (Being a huge name you can just release a statement on your website for pennies and every website will scramble to copy it) and you gift a couple of copies to major youtubers/streamers and you've got yourself maximum exposure.

You fucking dipshit. You can still earn capital on top of UBI, that's what separates it from communism. UBI is only supposed to be enough to survive, not make everything free.

How for why then will we make a BAJILLION DOLLARYDOOS to pay off stock holders so my CEO ass doesn't get fired?

Why should the government tell me who to vote for? Sounds pretty authoritarian to me.

has anyone ever done the math on what african black slaves would cost today after years of unchecked inflation?

>DVDs and Movies cost less than the average vidya despite the amount of time and budget sunk into it and despite the shitload of cast, crew, VFX Artists, etc.
>Books cost around the same as vidya at times due to paper and actual book production and being made by one person with a team of publishers of around 10-20 people with a factory made up of a few hundred folks
>Digital books cost far less due to all the revenue going to publisher and author and are shared equally as such
>Triple A Games made by greedy companies with most of the money going to the higher ups and publishers are somehow supposed to cost more than both of those.
Yeah no. I'll change my mind when devs actually gain rights and get unionised. For the time being the ridiculous costs are being sunk elsewhere and the microtransactions are clearly there to pay the publisher's pockets when most devs downright refuse the idea of mictrotransactions (Gearbox doesn't count).
Until then I pirate almost all Triple A games and buy only from "Triple A" indies like KCD where the money actually goes to the devs and I don't see them looking struggled for money at all.

Explain Minecraft, FNAF and Undertale's ludicrous popularity then. Even ignoring that, I can see market for stylised/cel-shaded games where the visuals aren't just hyperrealism like Ultimate Spider-Man or Lethal League.

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I was there, I bought N64 games. You'd remember if you weren't 22.

The second part still applies. Your "unbridled capitalism" only exists in your fictional absolute protectionist state.

No, Metal Gear Rising is, by all accounts, an AAA game.

I have a fucking job I got other shit to buy that I actually need on my low income shitty job I can’t afford 1 game for $120

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If the prices went higher, I would just pirate more.

Lots of liberal countries have far-right parties.

underrated comment

I get paid $30/hr and $120 for a shitty videogame is not worth it.

>"Triple A" indies
That's a AA game. KCD was actually published by Deep Silver and they bought the studio, by the way.

shut the fuck up retard

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Just dont go full retard with the advertisement campaign. You really dont need to get into superbowl commercial break

They only tell you who you cannot vote for.
You haven't explained why you think allowing people to hurt you and violate your rights is in any way not authoritarian.

No, I'm saying the investors are paying the workers to do the work that the investment is for. If everyone is doing their job, those people would still be working on the things the investors would have invested in. But see, we don't need the investors if the workers just work and we distribute the goods around fairly.

We don't need bosses if we aren't alienated from our labor.

Okay I just will buy less videogames and support only the companies I think truly deserve my money.

A quality product doesn't always mean more sales.
The ease of making game due to the massive increase in consumer electronics and technology means you can even make a game on a touch screen if you so wanted to.
So now with game development having wider access means there are just a flood of games. Any given week, there are a dozen games that come out and they range from AAA releases to some jank indie game made by some guy in a one room apartment.
There are just too many games coming out, and with such a flood of games being let out means that a ton of them will be swamped over.

>Illegal for neo-nazi parties to run
Not at all. They're just downplayed by the media so people forget they exist. If they do pop up, they're labeled as Super Hitler as a scare tactic.

>Your economic policy is contingent on your immigration policy
But they're not.
Why do you think it's impossible to restrict immigration to whites only while at the same time allowing economic freedom in all other aspects of the law?

But neo nazi parties aren't allowed to run.
Stop derailing and focus on my main point.

The fun part is that they don't even play video games. They complain about them, but they don't play shit. The average Yea Forums poster has probably not even played a single game released in 2019.

You're an idiot. Here's a literal children's cartoon because you're asking idiotic questions.

Oh, i thought you were just shitting on pd2.

this list is not about indies. its just cheap games that are great and togheter cost about as much as an AAA 60$ game you see these days despite being much greater

Thanks for correcting me.
...And fuck if they've been bought by Deep Silver, then that means KCD2 will be on EGS if Deep Silver forces them to do it.
Hoo boy.

Hey, as far as I care, they can sell their games for 1K$. Gives me the chance to spend money elsewhere.

If anything the glut in the market should realistically result in prices dropping, but due to essentially a racket cartel, the publishers conspire to keep prices fixed.

no idea but it's said that there was never any need for the civil war to have happened. for the reason given, that it was because of slavery since it was on it's way out on it's own already because it would no longer be profitable. There were only a few politicians pushing for the war, it was a pretty unpopular idea.

and because of the civil war is the reason there's so much tension and resentment between whites and blacks in America to this day. This could all have been avoided if the war would never have happened.

IS this you?
Oh no LMAO

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>Cherry picks one of the games with extra shit inside of the case.
Real convincing.

>They only tell you who you cannot vote for.
So fascism. You're not very good at this, are you? Imagine if the Democrats declared that you can't vote Republican because they know what's best for the country and silenced all opposition.

It isn't that hard. You make them choose between their countrymen or the rope.

>But see, we don't need the investors if the workers just work and we distribute the goods around fairly.
But the workers would still be consuming the same amount of consumer goods they were consuming under capitalism.

They're ALREADY consuming virtually all goods.
How could they share what they ALREADY SHARE?

>We don't need bosses if we aren't alienated from our labor.
Imagine being this brainwashed deep into marx's pseudoscientific theories.

>Makes 100k/y
>pays rent and doesn't just buy a house
>"good with money"

Who cares?
I still support banning authoritarian parties from running
cry more

Ok, you're a fascist. Good to know.

Brainlet, I don't want one party to have all of the power.
I want a strict constitutional ban on any political party that advocates socialism or authoritarianism.
Any other party can run.
If one party gets corrupt, the people can vote in another party.

>you're a fascist for preventing fascists from taking over your government
It's all so tiresome...

Exactly. Here's a source btw.

Its nice to see you give up after having your fantasyland torn apart. Cry more you dumb impotent fascist lol

>If one party gets corrupt, the people can vote in another party.
Ah, what could possibly go wrong.

>Implying facism isn't a political stance.
Silence Kraut. You already ruined facism with your incompetence and autism in WWII. Go fuck yourself.

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Not him, I do acknowledge that conservatism and liberalism are completely incompatible. He's a retard with cognitive dissonance.

whoever would ban the authoritarian parties would then be the authoritarian party.

>Its nice to see you give up
Look at all your false confidence after losing the argument.
Many euro countries have the power to ban extreme far right political parties, especially germany after ww2.

You have yet to explain how I'm authoritarian for banning authoritarian parties from running in elections.

>Cry more you dumb impotent fascist lol
dat projection

Nah just get low income don’t really complain but just a guess but I’m guessing you don’t have a job at all user which is a fair assumption but judging as this is the internet you could lie to me about having one or not.

I hope the devs go full Czech autism and force the publishers to let them publish internationally or they'll all leave.
Something similar happened with Mafia 3 IIRC and that's why the devs from Mafia 2 left to found Warhorse studio and create KCD

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retard with no logical or reasonable arguments resorts to name calling how typical

You're a pussy who doesn't really trust on your dream system.

>I will use my power to ban other parties that oppose me and what I stand for
Hmm... There's a word for that... I wonder what it is...

Do you have a better solution, retard?
Pretty sure my solution is the best one devised so far and removes a massive amount of corruption as the state has very little funds to corrupt with due to no income tax.

Brainlet, the COURTS would do this because it would be part of the constitution.
You really don't understand how this works, do you?
It's called the rule of law.

>still releasing broken as fuck games
>cut content for dlc in the future
>1-day patch of 20gb that doesnt fix bugs, is just to add transactions and the store
>"If you don't like it, don't buy"

I just don't like how that system works. I don't want to work all day and then spend my time off consuming.

I'm saving up enough money for land and enough investments so the interest pays my property taxes and then I'm moving into the forest and living off the land.

I hate that system with my entire soul. It makes my skin crawl that people would waste their lives consuming and working, instead of living.

Fine, maybe it is the best system for giving us the most shit to consume, but maybe I don't want that?

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>It makes my skin crawl that people would waste their lives consuming and working, instead of living.
What do you expect if the system makes having a family or even marrying a fucking nightmare?

>You're an idiot.

Haha, I kicked your ass retard. Finally couldn't come up with a retort so I guess you lose faggot.

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did you respond to the wrong person?

My system is best system.

>I will use my power to ban other parties that oppose me and what I stand for
Nope, the courts will do the banning, not the politicians.

>games have cost $60 since the early 90's
I distinctly remember games didn't cost $60 until the 360

>All these faggots arguing about Democracy, Facism and Communism
>Not supporting Elective Monarchism with Hussite ideals and economic system.
Simple-minded Plebians. The whole lot of you.

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I can keep doing this all night. It's really easy.

>My system is the best
>As long as I can ban people from voting for other options
>This is liberty btw

who is this a picture of?

games wouldn't cost so much if so much wasn't spent on CEO paychecks and marketing

>They're ALREADY consuming virtually all goods.

Yeah, and some people don't get some things because they're poor. Without investors taking dividends and owners marking up prices, everyone could have some of everything.

>my system is so good that I've to take away choices from people, don't vote what you think is the best, vote for the options I allow

I think publishers should set the price of games to whatever they believe justifies the cost of production and let consumers decide if it's worth paying for.

Don’t know, it’s a possibility

Sorry, I don't believe in religious cults.

>>As long as I can ban people from voting for other options
Yes, ban people from voting for authoritarianism.
This is called freedom.
You REALLY don't have an argument here, we're just going in circles.
AGAIN, the politicians wouldn't do the banning, the COURTS would because it would be part of the constitution.
Why is it a big deal to say your party cannot run in an election if you want to destroy the country and kill a bunch of people?

>Why is it a big deal to say your party cannot run in an election if you want to destroy the country and kill a bunch of people?
Because if people really votes for that, then it would meant that your system is pure bullshit.

Ah, the old "surely I know what's best for everyone" routine practiced by every armchair revolutionary with hubris. Never gets old no matter how many thousands of times it's repeated. Where were these enlightened men when the US needed them the most?

>Religious Cult

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Yep, I did for fucks sake im a retard

Why would anyone vote for them in the first place if your system is so great? You're experiencing cognitive dissonance right now.

I wouldn't mind if he admitted he's a fashy.

Deluxe Editions and season passes mean most games cost upwards of $70 on launch, which I'm personally fine with if the game has plenty of content. I'm also fine with post-launch DLC and Microtransactions, provided I'm buying a specific reward ($1-2 skin, for example.) I prefer that over a defined $90 game for example.

Premium Currency, XP Boosts and Loot Boxes can all fuck off though, and anything over $70 is too much of an investment for me.

I still usually wait for sales or get discounts on GMG.

Did you watch the 'explain to a simpleton' cartoon, commie?

I think OP should be sodomized 120 times in the 13th layer of hell by Satan's barbed phallus of eternal torment.

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>and some people don't get some things because they're poor.
Then other members of the working class should sacrifice because that's the ONLY OTHER people that have actual consumable goods.

Also almost all of the time these people are poor because they're lazy and don't work or work a shitty job.

>Without investors taking dividends and owners marking up prices, everyone could have some of everything.
I already explained why this isn't true.
Prices would simply adjust to the new level of consumption if we got rid of profits, stocks etc etc.
It's not like poor people would be able to consume more.

>that I've to take away choices from people,
Yes, take away the option to oppress others.
This shouldn't be controversial.
You sound like a rapist whining that stopping you from raping infringes your right to rape.

>Because if people really votes for that
People vote for dumb shit all of time because they don't understand and think they can get free shit.
Why give stupid people the option to oppress themselves and everyone else?

>Why would anyone vote for them
Who? Socialist parties?
People vote for them all of the time because they're fucking stupid and think they can get free shit for nothing.

>You're experiencing cognitive dissonance right now.
You really want this to be true, don't you?

You're just mad that my system isn't authoritarian at all.

>Picked out the era of 1990, the late NES early SNES era that I was talking about
>Even has some people IN THE THREAD talking about $40-$50 new N64 games
You sure can be wrong all night. Are you going to post game prices from the era I'm talking about or are you going to keep cherry picking thinking I don't have memories?

Attached: Actual evidence.png (696x1269, 205K)

>The system gives you not only the capital to buy the land and the tools you need to work it but also the property rights to have the land you own respected and what you produce from it belong to you.
>You hate it.

Nigga, your land would be seized and you'd be shot as a kulak under other systems.

>you don't know what's best for people dude
>sometimes people might want to be enslaved, oppressed and starved to death, YOU DON'T KNOW!!
>stop oppressing people's right to oppress others

come on nigga

>Hussite ideals
>Implying the system in question would actually have the Hussite religion
Not that user, but I think what he's suggesting is a religious freedom in the same way the Hussites suggested it, wherein there would be no greed behind that religion nor pay to speak of and the lower class would have more rights, that's why the Hussites in Tabor did create quite a bit of a utopia and the Hussite King Jiri z Podebrany was considered one of the finest Kings at the time.
I wouldn't just immediately dismiss his opinion just because he mentioned Hussites

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>People vote for dumb shit all of time because they don't understand and think they can get free shit.
Then you've failed at some point.

That's funny. Back in the 50s when that system was in full swing marriage was up and divorce was down.

I wonder what happened, it couldn't be huge amounts of socialism, as fucking warned in the damn cartoon, came in because people kept demanding the government did more, could it? Which robbed you of capital and time in which to have a family?

This. The airlines industry pulled the same shit. They jacked up airline tickets back when oil was $90 a barrel, and then when the oil market crashed they kept prices the same.

You don't believe in democracy. Admit you want a system like China, where the ruler party decides who the citizens can vote for.

>I hate that system with my entire soul. It makes my skin crawl that people would waste their lives consuming and working, instead of living.
Yet you STILL support central banking like a bootlicking leftist.
I don't know why you people LOVE working so much.
You just HATE free time.

>option to oppress others
You're taking away people's option to vote for alternatives. This is a defined trait of fascism. This shouldn't be controversial.


How have I failed?
The goal of the state isn't to change human nature, it is to manage it properly.

>You don't believe in democracy.

>Admit you want a system like China
No, I absolutely despise china and western democracy is a million times better than one party rule.

>where the ruler party decides who the citizens can vote for.
I support the rule of law, freedom and human rights.

You're literally whining about the fact that I don't want people to be allowed to oppress others.

>You're taking away people's option to vote for alternatives.
To vote to oppress others.
They can vote for ANYONE ELSE as long as the party doesn't advocate oppression of others.
This is so fucking simple and the founding fathers should have implemented it. It would have saved the nation.

tl;dr he's saying adopt Hussite philosophy not Hussite religion you illiterate fuck.

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>I don't want
There we get to the crux of it. You think you know what's best for everyone. Classic authoritarian in denial.

It's all an esoteric religious cult to me brah

>How have I failed?
If people eat retarded socialist propaganda, it's because the educative system didn't did its job.
>No, I absolutely despise china and western democracy is a million times better than one party rule.
Western Democracy has neo-nazi parties.
>I support the rule of law, freedom and human rights.

Who defines what's oppresion and what's not? You? People may think that your phony democracy opress them because you don't allow them to vote what they really want to vote.

>but they're not
Then why the fuck do you need to establish both you fucking mouthbreather?

>You think you know what's best for everyone.
In regards to economic policy and human rights,
YES, YES I certainly do and you're a hypocrite if you claim you don't know what's best for people in certain aspects of their lives.

You're honestly saying if you saw some person banging their skull into the concrete, all bloodied, you would think to yourself "I don't know what's best for this person, he should continue doing this because it's what he wants to do"?


Well you're clearly historically ignorant if you simplify it that way, especially when I pointed out the main draw of being a Hussite was the freedom to not get fucked by a noble and not give money to the church.

Attached: Repent Zoomer.jpg (443x455, 32K)

>I don't know why you people LOVE working so much.
>You just HATE free time.
Didn't the National Socialists of Germany during WWII have a great economy during the war where the German people had to work very little hours and had tons of free time to themselves?

If something like that worked then why do we have to slave away all day, have no time for ourselves, do the very same thing the very next day except maybe one or two days out of the week and get pennies thrown at us by the 1% so we can barely make a living while they hoard all the money for themselves?

Not him.
>you claim you don't know what's best for people in certain aspects of their lives.
Of course I do. The difference is that I don't pretend to be a "classic liberal".

>If people eat retarded socialist propaganda
People are free to consume retarded propaganda all they want. It's not the state's job to form public opinion.

>Western Democracy has neo-nazi parties.
So what? Allowing them to run and fail is still a million times better than the CCP.

>Who defines what's oppresion and what's not?
Violation of individual rights, property rights, right to life, liberty etc etc.

>because you don't allow them to vote what they really want to vote.
Those people are called authoritarians.
They're butthurt they're not allowed to oppress and exploit others anymore.
You sound like a rapist whining that stopping you from raping infringes your right to rape.

>In regards to economic policy and human rights,
>YES, YES I certainly do
Glad we established that you're an authoritarian. Nice false dichotomy btw, equating someone commiting grevious bodily harm with being able to vote for parties you don't personally like. Really paints a nice strawman.

>Yea Forumsaggot
>Buy games

ITT: Dunning Kruger effect mixed with autism and denial.

>you can vote for the parties I think you should vote
>this is not authoritarian, I, as the State, know what's best for you
Just like China.