Now that gaming on Linux has finally reached performance parity with Windows, why do you still suck the Microdick? Do you actually like having sub-saharan Indians remotely controlling your computer and selling your personal info to Google so they can target you for Onions advertisement campaigns?
Now that gaming on Linux has finally reached performance parity with Windows, why do you still suck the Microdick...
I already run linux though.
I have an Intel processor.
>Now that gaming on Linux has finally reached performance parity with Windows
No it has not. I've used Linux exclusively since 2014 and would recommend everyone make the switch. But, Linux is not at performance parity.
linux is still too memed so the mainstream will never use it. people still think its some bizarre hackerman os where you have to type 36 slash commands in terminal to open a web browser despite distros like ubuntu being so retard proof actual children can use it.
i'm literally playing monster hunter world on ubuntu
windows days are numbered
>no wait_on_multiple equivalent in kernel
Oh boy I love having an individual thread to check each and every futex
>Now that gaming on Linux has finally reached performance parity with Windows
not true
also windows has more games i want to play
It did?! Noice
Because I only play games on Epic Store