Is Bernie Yea Forums's favorite girl?

Is Bernie Yea Forums's favorite girl?

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i think she is

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I started my first playthrough with the Blue Lions and my current main objective is stealing this semen demon

Bitch looks like Adachi lmao

is it just me or is she looking cute and funny


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Annette is.

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She's gay

actually hilarious

She's 18-23

Finally a poster with taste

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For real? Bernie isn't unfortunately.

Fucking lol

you'd what?

what's the best reward for Dedue's paralogue (the one where you have to race to defeat the Duscur before the Kingdom can kill them)? I got a Bullion, but the game said I failed to help enough flee

I thought everyone loved Lysithea?

Both smol mages are cute but Lysithea acts like a brat.

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... and that's a good thing!

It isn't Yea Forums's favourite but it surely it's the best by far

why is Ingrid so shit. I don't think getting her a mount at this point will even help

is it because she hates the Duscur?

Annette makes me depressed because she's just better than any girl i'll ever meet irl

She's made to be a Pegasus knight.
I had high hopes for her pre-release but my interest died down rather quickly.

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Pegasis units have always had shit stats in every FE game

Her res is good, I'll give her that. Still no javelin yet so she can't even use that.

She's trailing miles behind before she can even get herself one

On the plus side every class has it's own minimum stat floor so even if she has shit rolls for days if you get her skills up enough to be promoted she will get a power boost.

What's a good way to level up units that are way behind?
Dimitri is like 8 when mercedes is only 3.
They level skills just fine but not their general level

theyre pretty good this time around. with lance faire, darting blow, and a good lance theyre pretty reliable. they almost always deal major damage when they get an oppening on me. Could just be the fact that theres so fucking many of them at a time though. Im just disapointed griffens arent back or that the skill Sol got taken out for heroes.

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Feed them kills. Give your units training weapons so they'll leave mooks with 1hp
Mercedes is a machine with Reason, so use that and she'll be a potent force too

>those weird bangs

fucking ruined, the hair loops were cute as fuck but her old portrait is trash

Set them as an adjutant to someone who's going to be getting a lot of kills

I'm aiming for Leonie.

Shamir is my wife.

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i went pegasus knight but hate having to worry about being out of bow range so i put her as paladin for her third class. honestly she's pretty fucking great as a paladin

Mercedes is a bit hard to level early game if you don't make her learn some black magic

her hair looks terrible in this portrait

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>bl route
>gilbert enters the scene
>basically no screen time pre time skip
>just assume he was a pointless character and forget him
>comes back post timeskip
>in a single scene I suddenly give a fuck about him

I can't bring myself to fuck any of my student. I love all of them, especially the vulnerable ones like Beru and Lysi, but just the thought of being their teacher kinda kills any sexual urge I had for them. Same thing happened with the 2nd gens in Awakening, I just wanted to see them grow happy and make them smile.

there's no human force that could keep them from smashing Manuela Krabappel though

Am I getting old?

this except with seteh. they did a good job transitioning him from purposefully unlikable to pretty based

>only interested in the character who's only personally trait is being a whore

nah you're just retarded and will never have a real relationship based on love

This is a nuke. Say something nice about it.

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She short

dies of crest aids if you or your fellow teacher doesn't fuck her

Ingrid is a beast as a paladin

Edelgard is my favourite girl but Bernadetta is lovely too and it was nice watching her grow out of her shell over the course of the game

>What is a man
had a hearty chuckle when it clicked

Too bad 3H completely fucks up Pegasus riders, why the fuck is there no advanced class for them to promote into? Either you have to teach them riding just to be paladin for 10 levels or axe for wyvern rider.

Peg Knight still works fine until level 30 Falcon Knight honestly, but it does suck there's no Advanced class for them.

I tried that, but by lvl24 Ingrid was so terrible I had to rush axe to make her a wyvern rider. That made her somewhat better.

Not that guy but I made her go Paladin after Peg Knight and she quickly became one of my strongest units. It's gotten to the point where I can just send her towards a group of enemies by herself and she'll fuck them all up. It's ridiculous.

I was considering that, but it seemed so useless to teach her riding. With axe, it can at least be useful if I want to switch weapons late game.
Maybe next time.

Why'd I pick the Golden Deer? I spend all my time trying to get her out of her room anyway.

Reminder that Bernadetta cucks you and doesn't give you children, but if S-supported with Caspar or Ferdinand she pops out kids every 9 months.

I just noticed there's an "autobattle" option in the combat menu
What's up with that? I don't want to leave the well being of my students to retarded AI.

then don't

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>falls in love in every one of her A-ranks

same thing was said about shamir and the user was just over exaggerating.

I'm pretty sure that applies to all the characters in the game except you, the MC cause S rank.

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what does she smell like

Give it a try yourself.

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>all the girls but 2 have cuck endings

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who are the two who wont cuck me?

>that A+ support with Gustave

i didnt ask for this

Damn I'm actually having a hard time picking a waifu

At first I was gunning for Leonie because god damn she turns out great after the timeskip

But then I started getting supports with Bernie and Hilda and now I'm not sure who to focus on

>No trap

Shit game.

It keeps going and going.

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Ingrids super useful for dealing with all those annoying ass mages that have 10 range attacks. Just give her an energy drop if she gets gimped on strength. She does well with a levin sword also to help fuck up armored units. Underrated unit sort of like florina

>that smile

leonie is cute as fuck post timeskip but her supports are fucking annoying, especially her blatant lust for your daddy

The difference betwren a great pegknight and a shit pegknight are 3 lucky str growths. Theyre always on the margin of not being able to 1round heavy units, and if you dont get lucky theyre not worth running - especially without rescue bussing.

Units that are lower leveled than the enemy get huge chunks of bonus XP.

Also, for healers, all of your spell casts reset every map, so try to heal every turn you can, and feel free to spam rescues and fortifys and warps during the last few turns for easy experience.

Man, from the thumbnail I thought his hand was on her tummy.

A lot of the marriage CGs look pretty bad. Leonie's looks like fucking dogshit.

>Chapter 3 on NG+ and already poached Lysithea again.
Choo choo.
Here comes the pain train.

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Why have her portrait 2 times?

Why the fuck all of the marriage CGs are so bad? The rest of the art looks good but the artist just fucked up for the CGs

>Get the Caduceus Staff
>Get the 1+ magic range trait
>Attacking with mages from FOUR TILES away
Surely they noticed that this was overpowered during playtesting but decided to keep it in anyway, and i thank them for it

She's actually pregnant

The staff from Lorenz paralogue gives +2 range.

Well that's fucking amazing. Haven't done that route yet, is Lorenz even a good mage?

I heard he makes a good Dark Mage.

I'm in the 11th month when does the time skip happen?

I'm crying

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3 and a half months.

Shamir is my wife

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Turning her into a Wyvern rider fixes her strength issues

He's pretty good.
Lysithea can also use it.

>Ingrid is pretty nice, if sometimes overbearing like that time she broke down Bern's door in her supports.
>get her support with Dedue.
>she calls him a nigger.
How the FUCK did they get away with this?

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I don't like her post time-skip design.

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