Why are their videogames so good?
>Call of Juarez
>This war of mine
>The Observer
Why are their videogames so good?
>Call of Juarez
>This war of mine
>The Observer
being miserable and cynical inspires people to create cool things for some reason
Are Poles cynical? I thought they were the opposite.
I mean, aren't they catholics?
only old people, youngsters don't believe in some jew on a stick and his sky papa
15 years ago Poland was the capital of worst games on the planet. They just been practicing a lot and finding their way instead of copying others.
Outside of CDPReddit no one recognizes those games
they're probably some crap indie games no one plays
In this age it helps when you are a nation which doesn't owe anything to anybody or any race or any culture and have a cultural and historical barrier against dumb nu-Westcuck SJWism trying to ruin your shit.
Because they are leftists.
The left is the most creative.
>they're probably some crap indie games no one plays
Literally neck yourself. I bet you only play Call of Duty & Fortnite, watch Marvel movies and read nothing.
>not bowing to niggers
This map is a joke. Switzerland has the highest proportion in Europe of people who were born, or whose parents were born outside of the country (35%)
Don't even have me started on how the national idea of Hungary is that they're Turkic
They had no colonies whatsoever there so only mental retardation would prompt them to.
There's no joke in Switzerland as an entity not owing shit to anyone.
>Because they are leftists.
>The left is the most creative.
I'd suspect they are the least leftist of them all (if they're leftist at all)
I mean Ubisoft is turboleftist, so is modern Bioware, and look at the crap they produce. Meanwhile Poland is 98% catholic, has pretty much no atheists/agnostics, has the strictest abortion law among all developed coutnries, has almost no prositution, abortion rate is non-existant, less than 5% of children are being born out of wedlock....
>There's no joke in Switzerland as an entity not owing shit to anyone.
Yeah, that's why they've been importing niggers and extended their social benefits system to nin-citizens, right?
This map was created by a person who understands nothing about either geopolitics or politics of europe
>The Observer
that's a polack game? huh.
I also forgot Darkwood, another great polish indie title
Again, not a single colony. You are free to argue geopolitics and politics of Europe after you have learned some basic history of nations. What they do despite not owing shit to niggers or having any basis for white guilt is simple retardation and not historically warranted.
Don't forget Painkiller
>Again, not a single colony.
Dude, your IQ is probably below 90. You should check with a doctor.
I bet you're too stupid to pirate so you only play bargain bin trash like those games you listed
If you can't name a single colony you should consider not opening your mouth in the future on topics you have no understanding of whatsoever.
>this entire post
pooland expert straight out of /pol/
Call of Juarez is pretty meh
Dude, I am russian. My country isn't cucked by the ISPs scanning our traffic to write letters of happiness about torrent usage and I literally haven't bought a single game in the past 5 years with the exemption of a few online titles and Witcher 3
I haven't visited /pol/ outside of /sg/ since 2016 because it's just too retarded.
I am however working in polsci and can verify that all this data is correct. If you don't believe me - just google it. OR use data.worldbank, they have much of the data i cited
Pole here.
I don't know literally anyone fitting the miserable greedy Pole stereotype. We're pretty happy with our lot and happy with the games our country makes.
Swiss Germans are descendants of invaders and colonizers though. The real Swiss are the romance speakers there (Swiss French, Italian and the most native the romansch).
i live in this shithole and you cans suck my dick mutt
Fucking this, everything west of Vistula is more center/left than right, and it's not even ideology, it's simply common sense.
The moment the Swiss Germans became Swiss, they lost their right or hold on any questionable outside holdings and have come under the umbrella of the political entity which is characterized by 3 tenants: neutrality, not owing shit to anyone, not having any guilt towards anybody. It's kind of like little USA except with no black slavery to its name.
>kid, you can believe whatever you want, but I'd rather trust the data from the world bank rather than some random user on Yea Forums
also, abortion rate or proportion of atheists/agnostics is not really a left-right issue, dumbass
jesteście głupi i biedni
spierdalać z mojej deski
abortion rate doesn't mean anything when it's banned retard, they just take trips to czech ty kurwa cymbale jebany pusty zajeb się
Sorry, I dont speak latinized russian. this is an English board, please make sure your posts are in English language
Well, I haven't though about that.
What about catholicism though? Most data shows that propostion of people who declare themselves atheists/agnostics is less than 5%. For comparison, in Czechia it's like 50-70%
zajeb się
Also other notable games (doesnt exactly means they are good, but tried to keep the most well known or/and pretty good games)
>Dying Light (the DLC is rly good)
>Dead Island
>911 Operator
>King's Arthur Gold
>Sniper Ghost Warrior,
>The Way
>Shadow Warrior reboot (1 and 2)
>The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
>Hatred (yes, the one that was a big controversy)
>Layers of Fear
Ne, izvini, ya po-polski ne ponimayu. Govori na russcom ili angliyskom, pozhalyista
>happy pole
seems like its time to partition again. all call olaf
Not him but your Reading comprehension gives me a good understanding of your room temp IQ.