This is literally the greatest video game ever made
Resident Evil 4
I think it's quite good
if they made another one except tried to improve what's there instead of shaking things up we'd have re5 without the shit co-op
First time I played I had no idea that running was a possibility until I killed Salazar and got to the Island.
I've never been so happy to discover something as simple as running in a video game and simultaneously disappointed in myself for being so retarded.
Not really, the clunky controls and weak final third hold it back from being the real GOAT
It's still a great game though
Not even the best GameCube game, this is the best 2D to 3D Transition of all time
First time playing it. Leon and ashley just crashed the truck after killing salazar and going down the garbage chute. How close am i to beating the game?
not even halfway yet
not him, but holy shit apparently I've never made it halfway through this game yet.
idk at least 2/3 through, maybe a little further
Man, no jokes, Metroid Prime and Resi 4 made the gamecube worth it by themselves, such good games. I remember playing those, it was a good time.
oh wait nvm you're more like 4.5/6
Alright thanks
First third is the village. Second third is the castle. Final third is the island.
Is there anything to do after beating the game?
I haven't beat it but I thought this was one of those jappy NG+ games? if so that's what to do.
Would have been a billion times better if it had real time weapon change, maybe a weapon wheel system like GTA5 for console. Constantly accessing the menu to change weapons just breaks the action and is lame, especially when you want to use something like grenade. It sucks pulling up the menu, switching to grenade, closing menu, using grenade, then opening menu again to change gun. You faggots won't admit this because you're autistic incels but it's 100% the truth.
More anime than code v
The Island is still great though.
That helicopter section with the turret gunners, shield enemies, and dynamite and archer guys is absolute cancer. “It” Voss fight, and Iron Maiden’s are good though
Re2make is better tho
After completing the game on normal, professional difficulty is unlocked. If you complete the game on professional difficulty you'll unlock chicago type writer and infinite rocket launcher which makes the game stupid easy for a fun playthrough. Also, you'll unlock costumes which are all really fun to use and have cool affects. There's also mercenaries mode which is fun in its own right and also unlocks shit to be used in your own playthrough if you want. There's also the Ada campaign as well. There's actually quite a lot of content.
When game came out it felt for me like some Scooby Doo carton not horror game
Helicopter guy is a fucking bro you dumbass.
Childhood is loving resident evil 4
Adulthood is realising Code veronica is actually alright
This with the wiimote was amazing. PC is good too minus the 60fps QTE bug.
Sounds like you neet to git gud.
Ada was fucking hot.
she is the best short girls in games ever.
CV is alright, but it's by far the worst classic RE
yeah there's tons
>New Game plus lets you keep all your weapons and equipment into a new game with weapon and HP upgrades intact
>also unlocks the Typewriter and Infinite Launcher but you have to save up money to buy em
>unlocks professional difficulty, complete that and you unlock the handcannon and possibly the plaga lazer
>unlocks mercenaries mode which is a fucking blast but don't hesitate to use a guide if you want to just unlock characters
>Assignment: Ada fills in some blanks in the stories and provides unique challenges, has unique weapons, takes about 3-4 hours to beat
I feel like I'm forgetting something but the available content basically quadruples. Also the start menu changes.