I kinda feel like a game like Astral Chain needs SEGA style advertising behind it. Like promoting a few real world brands by having it as part of the scenery or be usable items, similar to Soap Shoes in Sonic Adventure 2, drinkable Mountain Dew in Yakuza, and Pizza Hut equipment as well being able to partner up with KFC's Colonel Fucking Sanders in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity.
I kinda feel like a game like Astral Chain needs SEGA style advertising behind it...
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> weh my video games need more ads and product placement
I guess you don't find shit like this comfy
ive never in my life enjoyed eating chicken so, no
Astral Chain will never take off.
Do you like pizza then?
talk about breaking the artstyle, jeez.
what i can appreciate about it is the timecapsule feel to it all, a preserved memory from when the game was developed.
but other than that it just looks and feels weird. take off your nostalgia goggles
How about you just drink a nice, refreshing Pepsi then?
nobody enjoyed that game
Maybe you should call up the company that made it and tell them that through this flip phone made by Motorola
It'll probably mostly appeal to older manga fans who recognize the design, and I mean like people born before 1986
You absolute fucking idiot.
Better to have product placement then to have your game being interrupted by actual fucking ads covering your screen
I'd eat a rappy.
How about no ads at all, you stupid fucking degenerate? I'm not spending $60 for fucking ads!
I'm not saying cover the whole game with ads you jackass, just a few things here and there. A little something to help pay for the game so they won't nickle and dime you as much as they would with DLCs and microtransactions
I should be madder at your general stupidity, ubt somehow having saved this obvious JPEG as a PNG takes the cake for me.
Don't blame me, I just pulled that from a google search to reply to that specific user.
Are you playing dumb? They did that exact thing in Tiger and Bunny.
>Tiger and Bunny
I never watched it but that's pretty neat
Astral Chain's character designer is the one that did Tiger and Bunny too. You can see the resemblance in male MC's face.
It's one of the main reasons I'm excited for this.
This game does need more marketing... it comes out in less than a month and I’m still going off E3 hype.
Considering it’s a Japanese game and was probably for a Japanese Christmas event that could be kinda comfy... right?
NoA seems to be starting daily tweets for the game now. They waited till a month before release for Fire Emblem too.
They are going to show the game off at Gamescom too, with videos being posted Aug 20-22
He made the I"s manga too, which I only heard about because of all that rule 34 content I keep finding on Iori
If by "comfy" you mean "distracting and immerson-breaking as fuck" then yeah, sure.
But at least in Tiger and Bunny, it worked to the benefit of those who were sponsored. For better or worse, anyway.